Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 1979, p. 7

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MOVIE DATE Who' s counting?, 10 is dreceod and co- her boneymoon. produced isy Blake (Tise HMs psrsuit, flot loing Pinkt Panther, Darling sigitt of tis movies Pnkt Lili) Edwards, so IFs no Panther parenlage, surprse that is wlfe Jul- includes situations titat ie Andrews stars in this, enolve mb opre slapstick his latent production. and for gond measure, ITe surprise arrives some very funny stuff. whlen we discover tat After ls fashion, 10 along witit a fise set of lobks ai maie menopause tonailî, M. Andrews has and usrequlted love in a fine bosdy, too. otiter titan betertsexual Britisht comedian relationuisps. Dudley Moore is In answer to the probt- Andrews' lîve-in lave, able question-if pou obseused witb a yuung liicod Ursule Androus, waman (Bu Drob a.kLa. youlIl love Bo Derok, "Io"), ho ranidors toise aven when site lts you te prfect ieauty. know witat itappons whien Tiese urcesoful tom- yss capture pour droam. poseror f lovaisr music" I Mous River?). RATIil: Admittasco Moore nover misses a RESTRICTED Ta beat ciasisg is vision, Persanss1u Years of Ago oves itouglithtieladvy 0seonorOlser Police study 911 hot uine As emergency it lise a meeting of te comm- for liatton residenîs ls ssioers Titusday. ander clsse scrslinpy Tise plansutes te 911 lise Hallon Itegionat namIer mould ring intoa Police Commssion. police nialion . altaming Tise proposaI for te 911 nficerss la immedialelp emergency numser nolîfy ire. amblance or rame ander discussion aIlte police deparîment. Witen an emergesco e s nom resiived V andal , rlusigteplieils ght riisard. Ihen Irans- SOUgh lerred to te rom- muncations office; Police are conlînsîng e intiurn i5 8mev 10 Soeirîinesigation 51 ite dispatchter tor te telnefl anditaroing of a îecessary action. 977 spors car ielonging Tite police comm- tu a Milton mot). anicalios systnm o Police bave moade no cosîs $12t,600 per year. fret.11isi te second itte atiduional 911 sec- incidentiofutis kitnd in lwo vice old ioosi te bill monîbo. f0 $238,165. Thse car. oaved iy Joy AtngE as cnutn Cssidy ai 318 Kigsway or te plan is former Place, was sioten fiallon Itegional Police (cloier 20 from is Ciiel Ken Oerretl. drivemay. Tite commission bas Thte car itati ieeii rfI referred the nubject (o ils locitet. itut wilh a spore nesi meeting. 10 ahicit bey vite glone rompori- Mr. Sierrell bas been in- ment. vîled 10 procide torîber Tise car as laler dis- delils on te proposaI. rovered ai Sherman Sand- and Grave] on Derry Rd. Tlue car was complelely galled ity fire. i "0aY',rF 260 MamsSt.. 878208 e Amagni Halton rejects proposai to change Guelph Line signs Regloasa counceil ml eass and west lte Eden hoe aoed te louve stop Milîs, signa tise map tiop are ut Tise ater reation ls te lise Guelpht Lise-Edes redore the asiaust of 511Dm Rd. istersection trafflc going ista tise doapite a Wellington itamiot, Csunty roquest tbey ho Dr. Don Furness asd changoi. lits isele Jane attondod Tise signn currostly are lise reigisoat poiS works used to stop raffic nartis meeting to oppaoetise and soutis attise Guelpht change of sigsage. Ho Lino. [ives sn tise sostb-west Wellisgton County bas camner of lise inter- askod tise signa ho placed section. te top witat il fouis is He said lbe and sx hisgi-speod raffie gsîng seigihors are concei Sente Clous fund said slipping Mitons Santa Claus Tbe csmmiltee espocts Parade Fand slal ho- te receive port of lise hind, but organiners re- fsnding liseougis iusiness main optimistie financial and service club dsn- support for the $5,215 ations, said Mes. Boiter. project milI come lbr- Jadging of a Christmas osgb in tise end. poser content sponsored Tise parade commitlee by te cammiltee milI lias cllectedte l date taire ptace Nav. 8ainte $1,320 for lise Nov. 17 en.