Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Dec 1979, p. 4

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4 Te. Canutm Chwmplees, Wed., D«.c, 61979 Estahled 1861 i;& ý " DONS ERB ROWTER' PAULBELANGIAj'. taitm PaisSist Adfetng Messege Th 500m Osse, SmM T- ~ ~Sseoe5m.ts Let sense prevail Wr frankly are beginnieg te onder whien, and if, a remaining ilim inajorify of Halten Ragional Councillors and staff are gieg to see lise ight and tirow in tise feirel on Site F. Site F as wreng frein tise beginning and is still wrong today. Tise Champion dees nef believe tise muci-touted excuse Ihaf work gees aiead on Site F because tise Region dees nt "want te, have al its eggs ic one basket." Despite tise facf tise Regien is on record in ifs 'officiaI plan in decîaring tise ceed te save and protect al good farmîand in tise Halton Regien, it irent ahead wilis everwiselming legal and con- sulting odds and drowned eut tise Town of Milton and tise Tremaine- Brifannia Citizens Group attise Onario Municipal Board in June. But in tise meantime, we bave seen an about face by tise owners of Site A, National Semer Pipe, who bave seen tise good business senar in alloieg ifs 200-acres hetireen f wo dumps te, be turned snte a regienal landfiîl site. Te top if al off, Treasurer Don Fariner is preparieg even nom fr a Pyrrhic victery on Site F, whicis may prove a but. Much te, tise surprise of tise commit tee ins'lved, incîuding thie staff directer, Mr. Farmer has asloed the tipkiae f ees (tise ameunt tisaI must be paid te, dump garisage in a landfilî site) be upped by almost 40 per cent-and tiis is to pay for tise ceSt expected to keep thse Site F figist gong. Instead of raising thse tippage fee from the current $6.50 per ton te $8.50 per ton on Jan. 1 as was expected, Mr. Fariner bas ad- vised tise rate rise frein $6.50 to ne leas fian $9.50 per ton. Tise reason ise gvea is tise cesta incurred se far and thse ceats likely te be incurred wisen tise' Enviroenft Board holda a hear- ing on certfication of Èite F as a landfill area. Thse cost of thia te conjecture, but Milten Counciller Bih John- son, a realiat te be sure, estimatea it willhe 1'$3 millien or more." ln short, if is tise taxpayera who are going te be paying. Intise case of Milton, tise taxpayers wili be pay- ing te, fight themselves, ne leas. Do me really have $3 million te spend os something ne one wants? Ia tiis a legitimate expenditure in light of tise imminent agreement between tise Regien and National Sewer Pipe. Is if desirable te have twe landfill sites when tise Regien is nom expecting a study on resource recevery? No! Tise movement is amay frein Site F, ne matter hem Oone looks at if. Wr meuld only hope tise Site F supporters on Regional Ceuccil would sec tise errera of tiseir irsys and de tise sensible thisig-step Site F. Dumping disgusting In tise Isîsmir states, tise pueisisment is equal te the crime. In tiis more enligitened country, we find tise debf a guilty persen must pay for his et ber transgression is offe se enient us te be humerons. And in some cases tise penalty is simply fluunfed. Sucis may ho tise case regardieg a Campiselîville mac caught red- banded dumping ucetene in s creek feeding inte tise Mouefsberg Conservation Area. Acetone is used te cure leather and it issutise saine ciemical makeup and smelî of nail polisis remover. Tise Minisfry ufthtie Environ- ment issu ciarged tise mac fer his for his crime, but