4 The Canadian Champion, Wed.,Oct.10 1979 Estahhahod 1961 ikt èntnbiau Ekampton ** . W% gtýS. Ee iaff 1MLTivaia Phono 8782341 lie W, MERS CROWTMERa RO W s u sn7 ALELNEJ cnacEva,..u,asvunsiaosAdtveuisiMonng VWi M U AMs . ý E~ ,. i Se v Oaci v , nuaSoîb:N t. inaai, v~ mNI cutisJ- en cîVMaats t5lEPA«f~. aaP"na w iaavtat f. GèatcS5 laaaavsaauua.tsao of CJ hnhoîra . nd h w A--25 la also intwMyn. 1 an ulnandng -namlehfpivt Imp-rls aCIemt 10 lcle entepriv havng u ovrcom -anther1.atinC.C hre wo.ld cer- do seal Oil ans.frin Mrn je. Durte an ffeicei aoncipheheard wang lyth tcation:i te sdstofnth n cîtar tepnTitse opary ha onerHto 01acto nOdeLivio Bonin i ofuCiseolr M. an vucce 5 s alwo ofil own rpeenai Tterhaing as 1 ercodebatawohestrtiht omunîtyer donwhthethwatcopanMca.re Huer.e dafcmpaythegadi zon thepoptl rigwo lodplain rpresineasivofaI tht enn. i ta igwa cmmecil. 00 n i ader apth deaera o- rThtpopey s vaant.baThe1 etospaaon.Ttt clmpoterala alespaindî i scaess acprompteldt en. u gafulbetforthtlad. Thoo ts0MBwill liksetl avor Tht town forctd ththa0MB emperia. the ilcomnider he aring easilo hujet10thforw anddalr ojclo onwhi etr e toomany gaa ouI thowing pte opatinyof lton t nonloai.ah highway commercialntr The retyi Gvfacaln.Teied- c ighw a 25outh o Hhetwa hothind oil. tat tht mio gratottrecncei Other imlsipan Oitdaes ob- roethe aig Diti nguishei ojctdtoe citizd enr'ojetos Glenn Biederman ta a reident of Milton. Tht preideni of King Petiicid,ýs n Caraphetiville. Mr. Biederman resides aI 380 Otarto Si. with hia vile and famîly. While his position as a citizen is not mach different from other people. Mr. Biederman is unique n that he as tht fund-raiving organizer for a national organ- ization. Tht Canadian Aerobatic Team s a group ofl flyers who specialize n doing atrial acrobaticsain specially-madt aircrafi. An exptrienced plot hirstîf, Mr Iiederman pearheadv tht gruup vhich liopes lu entertifvur pilots in tht world competition next Auguvtin 0Wsconsin. This iv tht firvi time tht championship bas moved to North America f rom Europe. Aerobatic ftying la conîmon overseas. Il la relativety 0tW 10 tht Americana. Hovever, Canada ia ont of the score of countrita compeing 10 hi5 refined form of flying. Mr. Biederman owns a plant in partnership with Gord Price of Belfountain. who la ontecil tht four to represent tht nation. Mr. Price iv an Air Canada plot and former RCAF pilot who iook te acrobatiic lying as a hobby. Whilr bs krcd are common tu the sport. othera like Mr. Biedlerman t-lme frora other walks of 11fr Milton is dialinguiahed by havîng peuple ike Mr. Biederman involved in an activily vhich reprevenîs tht nation. A growing affluence A look at our Peuple colusîi and ai the weddings in Iis newspaper are indications this town iv gruis i ng. Newcomers' arrivais are recorded in People ahile wed- diîîgs refleci the growîng number of peuple cîîming together in marriage lu form new familv unîts tn our community. Tht twv are reflections of the prvsperity Milton iv enjoying. While other parts of the country are undergoing static ai deprtssed economnir situatiotîs, Halton is a region vhich is ex- periencing unpratleted growth. New people, 0ew industries and new stores are raming here. Tht activity iv