B4 The Canatilari Champion, Wed., Oct 10 1979 wit ARN COULSON Sept30 and the39.56 lb. chiooslmiiiheld up [0 silm icol priar oerait A 1951 lticoio ialmos ointsiisison. Brouir ieldthetr tpotlightifor biîg ish.ti Lmt catcte iv;ler pec augîe' serrisotaicommsi. Some etarere tiais cameinu 10tieur tome tbase ai Botr itti1015 isîtitiiaias ai Bcanlesay tiey cesgtied ai lrail lo»ish onstihe irseesidiasi ueckend Despte tir lacge umbere offst i eg caugt. tierer ores'a geaitman-,oy sd lst i trig ot ,nltrs'.iîil d ti 01kuou or tiîte i lting atilîity o il a-lbftub andsti tl prrsti n siug tactle 100 lîghti betifsti Atlotstflgondilîtiswrcrlosiitirsugticace- essnros Nany forgol tiek iieture foc oîks alterrlandloga flsti Aitrat icrirritof ise ,hboulti ti taken off anti a compiete iris sel o lioais olt tc atitirti lir vour lurr andi leader ooallerrlantilsga ilib Do Itfiipays. Wtio tioulti havretought I0orars ag finit a lstiju[tundr40tiltis. sultitircaaghtinoLake tnt rio st fao 15miles from our tissrilrp' iror itmroouliirs rltirmlofithl bigocsm teirîg caughl in Lokr Onario Thr'i rememtirc iltisîputl hem tire for sou ta ctih asticuloy Peopîle ,ltgo to ail kînsiof [roubtlle ut 1agel Ano ssiitialscoserrailon ofiter soticedt is womrosaarryflgticipping pres aitie loufis tirrgiCosecrvtitoniSers He ititlc'tgati asti sriorti os' les:'. tiao titi taust atro tursng the cio',etisea',on 010ustace ties ven ,large pr -es ý Their ucaitistit,%oamlton mes, pai a ttlol01111 10 inses Rlaiter riprnilie ist. rIpeallsaticiltithe, liss ta lher fiitclin- iceaicti tiostie farnil0oil sous,%as iiti huis0 tire5,1cr d o l fa.îiîog a','- ting tir corti Thisl.,hle ttseli'sr tulil MuntsfHolspi'n %aascaughtitriîgtIf,thootskrwitii22cahltici rifle lleoasiîoetiîi.s Jue as also a ;ad da: lstc a Buctîsgiiis mati Heivas lîseti$40f ocr'.tisosiitg satirer tiurng closeti icaîsil Ht ia'sslot a s aluahir tiîgtiprîcet ifcile plus jus ltutiti otiisanots te ,on',rrvatit05 olicers Ai Dardtas mas asti a urlt-gto ovtmanit.rer tefor htoc itiig tirer isîti a 'soltil "ight lîaslsg tirer itoa-isroil"lsollence anti i tsi pet inmîaltsssantiWrolisorticouolres "ins ort, ol 115acti isre Iccîiedagaînsss 50 Hamimlon menisho huir ieddcot f 01 i Flamtiors Tîiishtip Our hiactiitk.ng guimerisaionsceutrva- linîofftîcî"l s ta,i been usi- v tittpa't sucmer caîctig iîosl,îlîss,, top of lai. tir hoie a mltîlutirol daties IIIpereorm Ttictughut titdiioal !etralandica'.lrc liio idccc rangs. tefis'erasto itasîcalsN tsichangedltram 1980Jil sarslMoidav Nos i1 Iagetolltucai aiuhero lîtarto here tirer cei sdentsd'. vuarcliii 5as , i'fll stfo Fyers ... il uoiioaed 1,001 page 1B2) atitlodai îîîgt l'rs atgonîd chanci' ztile iiîi iitlelngeill>li(s'il stan helises tic Pttttiocsceplisi 'ti ler" hossi cisi ,lepir' ni î,t'oets'nd. ).%1.i d aiiltcii'uffeccd.a ,ptckuled Itr i îlt- eparaird hovilder fîucs iie l l îcgoili 1" ilccstia.,itloi an lin- Notsi's Ii ticssgtie'd delusîte lrsgil ut goal.i,îtJohnkenils ool luie Stepterd t,1out turtlit fi.an imtpoirtli*s, br il:oturek's MMBA on lookout for more diamonds Projecird icreased in the nombers of basebal o s iýin tows bave caused the e'ectisr of tie Mlton Mîcor Base- bal Assoction ta start looktng for more dia- mocis. Thtai as one of te tîntings ai a meeting of te MMBA Satarday ai fie Optinint Centre. "Were gettîsg 10 the situation istere ere goog to neeti more damods,-said outgoing MMBA presideni Danny Boises. We isere Up 115 kds rom atitcr an ad wsten Iis sew subdivision gets completed. tbe numbers are going f0 Wbaf Bomes would lîbe 10 sees s acoiher comptes in te same sein as Rotary Parb costrucîrd or reserved strictly for estoor bail. Many ciractors ase partis f somne sort staid for consruc tion but cottiîng bas yet reacbed fraîlion. Jast 10 peope attended the eeiînog oicti elesieti Don Knîgt 10 te presidency. Ros Saonders 15te ewrosto viucepresiden and Buck Witeoaks opener New-look Welders dump Russell's The Witîcoatis Hockey defeated last year's Lragoe opens oatrand regla seasoifirr.n seu seasools iti mocti truro StetI, tiy a score improsedtbalance arnong of 32 al] sxleam 'fThiîs tigtt-ctiecig Leogor chamnpton coniesi oas deciifed ai RsselsTom ingtel[ty a te433 mark of thetiird 52 margln o 1 te sew-perioli by teor Joyce On loob Mlon Weldicg. The an aleri sel sp tiy scerai iselters sîrre ed tiy t iRct Court. 