Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 1979, Perspective, C6

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C6 The Canadien Champion, Wed.,Dc. 31,1979 Royal Winter Fair begins hy Frank Ayect Barn oou and oser- ails hobnoh with top bats assd inb aI Tornoos minuai Royal Agricullucal Winter Fair, uvhere farw and fashion ,ingWfic batsh..ha heen caled the World Series of Nrh Arercnfit and ,intOer fesivals. l'îpulacly knoan as 'he Royal." il is a rare llesd o high socely and harîîyard consîsialily, admil]1Ilhe oaged in th. clsuio Torooos Exshihition PlaceIis oaroinNos. 010o17, ils Uro ne rof are 27 acres o champions, drmoîîsricuiîo the nto here is food ogis.îir' and hou il 15 r,,dcrd Thusands o) aniaissfood oenery descrpion, rocilîng ,ncion,'dsplays and aiiO"appea oal thelb lttr awot"y hroughout filrc hhl areas. show ing. nd arns I'inRosalis for ee'y- miei- het'her a cty dueiiler tised la th. feraiof pavement unoderoeor a tarcinrr oîho o anstse he liic', in techniques and daashinery. Thte 'hoa 's radtional pagceantr> hlpslao mah.e il pchapo the mosI eearil occasion on the i'.îiadian oc0ial caleo' lac The prîcale hases. s'.yroilI" during the ,li it oaly or the Qulie'oreprsentoline i Canada. arr împres- s'oolî lslooned i gogeu8 la iOentand ,lililair v decoratians cIn theanharh ring The loal ilorse Show. a Ihighi lfor hall a coniu>and amao :pocing eointacclairned thriohiiut ho îorld. ,1i haveladîog in ternational rders. :1:01 1i1'i roadslers. li-ikne vis palawniîiob ,c'a' hi,,-cs and hunIers conipi îg or Canadas op.îiîscds Aliog ithlli anadas he, thîeespeclacular lîntthbsî rîders and rSheep (\,-ini -herp pro ,iî:cls,'andlriends locî lL111U f 1.1 îîc a i lamh '.,,icdioocnithe Dog Ken- eli ic'oned I ot peaker %a .Il licol hikel. thr oea 'lS,," ,lep Fieldna fiîlîîthe'Nlîoîstry olAgri- ill oi iand Food, Nw- gr l iir-riiin osscd hin l),' la,tle,'i iri inth an 1 Oercent i scrasr i ,c0liib, i.locuingdithepast i. i .:,:,, l. The w, no' .,the rop eountres, particularl2l tb. Unted Saes, Argentns, Mxco, Brazil oand Ireland, dstingished rotenders ail. Hon. show pr- lormasees are held mos eeniongs and un0 aeai aftcrnoons. Despite the opulece f sanie of 110s iollors aial 11tr00$ thc Royal Agricultural Wier Fate in stil, as it hogan 1more thon 50 years ago, a farn show, and lb. diretons fight a contant baile 1.9 keep th. word "Agricul- rural' in ils long and unwieldy tile. A champions rihbon ai The Royal is Ilh. olimal.. achienomelt in h. art and s1cines Of agrculture. On o th. pool slogans was "If you'se von The Royal, you'ne won il ail"- The select o) al breedo of linestock are carried wnany hundredo of miles to h. Royal and are hown alon wth the mosl nearly perfect examples o egetables, truit, grain, flowers, huler. cheese. boney- al the outputof othebfarm. This year sonne 20,000 enries o almosl hondless variety-from sleers lu ropcal is- are especrd lo ba shown hy lhousands of exhibîlors rom ail parts o Canada, heU.S. -and senecil foreigri cort The superharnesl is drawalically displayed and explained for bth cly ansd 10cm isîlors, as The Royal s aimed. nol oily aI improvng the otandards o Canadian agriculloure. hulis aln