Oy Ml Rablin Athough there were v owned in towno efore 1r ievolvng cee ceoccu utoetW a matIer eMla reigawaay. A-u te-sou P.LRebrt Geemlo e nllh R. Sou loft. A lueeofgnenel l la lie mIde Mflise rod Thep le tladriv demaged lie emule.. eur bock la tou. Ilinho an e~hd tob teed in.? daesege la lie egic Steve Syr oM theCam Ce. se CmercIalSt from Tooto nJe 19Wl ore cars, M( Oie until he drove allaS Mil St. i to ten ery few cars where he hit a rond bote. It required a 11l3, accidents teama of hornes to pl his car out of the axdejg. It nas naagy ay. The Champion had hoen rUI ee um coplalttltg of tht bols fo sore ime. ou oc&1n01In 14 uClara and bNabelt MS nl an, tee the caret a friendnmlt hitaàru nthelb rend heveeGat and Gueles, Claa Les drove ta wuthown fronlise car and ofni da vby mnd Tcay dWoauiad bouler d bons dtittped l ilt IRbrt C. Madl of Tooto dlaI Abgrone. oud Hle. nCoaty uhon ie car "rue oser I, and off Ihe&tack" cloot heceueery b Mcr Saulby bidge er abville. lTotn we a nien. PL and ncmer of court cesesun le em oe he darnabed over the consdiioneci flatonls m on aly beatd op brldg. P'htly declaloos henedldone totre weo $100 lanlie cutsl brseght a cleverrnun- dmretedlngof th llablltyMo ite tadlat Carpet cetiea for road emantenance. dcone ltoue wn Thos yeur ee nue t uibeout 0. Ail wmnt Wal ectless drvleg charges is e courts. Was 1 surprised 1 Sy Du SBy-e I bde'tee te Toronto for abmout ai year, umtl ia couple Mfueebe oge. Fr1 thi la h. Mfacy elgeficeece, heenlin mind that 1I omnuledby oneaseor aseIbar, la the cIpy, enecy uorbleg dry1 for more dhmn15 yurs. Upu reclng e plhsoel the clghl bfore, laviig me te a buiess rnseliegsut for a Thuctay aflercoc, 1S gel se the ore la laughten Done- Joue,tl a tesbr up àanadng oferi fr a fre lunch.1 My final eurpise carne uhen I n- tered the cnewGo-'ranttstaion, Fairisu St., Brllnete. S bd ily abut tue minutes la aatmire thei cmarate leuxury oM the place, hfore appreciate the nvatilrpronent uer the boechillang obelsofte presloua locatin. lthe ride la Tf). urne rotne.Sut ubon the tran pulelela 10 te Ui" Satio, 1 natarisd hy rny second surprise. The Go-Trensit sectineoM the venrable old bulding, dta'leg ry absece, bod bhou cernlssy rerolled te rny amaceeet, for the conenece oM h. raneltre. Tho Ituoesl oru enoea 1 rublg rnebs elecel hy acceMsofedocloorn, the log ba, bshied e a arn soel glam; the accuebillp Mf the uhnay paor.He i teougol, "they'ne D.J., nearleg a narm eril, gretel me in te rceptin aueothlaw efirn fr wou bch. och. "Ii, e, ceo ne e anut mut the Wlllee the non feu minues, Inu lelodudte o bohr boum,. bal the GrandsiTur Mof er mmt impruein suite oM Mflcuad, ut, u1the Su. lampera lodieg 1h. ay, no hodol dooieirsefr lunch Douae bal maIeurvaliem. utn ne nernrnomdtlyesteoaindtle e cronde returcat 1 have oldrrn emoel lunch moe The ccare ie egd nra ile naseyleo, abs lclilacodullbh huner, gerclaol n110 laugitlrlTse fuIou asgo, Io And 1 elffsed M11-11. O cheluls, rny cient picel me up labo froth1e bilinglanut ublakelme te hie offics le Norh Torono. The meetinag ounoMut an, se lis corn- pleie, 1 wu drlou bock la the Union. Hgh schoo/ sports VoIIeybaII By Kelly Stlletoe The