B 12 The Candian Champion, Wed. November 26, 1975 OUR RIADERS WRITE:I No "free ride"' in Esquesing meeting ,ciiile fii, lin d h rieicîifui lisciii hvui cîciinn rc ien seces. cc ool ccci acin x)ticii cli tlha are lcrge[> paid for lic hic cnhci cinnlini, thi gin Ioc cccbcd uebl cii hec ubiIiiiiicithi gcc, Il mc iiandithiigo> cci ciiein ccc liit ci icicl dccic gcccd lico lci ils laccn cnj hiic ciCiiiciiiiic l ccliii cc n li c ciuI ha%, icp ic on 4iicii ilicccib n0 ciukil poionv I thi icilînî, ihcci hicor .ccccIci thi iceiiorilncibii Ihecclîn) cinccctinc IcIcI(ccn a -ci-, illpio e lali e ciii iciu l, iîccucînibci itterra r e clit iî.ibîî t ci bîc!ccinn, I h ruraill ici ,ilI ciha i %%liiie hei rtsIe [lutltheci ci ib lccSi due ilIci va ' c nlliin i Fi iiniicciiiiiici cc , h e alcîiiei nu ceons Of1 iiiiiiiialiOiiu iînî lia- hN cit, p-i oiii orpciiiii Il cvini,- iccicîno flool Xcv t i nal an liiie \ou liou.s oindii IL, content ai ci cralt ice tciain thenci tir(-cî hllcnd c Iculcio nch c dcccIIi ci c hein hna ic crlI1a poiii v aeda -,u irted li iut ccclii co , f thein nrn:; irnv t c 10fîc thd police Ix_ ci o ti, 1,iciie rccmiiicndiodhern iiccii poccciiit ,ecccccpc tri cîccîco andccc cndlala, dias c chai îîu chso ticdcch i land, colo txes ,ee cnii(iat] pînchi ccicpcn t hiavn îiiciiic:lhfcnlcin ilyicpiiiîcmnici-ngCthi bildciiing cificirhhontei sicoucctiii Ohm cniiiîiichiîcccccInildiilithe orinîiii In thnciciiidi.iiiicpay andlcicintii iii a-cl iof chosectJngs hel itnKiccghis iihniieniilniiilicbiufor giciiidil i 00 hi-freeride"hic he o hldly cims \Niut eainiigichitixes u oi innuci 'Mr ciunîingh ndfii hcicei yn cciay, 1 'obaineiRuril hdncios muieiiPensIii kinpina icccnd iii hat ioi cicoit vcliiirneleîeilnainlass oficiciii.flushba înclinccchcl theiicppumopinciciriinic ir, cîninlilipciipclccoinnnnspiccihiliirihi Fia-apiciin hocin hic ceci ingcile ln i lpraicili dcvifcci, c 5c tiii0ccii and nriii.iiiii.iii cînîhleho dcilit cci cciiic the ruraliaie Ioisa ii r is ý n huail ,bhic dod mu cîcourt, ccliii c Iccinicihan lardcii iin n ocicu(c taxesii icnciccthe land iiiicii * The Coiniirvaiion icichoitliosiaidinhiicinhip chic ic u c picincipli 'Ni linicini han n ci n s goinc and csu ciiniipoiiiiec , )rcciirecclushcidnin Icihaveca hindichc h toiiiii uniiiicnuticinhlinichoiithd cibe t ael ii ci.cciIlino nicthebacc ein oclunheclden iIfccii (Il nuic-Cling I floto neig iiidi and ila steponiliii occlic hec inni ccchnncdicnî aîd Ccilicoini pfior lniarci c thliou mcccogndciiui A ligenumnicc ofni ot tn cci ioo's cc paceen ihlin tvhei vli iii ciAilrge nrncicr tif igibeipiiiin ccl 11011l hen I ci ni. i isecnd 1 -hne -idccc tiel i]i( iieII ci hiiiic,% i iiencîinri ide, %e arebiccmicciiciIicc cii Education: AUi is nol ilj om ha[ i sn t o n mýn f ,e r beli fýnc th sytembuthav n on ai neeens ipo. w onciiiiiegading oiiliciiini i iiipaiîic o ci o gnoliha i c (l cci cI'iîîi hi, incii anoi i eiln abcii moiithe nici ifociei i I, esici cci i v IiWnîcîil Ed cfioni A icion i.cagiv iiî Fini i s adt ,ýe nd cehcin bien. othr griiciciioiied iii i diiffi ur ,ic iîiiiii hioThe ini n i o heeniciic ku (Ii cii cd, ha i iiiciienccihiihnnciippIiiciiliifiiîi ie necd Ni n ici cciiiiiioines gmntf iiihovntcîion i rdli i Ig pci ntsilicinic>stoni Iiii ]ici 'i neidiiiiit iniciiO 1 cciiibsiiuiid c ihin cci nih o i, d ip ch le, tionic Eiiaind heii nivitsgof ouii ortabmle Tliit i ciivniion;1n ciicaguiicc i ehicccoiorna n iciiciciiiiiniciiîn lii c'ecoein i ii nul n ocf t iciiiiiiiareiiany h iiuiiiiandiiicciii and hciidi oucf ,ho haveicciiiiiiiiabout but cdg enienced buihcicci oneiihiiiciniiinhciiiîinciiiir ari riluoîiii hiel cýincioiiiicuîiiiiiirniiiii ie iniiiiihici nîccihici hiocci