0ie f Guv McGines Oter Setrodee's o'tîti îo goals aid aiseorers sere Baîtih assisi. Rîcti tîDonselt 'setlasd froin antDeetis uti Iwo goals aid as and igc Court trainErie assîsit aid Skiîp McTraeti Mrdland.Rrplyîcg for o iti trer ouilts ,rse's Stirl sere Brîao Sperd asti vosti are Patios aid Boti Baker thr nmajor oess togred- Ai Larier areca. cot, ts tire'(eiders ci tîtorti tmprosed Peatis Rod lJoodtsg. a ise ycor r tias losi 10 Balfoot 'hvec scieras. Pol l'osruction 52. Roti Shieds aod 11,6e Reje clots scder neissponsor- tirtgoneucomeriictio'tip ibis year. av r ide te eseit.,ars,'ocrutteil mass ne hotie li' i tisi' oog players 10 cake tiem caostOg. titgb catir imorrsompriitise tai inîtstetat leagar tlait yrar. tieirintital Aiso seorîng or tic easoo i te leagar. Welrdees oas defecemas tithîli mprosed rosIers, Sîree Hannon a tItias tic teami cilI tir coinl as ils Kes Kerr ptitive iiti att cubot iis Scoriog for ftissells season 'oîsig ,cen' Dace Scorîsg tor Balfour Bea1ty aid 'art Jaeobs, ere Louis Girard iitti Intiersecondigante ali sogoals andone assist, Nsirmocial rna Jsm ftsgtie> isti ont Stiroeder>ý Contruclion gafand one assist, Dave Ail Kinds of Flowvers for Ai Your Special Occasions fromn, ý Beat rising heating costs. RE-INSULATE NDW! 'e ~'e ~~1~ s -~- 50 ~ee OOe5~Oi~ii~5 0,1 i'~ 5550 5~5 o,, ~~..5i5s' 900 Wich oda's igh cool ot bnaticg youe home. addicg insulticon is a musc. Whethee voue home is B vears otd or 100 yeoco old, c s a proses aci hai reinsutating sac cut youe fuel consomption by 20-50% de- pendico on the geographie sceucture Rogers Insulation Limited is a local contractor and has train- ed soectalists who can analyze your heat Ioss and inadequate ventilationt problems. They can aiso answer any qtuestions you rnay have concerntnq the Canadian Home Insulation Program Rogers Insulation Lmited carry.o~nIy C M H.C. approved products and have high quality guaranteed workmanship at a reasonably Iow cost to you, the consumer, So before you re-insulate. you owe it ta yourself and home as a taxpayer ta have a FREE estimate from an experienced insulation and ventilation expert. Cai JIM ROGERS MALTON HILLS 853-2828 1~ muinnlmo GIRLS Ladies' bîgh single, Leeiii Boagton 282; Ladies hgh triple, Leeni Boughton 709. Other top singles, Glenna Rusk 257; Katby Rusk 257. Pat Marshall 249: Pat lstead 237;.Geo. Anderson 225. Other top triples. Pat Istead 633 Pat Marshall 631; Kafhy Rusti 622; Gleona Rosti 619; Pearl Miller 605. Marshall won 2 for 20, iSetooî5tor 17. Deforst 2 for 14, Lawrence 5 for 14, Ollereoshoos 5 for 14, Schiltz 2 for 14, Bailey 5 for 12 Perscello 2for7. (redît Union Ot. 4 Ladies' tiîgh single Aona Rota 256, ladies' higfi triple Anna Rota 642. mens high siogle Prie Vudeohoref 38f. ies tiîgt triple, Pete Vaodectoes'el 817. litier top singles Dico Marchesich 293. Libers Belvedere 253, Diane ladies' higlt triple Asta Ladies' higb single. Posthoica 224. Windmoller 524; 'mecs Antna Rota 226; ladies' Other top triples Dico high single, Gus lugh triple, Asta Wind- Marchesich 707, Danny Tielemans 275; mec's motter 612; mec's htgb MorAtpeene 690,. Libers high triple. Barry sngle, Barry Vllenvue Marchesich 684. Mike Villecisue 79. 291; mens s 0gh triple, lelvedere 60.0 Barry Villense 698. Tom on 7for Other top ingles, Asa Ollier top singles, Pete Ted Sievers wn7frWisdmoller 1M1 Corie Vandeslseuvel 250: Gos 19,To Bousfield 5 for Brouwers 18; Barry Vil- lielemans 237; John 15. Pete Vandeclisevel5 lecose 266; Pote Vanden- Vaseollo 235; Libero for 15, Martin Vandes- heavel 270. Marchesich 222; Cornie boom 2 for 14, Fraok Broowers 210. tlalk 7 for 14, Johin Vas- Other top triples, Gus Oter top triples, Pele cotso for 14 Gos Tiele- Tielemoos 678; Tom Vacdenheavel 656; Mike mono 2 for 13, Barry Bousfield 565; Blîl leledere 650; Libero Villeovor 0 for 8. Vacderheydec 575 Marcbesirh 638; Will Sept. 21 Diace PoSthoma 522; (otneonpgB5 Ladies' high sngle, 91116 Grififbs 546. ' bstce npg S 1 m