gil' voiloyhil teame paynd secacular geu agalct Prlue HgaJonTueedry, Feb S The junior gil' nolsybal tmum et hiIfS relgueel ncaiu le lue ut oM t0ee gemms la wnnth. machbaut firel plnace e scdiviio SThe MDHS stutorgirls nee ptrb la their match, olg bh a e nry thi mrgn Ceachea Mr. Kclgbtt ndUn.Ho nantd Im t0lae etut their ceepa- tlaiieca la oth nry succuolull tlns Dicte' olsybil pclres fr 1e yer hoà nll bstakmenllihlc the cetwneo, su MIlel for muee bulletins frorn yser mrnelg ancooner "Mc. ONil" As IsDa"sbal Tare While mnt oMthe tudala MofliIE noce emjeylog Fclley, Fob. 1lsaoue M the holidays Mf1te Se u it u, the liüb emsofM MDHS plaeelose OcnP'ridry the liGIE Junior~ bookalbel teem buat Tafalgar lUh*by aetooamular mure On Wedruley, PU. O6ishe uior bubdw» ieuns ou wi but WheIetered, I face my Ibird îI srprs. Te mac trom, ubor I al bouilhît1te eveeleg pper for ail 1o a yeare, wnu ai hie rt he aiase edrfied a Star, and elipped it under rny arn. a Atleeleho hwuuld recogelco me et ai, I repiled: "You've ut mee ry dry.". Threugblâ b. deere, I1leeg a eher rifiht and ereo leloetie Pises Boom, epleg la, fielI my favorite nalter, an log-ime frloe Peter. Surrsleeumber four aualted me. "la Pter otunteday"'lmquredMo 105uetree. "HRW ashoe nmeth. Ho and hie brelitr hve oped lbsir eue place se Yoege S. lu't thal gmRet?" "Yse beo," seonctines, "b'd uerbsd bre for 22 yar?"' "IwS e ofMhiectmrnoumelf tht ime," 1Ireplied. "Glad tla sa gel tiga geleg for hlm." hAs thregodàMY uay trough lise rnaze ofremp o the0plalforrn, I mle a muntltnote ltob Pelar op, ert Urne 1Iwueileteun. Rsullng lise uel'-practiced ek"llof eeaoeelcermotor, Srnaagodla gel a eut oste tr ca, tte beeulag lit srrse mbr iv wu juel dwc the tceck. "Tisitralelinan expesinOakvilo, ulta pseat avileWet ulno, and Hamlton," said the vice se the ltorcern. "urtilgtee passese the fuitix cmr,uulm ed ofth1e trai. " (Who crunlarsoecenboe s're scernhbling for a eut? Forget Il. 'il jucp oMf et avelle, and muve Up th tran.) ITis I did. A the p 1. roce, ou cofronel hy surprise fie .. .eanid, tranellng isdy ofM ny y-ac. We utltegehr, stchaegbtg es- partcelice lantuse d mt. .'l ho"poesrealile, Dmc" h. cald, ai meo pot, ""0atrain stops a the Brant St. Staine be nsgstinla urlilglon." "Danel Sm parbol uver et Peir- vie."1 "Noela ocry. 'il drive you onur." "Klcd oM pou. Tek. He dil. And, as I healed borne, I realized I hed mre Ibaemy aan oM surpries fr me dry.. ail Mnthm Pl-t. in action Tep ecoroesfor the to eanure Ieie Hulcroft %n110 23 pints and JeUf Dfflritos aed.Jarte Racicaky u12 and inespons ela epclinoy. rmbeaee Hockey Tome On Tueay Fsb. 5 1h. M[sulang hockey team pleyod t Thorpnc areaagalaatth1e OblifTrfalga RI Devis. 5010 testamOe w AnionsgilaUDH! t tee agaimeltahogie sec lefrarnorala foc ceelr tueSBul il ce't bhoo eoM nithutpmwr tý .f l n tee lite lajelupor"cteBad Scoophil." t' a fast ton and esscilintg ge.for gila Mf eep age. iThsetorulod le paticipaica la aep intrateeral, sprt s be auealr rneporganieas10lr taan theIbmbrbug 10e nuetath1e orgacleatlma meeinga on lburscday, Fo. 71the firel gàrnet Souter BSard Soopheil teck place boee1te "Saper Sceepore" ad Andrea Thompon's team. Aos