increasiof udrston ding and co-operation h- tweee urhan and rural people. In recenl years he lir han put growing cphasî'.on foood, a suhject hal inleresîs haîh armers and cily people, as prodocers and For exawple. there are cooing demonsrulions emphasizing h qualily and versatility of Sosibly recapture thse Royal Agriculturol Winter Fair, an annuol ocrt littie miss as shc fixtire in Toronto coming 80 its 5st year. ing contestant at tihe t opens Nov. . Canadian faem food. Too, the young of a hos of faees animals-calses, piglets. chicha, doclings and olber membees of lb. haenyaed smallfry- are Ihere foc the special heneft and dl igbl of the younfesl iiluen. LasI yeae The Royal ulcomed inernaional visilors rom 45 counleles rom Ausralia lu Zansia. incloding 38 stales of tlb .S11., c cording 10 regstrations mode aI the GuesI of Canada hoothb Ca' eixg 10 the inter rsmblings stimulated hy al Iis bounleos lare are a licnsed dinîng room, a cafeteria and snackbhar.. in ssî, Tbe Royal is yong, enhusiastic people enhibting and judgnf. The Royal is a pho gaphee's lîeld'duy wilh is riot o loal crealions. Il is geandpaeents relishîng th. nostalgia siered hy lbe charm ut enquîsile haod 50011 quilts and home-made goodio. fit s a spalleso show in ecpsf wth the cdean- lness of the city ini whch lis held. Il is o wolsomne producers hold meeting purehced director un the lOtario Sheep Asso- atio0n. dscussed tlb .in creased compensation for sheep and lambo hîlled hy dogs and covotsr$200 rallier thon he prvîoua $100. 0 Shhoalofor the lino- stock esaluolors are 10 ha held duti iig the wiiilOc mîoiths lhroughout Alhert Honmer. Rorlînflan. the ecreeary il tho Onario Dorse Cluh, soîd the club o has80 memhen wth the annual meeinglo beheld on Tueday. Nov. 18 aI thr Roal Aricultural Wnler ier Clre Sasman. Wes Mlotrose the new presîdeol of the recenly irmod COtario Suffolk Association, said the f irsl anulwmeeingfwould be held ai 1he Royol Agr cuilural Wner Foîr un eiuber No. 12 or 14. A o t a! "19 lsheep iluh membees completed he.yer's poframnt nthe 3-5 Y, 12g1 7_20Y, 1/1 1 1 1. 10'1. CahellertiiOOýbe aihed a010001010i s 1000 00000 oe0ne ,0.00. heltS i icad 6 Cankad&i'uxm chasge rom the ecic conditions if a woeisome wold. Il's open feom 00.00. to 10 p.m. Monday 10 Salue- day and rom If arn. on Sunday. Parking is avaitableors lb. Bathurst Enhibition slreetcae o GoTrain will abe you rigbl 10 lbe ste. Admission. Adoîls $2.75, slodenlo l 50 childeen nde12 01.00 and, on Nos. 9, senior citizens 01.00. For ticket information contact: Royal Agrclloeat Wntee Foie. Exhibition Place. on ilh allon 4-H Non. 24 oece Douf Monrose and Amios Sheep Club hoiîg the Kennedy. Abeet HunIer. Kiîchen. Lynden. hghenî numh.r of ClareeRoumais Maen Peer Sranch, Nornal membees compleling. 15. Smith. ranchtos. ond uos elecled os the Delegoles elecled 1:, Henry Sanley, Rock' dreclor rom Halton 10 th. Onario heop ansool wood. Alernates are Zone 3 nf the Onario meeting in Torontaol Gordon Swîlocc. West hep Assoiation. 1 -FREE DAY REaITAI Ni I THIS WEEKEND * RENT SATURDAY. ClEf SUNLIAY FREE I IMPORTANT: YDU MUST DRING THIS AD FOR FREE DAY - * Marquis R Windoo0ios * Monnh il R s <1" A Et 8Passenger . aph, Een-s ~ 350 1000 j *iCacis i ------ N706E2 IFor a DaVI a Weeb' a MonthI a Ysear! Check Dur Economy Ratesj :GALLNER MOTORS LMITED 65MIS.E.