tht resuit vi Taruntu's Ibruvi Icitht wtst, tht cver.enccoaching growth of a great metropolis. Mach of this devetopratot iv svecamc. Industries mean jobs, vhich in lacs attract people. Tht latter spend maney which cultîvates services Ici handie these financial de.mands. Tht resattant influx of money geacrates a grvwing tas base lrom whîch tht municipality a provide încreasing services. Tht resuit is a high standard of living. In lad. Milton is number te n tht country. For a town Iis size lu have that high a ranking, is clear indication af tht affluence we enjoy. Commenting brie fly Anycine claimîng Iheres - ncthing ta do ta Milton" must havi s ;ssed last wcck. sems itiemtlitig the more- thiti 30 North lialion crgnizatons currently looking for more vlun- teer asistance. Thatas right, mure than 30 groupa could use your prt ime help vith a host of projecla in general and special interest categories. Tht list includes such Milton groups as - Drury Scisool, Children's Aid, Cancer Society, Red Cross, Ballon Museum, Milton Hospital, Meala on Wheob, Parka and Recreation Depart- ment, tise Y, Girl Guides, Manor AuxiiarY, Hallon Developrarotai Centre. Helping Hands, Recovery 1-lotmse.atIos Wîrets5Place. p.pvtrt Iig isteris the Mentally Reirded. anA cariuus church gruupv. There vert others 001 on tht lisI. Sa dont gel bogged dovo in tht nolhing-to-do syndrome; gel Up, gel out and gel busy! Congratulations 10 Multons Nancy McKinnon for hec fine ahowmng aIt the International Plowing Match. Haitltos Queto of the Farrow almot won the On- tario crown la Friday's campe- tition. Beware of experts Biian i indepondent busnesasman civ be lvagh. Attending tht rectal 11MB bearing vn Imperial tilts application lta remoet a lava hy-tîw tl tate anaihergasottet. i heard the letatmaay oai Sunci2uter. Mina Dtuante and Livia Bonis Th Ibret are .ervice station uperataca. the former vith Gatf. therltaler tua vîtb importaI. tîch tuas thetlad and tht bildingnsi itîr uperativas. Each bas investeci tanvîdecabte mime and maney. Eîch he- livsservice s tht bey it atlnactîng and tholdigcstamers. Thcresalt s actg tîsttrkvheanasl ti s are vile atîthume. Att thee hvhetchattdvou(vofhed iv tnep ai uttnatrouble. Eîch vurba veebcdadnd haidayv In goad watherrand hîd. svrmuer and idter. these mec stricetol reiurn a dollar utheir invesiment. As tht5iMB testîmauy hvved. il ta pcety hard. Gis is htcamling a lotarder. There iv astnoamaay taheimde[rom it. tla sîaîpty a tanltol briat peuple itt tht Atihaugh ihese amencocald pruce their pointa. il mas bard ta put itta vrda tht persoaitservice th tr irep provîde. Mina. uho hapouced in $150,t00 ver tht 16 yeîcs he bis rutis business lv the tvrihuof 4a1 an Hghway 25, miv rvpectatty ai lo Ions lc vrda ta descrihe ubal an- tuber statio vavd da o iv bsaines Caiivleatliy.ilt iayer cepreseitiing imperit. gissard aver tht service. ta viher yards. it sîsn'tcntdeccd sai- icientravaugh iv merii but psstng camment. Tt*tithe trouble tiitb 11MB heinga The prevîdîng chîîrma viii isten lac houas la reportsnand urvtss aod tecbaicai txperts uhu don( tîve ta tht acta ia quetiotn. but ouIlaImost ignare peope uho hase caniderahîresperienat stemming lram yeacs of involvemeni. Thts uhat hrned me about th 0MB