lnereelel len jolelag op forap len- ramoral iscetor, Uistnfer Isitoer doale autcoma doue tflau SSet: pm aclalgea;p. Yul lhae ore accidàs' in Ca diE an 1 ex de Ch M 40 de wf mi ar 80 P. (n dr wi ou th no m an fo UV In July 1913ea Harnilton maci druve hie oar lneo a crond at Surlingttioand ou dinorderty. Rie non fined a total of $70 cnd cenla. la 1914 JouithBron, a Toronto expet, ceneteltoucierepalca car. lie headlo altotUet feraeplc, eedou ergolnte cul bppole chiai Chaeau. ltowu sld bt «boe udoWe 40 m.ph. seMaie iL Cam teckmiala e oSolp pue ton. le S91O lb. car e M pBros. ue deslroye byil-- eGoa%* RB". lTWp wore oclerlelereand lte pleuasse M aovng plettare elalerne le ile lI 9tora esaccidnts ceullie ImrncemfWigalthretIl i te tp mm ofitheeloq>bhinllto. le P.8. Hurrle Mf1h.ernailtsenlHarald tsouepaptrtwue setfor e Seedey brine le hie sevuoepeser car. Me wuaeccopneeld bl he wife adfinur other pmeff». He was a p up the Tecolep billtubore N. 5lllgbuey n crevantlise salopM ofeTwelve Mite Crukt ubse bis car elaflod lTe ocorgeecy Wbree idI ut uorb mnd the uot clulch fa0Usd. Tecar hecked drue over e 50 foot erbnent and Mn. Harris ou hilod. Twnty-flne fon ot mrn1ternme spot, a uook lator, Mie J. Stewart Mf Hamilton bel a very carrescepe. hluet cetralMofr carublch heekl loune ibll. Forlucelely iH ou stepped wubu Il bacdie oa thua fm OOKl? SelSCURAidene rnY icg Acton teleltlsub ci- secrbm, e au- if they healde lhe roed. le Sepomber thece wu anelite accident ie thet teep valley. A cannoad Of q wre reloceleg Trentotel ppwootliy ulus lie car wue Itl W ouoteoseMd e cee oura hlam s b o n *loc. jter w ueltoselurof *ab. o tan s ut m e »rlea oui 1 ieo l h eeosecolh se lihe Pommealtsw te Ure oeffl b. celt ofbp paull. hue beobo lise gea fMlouto e b.i Ogla Tom m Ier M-aedcisla le ums rodutleu noce bit by c. len1M4 ALPeliereofeM hange wu dIMb eatcu*hWut M1on1en ise laceRM i SaeIof bcta mg wrM &con nu fMMe t gasdlet MWpcgls dinghie econr onïol& Aho McDold, h tOM dm and noeeed Ihet eàilou rlslag front the sest bulle b ise.WllsNeueu off the romî be ra elosfler dowa Aiea am hie mehaer ou eee $Mdfo mmdnb seiom amuIoftf u CAPI! To H1LL tion favouring retention, and 50% of their elected representatives voting for abolition. The Canadian Police Association is for capital punishment-whether a pre- meditated murder involves one of us or one of you. We've made our feelings known and we'll vote accordlingly. Make sure your new MP represents what you believe. Ask this simple question: ARE YOU FOR OR AGAINST THE USE 0F CAPITAL PUNISHMENT? You'll neyer know until you force the issue. YOU ARE YOU R M P n of Soitor Gehiral Employies PARI This election, know what you're votung for. The issues have neyer been more pressing; their resolution neyer more crucial to the future of this country. Capital punishmentsone of those issues. And no matter which sde you take, iVs essential that thêcandidate who gels your vote, truthfully represents your bettefs. Find out where your candidate stands on capital punishment. Let's not repeat the breakdown in communications we've seen before: 70% of the popula- i f lo!i Nc End.Iêd by Uni *2 ginsn te it rai. U S e l 17.