-q'iiig ai Milsn Mal sccasion. i opiies milI ho pre- "As il gels clouer te entedte1 a top winser in Cirismas and the grades ove to four. As parade date, 1 titinis lie melI, inners ilîl receive spirit milI ho Ibere. said a -McDonald Meal" Karen Boiser, publieccOarlmpY Mcflonald's relations spoiesman for Restaurantlin Mlton. theYouthpc The greatmesponse is for bands asd major- o t ch elles. apprssimately A lf-year-otd Mlton $3,50, accarding to Mes. pouls ias been arrested Boiter. and cbarged in con- Tise commitlee inlrod- neclion ils fivr ibreakt aceti for the firsl ime 10 and enlers in te Milton fthe communaîl a Santa distrct. Bank, bal response i slow.Tite arreut o)te teen- Tise groap iopod te ager follows a montit of secure $1,400 Sut se far intensive police investig- bas manageti onlp 0140. ationby las McNally, The. Coeperdn. sf the Tswn sf Mils NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS Coniiection. 90 the 1979 School SUPPort List TheoReifgonai Assnssumi Officeforu io Provjnce oP - Onail9 tliqsietheitLsot ReiAnnuel 5cfooi SupporLis adt has beS ony 00 on0vOctobor 11:, 17. in the Officeofo te Clark ai the Municipal Offices, 251 Main StretfEt, Miton, Ontari,for inspection. Residetins anti ooperty ownvers are înuostndtie exmn ti is .as-uiat hoveinames and rate lent informatinnare cou,ectiv shomo nvoîvin Attention istirOn on the00 eosiyi xcompe th uOnuiOti tory OuaIuiabou.1ue Office o) ihe CDoiS rospcxuîvoanvApplication loi Alieaioof lSxvool Support E.vuv All oquvoin nuoraio,:,octivîons ou etiouos from tie List iii e ieovedthe Clar aivithe moMunicipal ofices,. otountvi.ved. couvmnqonv0ov mavoto Ocober fOt, 199 tixunS umFrian. Sooomber St. 1979 romt830ag.O o 4:ot30 pm_ nicluigtiiO0îrtios an uvtivs The ls:tiy o flinfui.g .s renuesingaddtitiuons ou uorcins ou dtiinos luxetSe Lnmis iSeFition. Novemitor Oui:. f9990aiî4:30 pom. C Tiomenon. Cierli Town of Miton Oie removal of tise sortis- estimatedthaist oser a 24- soutis stop signsassould bour period. 1,50e promote speedisg, part- neiicles are in- icularlp ils tise igittlp convenienced bp haisnsg clasisg of Mohsawks 10 stop wiereas onlp 6000 Rareway. veiiclos are allomedth ie Dr. Furness said ho is Ibrougis manement. hopisg for a Haton- "Il mas alto oiserved Wellington agreement n lisat a bnoil juI outis ui hauve stop sigos aI aIl four lise intersection on tise corners of tise inter- Guelphs Lioe restricled section mt a reti sigisl distance. flasiting arning ligitt. "Tiis coul 4 ho Cauncillor Bll Johnsoun Sanardous for norlis- of Milton oaid ite did not bound veiicles stopped manl lise norlt-sostb stop on tise Guelphs Line aI te sgnsremoved secause intersection, "paublic itearea milI iecome a orts director Bob race racit. Moore said iv is report On the oliser side of te on lies ign chtange. argument mas Couniltor A lenglty debate en- Mise Armstrong ut sueti on putlîvg in reti Huton Hilts mise said flasbing ligitîs, red and buiidretis of nluidies itane aser flasbing ligitis, sitmn taI stop sigos pstting iv larger stop acluallp increase te arning sugns furîber chsance of a collision, domn racit road, and esporiallp ufthlie roadmopaiweter orno: stop siens s molaseti. actaalp casse occidents. Regional saff dîd a Fivally. Oabville slsdy of lhinersection Coancllor Laurie and toand taI durusg a Mannell sai. '- . . poait ioor. 110 veirles abat ose bave 10 dohbrrr ase the norlis-soalt road s jas) leave lise sgns and t3 used te easl-oesi aitere lbey are and IcI route. Wellington pal n stop "I revueing aIl signs iftiey ant.