iîearnag va Site . Tht 0MB veighied tht evidenre la lavor itf thtenperts avec tht peope. Experts, iv tht term implies, are ta- perts ita i matt irea. Their expertise ta imîted ta that acea. Tube Uem ouI ai il. and bey are imittd. Tht ame vîth tht tapecual Oit kearing. People ike Maria. Sran d Livia tank vaty i fca mtnutes oi tht heoiag. Bat *-ideceivom epeis taakîovei adus Il thtettMB tv an indicatian, seritty places ton aîîch tophaisnanpeope vîth bnaviedge in peciaized actas and nai raaugb la thase uha have hcaader typer- iecsgaîaed thcaugb i liietime oa ilii v- hîed tacauatra "Put val paur fluth le princes" vaatd equally ippty la experts. 1~J~ ~ ~Another ahniversary iliircattiBILLec ianta tlioa nc MIead theî,td lady lîd inatater ueddîag tt peiri. mcd shes alvays tsîa int neer tniesr at aeeh lley ie Matey. ring. tthc evecy ther uvatan. Wbat iv as tua tht yems ity hy svetesmvstnt dîamîtad eaciag i'd kilt lir lshc ust nie. a eeh a tes day. iter il hic gant hy.and tîugh about il. Wr Aval elieve mîch ta anvra ies s dovsvautpeaple vhs squaahbeil tiyear. thea go utvaltudînner atiths e nmd rose,.andîarehick poand ivg tî. ech oi thecam tlîîa tuadays. once yeîr t aciualty rtmemhectdad raaghl hmer ta yelaacavses She lainted îeadaayuth shaab.aandvhenvshtcame iii gave it th devitlacor wling ailtha1 îîîîîaey. Tiis yeir. t thougt atout il îvay bacb aAuguvi. and iltd il avay in my memary iîab. detrutat iv surpriseherithia yesc Show h er. hy Gerge. ibal thece vas some ire. ora i ata a itembera. aodecneaih tlt spcofnmokt. My irai thvught vas ta snak ail vith ier engagemtalringad have il e-set ta tiuiritatA ibi hd Ioadismis-. iis idca as hav-îrcmvr her tîsger tîgeltherngtîî île jeveilerý Secandly. tht prîce of gaid veni up su fast il mode my eyes vater ahen t reaU tht inmeeîat page Thes i tbasghi ai i mink cool But igaîn tItre veretwtuaobstacles. Ont vos Uic price ai minh cotte. hich have sared il- mottas high a o at. Ite oher vas a con- viction Ive hel. that the only creture an ibis eartb uha needa a mink caels a mînb. Wel, 1 vorhed my voy clown Urongh an emerald roth. br lber Irish austutry. o peri nechioce. UlomonU uarringi. Il vos ail disappoitieg. I hoew i'd ho ripped off vith emeralda. site ihes golU neerlaces. 'Mats ane reasait1t guinietîrduar thrvagh Aiguvi and pari ai Septiaher- sarcying abaut tht preselît for thîv anc anaveraiy i1mîtld hast remembecd. 1tcaestdtred giving hei aiieumcarlat1 cmvi eveaultrdvonfr tcheîlmîîofus,.lt ane use for ber. tint îiier inather t dîcîcded eemtngty bruItant inspirations. t eves ent ta tht tengibvai panniog tasneab valtantht mid- dit ai tht nigbi mcd paining tht hcb sloop, uhicb hed bsentrytag ta gel meclv dît aili vammer. Bust i huddeired ai th, thvagbt af paintng ciii ibere. iaiil ave ic the coaddaitmk l'.nmily. il it me thte a thundecheit. and a lidalmîaveîîoferelfsueptvover e. arbd Smething ta saggevt hercMther Earth tavoiteir Sttaitbîvi irrv(a(civtlttt i grstlierrsvtacs. tvcîness tcvdecres Samething she cald gel ber ieeth is,ita stead of jotb lîhe rnoga. neiblices. lac rouis. Thirty-ihcet rabis aifrcs! Wîib Uit decinion made. i reaed. and pcampily largol il abuou a nnveraary. She didet, fironcoe. OGalbe laielul day. t arrived home ram uark. lostd oui a ey