BbGuts Wfeetune of Saterdoy un- Mw * wâMtbmtintend a I&a ch*lyolt. CesBnwubJonmcutcbons, Km Moe .and Bruce KIlconu, Gmoi ras loa ced bot Danis Rowiy rnk and concedsd oflr Mx eads. By virtue of their vctory, Rowley, vice La Frtens ecod Cralg Kerr, and laud Reg Crpemarge au "B" ide winers and mast suc face Ran Tracey and is risk,. wbe lat week came ot Ue "A" aide. Net game in scbeduded for tbloSunday mning. MOt', inasponred an Open Bopiel lemt llday, Ue pot 0' Gold, and tree rteko fram Ue DOuie Crlng club were forMisg o crowd et the ad i the rasbow. Dnothy Smp- son eit Ibda wan Usfe traw rs, seile Wilme Dock ad Nancy PoSite tank Ue top two spos i Usa ennssdraw TIs ent uimenaWntmiltconatrant wsunBobo WW4r'eeoadlbarrhuitof taseStewart, DorothY Taylor axd Barb Twttcbel. Bobo mosoged te su oituc second placeinte seira draw teoovert a Diieeuceep. USE CHAMPION Elght in row 9 LSIED for Rockwell Rockwell stretcbed ito Crile Hocey Leegue wlssing ntrlngto e*gt fomtes, downlng Crlisle 2-1. Bruce EcDougfl ond Steve Joscoo gave Rock- weB oa 2-0 ladc. Crise scored with only 18 seconde tefi in the game te spoil Rockwel'o sht- eut. In otber leugue action Brookvile tsnded Wterdown ls 1 ttisces- secutive Inos, edgmsg tIson 4-2. Wterdown got on tbe score board firt but Broobville stornsed bock with four con- secutive goals from Bob McLeo, Lrry Wigood, Heil McLeod und Lenny Mcleod. Pickisg op aitssere Lrry and Lensy and Reid Ken- RATEPAVERa Ladies' blb isile Grae Little 263, ld. high triple Gras. Litte 702, mens blgh single, Bruno Zapparli271, mens higb triple, Bruns Zopparoli 704. Other top singles, WSI Griffitho 266, Dick Cois 256, Bries Placlds 255, (Gord Gent 294, Gimido Cordisell 248. Other top triples Wllf Griffitte 6M, Glendo Curdinel 666, Dick Coin 6%8, Frsnk Home 451, Bryos Corgil 6. Pin Plucootmwu 5 forO91, Hot lboto 7 fora8, Handicaps 7 for 79, Bour Grapes 5 for 78, Boomcers 2 for 64, Stokers 2 for 83, Corner POlu 2 for 60, Go- Gettern 5 for 50, Super Stars 0 for 49, Five Plus Ose 0 for 39. Let Us Do Your Work j6rp yurItudjý%joff mn (he momin Miu t Up a nmg-(et Mill Street Coin 1Lmundry Last Y.. Acu.-Kl Pools Coup. LtL km-tdlsd22 Fukm~inL Uuu Bolow a om dPool... fluk addrsarnme-a 'ash lappiéannenui. sne.smenen ia.osuns, anan Mo anU lA&uOhUO,50 s.Iva- eOb6ssbwu 5U55I S.Us0 ausasa ees5 Me nuw= REPP1%HNr fROm T'ocNTo sUNO,>p .uN .IANUA'a.V 6, 1,50 Communists'comrade Houe soon we forget. Here la the free worid being rocked by the Soviet Red Army's Invasion of Afghanistan where tbey promptly murdered one Comnluniat prime minister androplaced hlm wth iheir own puppet. Amd back ln Canada we are seriousiy Consldering re-electing Pieuse Trueau as prime mInister of our country - despite his iifeiong flirtations and comradeli' sess wth world commuist leaders such as Fudel Castro, Ma. Tso-tssag and even Leol Brezbnev. In 1968, it was a gllb, charismatic Prime Minister Trudeau who pledged to take Canada out of the North Atantic Tresty Organization. He knew full well one of the prime aima of the Soviet Union was to break up NATO since il was the only force standing against the Kremlin's Warsaw Pact plans to take oves Europe. Pierre and bis old friends from the NDP wanted to take us ont of NATO and NORAD (the North American Air Defence). The oly reason ho dldn't aéiually do l wasana uproar fromt our main allies suds as tse U.S., Britain and West Germany. There woro tisesats Canada would ioae preforen- liai trade relations with (hem. So, a frustrated Trudeau dld the next best thlng: Ho sbarply cut Canada's NATO forces and ailowod their equlpmen( to bocome hope- lesaly obsolete. This la Ushe same Trudeau who during a visit to the KII AE U.S.S.R. in 1971, declared: ETDVY -We have a great doal to L est uor6get learn from (ho Soviet Union ... a country from whlch we have a great deai (o benfit." Ho went on ta atate that Canada was lncreaslng its friendshlp wlUs Russa to counter the US. threat 'Ita our ldnity frm t ho cutural, economic