8TAe Canadlas CiampionMcli . Noc5sier 26, 175 School vandalismn cost doubled in f ive years Repai r vost Haltes triteels duec te îodalîe. have clmitrd rum telvOWintll0 lu $102000no svfar litsyear Soperînlendent etflBtsness and Finance Bruce Lindley bold IalIes Board oEl ca- tias Tiursday -Vanvalîs se îtin- era..rdlhaîîiuvit uhen yol lakit iccounts s inte lmt tîve pears. e lhaveîincreased te nmr ofe îlaclîties and ilato bshapustled up repiir cuvulu , lisdley îîted. Thte previeus ceek tîsdlrp inormedithe hard Arhev lrsîlgiving isurancle çovr- cgefr l 1slaiti cci Auvî werenlgoinglto reneetAir agretment ilh te Aoard wben il expres nesl monlb because utfte cosl ut sanda- lsr clams and twv major ires is cnl sears aI an f lkvilln scbuni. ', 1 opeby net erekl1ellfl have inormation Sr the board in espetto a new carrier for aur inssrance Wr are rsîsg lu gel soserage ronîa numier o flrms.The reomiams weli dehilely An higerandîinan indirect eay tae i ncrease. Are varerd, le sai1 iîs drpartmrnt ilîpes to have a report ready by te ieginsng of set ear for te board on pssble ses of surveillance eqipment. -Wr are aready usng il in afeu sebmils uhere un ase en having recorrtng PnsA lms and it seem LtOana dterres,- Lisdley tld te hardý He noîrd surerllasse equîpmesl ias aiso eitlped te board and polce catch a rmeirrovasdals Lisdlny aîd srveillance equipmt th ie hard may Ar I uccrd te inssafi le gel a e înuac arer wuld seclude lire delectîos and reaitandester alarms. Board won't take stand Toronto teachers' strike llcflcîi Board vofdiluaieli oaeil ifîas Thulvîa% tes thestrcsherstvrie ini Toronto. A hiC iii iliiie tRichard pauedhoringtahesi ihudins sud terr is r1 os. c, îîîvllls,tte vî iua 111[fi l ntit asdhyipivihers* eus l 'ui fifll ti r d iin l dutie, t Its lhelss.f..îiililII)I lar atesl haii aulvlaik-i c ofcfeîfîsîcs iand rrest rupecicîi c parens andt l.ipavriel îiifîifiîgsil 1 dis ioisliisii.,uiiboardl gr.tislil andi îilsiiiialiiîg îîeîîf,îîahîî gîîlîhiî L lhir d~î is his ce cîlhiîiiliflai Board if lidil lion«ii lii [lîi ii Driver edi fée may Ires flute ltsdriver edaiîo progrue fr te secondlier in less lao viîntitîîîhv Siperioltnlsento nsrc tnJon Btuoîiistrmd thte hord lhorsdupAr ela-l.îmftc .uclmeife clubi vhch opercles Ae riîver training ctaios 10 halllaflti scitiofs ithere te prgrcvni isvfferd. iv raivi tlvotil)i the boardf il) $95 pr viodentin10Llnar liiiii suf thil a pefsliic iakintihe river tifc a lioniiprîgîc, ell uiviffi ,_ lent is co tinueii, te lîli per pupîl hiîild iicreaeefil t85 ai the vlar il seul eale Ai preenti tseHamilton Acutomob iClbiharhe., the bioardi$8oforles cîh iodîent lIn" ilach and lAe board ciirge, le pcpilv $711 if lie tashers t s erY geserouos Truster Ersn it dar saîd lie c cld support tAeumotitn tf Ar thouoghtlil wuld do n gvivlhutliriaid"a rsuon f om s wuu't itel ts juI ontl taIsimple a probeîr' Troter Bilf Pri rtueresuid the ard vitulds't iecuise invlved in mabîsg siale- iii ts about lite Toronto vtiiAi Acauveseheobdyil setîfi sure iof chat tl itula- ioniiisi etre lu selnotsure cite o igainsi woiiTorono.lu I Aveciv istaI everpoe seem li le ega lst ae .'asd prise i îsraînst Pstvter sttd. fleedis saîd aillite hard îîrrded lu do is gobausitluote stibro in lillaca, Windsor and Yorkto10 er teef est te oto stie