jotities, resU ber mome iteresting bits rou tht pipersa shtd uhol bled o day abtU bhaU. Ait I got inletrelavo ad shoulder aonUhotlone.o ahe vos io a hoU mood. Mot hecosse lid orgotten our onnivrsary. Jont ose of inva white hecauve lhtyvthid ta deal mib the plamber and TV epilcun. the cacu- Lon clemuer vraI an the htîrh, al i e uoal wach ta tht hvavt iv tfjtlhy".and ithyve scruhhed the hîlcben 1t.mîor and have a sare Inathertd dayv. 1lavediaopetiber and pot lier and promise hec. and sht'd gradualty coi aimitind.But 1lgavethîa pyearvuaga tl ýais lauliard an me. Noaays, l itre rîght hîcb. -Whii tht bel s bhtme yau ut Clout tht seli pîly. t aarb to. yo knau. Au. go soak yvuc heîd. ccah --And va va. We usualty have i gavd verbal set-ta. sulh a ltte.and tht air lut ibis ime vhr vpoictd me. ight ta tht middle titane of my f(mest peroatiana, - id yaubavvwtbînvas uvoa nivtrvary?- tal bouhet hitting helvu tht bell. 1twassltcbeîîitlhrmarve.vshime and gaîlti Nadetis. hat ehkisned and made sy. acd i id tht dishes. Mut a mi atst attirtmt ie te r pretty %ei1 ls ivvcevm-tdr ltîsnshe ahenuweverevred. 1aavlook libeaeIder stîtesman of ahout 65. She looksabaout 34. My hair iv white, hera ta black. Hec leeih are white. mine are blach. ta a li11e discancerlîng uhen you go te i rectption or smme other ianciion. t hast eadn yaurnaometag. ond hurbies. --Weil, Bil Smiiey. tnt bord ai yau. And yuvt brought your daoghicc losg. Hou ice Bot I volde*t irade the aid htteave for a otan ont. teelhiigh shen laid a pretty glond collection o scora on me, pbysicoliy and oiherwise. One year ago Frosu the ietoher 11 lssue A lour-hour search of Chodigh'o apple faru ferao ilve-year-oid Hamilton girl ended happlly whensithe was dlocovered rldhu a "oale MIMlsauga.[The gir, ai Ch d & h'oad"hOOvlOit id Ootnw oc fi ikn ( MrilMlion) and rode home wth them. She hopped a Misions- aogo Transit huoooud rode ocood Ihat city while Halton Roglonol Police comhed the farm Ioohîng for hier. A deocriptian ai the chiid woo broadeaîl on radio stations, and ahe was recognloed. A sudden stoog ind wao reoponsihie for uproollog trou oond ripplng a third- flier porch rom lis houe le the Camp- hliville orea. A doit house wao lown ocroon a yard ood tree hrancheos ere broheo by the wnd whlch dlaappeared aimant as eulchlyas il corne. liniborm waior and oower rtes vere approveil hy regonai ocicli aBer a tormy dehote. Oakvliie Cuniclliors Cari Erichoon and Mac Andesnu vero must vocalinl thir dlsapproval, vowiog ta appeal Uic decislon ta thc courts and Uie cahinet. Thse thtrese Milon reglosal emanicitioro aise voted ogainot onlbormn raten. liard luth aced Milton iyocs ln the iraitfour gamu aif thor mai00. Aller 9-2. 6-4 and 3-i laaaon ta Barlilglois, Actes and Oak Ridgen, Piyers tied Oshille BModes. Coach ttnug Peters sald piayero miel col doue on thir pealty total il Uiey hope in win a feu games. Milton Causli approved changing Uic name ai Barhor Gree Rd. ta Wbei- abrater Wsy. Wheearaiar. a total la- dmstry. vhieh moyed inia Uic former Barber Greene plant. requesicd Uic change. 