THE DOMINIlON STORE t Meadewvale versary psrty. Il oan hghltghted octh s Town Centre which serves Milton oas port number tf gifts and prizes being given of the food rhumns croos-Canada 60tth enni' uwsy. 70,oO baioéons Dominion's 6Oth birthday Domiio Stores Limited. Canad's largenl retail grorery compooy, celebrted ils 90h brlbday Oct. 3. T mîark theoccaioin. a aebeeeiing ceremony as ield sn eacis store, office and archeuse. To pt aIt of Canada nIe lie irthday spri. Dominion released simulteneoiisly a 3 pm. acros lie diais, oser 100'00e elîum filird halloon Esery haleesn cetaîsed a coupon redeemable ai any Dominion Store and prises isclude. ise 1980 Honda Cîvie Hatcihachs espeially painîrd in lise Com- pnys crporale coor. il Panasonic Genusv Il Microaveevenss thossando of rerannîversary pro ducte and ihosasds of coupons forsai'ings on every day shoppng items. Dominion. miicis oprates 379 stores in sesen prov- laecs, mou îcorporated in Toronto Ot . 1919 During is 60 years of gromtis and deelopmrnt. Dominion as helPed te pioneer sucis melI knomn trade practices as self-service supermarbeto. cenral areisoosiog and tie concept o lise suborisan shoppng centre, Many o lie commonlY acceprd conseniesces o today's retal geocry espeticse ere introduceti by Dominion, To maris lie occasion o ils 601h annsersary DomiiossPresident Allen C Jackson said: "Dur aim bais ieen and mlI continue lo be, to ufl mitis everincreasing effîcîency ose responsiility as a disribuor of tood. tbereisy perlormniig a sls facfry service te the consumer. producer. masu- facturer aîîd procesor; to dsciarce ose respon- Snow elected road president Transportation and "and lm peoud to bribee Communications Mie- es presîdent il sucIian iser James beos as orgaiOOto ieen elecieti president il Soom oi brad op tise tise l'oads and Trans- ASSOCitiOîi' s M) crpli portaien Association <f i tioemissrsit le* te Canada for 179-80 ai lise sîîmîc vsar. cul annul cooerence in Re etntitec i tise 198t0 cons gna. vut iia1,5 Roaol \ecrk "HlM' is a unique Iliîiel. 'loroto. Sept 20P organizaaios whisis (ii 2 lrisgs togetiser ndsstry Sttoýas bi n hem ri asd goveremenit ti ors Niiister ai Transport or lie btermrnl if aIes and ('î,ninuni transporltion n itt 0'eonst Ic litoset îtt C'anada- Socs'aid. 1975 siiliiy te sharebelders mhose issesimeet mahes lise cempeny possible, aed te presîde our employees wils o saislactery living ondes lise hesl possible condtions. He added, "AI Dominion, e recognice that the 9011voill sec many challenges witb our isduslry and il is ose commilmeel le strise for sew and btter aysto serve the eretis otCanadi on coneomers'- Gîve your home ths protection it deserves.. ... insure it wisely Cali us or corne in for ail the answers you need. Madroc"f 208 Main Sf. 878-2894 Pele McCaig Ras. 878-5197 Tralnlng office, Halton polio rais. acàdemic For tise tiret ttese Haltes, Regonat Police Force recrftsamutmeet a mnimeum mark se- qoresent f 75 par cent oe Otario Police Cetege esanssonscrimineslaw, traffic reguistians aed nhe Police Act. Hatte police forts training officer Dint Hitoe sid inl an inter- view t nte paSo reqsiremnent for Hattee poice reertilta 'manet baett as a regutar cul off pont but mas dose in reatioe te a cls average." Asitetihem losg tnat had beesn e case, Hitte said atiosl up toten presmnt ime. Bt t as tatkisg te nhe ciief James Harding) aed tne mark is 75 per cet from Iis point o.' Ail Otario poicemten mrite tie Ontario Po.iIe Cettege exams, but mini- meum paon marks are set hy individueal frres. Tise standard for tise Haiton-Wentmerth terce is 80e r cent, for Peel police it is 90 per cent asd for nhe Ontario Provincial Police tl is 75 per cent. Metro Plce ere recestty criticised for havisg o slandard of 65 per cent, ose of the leset is Otarie. A maris of 70-79 