ST. PAULS 0F THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Main Si. oîjnnSt. S THE REV. E.T. JACK tli BIRTCH ni Sanday, Oct. 14, 1979 th ît,08A.M. Teansfer Sunday 7 Rncetn ofa Nnew MeInOnîn ti Semrnon, Ca 8iientsi and 11:00 A.M. BOSTON and OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES ena. Lorry A. Wnlsh 878-3»8 t Sanday. Oct. 14, 1979 0 BOSTON 3,d Lino. Esqaeng Township 0 3o a.m, Chanlil Solant nionewerchî OMAGH Botarmis Rd. W. V 11:00 ao,. -..ChuînllSoIoi Et DivienWnahip, ANGLICAN CHURCH t 0F CANADA Y GRACE CHURCH b 317 Man St. Mîltanl Sunday, Oct. 14, 1979 -s TRINITV XVIII 8:0( a.,a -Hnlo Ca,- 10.30a.a, -Mattons 9:30 aa1-eno Caa,Cach 10:30 a.r -Junior Chaîclo Thurnday 10:00 a.- -Haly Co, ST. JOHN'S 9:30 a... Halo Caa Ctrch Sahoal CST. GEORGES 11t00 a.m Moeiq Pfayer & Sermon. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Panna,' Dr. J.n. Armstrong 878-3908 Sanday, Oct. 14, 1979 9:45 Saadoy Satani Et Aduit Bile Clannen 100e ma t7:00 p Evaageiîtie nervices with Oaa JOG Stuckey b om- palier, Ohia, aad the tad's Song a Mle Ocarolttof Ginad Baptint Chuch in Motav thraaah Wedondao Tuenday 9 46 Callee Ha,, Wedaenday 7 30 Pa. Meeting tar Pfayer aad Bible Stado Nursery0 facilitie ors pîrod et ai Suadao Servceand ond THE FR ES BYT ERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON 170 Ma,n St E. 8788687 Rev. TrevoîJ. Laaaî O, Hr Cha- L..40,: MI. Air, Ra4,ca', Sunday, Oct. 14, 1979 9:45a.m - Chuîch Schaci 0:00 a - Adoîl 0,010 1100 a,,- M,na0 VisitatioStmday Nursery availohie MILTON GOSPEL HALL 3060',Oa St. N 87802022 Chrs onather00,0 in The NoMe of The La,dJfflunCh,,st Suaday, Oct. 14, 1979 10004O r..-Ben B ead 11 454 rm Sc',day Schoal 700p m Ganpol Service Wednesday 000 pr Poaîe and Bâle0 Reading ,WhcooaOa, 8c,aoath ,,, Hr CHURCH 0F CHRIST. 1412 Bnhanaaa Rd. WaOt Saeday, Oct. 14, 1979 10:00 a.r -11 Bil choal CI." fo la ait e0 slip and The La,d'8 Sapo 730 p m Preacteg of The Gospel Wednenday 7:3D p,.- Bible StîdY "The Churahen oi Christ astue Yu.- Romlan., 16:16. TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 4372 Appiobo Line Sunday. Oct. 14, 1979 9,45 nIe -nible SChool fa, il a.. E 7 p... Aa OnOOche, -0.e Lian tallîgher af Hoopoîn, Baptist Tuesciay 7:00 p.,.-TrîiîBniy ' *& Wededay 8:w p.,e. -Pa, meting end Bblennady. "DncarOiag ail teIon 88of Gad'.' HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH ai Canada cone o Wakefield and Onariîo Stsn PaotaR«. M Ch,îstnsoen 878-2064 Sunday, Oct. 14, 1979 9'45 aa. SanaoSo 0000 1,ï008.0. Moeiaa Wor 6:00 p.-1 Eaenaag Feiday 730 p.m. - "FarniloNiaht- Actlivi oaOey ,0r0 of the fanlo. SahaaI Joiet8a grow180 <U)hool91 .j The Canadan Chamopion Wedi. Oct. 10, 1979 7 itProthaene Cause $20,OOO0 damnage Prnthane Ltd. Mnnday1 marning and did $20000 damage in an apparent act ni vandalism, No- thing wan stoten. Company presîdentt Warren Carter arrivedc back in Mitonn from a hniday in Fîrda tn tînd eltemirain nplted anta the Ilt0r and o0cr filtes. 9000fi.aIlonte, central locatio, 0, 4n01$21,900. ponds andnshackLouaIt building site, aOingo $49900. COMMERCIAL 66- x 132'a ot 0140arg brick buildng. large18or and 4 ap.,tmen10 Parkingg iad 80081 ment, anhena $74,900. 081001 lot rlh 8001108001 buiigd o 44eidacce, 13,000.4 41,0 pi'- àOKN OVER THESMESS 'created by ane of several break-in vandaîs fis Warren H. Carter, the owner of Prothanie Ltd. on0 Bronte St. Damage is estimated aI $20000. Police recover stolen truck A pchaup truck soaea le Iîid 10 ieO 0-'lki roma a Oampbettvitte aeyýttiag mas wo rg. residenre Saaday as Els brother. cGrant been reearered by flattasJacksoa. liciag arst Regianat Plicer.dolor. cpoted..Jhe truck Acrdng tapoiceethe teacîag. lie presuird il 1975 vehiete betngiegtotamas is brouiner 00oin Garfield JacksoanaflOft 3. moih saîd police. cimpbeîtitte oas