20 years ago lrou ihelict. Il.1lOtOlsit Mdlton' twa dainies increaaed the price ni midk Io25 cents a quart toay. Thetwtu cents a quart increase vas ievicd ta pay thetlarmera an iacreaae ardered by tbe gaveritaneni. said Raas Dryden oi Milton Daiivand GurU Mcinionb ai Park Farm limnes Il. Mathevsanmd Cao. o Pilla- burght. Pa.has purcbased a ive acre parcelti land ia thteliuview Oeeip- atect tand narlh o ai ltian Manar. and plans anv ndatcy emptayisg 15 in the maaufacture ai branze memariai plaques. hhien a ondry is added ltler. ap Ila'.5 cauld ha emptoyed. Miltan Juniar Band viii dishond an Oct 28. The baadmaaier bac resigncd. dia- vraged by amai atiendances and loch ai pirental interesi Disposiias ai the intta- iraitmais lcil a1h the hond cammittet and lit(- tands i, vibchretarned ta thetotwa A ce% ise-roonepublic achonli s in the ofiicefoacSpeyside area. ta erve ihe rural Esqaesing arci. Ait additianc s being planiîed tac Miltas Poai iliice. 511' tindy Beat reparled Ibis lialtias Ppaionaawilt goîavec tonton0 Iis year. cauoty assessar Fard Ragera repars. NIilton'sttalis v5257, up .47 ic,m 50 years ago Promi teOcloher 10,. lOtise Tht Miltan Pccaoed Bricb Ca.. bas ce- ceictd on aider tram Saskatoon, Sasb.. lac îoaîcoudsaoftheir faaus hu brick ta hoe vsed in tht erectian ai a ioderai pubic building. Mr. Wm. Hamilias ai Milan annauncea tbe engagement afi is yaungevl daughier Kithiten. ta Dr. John Pickering Middlebra ai Oweno Sound; tht mrroge tatah.e place n Mitin iahUiclatter prt aifOtaer. A number ai Mitoniana went ta tbe Strcetsvitle Fuir yetecday. They reporta large ittendance and a gaod show. Geo. Lake. edtar ai Tht Advance, Timmina. was in Mlan va Thursay lai and lavared Tht Champtan uib a visil. Att members afube Milan tadgt, Na 92. 1011F are isked la attend the meeting aet Taendiy nigbl. Oct. l5U, ta heip conter tht titialary degreev Mawell Smith, Burlingion. bis mud a sipcem court ui againat the TH&B Rlscy Ca. lac $50,000 damages flacita jartes received. Thetime ai the iccideot dîtes hack ta tant Jinuocy uhen a TH&B train vent mver the moontuin aller the tracb had heen caccied îuuyhy a vunhavt. Il is hîrd ta ceutize liait tht provincial el ion re anty Iret veekt aviy. Tht avuait eacieîenti s nticeable anty beciset ai ils absence. 75 years ago Proie the Octher 1O.1t0e issue On Friday il Cimphetivitte Fair. Joha Foetler, rammanty cilied Fetier aif Miton, npeeded is barye thcaugh thc vitrets and canoavec Mcv. Wm. Agneu. ai Nelsen, wwas on ched dounanmd hodly saaen aod bcised. On Tatvdoy FoncIer vus hcought helace . Hîtley, J.P. iv insuet ttvcharges, lroîvandriving an tht puhlic htghviy and maing ase af titispheais a igaige. t-ttrcpleîdcd guif 'ttfit thth acgtŽ. ac'I'fas it-ntcd $liatd cot necjlic t. tl al t nato lar damagev cn hehîtl ut M-. lgnes Tht iîrm hause an tht McGcegac place, Nonagaweya, auned hy Peler Sayers, Guelph, and accopied y Gilbhert Cramer, uistottally deslcayed vitb ail ita contents ast Fidîy atecnmon. Tht lice accerred hetwcen ivo and Uree ociack and Mrs. Cramer and ber cbldren vere usouace ihai Uicce us a alite untilt urned hy Mca. John McKiunon. A ew minutes tter tht raofli in . Comparotiicly sethisg vos saved The second ofihe stries aifseciuin, under the ausepices of thc Ladion AId of the MeUiadiut Churth. in aid ai Uic pipe orgao fond viii ho held on Thusay eening, Oct. 2a in Uie Oanday Sehon roont. e- ~.,.iaat.at~at5 - 5~.........