IC)I 5 ctaosiied as average by tise Otarie Police Coul- ele miss se tbo 75 Par cent mark, seid ilI "l a fairty lilgi mark, but i cas bo aciievoti min dilgeace t soatd bo igi esougis te praseef a chalenge te nhe officer." Otier criteria tsed te evatuata tise 12 recruita mise graduatedinite h Hates force in 1978, iortuded performance os tise sireet", evatuafien by a super- visor during as 18 mostis =rbaion poriod, tne ohit f tise officr te ge alosg mith i$ esce- moritero and tise public. Hilton saiti "academnics are sot everytbing, but tbey are etremety important.' Tise training officer said a format mark standard bad sol seemed seceeoty in tne pont bc- cause et tom recruitment n Haton, becaone te per cent as tne usuai tevel Of accomptiisesent. Potice torces lane bees gelting mocis btter educated people over nhe ast 10 years. ies aid. Four eoams nhal al police most get 90 per cent os te get a cer- tificate froib e Otario Poice College are arrest, ose ot lorce, searcli and seizore and compelisil appeerance ln court. Harding said -l mant Haltes le bc the mesi professional trce ambile and tnats wl p eve tarted nhe bugttV ieg proces. A positivea tralsi Ig pregrees 10 theo fouedatise senmiicli a departmest is bilt." e Accrdlsg te Hltas -tihe stafe of i-servicec trsining ba& been tes tias desr8bie. St seeete upgradisg." 'We mut malte sure poice officers are wel aware of cbaegesinte force, and cbheges i tegistatios. Tbe mbole tnleg 10 under devetop- ment at tiis stage, bof ere lopisg te gel it os tise isPovembor." Tbhe tast in-traieing sessien for the Hottes force wesstarted ineaerty 1978, bot feti tisougl ini prt becauf e bs'ilty tisse as nol made avait- ale te efficors te attend nhe corse. "Ifi thmei-service training pregrami is os as off-duty basi t dme set enssire everysnerls gettisg tra'ieg," saiti Htoti. "But tbere witt lic as in-service training programnIo two mays about tiat." Acting chef Hrding, whise a atraining et- ficer, said. "nhere are varloee neye isides tbree heur lectures te trois fficers. Sometimes fine minutes et diocus- sies et tise riglit ime ie wortbemore." police) duty te bo traiseti asd we wiUt tris tisemn o duty." Tbe Ifatos force le esterieg it costrscta mitti Humbter College fr courses te teacli manage- ment prieciptes for senior cnstables aed otber itereeted police. Ttere are six courses es routte teea certificate. supervisie'y prectice, orgaeisotien develep- ment, effective police communtications, pro- btem setvisg asti decisios meieg, tieries ef plice masagement, and police persennel managemsent. Tbe corse is ces- ducted ee a setutary hast s. Accrdisg etoHilton standards -more peope are attend, bout ssisolod snly on the isg ise ours asdarejob. reom 'glth tra = ng "New w. mii be os- of wbatever Sort isain- yaedsand dolng ore portant."fralslng," curretlytiere are 18- saad HItos. "Cadets mill 20i police cadets in traisnise gslng loto a clasarStr ing for te Hates frce. settlng and csmlsng bock Up titi 00w cadets bave out istO flie field." Tire in trouble Tire blomoto af blgb tbogas podatl rnmedlte- spei reqaire qolcit ty. t hîn g nli ad ste a d y - Do s s i ja t on t h eb serve. ays the Indus- braites uos o 'ore in trial Accident Preveeticot immedafe danger Of Association <tAPAI. rear-esdlsg flic veiicte Tise hast way toeessore ahead. you'Il bc re-Sf oo topa -Iyelck up the ine'll lie eadowy s te Ionbraites you 'Ilt te ai rei t t a vsc h owa oositut . contro t f the car. There- rec fesc ioaios.forein fthceavant of a stemember tise fttwig quicis stop, apply nhe tîpo' braites firmly bot wlfth a --Aben e btoweut sensitive foot so as nesttn eccers taise your font off sverdo i. ANCHOR A UTO COLLISION A-ý-A878-8424 aCustom Painting C 0 Frame Straightening e Collision Repair FR EE ESTIMA TES 151 Nipissing Rd., Miton Unit@ 4 & 5