C8 The Canadien Champion. Wed.. art. 31, 1979 SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE of tis haoppy Irong of Ernest C. Drury School Grade t studenîs 10 Jim Aikenhead assistant program dindcoo f thi Mounts- berg conservation aria schooi. The Titi Hallou Rigion Jim Aikinitiad, annolt- Cunservaton Autitority ant programn diectur. han emarei oe a e e i ite Monshrg semaitu oiintrouciot Coservationu Ania s tue ciildren la te joyn o scene again thin year ut a sature prcgant ai dCianging She's a good Feilow A correction on 1001 uceiko Peope Column aonouiccmcnt. Anit Donotity Stone of Haton His has bein made an Honorary Feiiow of the Heraidry Society of Canada, flot a member as had been stated. She is one of two vomen tb hi so hononcd. The otînîn ecipient is Dr. Pauline McGibbon OC, Lieutenant-Govirnor of Ontario. ObituarY David A. Wilson Dasvi Alxandinr t aîjadian Leton Br. 71 Ateni Wilson. Whoitii iur uvivid ho tus resiii ai Tale Ae. Wiir Ruty i(Service) Funi Erie. dieu Wrd O) son, tire ritohers esiay, Ot 24.1979 ai Stanle Ervei an te Douttas Niinoriai Artitur ioi Miton. IWO Hospiitalin Fort Erie. sisterrv Miss RthtWison Hi vas oru iniitlon iif Miton and Vere i Mrs Sept. 21, 19t6 an as iDonaldi MNab ut emptoyed i he ongosirs Torontu), atto Ionee mni ut Canada as ad thneevnepitio' euniomsofottîen ilie e haverai seviervas idadin te For Erie coducied roct Si ae ton aiotui40 ycrs.,tidreas Kvoo nie s a memhar. eider t'resityteniav Chancit anitenitoftsessionioftSi Suiriay Civ CJ. Kri Anaws Kox Presity-îîiiaint Inermievi teian Ciurei. aisîî a ,ias i n G(enwnvv meishar of te Rioyal i'eviezeie ALEX SHitldcRIFS of 196 Onario St. N~. grew an eight-pound turnip on his pro- perty. The lurnip is ose of ivo he gnew from a registered seed. Social council serves students were in Mountaberg to tae .port b~~~ ~~ Clgn esneprogrsm of eductionlerihetoffened by the Halton Regon Conservation Authority. Changing Seasons draws childrenSan. it sterle vitit pappai shov paus hnp Ivu lsaff mevhann. Iis givio rhitdrnn asidea utfvital tey cliisue. Mot of titi chitdren come frum hkindengaten lu Grade 2 and for masp, il in te liraiime they havebhein cunese toa iving animal. Mn. Aikeuhead aid chititinn are uselly tiviieinmb Ivo gnuupo. ose gruup viti go ual lu rotteci nsedvwite titi otiten gaeinto1 teharnnn animais. Titi groups, ususltp intercitang halfvay tirouti te 90-minute prognauM. Mn. Aitinitiai nid Ciangin Sasous ai- tracled mre thau 9000 youngtirs lv Muns- hrt at ear and hi ixpecîn taI namhar lu ha iquslied ini 107. Mos t ite children cume runi Hattunbuha tew clanses arrine rues Pet and Hamiltun- Wenlvorit THEHOUSE1 Moiivvveee iîousuoiiv nui neoiled. Cton0the Keeice8plasticO sue itiosn houiit le qatcd, sci grond.li Feoive sin io nit cf vu su ichet ci avsai' nd il aovud bue' clipva cater,.andiiLciidiun- idvi ies intalaia Fr PuSer-ie nLamet Mnitly RosI Raeti Prsaedaa l srvice t op timls ts host dences A series out douces han hein plssnid for te youengepleoMi lten. Tite dences are speusored by titi Millen Cummitteton Vo>utti and wiutb h titiin te Oplîmit Centre un Commercial St. They viilbehhîd Nuv. 2 and Nuv. 30 fnumn 8 p.m. toit p.m. Amisson us mO pin pinson and a dine jockey viii ha npplyist music. Titi dances are for those agid 13 lu 18. Titei viti hae Chrismas dance un Dec. 2 ai te Optimisi Cintre. Il iii tetue a a me iband and as tite dasce a nsemi- frmat. no jeans vitt ha aluvei. Aiminion pice hasnsot et hein se. Titi dauces une Mtu iton MFinsStovE. Miton whLerehas never bien s teck ai mci dhm e ffortsa viicihave, leci mode vere n ai amal icale end oc.e- limes have hi.. dop- llcsted. Ibisteed