tise met that rue ho expected is a fine and perhaps an order te dlean up tise spill. This muy ho ignered, au if is se oten, and resuît ut a engtîoy and costly court case. But tise roui culprit is tise Oak- ville firm whicis knowingly gave tise five-gallen drums of ucefene te tise Campbollvifle man. Tiis fir n kem tise ciemical would ho dumped because tise mac wasu enly interesfed in tise drsums. Tise firin didn't care miere or hem. If jut dide't care about tise damage if would bo causing. We ceuld, if fiis iras a neirs- paper in an Island state, naine tise company and asa everyene te boycott purcbaaicg of tise firins leatiser goods, perisaps even put tise offenders ianda in acetone for 30 minutes se tisey could feel whiat tise living tiingu in tise Mount- ubrg streain are feeling rigist nom. But e are in Canada, wiere we are enlightened. We can only ho disgusted t tise cavalier attitude of tise iront and ifs management and expect littie more than a token fine. Cutting the losses in u speech gîven Monday nigit Tise Province men't huiîd badly in neîghhorîng Peel Regien, ceeded unîfs. Landiorda bave Ontario Minister et Consumer asd be irritaticgly non-exitent Corporute Affaira Frank Drea misen a pIns mas made to iselp ficd made if cleur tise governinent is roin for tise people. Tome Council fryieg te get out of tise business ot is concerned enougis te enfertain goercing. building ifs owc loir-rentai Wiat ie said in essence is is building, but anyene mise can read leader, cabinet, and caucua are a statement et revenues and dia- tired et peope utmays ruunicg te bursements keoirs a municipality tise goverement anytime a et en]y 30,000 cannet carry tise prohtem reurs ifsieud. He bus freigist of getting into tise con- prttriscd moct7 itri'gutatittsn n tructito business. bs oms arcs bt hr hiers tisut bts Tise Province bus gibly colleagues are iming for a retume promiued "teciscical assistance" to a minimum et ules so people and ",fundieg" wie one et ifs can aeek their omn desticy. spoleamen states ho would bo Wiile we "baves" would ap- -quite pleaaed"l if Milton got into plaud tiis tateinent, me bave the municipal non-profit heusing enly te bock at Miltons "bave- program. nota" f0 sS tise policy et stepping Wel, it's jut not good eneugis fa ouf of reapeoibility bais slready offardertsa carrots ftsr me bave it thoseeupple firsf affected i alresady ssis the Province back anv- ft d mental ruliisg rig otfea prnule to btilda 2l- WIU l. Uled ftam buugh -At e . ecurrently bave lt laclear to usteProvince is wbo cannet afford csttlag ia ss008Wbilestllvhsg for te rmit or omis tissr own home cotuh-irala anreslrmiit, even to atdi eme tcls as sverym àe hi gqg n Ievey people If la mahlngtlulban d <hm- supod to mm.s Be a model, fot a critic A memora Ti sis International Year of The Chid and tis memnorandum fromn your chitd seems appropriate: i. Dont spoitme. 1 hnom qute meil (bat 1I oaght sot (o have ail 1 euh for. Vin Willy testîng youu 2. Dont be afiàtd [n, ho rm ith'lee t1 prefr it.It lets me kboom shere I stand. 