ciii have eh T. he ccnlracts in lialhes anîd îîher punis iof the provincrerre heseifonustvinA ,ettlemenots.Il f 051 tor 1 lucation rise $15 le 1 Terc-otta Ians P INEPS t 0 MI ANlHit III' r. i ' thcgisl II;lîîînîl lî,,gtr leograts fer ro iS0 [t:) bu$7 iolte Il te prîîpîsed iosseave is t.k & kidn- tclit ippeusrd.1fis ite hoard tes ofdrln Are csvivIde ier dîcicioo liîîlîtAi fr rush plipif cil lhave liîOu, tlts cumped $3u inc10 911 Teusie Bill rieitrie %ovdredi i ifte bliicalil ci Hamiîltn utooiiie ilubt oild raise thiri rates ta nioshin s fîg1îof cote and itttli p'icessdiitritsfihe ie Iîîil.s î.tccid ioirndth egahii thedois Mitttl'cttes'$4 roîîoded te hlîîîîîlliai prises ciiirive hi iisfsi'1v't lîîît îsrrsrdeiiiivl ll odutio. thfrd -n tî bfe abvled îîtu î fitsdu lî.îîllii ljion fie r avuîvudiof ils linnifIl aisfr cr51 iig f,,pl. iccvisil-v dhe s :llcil tI lii ltu ~ rt.itîttv bocard ii U% g uuiislarili calioli 11i! ee hitl fîlili ii ses l, r51î55 itse vi cfo f 953-261I lite uis -rifiuiiiili flvul In rifiidi i srlise psy miunsICI oted Mondcesf mtIl il il i bard, du vîit il iise reisi vi l cafises of ie.aîsîils aîî 'aow and o.We are ino ri ilain Ivsîd il il ime le laite a stad'" Asdecrrd, Iicodiu aîd leacetrs have tufIcansif in orervcllsvisg cu ise Av doîsg tAir jobs lhAcs tii eseive lis makitto hîgit cages TAs problfîif ote serlfmrsts stlîsg goîdellues for cffl easiter rgolialiiss c aste pot f is suges- tofîo c eiiog out irasiters in , .--nthv ciit ite vrusit board, aedoar ruplaiord. le ooted cites segulîclinso are Arog sodusîrd factors scch as pcpîl tccher ratios are ignovrded nioe.nrisi te fecs ofelation.v "TAs irachers aite fic Arv lhsough site ced pt il ail objhclest rte stribr ini affes' hetasrd. Siiîsvtrusteres hougitI il la lion passe amoionuof afl i id ilseul i e i terpretrd as ivîrferrrovith thearctions itaen lSître Torotv boîas d tellriilers Thes ter i eas lothrs deeThvrvfiîo Furnace on f ire Fntace prbtmscaflli Miltont Fire Dpnma a ta tbe Ontaria Agricaltural Museum at Kelso Wed- acda.Tbe taroace baIl avreteliandi same fltters wacreburneli, bt tAee as little damage, iretigbtcrs repa rt. lias te aaly ire cati af lte past wecb. IT WAS MILTON NIGHT at Mohawk Raceway and the jockey club had a dspiay promoting the event intae front window of Stedmans Store on Main St. for the pool week. The model horse, sulky and driver backed Up signo promoling the special evening at the track. Obituary Winnifred Gray nire îulîlisabvahCîrap etfSMlton. dliidNii) v a(lhrihome. 43l hAn s als sorsîsed ity historia Si Miltons vie as rîgitl grasdsAldres. tAn i hcî svcictîtsrcond peur chitldrrset A hrrdaaghters1 he i',dentlof Miltnisse Ierutce' Mes. Sitruuud li. hIslraysvvcied Drysdalei ut Hamilton; tîjaugtere NIr, ladiues Ayrsa i Ars, AslbonyFar lite, Andîersvon andtluegrand havi ulTortoasd top (Mes. i. 1d rvs o f h a rua ise Robiert Ifetteleyi e t Kîelen- \niiersse and harl lîst, ici IORYH .1SSOCI.1IION FOR THE MEIATLLY UTARIE Mîshes 10 aooouoSOe Ili îIl lpv i ig l t u11 111% I lii(>Itli v -tlîvîtîtit ouITîttrafaî lgar o .ad i, It forîl Il I, inl Ille .1î.