PrOi.rty... yens, dnmmm lome aow ba it you asia mouId tain Ibit a autod- &A aponta MalIOLea.III mare If a matn ümtia cdm and «y aim artm7y amdd maddnt te &M raim. be adt acrma yma back- Bie mm te rosiai yain yardoa, if a laclaip' nouai ta aàampra narahune an ahiappl nhalahalîdagyanmar Loutr UP UMM noadabat honr a ablllty W in tapait put mmn dia apana ta the poitaiti Oipr yen mhm iak Ye ar es lIma Wan nIa arunal ahi al4hha-4 The Canadian Champion, Wed. Oct. 10, 1979 R7 and aie If thi houmaiare averannal allaerit en ara oaidawtag ta in tam mm essoailpricerange arrmtai ag Iaeta miru iagi thitait ma yen mina tilenl? If thie area ta tony and you're prmsentlp arius- tomwed Ontet e atima.s mdll thia bea difflcadty ta anpcneiayma- famtty? la titane ennagit paring for titi vemicene yaar famitp paue? therein no roean yen __at itanci an a lin dacen and ant quaestiaons of paon prospective ngiia. Iindace yntf and taquine amenitien of tite neigit borhood. Neigihaorsau h qalto apicifir aad Iniplut and perliapa telt yaa abaut tiigayencve lorgattea ta ast. Datag thin kind of aa- uatiag and researcht in gattlag itac ta titi tarie pnlorltien of par- "lcatin toa- tioanmd lacatian, niticit are att Impartant in that tifetinai decinian yen maite nOie yen aittle mi NEIL S. MacLEAN LIF - MORTGAGE -BUSINESS -GRoOUP MUTIJAL LIFE OF CANADA 350 MAItNST. E.. MILTON La? tP6 878-6ll Shop Around... Cantianuei fronm page 6 a mortgage riat. reserven for peaple like Outtine how yoa wili yen. repay yanr martgage aad Ramait la mitai ito mmrh yoccn afard Murray Ruack Stem & O carry. Calma. Tarnto. Yaur payenents amatit Cantinaed fînen page3 never exceed 30 per cent of your altir-tan incame. theit-i. If van can canvmnre a Mayor Don Gordan af tender that yen are a Milton wetcamed the gond riait. yoa increase board and provinal rasi yaalr bnrgaimang paner entato rigistrar At Bua- for the ton internt rate stockt, aaid he nas na faver. able ternna he Plueadt0betltre. KNIGHT INSURLANC AGENCY LIMITED Don Knight, AJ.C. CLEMENTS Et NOBLE INSURANCE AGENCY LTD 0717217 'Wf SELL AL CLASSiES OFINSYRANCE" The Canadian Champion Meeting The Needs of Our Community Improvement Check List El Ad&"at El Elalica E CaunWa* E chute Caninil D Pmm, g EPa". E Klmut Ean Storm Wmdaws ': Pahithie Li Papatht E: Limîho E Roofhtg El Shlh El 1utâit Cana* on &*Wâ àfw~o , dé (voeawfflfor one woek yc walt dmo! GUS MOWBRAY FURNACES - HEATING REPAIRING AND CLEANINO 436 Main Strelet 878-2381 Wl CARRY A COMMLEE UNE 0F a Lambin a Instiution - Carpoi "Ala imî Stormn Danai & v dama * Plaimblng Eqalpomant SEE OUR OCTOBER SALE 25 Staukus Av., Mita LAWN On GARDEN EGUIPMENT Et SUPPLIES PET &a BIRD FEEO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HARDWARE WORI< CLOTHING PAINT 878-2391 n0 BRONTE, MILTrON Aq AM.fý Walter The grl m Like it" aFREE INSTALLATION i FREE SERVICE aLOWEST MONtHLY RENT RATiS iaBIR McDouml 844-9781 VILLA/aIiairai MASONRY O eaaaitaiE it4AM aIC L JLaaSO PAiTItOS LOSNIA