3. Dont ho nconsistent thbat confuses me and mohes nie try harder to get away o tii everything t car. 4. tîntotattetroses:oyu maynothe abte tii eep (hem, lat ottt dscourage My trut in yon. 5. Dont make me tort ematter thon 1I amn. lottlniaise up for ft hy bhaing ise a htig shot. s. Dontdo thingstorme thott1cOndo for mysetf. tt maisnme foot ihe o hahy. and 1 may continue to put you te my service. wELI. t sorm to ho ableto teinflaence tise oeatfîernîereiyhp oriting acotomo about t bu ets try i agaîn. Early in ictohor. t1srote a cotame toudatoey iii tîoegolden fctobor days. %% th a sissîofniitbu st atOpteanont tnge ofmelancsoty ibe air. and ageo- erat srt if blat atongftone tines. proîpttyo ittieut esen a dorent in- tertudr. fioter tirned nt a monsfe toneof ut y cotteagaen. isn m t paceo in- tittrust because lte i5almOys rog and t gîî from tbre.ldtitme tht thisDot- tîhor tad tîod approsîmatetp one-third tf tte sunlight hurs of a normatlDOtohor t-tr tînce. I hoiesod hlm. Nîîsomhor. sorefy tise foulent montis ut the ear on ibis comntry, ils tise possible exceptionnut Marcis, s living ap f0 ex- pectations. one day o matery ssshine. four dayn îf rais and dori sksies. Tiatus uisy Im rting iis Bp tise ime if ap- permin Print, tise second laIt ut Nusemn ber ift ave turned ouf to lho o gldy adsenture ti of eated Indian srmmrr. itis at uct ibthecp sootthtîvomn tin %vniti rv t.i tithin o nfmî,stt ti eovs are at gune. lu tact. tiey re ytof on pour tamn, if pouro lise me, danis and soggy and teavp. Tise riap woss tu pt os pour storso icdamn bon gone mist iding, tetling is phonne ring its issad off. And mies e dnes mome, al isemldnmndent( fit, boaslseh sils ave smelîed tismnagh tise inordisate reins. Or sometiig. Theises f u m hcome siilr ovrp isseltiereisaone, and aop day poulsgel eP and itIc midsinter. Poveetier ta darknms. ami depressien. Ami one oMfishemost depretaissg listaeit view làathseprollferatletsof Sante Clans and the fouir-rolor edverlissmoiite for Chist- ~J~ff~iiïid J@~ Novernber %Vtt BLL SMILEY blahs \a tthristmas, so-cattod. music. Ttiere are 500v tires f0 ge un and snnsc sistiets, snow boots, and heasy ltbing t,î dig ut. each tine o doIt, sicisoning thud on This yoar, as on osery otier Noember. ie gorniment. ottatoser tise shade tf is cmi. s u'affting and indecîsiso and obtuse and strangety osamore ot ho reat pro- isemo of tise country. This yeor, in Nusembor, y os con go intît a grocory store, upond ton dolars, and cormeout miti posa toal possessions in the patm îof one iand, in one nmsttisis papor iag You somlthe oldcar in't gontgto make il throsgis Jansary, but you o 1oi horror ai prces of gas and a nemncar, and gooun drising lise cssghing, beîciing ,îtd brute, hoping for a flood or inluast Io end il off anddaise pou tise doctsisn. This Novombor, peopte are rusoing idty trnm une hasisf0 anoolier trust com- yasy, tryîng te tube adsantage tif tie ricttctitourates tfiterest. tfthe, taie And if tboy dont. liey quietf y cry sntise dans and frget about building or buying a tomne, bassae liero in nu may lbey can oser pop tor il, Jse Clar'su siltp morgage deat tr ne. Aod if people casI attord 10euil isuses, beesoso of cruel inlerest rates, misaI iapposs 1tise construction indsstry, aaiaIthtie oliers tisaI depecd on if, fromn tiles te applienees t0eieating scite. And lthe btee-eed sale;b are rsttisg Ihirsabrees ntise sest, and lise chisl- smsiser is raltisg tes qail5 in Quebec, and allogollier, il IosHie s long, dans, rold iter fer tlisacouetry, PisYsflaned spiritually. r One year ago -~ Fancthe Oe. . 