- approacites 10 Iis inIer-Tiis mas folloaed ity a section, il cas be motionv 10 bal efleri AN OVERTURNED TRACTOR blocked were ns injuries and no damage estimali- parI of Tremaine Rd. aI Steeles Ave. Mon- Police said Mr. Few was headiî:g eumuoIi day marnng when it fell off a flatbed truck Steeles Ave., Ioroîog south on Tremains- driven by Charles Few of Mlton. There when the traclor rolled off the trader. Police announce new rank system A neos ranbing systese for HalIon Regional Police s litely lx laite etteci nesi peur. AHl nxn-rommîssuoned ranits arr nox calleti cIter Srgeani, Staff Sergeavi grIivg Sergeani or Acting Staft Sergeani regardîrss of abter lbeywaxci n te unîtorni or plain cloibes division. iarged with five break-ins dtieecluve muititetaiton appresenie i o: bs liom: recnoly unctadedTh ie Regn Lriminel over the oeeitent anti AmuIt: Place on Sfeeles Investigation Bureau anti lares ncharges of iteakt. As-.c eromir Woitsitop Miilton Constablte Gary entec andti Iefi. ai 525 OMain Si. E., andi Parsons. Local commercial "Teu e Ins iaI751 Thete uenager nos sitops litaireporlet Iefis fiiecles Ave. foebafoeoavins on fiee f0045- - compare poaeprieira',,. 1 E -d-d4- TOMATO JUICE TOMMTESZi-c TOMATOsoup 4o. RICOTIA ALLfll Ro-o Oîîd Pcv $1 29 pkg. RAVIOLIS miTe CHEtSE livk ORANGE JUICE 530~ F050 Lean BLADE or CHUCK BLADE, SHORT RIB oPOT ROASTS t PORK SPARERIRS i> PIRK CHOPS IL, 870 BANANAS iv5h McINTOSH -nEDDOCIOUcoS APPLES 3I a i io 9 LFONi FUITMARKE Aspecialpan! ae AII-WooI Flannel ~ g Tisa exoomme ua or usporl tn - E anti lacOaI l st mm i p tiçitoit ou.In v7ftmlszaï 3O 02. O= lSsia1-- aSU8 a parCou soxo $712! PolyesterNiscose YnMoo s d:..sis Wea e pn v asitab.s *U E maoanlsaLEt^ a strait isvae and bttlom. FaU coituru Ouizs28o3 8 n3 GoNov 125h Osa pries4.95 aapalr. xu so e$5.07! Texturized Polyester Easy tm eiaSeplpasFmt anti =ZtipncbBm .ao-mnaw S hiiesstrt Brow~NnnGreypotom. Size30 to sava$5.071 M e Milton Mal Milton Burlington MaIllDurlngton e Ropedale MaIll OakvilIe. A change in tilles oiill cesul in otfirrrsservinc us te anitorm divsioun. courts bureau, training isureaa, pubieircelat ions anti crime preventions ie- inc clleti 5ergeani anti SaollSerfean!. Oticers ssoriting nte crumunal investigation busreau ant idenltfiation bureau anti viminol intelligence ail) Su otilleil [teectivne isuamo rueS oint respuuusuitlilu a- itergeanli andti )ciuve tiergeani samo- ranis and respoesibily us S ffi itergraviî. Ther change ausini ci: doceti Si Acting Ciir .James. Hardiîng aia meingio f fite taliouî Board o Pliei o Theirboîardi upproiord flic nonse'a nd afreeti iii refrteflue bectIihui illhîuîî eguiuui Poicen: riiigoiaiiilngromniiiuee ii Su' tisviisseut tirismi ,iuriiniiinlis THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPRO VAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND N THiE MATTER 0F av application by Her Maîesfy the Oueev in rigitt of Ontario as roprosontoti by thte Miister of Governmevt Services <ooproprioting autitority) for approvol f0 expropriate lavd bemng part of Lots 14 anti 15, in Concession 4, Nem Survey, ivnte Tomn of Mlton asnd port of Lot 15, vn Concession 5, New Survey, in te Tows of Halton His. botS in te Regioval Muvîcipalify o) Haltor in te Provnce of Ontario for te parpose of acquiring Iavd for fhe James Svom Parismue NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN taI application has iseen made for appronal f0 expropriate telandi describe i n Scitedale "A" allacited itereto. Any owner of lantis iv respect cul whicit notice is given witotiesîres an inqairy lto mitetiter te faking of vucitland is fair, s0usd andi reasoniably necessary ivte aciievemenl of te objectives of te esproprîating autitority sitall so volîfy te approvng autitorufy in mritivg, (a) in