te centnsail hmhe a.n eimed tor sec. paons, bitt Itas1 aily la May tht se- thing stated lu ha dens. That meeting tnotigitt tugititer te cayons ot te fair eglunal munie- ipalities, titi eginnal chaimnisan d epresent- atives of te Ivu United Ways senving Haltes. Ontut itatcame te Halten Regional Social Planning Ceencili itu s mandate ta prepane a repontuontiti social seedu of te ealon. Toat repet vas pren- entai Weduendey at Regiunlceencl.fi laintite foundellus f a pnoenom le ervi titi socisi seedu ut thte residinte ut Hatus te cupe vitit ivperte musitnueming gruisthin thei1 lOBe n d lOtiO. mhe li ottiti Hlote Hegienat Social Planning Couacit in Ivo-fl; une ungmnizatiusal and une conceptuel. The council mechars tee th it rt ote, 'te cusrdiuate titi efforts f exsting toial planning councits and otetintm- enitd graupn lu under- laite egmuat studies, discussiun, projets and prugava consintent vitit titiobjutilves ut Pur- tîipaint sciel plenning councilu and otîn mevhans." The seund ote ultes: The cummn u prpoen ut Halons Social Panning Counilu une lu trenglten iudvidual and famiy lite, tlu im lite in the nummunity, und te promoli and cusniinete un efective, wîlt itutncii pnugnamn ot heltit, wnfreeand The social ptaningE ceici prenmted nro- inSalcetaicilflcavlit vitaltteycolai!d.lia noctaUt's ci Hate." te 17, 27sperimtaif Haltena populastion vas uider14orne,4 oa tl. Mmny of tes. citldres i I pn cent) conei romn homes vie.hbatit par- ente vert. f11haetmt.dl 20,100 ot Haltns 07,000 familes tatI in tdus category. In Ise, six pariaint un about 4009 ut Haltensa familles had a sngle pan- ent headlsg te ites- hiod. Titi social planning ceenti ilstaein"ntirsali care Iu a necesaty." Daycarae, afler acitent cari and cane darntg lunchitime isasuC ieise isamisei. itey suIe muni at- tention lu gise te havi lu haegivne ute 1lOpincent (01,110) ut Haltens pop ulation halvien te agin of là and 2. Haltes hai recreatiosal esîlîte, drop-is centres and scit- est ctiities, tut somithingse annseedid. Tiis group vill seed couumeliing un careirs and it viii tailtel gudnecui seluoru and social agescies lu pruvide help. 0f speciat iigniticance ns titi n-called "tnouuiled chili" vitu trouge inheritei un iearsid citaractirintics, is in iifficatty. Accudigle a Miislny ut Edocaliuu ripent, 14 pin cent ut Hatns yuese peope tati inlttis calegury. Tiis gnuup cas cnsuint ot aupune tnom te hasiicappei and tuose vitit tîarning diahiitiies te titi muni gitleiut chidres vito anelus haned tu eki en inesi inscitust Titi Chiinrens Annesu- ment aud Trusîment Cintre is rying lu deotat SNOW BLOWER FREE ELECTRIC START 1991 SPECAL 10% ALL SNOWMOBILE CLOTHINC BIG DISCOUNT ON ALL SNOWMOBILES LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT CENTRE 878-8121 Corner of Hwy. 25 Et Derry Road South, Milton, A good look at your atilc could save heat and dollars A weloisulated home uses far less energy for heatng than a poorly insulated ove, To fuIIy utilize the energy you pay for there should be à f b6 nches of iisulation covering the ceilîrrg and 3 riches n Oail outside walls Heet cen also leait througtt doors and windows, Thats why weI-fittlng storms, good weether-stripping end ceretul cautking are 90usd invesirnents. o cen conserve energy end help reduce cosîs by keeping more of the hat you use nside the home. your hydro mlilton hydro 230 Main St. Phone 878-2343 lucide. Liatyesr tiii1 centre itandieul sis Yung1 peoplebut thtewaiting Im police, amd socal workera are tnrttg te capa vitithtiti2,774 cid-j e uaden 16 tuio came ila contact wtttithe l.v lant year. Fullyr 1,764 tuire t-.patcs. TIb. case leas i are higitamd titinumber