1078 . chair wu etÎiï b oi u h chair me. pkils Sse An derson MResse ssui belliU ed «" (fscer~ istalien HM)., Harry wu)t, Rey Besth(Haillon s)~5et Brown e takisllse), Vers cesses tass4tegot, C"re!Geedisi tOabvilet, Oe (oMo uilo),Guse Geteetsi (Milon), Jiot Geseve tast5tWtest, Bill Johnso Milton), David LaCombeh te iBurlingleef, Ted MacDonald f lurling- lent, LamSl ie ncellt Oekiflet, Terry ManneS tOsaimes, pet MeLauglll Wtaer =gstBssMiler tittesitis), irlerMlkmni lrungtest, Rets Plancese tOkvillet, Peter Poeseroy titstee 505sf Jaek Retis tsurflngtost, Seve TolIs Brlnglton, Ed Wood Bettes Mtlton Courseil meamewrs e t mhblie urs t emg hesr e dcalons wîlls "miadeet afalmets." o20 years ago From the DOco,3. ISSSuuee Chaerles Gervais Uas tees returseli le bis third toret es pretidesl of lise Mtos, Lefiin. Nautagameya Coaneil mes retsrsed lu officet lise Inomiation nelisg Mosday. Reeve Jobs Milne, septy reeve Arciie Service and couicillors Dr. B. D. Yoang, Chartes Thoms oad John Robsertson wereluaspposed. Audrey Larece bas retursed lu Milon feues a tbroe-year slay ta dark, primitive central Atira ih many inlerestisg esperionces lu tell. She left in November oI 1956 to caris the ciildres of mtssioneries n tise sodas mission in Ciad. Milton voles Monday on lise cent reese, depat y crne and sx rainciflors. Mayor Stdney Chilstîw as returned hy ocdea- moion mhen about 100 attendes! lie nomi- nation nmeting. Mary S. Pettil and Mise indum from your child aemtsaeans e iedplrev' seat white Bob Cunninghami.,Roy Smith and Arf Dsjardine seb tise reevese 040 Tt,îrtorn men are aler tisesix cosnril T Dont jtfny bod habits 0f e t t sshere. seals. ynur attention, if only encouragles me fu0 14. Donet oser thîn ht i fs beolis The 14-mile sîrelcis of Highmay 401 te continue them. ynuc dgntty ta apotogizr f0 me. An bonst Milton mas officialty opesed Tbsrsdep by 8. Dnt correct moton front ut people. j'il 'ipofiey utahes me fortsrprisînety wrm HaltIon MIA Stao Hall, Port MIA Bill taemuctt more notice if yuu tlklhqsîetty tîtuords you. Davis and Ontario Higisways Minister wthmnpvais 5 o' ee ug$.I- aa Fred Casa. Ma yor Chisilt called il "oa mîtis~~yo me t-ponafef5.Ittit. ser aggs..ttloO and Ille hogr-' S. Doo't try tuodiscass my bebhaviar in the perfect or tfattiaiste.It gtcrs me mach te ise ut a ncm ors ut progress." Set o a conlict. Fer neom ass-tfi."ts p t1 hearing is not very good t ibis time and fis Dus t ss'rry about theo ttte amouao nyco-ttperafintis een 'rse ltin atl of tîme OO spend togetiser. It is ow me righInt tahe tise action required.' but let' spend itta out.5 years ago ntaUk about if util jter. 6 10. Dont mahe metootl thaf my esstabru 17.),în't let my fers aromse yosr are sins. I tave to toarn f0 mahe esstahrs ansioty TisrsI 1îti eceme mure atraid. Fromth ie lien 5 Ilissue m ittîsat feeltng tisat t am no guod. Shso me couage. At tise ansuel morting ufthtie Mlton f1 Dnt nag. If yuu do. I1sai hase ts 1. Dot tforget that t cont ihrivr Pastimr Club, hetd on Tisrsday evening of prstort mpsetf hy appeariog deaf. sî theut lts f usdorstundîng aod on- tout mecis, tise Secretrys report sisomed 2. Dntprotmefront conuenuences. cuuragettîcît. but t dont nord Iotllt you tise club f0 o oi a ftourisiig condition. t need tii feare trom esperienco boht. ds Il inanciatty and stisermise. 3. Dnt put mesoff mies I ask H(>NEST Treat me tise iayyouutreat pour friends. Tise Misses Liste and Charotte Camp- questions. If yuu do. you uitt tîod thafttisohn 1tuoiltibseyourtfrieud tou. Itememhor. I bellt off on Minday for Toronto, miere stopasisingl and sois my information etse- ferntmore trsm a mude]t tisn o critic. thry uitt reside during tise ioler. returnise tu Miton io ties ring. Jdon m ar iie hi Tiere is a scarlet lever epidemic i Barlinilton. R. Boyd. utfiraîbervilte. is vsstiog bis dagiter Mrs. E. Randall. Wilto aliing otoni tise road rorently Richard Marsall, an eldorly mon ut Es- qsesine, mas strsch isp an automobile and tîod seseraf rite heohen. In Police Maitrale Bre's Court. Burlingtun, on Mnnday tant, a Netuon rownship mon mas tmned $10 and cots for sismfîog mthouot olicence. 