and perhaps even mlli(ary pint of viow" If you listenod to the Liberal prime m ilter, you might think American tanks were polsod on our border, waling for the invasion ordor. Tisai waa (ho samo trip dtsrng whicb Trudeau told an audience lu Use Ruasian vassal state of the Ukraine: "Those of your countrymon now ln Canada, Mr, Chairman, tough many Uousands of miles sway from the Ukraine, find themseives living within a constitu- (lonaI framework wiUs a formai structure similar ta Uat in Use.Soviet Union" So Uat's why aIl those Ukrai niens came ta Canada: W'vo the samne klnd of sot-up-as the communlat Soviet Union? Weii, maybe Trudoau's mind had jumped ahead of his plana. In fact, ln 1909 ho was asked, "What society would you chooso (o make Canada? Soclaliet or capitalist"'Ho He resigned. Permanently. But... .ah thon#musetleckied (fiat h'd lead his Party agan. Ho pronmd there woujld be no wam.nd prico conrola Dfnitely. prkioSeudola Ho'd cut govommont spending ho aid. But somehow the public debt Ho was o boedI an Olympic Ve ho'd . .mmmm... go along ROBERT MacUONALO replied: "Labos party soclalint - or Cuban soclalism or Chinese sociaiism - soclallsm from each accordlssg to bis moans."l Cuba's communiat dictatar haa always boon one of Trudeau'o heroos. In 1976, Cuban planes supplyng lnva- sion forces in Angola refueled at Gander, Nfd.WouieM later, Trudeau was In Cuba wl(h oit. Magoe oborebê loaned il $10 million àa t eUsercu osaly (u1 cent Intereat witis 30 yeara ta repay. Trssdeau's admiration of (ho mtsrderousa Mao bordored on beo worsisip. Ho wrote Uai Mao was (he grealeat straieglat of this century. Trudeau vlsied Red Clslo several timos, both hofore and afier hocomimi PM. Ho led Canada quickly into recognzlng Mao's govern- ment, wlUs nary a mention of the 30 million Chinese slatsghtered go communism could ho imposed (bore. And ho broke off recognition of Taiwan, despite (ho anti-communiatIisland belng one of our best tradinsg partners whlch nover asked for a dollar of aid. In fact, Trudeau turnsed around and scuttled Talwan's participa- tion In (ho 1976 Montroal Olympics. Grizzled Liberal campaimu stratoglais such as Senator Kolh (the Ralasuaker> Davoy and big curmnudgon side- kick (Trudeau's principal secretary), lia (heoDrlf- case) Coutia, would Bite us ail ta forget Pierre's pasi. Afier a more six monthe oui of office, weo are told ta forgoi (ho previous il years of Trudeau suie. Cynlcally, (isey, hope ta suck (ho public Inta helleving (ho massiveý economlc mess Trudeau mado of Use country had nothlng (o do uith lslm. The crazy govermoent spending pro- g rama ueren't bis; the $1.5-DILLON annuel fédéral deficit uasn't is. Tise auditar-goneral must bave boon talking tbrough bis bat durlng Use Trsudeau years when ho wrote (bat governmont spondIng was out of controi. No, Pierre Trudeau la not Use guy (o re-loci If Cana- iana bave any concern about topping their country fromn falling into economic disaster. But uith (ho Soviet (breat ta tise free worid mounting daily, ho also faîls far short of holng Use host candidate (o load a country Uai wants ta romain a free enterpriso domoc' racy. Ho said he'd cut thie sizeo f the cIi services. VesI Betwoen 1969 and 1977 rew ffrm 269,044 to Me sasi Clarwaan't 1km onouch in Iran. But hon noever saiwhat the Canadien Embassy dld in Ozechoslovakla when the Russians invaded that country. If anythlng. He pedged to take us out of -NATO. Yet ho kssaed Castro and gave hlm $4000000' Hmmm. Ho promised good govmrment. Vet hie Audtor-G"nral said Nhe government'na spending was out of control. He promlsàd united Canadla. Vet The Citizons' Coalition is not for any pollticl party. And no politcal Party mn for us -juat ask them. We are not trying tg teol you how to vote, but7tithme above article was so informative that it should be re-pninted in lta entirety. It could heip you make up your mnd on whats best for Canada. L 00 Aisode Si o st, SuitSe 907 Toronto. OnarioMSH 1S3