RO The Canadian Champion, Wed. Oct 31, 1979 New insurance firm opens on Main Street Pran Raines, looo ail * oveelBallon forftorwoars nof oonteer mark in poi- a ficaf circielti ban eolered fhe buniness worid in parfaeeship with Rich West, in RitL West fosse- anre (Milton) Ltd. 'rie busness was l aunched Ortber t, bof the officiait opening ni tise * office on Miffon Main i Street mi toise plare November 5. i 'ite pariners scarceily k nem eoehothernntil moit * year ttontey pitcted in tidming thecampatgn to efeet Pet e Pomecay * Mayor of Staton Huml. Ont af tise matat respect * deveioped during the chaos of a canfpaigf, the partnersftip mas born. after Fron atlede * Qneens tUniversity and oftained liec insance * agesîns licence. *Fron gaines' mors for -. the Progressive Con- * servaime part y inclodes nstneroas pools and iboasand ni hoars. She slarted as presideni af the G2eorgetown PC Association,. then slacied onlthe executî-e ofithe - campaign commîite fac Ji nom. Terey O'Con- nor andGary Dadscs. She mas the liedt pid- dent of the Ha lvii Bise tgton commîlciîhen thai ridifmsg iiii In 1977 slle was partl of the provncial -'uiipaigc commitfeeaas eiiivof a speciaf lasb force o urgonfoatiot. Asiia'ive in federaf polluesîva ,ihefirst ice pesidient id ,ie Bramplon(ivege- lomo enecative, hiien he oundarfes forimcd Ifial riding and 'iseuîiy sîtill holda lisai position. John McDereaid ton, henefilted ftra lier heip in 1ha1 campaigo, Diing ihai eiectioo ite iuvs vegional direcver f the Haltoti Peel ridîîg, -All ut ubîcb me uo,". site expfained. Feun Bainesithewife of lauyer Terryflanes, and the mufher of Ibree leen- agrd sons. lives it thse rural areahotmeeail- in aod Georgetuwn. Parteer Ricb Wes al nu sewcamer ta tse in- srnebusiness milb f2 peurs company atd agescy experiesce and the operalian af bis uo company in Georgeto sne1972. He decided la expand inothe grming vaaausily of Milton, and tbrugb the paetaer- sbipaodlbhe idealmay no dis il Check furnacle Pamlp fursuvev. lbe family cars. need spv uiisl attestion ta perforai efficientfp asd peU.ii. as f ittle as possible. Proper maintvenac and inspection ni nr pollution but is, vi id ivisne heatîsg bills -aN s the Hallos lauig Association. 1ýu1iq0pow 17 &-eâeg This3 Yu od home islsu555 in o ii ,c rimei4on. b ath, maoi bses, liin ruais - nau iul hfdoen y i n io ustras s-1ani.ta in (1'.3' m s l. a .d D-hri n.5936-24060 v 59369-3a8 faI»DSw R-1 Esta s I reth tiEo.i ladi ourh, addi von tna . scnn is , 99 15ditîFREA AREC instaii o a gir hvn 5 sud ithe ow, sofMilo as ai e ie and atndesM, 11h SsnmBuMsus C oe ad hsa n nifrd hav is B I enos arnviuivre Gary ndBand ionns Feno ibind ta dg o the insana muSil fo osim t poi d ab leta rc _hss CO Fret M074121. 107MUnh Sieuet Milices Cesart 0704121 Tor LàM 270-Ml Altbougb efectrie bornaces don't resqsie tus mach close attention, uil-bsening eqsipment sbsuld ho cbecked yearly by a service tcbnicias. Il a fcm peurs base slipped b y since sncb a checb-up, a luse-up coud eul la per cont tram heaisg bils. For gas tussnaces, an assual chevk plus a ihueuugh vleasîsg at leas eveepulther yeae ae reousnded. The Consumer Beat Check your Mot pesple nord ta make use of ccedst at some lime in their lives. When that time arrives, dt'a ceassring ta bom Ihat everynne in Ontario, regardiets alteseo mac- fitai staf an. bas tbe rigbt ta apply for credif and ho jsdged by identical standards. But the ose of credit ta a privilege rather thon a rigbl. And hofore grant- ing credit, crei-ein agescies wl ateptt detecesine yoair credii wnrthiness, ameillureaof your proesae and ahdlity ta repaythe amsonrtyou Althoagb Ibeir criteria may varynfigbty Mont fendmng agencies, in look îng for indications ai ntability and respoo- sibility. mii jsdgv ysnr credil wartbmness - cording lia certain basic nsiderations. ou cent avoid ccedii refusais hy jadging yosc Ban credit nacîbiness heoBre yon, apply, aind rcotgtioing tbuse arvas ibai may abe yBB pour ceedil eîsk o Yaur cbaracier, Du yau Bave a eaposible atitude iiimisd payitig vorbîll Bave yBB ibaivi respoiisihiliiy in handling yur iniuce in the pont? o Your income ond assets. Cao yon afford cred t? In your income nteady? Do yoa omo ony- tbing that is mortb more tban tbe amnooni yoa manf fa horena? aVYoue mark reord. Hou long have you hoen employedi Nom necare ia yose job' oVYose living ar- C.J4 ~4o~îc credit rating commnodations. Do you Yoor application for omn orrent yoarblving credit may he tnrned accommodatins? HN o wn dmfor any nmber of long have yon fived at reanont. Lmendern arenoM yoor carrent address? obliged f0 enttend credif o Yotnr ceosons for f0 anyone. boeroicing. Are yoa 0f caore, yoa nsay bie borrowing money as a able t. obtan credif by oecessary st ep tomard shopping around. But if fuifilling long-range your application sa goals or plano? Oc are turned domo. take a yoo borrcaing ta oatisfy ambon? (Continoedonpsge7) Oaerlauking a mirerrlike poad this malti- level hume stands us h acres ut ralling moaduas and waudod uots lauated voe 401 and Trafalgar Raad. Prafesîuualy S desîgned h hedraams, large stasne patio, Lmoîblotuvtais. studiand bues. PRICE $225,000 F OR VîEWING CONTACT: 878-30M 1 HOME 0F ASSURANCE RICK WEST and FRAN BAINES ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F TEE HOME 0F ASSURANCE A DIVISION 0F IT1 ~~ WEST IIIBURANCE LTD. LOCATED AT 189A MAIN ST. MILTON TELEPHONE RIKWS1878-1616 FA A'E THE HOME 0F ASSURANCE OFFERS YOU A COMPLETE LINE 0F INSURANCE INCLUDING ALL TYPES 0F GENERAL INSURANCE, AUTO, HOMEOWNERS, COMMERCIAL PLUS -LIFE, GROUP and DISABILITY PLANS "Q UO TA TIONS WI THO UT OBLIGA TION" TRY US. a m