75 years ago Fr-ntlihee. 1. 1904isuee Franis 'Donnelt, smn ut Felix 'Donnell. intel horper of Rnchmsod. mas basting in Nassagameya on Tusnday. As hoe mas geoting neer a fonce is ose ent off. Ilita rigisi iand mon toceraied, part ut is rfi chois mas tomn off and tise muscles oftlbis necis eer ounded.tinlesu blood pisning sets in, le wilmrecover sSnr. W.N. Scot bas received tise Silver Modot hiicislie mon ou Freceton fie for ther bosi grserat purpose hurse or mare. Tise modal in a beauty. it s of seid silver and in user tmo inches in diameter. It mas gison hy tise Bonis of Cnmmerce. 5Nm. Stage, mhmre arrivaI trom Cagary lat ee mois uroportod in Tise Champion. refi for Toronto yesferday. bovine heen engoged f0 breais western hrses at Gronds Ropoifory during tise inter. Ho ian esperienced "bronco buster. A mon died attise Dominion Hofet in Aclon. on Monday. Biog moiste f0 get f iqur onoSundoylie ment o o adeug store and oght sonneatcuiotmiicisie saidhle ssanted tîîuse onthsoretleg ofaisorse. He îtraokit aod t kisîted tîî ttc tîod bees -taistrAniinîqost im f poores- FOR SERVICE Nearly 84,000 people in Otaneo were trairsed in first aid by St. John Ambulance in 1978. Tise organizations 4,000 unifermed Brigade members gave 484,500 heurs of free first aid and home nursing service to fiseir commurn- fies during tise year, and treated 72,800 casualties- St. John, botis provincially and Iocaily, deserves e paf on tise bock for ifs issiean- itarian aervice. qfuiet ito tihat good sigisi Its ouf att hod. Tticeres some great sems on theo sprts pages Torotnto, at toast, n raintaining ils image. fi fias tise orst iasehaîltetarni n North Amerîca. in ttîe big toagues. If bas tise wost fooisatl iea n inEastern Canada Athe tmMapte Irofs are mOUf on o fm ayinbing renamed tise Cottar Doottors Dtsnt att thot cisoor you up? At teast tierru sume cosistency in tise cousntry. li*s îînfya efe oo tise eqinus And esoît if yuu're sodepin ssttmiy tien tiot you dont inow an equinus [rom a solstice, noser feor. prîne te near. A merertour nîîntis otff. 1 tort tîhoa saitur tirning food tfe-hefts tii drouning souts. bail1 ropeat tise cott- "Press on. regordtess.' Mayhe youIltit a ltîifry mînner. Mayho your iteiso't reatty pregnant. Moybe you can lise on unemptuymentintssranceand stl get your Sturday iglt case oftwtenty-tour. May- But t1inowts bord tu sorp tise falti n Nîîsemhor. Esen tise ruddy bisrds. tisose tii tibraittu bhase gose soutf, Tfiisc sitti heepionttiinising Tiioi some more. and l'in sure you'ilcorne up ithoneo. Letssor lmun idytogof cancer. I dont Ihinis t con afford three squares a day. I tope. My ise sisares of CDC hase drnpped oly $28.00 a shenon tiseniariset, and fave rallied isy une dollar. My oite haso't teft me, as ses threofened tately Mxcd ilessing, that. Mp grandhopn aresxbusdrod mdles amsy and cnt ue me forea climbing res esery erond meekend. My issesitins l merelp esrctating, ast anhoarable. Goed old Novmber. Notbtsg Iise if. Nom, change, e. retier! fl%

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