of toe tryng tu hip are liited aveunoew. At tie ti heaidaioite seueare soenisitese aichais are -rwn yearny. Ie 177, 12,20 peple vieeaven titi age oies5itut by 2001 ates wil bave 37,00 even titat agi. itaeed un cernent gnewti trnd. Socialplannng comniltai memban Rob McKenzie said mait ai titi needi of enios are nv met ity volenteens, vitit mpaid beandsofo dinectern vite guide provlisnof service. "'nirfr ndlag hases vany tnm nealy el- usine isverrnment tond- li gta ne goverement fusdisg af al; ram heavy service riait tendisg lu non. ai ail. mbe enderîlfig statamesl hine mode te regional counci la titi loch ut fende mnd vunitens. 'Maiy utfte social service egeecten have heavy caseloades sme hecause ottie nomier ut cliente is incneaslsg dnomallcally; mme itecamie cthacha in fending have sot aluwed replacement f stafvitu htave left," M. McKeszie said. 'Agenien alto sumetimes find taItefr perspective un seedu oand soutiuns ilmited hy tem uows husy-nmns TIbeyre s usuy igitt- ing lligaturu, tey cent sete fluud seppruschiig titi swevp,' hi ei. ,Mr ý,qw ý«-- - - -- - - - edlag ieip la ternis01 lagesmiciwm dcvd .casuitelp agendas itodien ".W. Pwode cmiadt- ilon end advcei mon ul- lagasourcesasd teuai o existg soarces. "'W. pienide in- formation an grnt remarues and fusdlag applications. fonmatien mia tudi var- iety ai lopilca fracal needs te, ageschma, te, cemeslty preillemna. "We pravide ala.. ameute many agmacies valth. Haltitand tuit erganisatioss amd gavmenmataaiade titi reglan", aid oial Th o ccii bas îtarted le preltare a pnegram ai lcnprevlsg tesdlag te, ail PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOMUO POVINCIAMOIRCATION TO THE RNOIOAL PLAN PieuoCuiom u ase bein 25 p helterfon h Mnsryo. uionai ouliingeote Ppoud Provinitlmodifications lu Tilt REGtONAL PLAN e tee, rcoie naidoimiy e l laeoni Thomanupuai vulfinThen vit aiucciai ls DNonominte3100ensutls Aewinl AdmnistuaionuBildin Thu opoa odifcatiotnvi Onl b isai te1 thcue. Noebe 319»7eeig5. h PannnCmmcins tonnumunniann om hîvîOOM O.1t 1:30aeeîooite Rcuaî DaedatOakiftotuhi 2it a outobeut, 1979. Garfietd rowno TOLEPHC)NE: 827-2151 Regionat Ctrt - Ot. 333 cM' n &tJU r Ifs our 5th Veer in Miltan, we'd like ta extand this invitation toalal the folks in Milton and area ta participate in aur special anniversal'y appreciation sale... we'll be expecting yau, Frank, Petra, Marilyn. MEN'S, BOYS' WOMEN'S Regular14.698ta *4998 C) L7sII ffln:npANNIVERSARY SALE PUCE... Lades $498 LaisLeather Ladies' Countrydp Dress and Kiki Lane Casual Boots Casual Boots Leather Boots Regutar $60Rogalan $Q0 Regular $80 $40 $3O $60 FREE SET OF SPRAY and WAX WITH EVSRY PAIR OF LADIES' BOOTS PIJRCHASED Insu Iated Boots Reguter *39q98 T1um & FrL iF@@TWEARUtl9 1250 MAIN STREETiA«mfoatrPoatofoSl871-1005 MILTONI WEKNM N allus ic fuel oil delivery. TEXACO uc"auum MiLlONOMME87"01 MM C~ i . .......... ... aitMtdtsilaitb«Tes. Civ nAM hua ima ceepletd s ane iel tve s a lih t "Wqbagnapy ain a *af etmileanythelpaents =itlag m a r e &iWian - H es i p a u na m i eci aot Pt1on i iItIttiinla ilii tait tMm îc ai ee- a the osie a de biasa niifleatfa. t, bau t pa tiition la mote tevuetrMtnnatn ai matce. conuc p in ittelt. laat T tiOvdein à t mantepal lectlnal i mm-hoe aitic.steial Snil min lly a aonnitea ablche qualain rotesledi dtiifhlgii 21000 v0 neeyinconmau repadntl. etecmmatfa mi ii.milani au (4 acent inathce Imi MnT M ,0d 1mcale ctiie Cke heai Cmd itimlaiit itui 3 > uai abi lstimOf macl a irchcsw etai cmmst. RiesSia cmülr. amIdei "Masy peephe b ar. Ciatin foraltgesul. iit.dl pac a d thetnadIu u Haltes. gunty. Raa-naoa0" Plaig TI-IE =EQIONA UNCPunTUPi for jint 9 =.rà%Id