The truck oas ds disaaered rînîng a40 ovoerd ai oooFù*ol 11l30afai. The teuck alîai ne otl to aIl astord been ettparked in the rear îroirîs. Pyaoodl drivesray rîllo the keys in 'atued ai $140 oas also the vehie lakeîî rro hack îof Mer.Jacksn a ltd polce the truck. he was alcaened by dagn Polce arre oallaolîlg barking ai 6,30 .00 bai Iheir investigation. R~SCL1RHIIC Z:EHV RII proudly presents 3rd ANINUAL EVENINGO0F OCTOBER 12 and 13 Keaturing *Ixciting Entertainment - dance to the music of the OBER1KREINER BRASS BAND! *Hearty Germnan Cuisine *FabulousPrizesç4jg Fun, Fro lic and Frivolities *Miss Oktoberfest Con test "WUNDERBAK" f COME EARLY TO GUARANTEE YOUR TABLE OR PHIONE FOR RESERVATIONS BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE MILTON MAL 878-3901 MLO M mTO tedgabte, 814lOlaoUn damage," saîd Carter. "Soamebady Oer chat w80 in here aad thry aet rght la 1he 48040 Ihal waatd do threîîîaa damage" Mr. Carter said Tues- day hele oaffr a $000 ressard 10 40y080¶ pro vidîîg inotrmationtî henciot, of the cuiprîta. The oandats raterera lhraugh a rear door. jîmmyîag the, dear osîto a crocsar here giagon altearaofdestruction. "TO ere u rre tîce harrelsofa chemîrats and the only Imîîahirtdaa't eaprateowerraopred Up hîn ptant ras ravered itaa thi00 resta 8By deteemin- îng the claIe ofthOr resîn. Carter papiated the ap- poximale lmrof etry. A thîck c,'0r011r41 paured on îites aînd deassiags. 1Or] and anatlîer ohemirat er dumped on the Ilt0r. CarIer said rie iet the paint torardn a dingrani' ted ea'emptayee and han reteased a int ai namen tiI the potire. TOhe raepaay 40100 manuactures patyaee- lîane sufferedone minar break-ia 2', ,,înthn aga. Thercompanyhbas beenaon Brote S. inîMltoa far abolut Iwo years. Trhe Loft A&nniversary Important savings on Junior fail fashions Cord Pants Reg. $32 tei $36 8 waîe caedarop pantis 2 stles, bath belted. Sures 5 ta 13 in Black, Wne, Grey, Cantl Flannel Skirts Reg. $28 Polpester and woi straight-imne backsnit. SiresS ta 13 in Wne,n 8 Taupe, Greey Mandarin Shirts Reg. $16 Long sîeeve, plpes- tee ond cotton man- Sires 5 80 1 3 un Wildberrp, Onoil,- Pnk, Smake, Blue: Pîamberry. M Ski Jackets Reg. $60 & $65 100 ayloc 210884 18d 10, Su4e8 8. Cal Sweaters Reg. $14 te $21 100 crylc "Le FRag-nt sweaters. 5 button vente and long sleeve V-neck round neck ntyles. Sizes SAML in Snow, Fusillao Blue Port, Pearl. Fashion Blazers Reg. $65 to $80 $5O Plain and tweed looks in wool blended Iabrîcs. Belted, leaiher lrîmmed, shawl and nolch col- fer styles. Sizes 58ta13 in Geeys, Beowns andl other fait coloara- bions. Dresses Reg. $28 & $30 B len abrics in 10 s failln newest lashion lenglOs and styles. Alifait caloueed. Sres 5 ta 13. 2 Pce. Suits Reg. $84 te $120 Waal blends in plain and tweed looks. Yaae choîce oI belied blazer, basic blazer, shawl and notched stples. Complote wilh sîraight skiets, some nl Itront and bock. Sires 5 ta 13 in Grey, Brown, Beige, Blae. Suit Dresses Reg. $38 Bufnfront suit dresses in Fali s newest looks. Sorne belled. n biendied prinled fab- ens Sizes 5ta 13. Fait coloars. Brushed Twill Shirts Reg. $26 leu Ass'd check patterns in short pointed, cul-awap ond other collared looks. Long sleeved, pockeled. Same wilh pleoled back pakes. Sire 5 la 13 in Browns, Baes, Greens, alhers. Blouses001Reg. $28 Short poînted cl far, drop shoalder styles. 5hirred Jlff Wi1h fll or hall f l plaquets. 100n~ polp. Sizes 5 t0 13MM n Black,0W0ile, Smnoke, others. Straight leg Pants Reg. $32 Polyester woI & polpester rayon straîght 109 pontse. M~ Sîzes S 10 13 in Black, Grep Wîne. A Straight Skirts Fsinanws Reg. $24 1.0k, $115 tea $145 Fi"lIn latesIco ts n Pl ns a-ted eu a ao nd 0008labe c Ses 5 la 13 n Brad Grys B ow aer Not ail styles available in ail colours and sizes. Chargex- w- Mtrcharge f chut* s"dSs..