te case of a registnred omner, serveti personally or by regîstereti mail mthintîsitry days afler Se is served mîitite notice, or, witev hites serned by publication, mîtin tbîrty days aller te frsl publication 0f the notice, (b) in lte case of an omner moitcs vol a regîstered owner, mîtin thitry days affer te f rsl publicafion of lte notice Tite upprosing outitorfty ls Tite Mnsfer of Transportation and Communications c/ oMr.T. G.Smith Regional Dreclor 3501 Dafferîn Street Downsoîem, Ontario M3K 1 NE HER MAJESTY THE OUEEN IN RIGHT 0F ONTARIO as represenleti by. Douglas J Wiseman Mînîster of Oovernmenf Services NOTES: 1. Tite Expropriations Act provies final, <a>imitere an înguîry is reteosîti, il shalltic conduClen Sy an innaîrit offîcer appoînled Sy Ihe Atorney General (b) te inguiry off icer, (il sital gîoe eoery carry lu lite inguiry ar opporlunîlo f0 pressent eoience anti argument andt 1exnamine anti cross- examine mîffesses, eî',oîi personally or by hits evunsel vi agenf. and I may reconimendt l te approvîng auffîorîfy litaI a parîn 1tte inquiry tue paîi a lîxeti amounl for hsm cosîs of the inquiry t go exceeti $200 andtih1e approvînti aulhorily May in ils tiîscrelîon ordt te espropriafîng autorîly lv pay sucit rosIs torîtmit 2 'omner' anti regîstereti owner' are defined in the Act as fol- oms -omner- inclaties a morîgagen ltenant. execution creditor. a person entîfledti 1 a lîmîfedestifue or inerest inlanti a commîtfee of te estale of a menvally încompeleîîl person or of a person incapable raf managing hîs alfanrs anti a gutirtiion.execafor atiminsîralo oraitrustinnwhom fana s vesfeti, 'regîgloreti owner' means an omner of land sitose inlerest n teanti is dtilnetianti miose ame isspecifelin nan instrumentin te proper regislryuladfilins oi siterîff s office, anti incîxties a person ohownii a i nnv-fi i n on te lasI revîseti assessment roi) J. Tite exproprialing aaltorîly, itacit omner mito notifies te approv- îng auftorîl itytaI Se tesîres a itearing in respect 0fte lantis inlendedti 10 e exproprialeti anti anit omner atiteti as a parly Sp te inquiry offîcer are parties lx lite ingairy RO01970, Reg. 285, Form 2 THIS NOTICE FIRST PLBLISHED ON THE 31ST DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1979 SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR tose certain parcef s or tratof 0fanti andi promises sîluste, liînti anti Seing nartlîin te Town of Mlon anti partly inte Town of Haton Hlîs, in te Pegional Munîci- palîl<u 0f Hllon (lormerfy in te eograpitic Townsip of Tra- falgar,.in tise Counly 0f Hallon), n te Prooince ofl Ontario, Seing descniitet as folloms: f ParI aI LoI fit in Concesson 4 New '-,rvey 0f te said COqi r T wnshi.p ofTica i, A. v ' i 11M i Seinglfosse porlions tiesîgnafeti as Parts f ia ._', anM.vîsfiv of Governmenl Services Flan 803-f1it3L. Seing a Reference Plan tieposilet in te Lanti Regislry Office for lte Registrit Dvision of Haffon <No. 20) as Plan 20R-4329; 2. Part of Lot 15, in Concession 5, Nem Ssrvey, of te sai Geograpitic Township of Trafalgar, nom ivte Tomn of Halfon Hitis, ising titose portions dosîgnatoti as Parts 3, 4 anti 5 on Mnislry of Gonommont Services Plan 853-1 63L, Seing a Referonco Plan tioposiltiiv inte Landi Regislry Office for te Regislry Division of Hallon (No. 20) as Plan 20R-4329, 3. Part of Lois 14 asnd 15. le Concession 4, New Survoy, of te salid Gograpitic Townsitip of Trafalgar. nom ivnte Towen of Milo, beisg toso portions designatoti as Parts 1 anti 2 on Miistry of Govomnmens Services Plan 853-162OL, boieg a Ref- orence Plan depoaltdnth v ie Land Registy Office for theo Regislry Division of Haton (No. 20) as Plan 20R-4330. E 16 l

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