îî(Ii tiI i lt l R.J. BILODEAU 878-7656 P+ *fl0otic ofMetn Hlton & Holton East progressive Conservative Association The annual meeting and meeting to elect delegates wiII be held on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1975 AT 8:00 P.M, AT PERCY MERRY SCHOOL, 263 BRITANNIA ROAD EAST, MIl[LION. Thte purpose o the meeting is to elect oticers for the coming year, to, ratify proposed changes to the Constitution (as a resait o Provincial redistribution to reconstitute the Association as the Progressive Conservative Association tor the Federal riding ot Haltoni lu ni ect delegates tor the February Federal leadership convention in Otawa and to transact the regular business required tor such meeting. Qaliications lu vote. A 1976 Association membership whîch may be purcitased in aduance or alt the door prior tu the meeting. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINTH IN A SERIES A Mark of Progress in Milton Anaew lhousinvOdeelomnt set o Ontario St.S. aennrth of Der ARI. WeslSislees Milecreb Thahoms usbe rachadviaOntariouSt.and Lau r 20cMinSîeoaE.Mito 8..8. .e....vec.:el..e.lLi 1 v%.e ..heluAve:vv.u ~ a r t005O"5ue 4. 4v. g5'i,,e dda. bite bas tua sîsiers, Nîcetarel JoAnsson af Toroto and Slde FacgOar of Rîitmond Hill. trs . D.Wallace cosdoted te tasera I service tram %Nlersin $Fucoral Homne Nov. 22. tterment eau aI FuergrerroCemetery. DR. A.A. JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST 214 Main St., Milton 878-3673 DeepPILEfoi-extr VVA]Mf ON SALE S. PIRREflA FISN MARKET HRMILTOI AT ALFONSO'S 1000 A.M. 10 1:00 P.M. ON FRIDAYS GOOD SELECTION GUARANTEED FE(I e%EKl- e aRnaOa EAPURATU MILk (16 az)Tins 3efor c Lptan (7 KINDSI Reg. 61C Pkga CUP-A-soup 2 k f95 New BLUE BORATEEM $sI 1059 100 OZ. PKG. OR mirl 3 LB. PKG.__ __ _c Flecs ab FABRIC SOFTENER Jot FAESOAP PINK OR WHITE of LIVEI OR I 77 LIQUI CEER 21b..19V FS ALIAN I EaO O p 1urt R EG . Ontout-3.9 SLICEDORTUNSLED h$.0 GVdli . O COFe Elrtt 0scie IoTpt L 1CL E "a 5 b CAMN-UTit B befhping ana bep o ureycnes ope forbellr sulngs ovfine ood andcompe rPiesvbaeilrl r esh 1 ean 1 BUTT PORK CHOPS b $1.15 ROUND. SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE OR T-BONE $ . 9 i hqfflifflMmu JngJ and keep your eves open for better sovings on fine foods BUTT PORK ROASIS 1$.09 fresh lean elo PORK SHOULDER ROASIS lb.7 fresh tous "LOIN" $12 PORK CHOPS Ilb. $1.39 WO E PORK LOIN Olb. .29 BLADE, CHUCK OR SHOULDER BEEF STEAKS lb STEWiNG BEEF lbC Frboe. Mable Lealt BREADED OR GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGE Vue Pub Trayl lb.pkgi BLADE OR SHORT RIB l.8b ROASTS C a n d a Pu sb n rs S n se l" SLICED SIDE BACON V ac &. k 1 .29 Maple Leal ( SWEET PICKLED) COTTAGE ROLLS fc,,yu )7, 1 .19 PIeuse Tube Notice: we reservoe t igt ta lîmit q.t'iti adw o' eie ne pfeorderson aleitetms. otUSA. 3 beads ROMAINE LETTUCE 4 heads No 1 - Ont. b CARROTS 43 lb No. 1-U.S.A. A 7 EGG PLANTS 4jfî.r RED GRAPES 3Ls Flotîga uJlsibnrlw ORANGES -,'l2 Ont U Flbrtda Wbite Jaîi fo GRAPEFRUIT 13 Nb. I Cas (2lOI b l 4 pitu COOKING ONIONS Nb. 1 -USA TOMATOFS 3 bs. _ BANANAS l1lOC CANADA - NO. t FANCY .cLE Mrseor ml ba79 Redl Onr lb. bats of Macssor unlu .g c Raed Del5 Nu 1 0.1 Whiten MUSHROOMS69 POTATOES no lb bus 65 Fresb Sunabst NAVEL anlu ORANGES (Size 113'sf Os,59 Please labo Noice: There are maop ooadsaotîsed on sto specnalsanbOnrdaYlowprices. oDrianolloobaroasunor compare. U 4 -11m V l]T ---------- Pr a[ th fo ju cc ni Pt r Pl in a si y ti 1 1 1 1