(TWLO)MLO 87-28 Junior Farmers attend meeting Dy Davi Ageen Gneat Britain in lui. 1h. exoctiso mem- This laommoto farmens bers cf h. Haltoo Janor or arn omanagers vho Farmer$ hld a meeting vould 1k tu htter 1heir Ost. 3 aith. agriçltoral bowledgeoffarmtng. officetin Miton. Ago pefernd in h. Preildent Cecil Patter- 30 te,40-yar brocket. sonop.oed the meeting. Wlnns l ho as- The minutesofoSth.8te1stmmeed by Dec. 1. Mone meeting ensd treasurers informaton wiU h.c gises i-.p or engleen by Phil by contactlog Paul Agnew. Laidlaw ai41-455-8519, Provincial drector Thon isa a tentative Paul Laidlam gave a re- Chrstmas dance Dec. 7. port onoupcomi8*g esl. Haltoo Junior Frmea lb. live.tock mange- mode a doationl10 h. ment toar wll ho ai- Oxford Couii1y Relef tesded by Phtl Agiew, Fond. Scot Harrs and T.d Cecl Patterosirulral Potter, report mll ho h0ed Yn1th Day ai h. Royal Satardaypo ai 0:30 al..0O Agrtcultural Winter Fat. COtWO radio. la Nov. .OM M Thre l gomng In ho a Nuffield Scholarshtp. This a foar-mioth travelling scbolanshtp 8in _ Sheep show ~J Oy Doug Miller Two. members of the - Haltos 4-H Sheep Club tnbk part in lbe 4-H Inter- club Sbeep Show ai Rickton Foier..ii a i In the type class, Richard Sanley was - omesemn second and Gerbard - Oan Treniraxos mas forlb wx.11îw. In th. snor shomman- d sbip claix h. reiulti a.,. 0xne wee 41h Rihard Stanley wwmo. - and <<lb 0 GerhaO S Treviranai Geba AMSUCO Geehard Treesranus agoae h, oo,0 won h Me. and Mes s sone. Unseé Egn Smth Trophy for wtm aoi. endaI lb. Champion Nosice mtxed v ob oi Showmon nopen t10 <st roteunup yeare me mheex I nadun under noobigation Ça S e aI for feein home estimale 633-2170ethectoryo CaCpeteProne OOWNSOEW MISIOSAGA SC88OAOGO RI MMeDOLL WHITU5O0IAWA 7 FNC AE W148 UNDS T 19KENNED RD 90 10720 nSCABO CH ONQE ST N1618 OUNDAS ST E r, 50 0 "ATDUFFERIN JUST EAST 0F 00 DI TE LL ERE AT ELIiN MILLO R0 EAST 0F THICKSON RD soi Ooo 0000 , 9 00 2-400 72010 $8631723 078180 2 0-6 52 500000iii E ZZ Sheridan's open house Sheidmo COUP 18lafacIPsa'tiUl*k wth 'holding ~ a pecWalcarer 00111Z<180801100 <0 B:ýramtnCampoa, ct.z l A m pudivsilons 0 0ilthe Oakvtlle wllbe oitetibd et tl Cams.,Nov 1 8*con oe hotsinb.'&. fint Carier Weei (Oct. and scrtatIaiOs 20 to Nov. 4). 815080 U0iP 'Caneer Planning for comsdty sricu, the0 008" la designed w omptrM stodl, liheral prmt ^cnraare. and gaerai as"08, 0000 000000 Oheridan nw d ?dW todeolo and members of tS n th ccommty. 3 , osailog is During the rareer open o,isa] arts. bouoe, Ono 12:00 h to Ftiis andsalides wtiieo 20:00 h et bah = ca 8. hw aod t- 0wM I h locatioms, Setdngi t hoth locato. reroeativsa il ho Thon 8*00- admis"lo. e.oileie 80prosode RefreshO0008* viUie h inforomatio on0$a vide asilahie. OseryOns 8* range of ocupatioms in velcomne. h. joh market.____ Il viii provide an op- portonity for bh Tco he-b. local apple studensoanl erd = horestin8 over. Sins momhon .of the comn- 'irnn.ane sellsng apples muslty t. n.e Sheidnos from torage. saisi

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