people ici c'altactIIEAIi ' ciL -Iilcc diic , i,, i ci]pinv toke t cii i i<ih i îp nî(Iî,,;Iî boari ci îîii icicc i i i lIii iii i "f ,ourtaxîii (lii iii ilr,,,',i , 11- ia iiiiiigto 'ýe, re onc ri l ii i twre tihi cci an, i er andiiiiic i ,c i iiig Ic iici\îcdî.i iipýI MILTON PLAZA BARBER SHOP RESTAURANT) i i 5(f <î<lc f< cO li DROP IN SOOHI tdiii c roii nheind iincli agaciMa, iiit aei,.Mnicng 00c lcouieduciconchl ri cft the pînheicen cýwrie old the hoiiiclhnow xactl ,nci, i ton ho in( icccicy chooi thc iccidithahbec oicar i ycihco hudi ie oracie hein ciýudin hand baint ici ccc addiion iait ingiciiindii teshcîic Mnoeno ein thal ce hae ,odbcccdlfor men yortaleciitc pa riicciarly iir r 1noc leerni(ha vide pcecfor a sniticil havnucci c icclii her ilîc cii cpro ivinlore hceîcriiiciiandcaiovation cFýich1ii <i cnly iiinîipiiiciccuncly. a bcd ofi iii.rilii cih,ire ni i ty l i nicn icicigiabi rtioifcavicc opn ciln i lcbih la ii hi ma, l ic 1en (, lîc [*i(c beig ke 11 1glt(ýlou b lt, imi tihe 9olgcudl. ipne fl ST CtAltd MASONIC i.tDGE roCE pcnduiîlic icck anid tmc iecîriccl icbrarîccii hhci.gh (Coiiccpacceptic dcii, Frcick'homnpîo and ice Wilcr mîcteiniiîch tpure hased the docks iii th oiaiys cihoc In my opinion Our childr e noorelrst ociadmnstrator and exciiii coiloits. what amaes me ice aireadY haieonee cnnisrto oeyclsix eachersin Hal- tni The ldcadageciiof oay Chefs and ciii inoogh iodians appiies ceeu here 1 hihink or eleied epiesnttieshouid siat cnoiingi he administration by ak- iccijhniii 1 g eincominiifeoio 10 wii1 icnhinridoifiono cin the Wiiamco A. Johnonc 1fR Rcckwood M. A. DEGREE Douglas M. Swaliow re- ceived his MA. Degre ai MeMaster Univer- S sity on Nov. 14. Deug is < in his second year 10- S ward aPh. D.n Hs tory. H i wie Janice Eaton) s a psychalo- gist at Mohawk. toctopntaLbarad A.T. MOORE ont dcncted a beautitul Caravelle INSURANCE L h ir its from Manens Bil pa CAMPBELLVILLE tib, r. hmry.care h corn- 854-2271 Moore An (;i)x v xi M MFRAI. oies presonted rhursday te John MacMillan et 2biic 6iJi j clii c St iltccil icr hic record momborship in St. Clair Chapter, Ncp1iX iii Mcisii Jbhiidrow Fuikersen, Grand Suporintendont et lilnîlcîisii Iii iiic and St.(clairs First Principal Edwin Joyce rigii cîmcdein liii linaiilon.Mr. MacMillan cs (ho firsi momber et the (I)apie t eF c iiicnfa 60 îvear mccnbership amard. The Chaptor, toundod on Mîiimiiito n1i7,ill ho iclehratingits tOthanncversary snt yocr. hlisicn je murei Cpint illic ha si ni cn h ortic C trublec ccragnro itha ti i ihnt on DEVON PORK BACON SPARERIBS $ 1.49 $111.19 ECONGMY BEEF FRONT ......53c,, SIDE. ........63 c b HIND......... 83 b' I . Ma : ivf THE ASSESSMENT ACT NOTIE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS Due te the inerruptiîonof regularpostlservicesX (ýMccctry of Revenue hcs eoiended the date for relurno0f ltheadPfscmeri lis1 from Decomber 16197510e January 21, 1976 incdli mcm cccXpaltiIes antid localies acrosthe provnce. Therefore, n eccordanFe with Pihi pr0von cý M niTiciAssess b ment Ailct ssesshieOt noticies wilih,(, I ti < idi i lbhebhed1 perbOhb on .ihflhcy 6, 1976 1t1 t l i <cFF rrior (, dPi 0n f the trolls. This extension affectsXtP <Pi, i c.c iouiduui c i owflhF and tenants may appoal thu I <P 1csmectc Thîi i mn <,hp final idate for ommenccfg dn Jppeadii ) the nm cFm;-,i enuCourt Piph l ic ii n clilii c g F ,1 hcîary 1il eotecdod. A colice of ciy fuFîPiel < NMiill),FuFici I ici cmmmd dta 10er dole. NOTE: TOWNSHIP 0F WICKSTEEO - These allenvate arrangementcciln ciont hocF cmii cm I Fwnsiip nf Wckseed n l cthetric f AgomaAchocoiiminium ',, c ird ontt owneîs anditetnansocithe roglar date, ecnmhnci 1ýIc7ccrd lie associ- mienitoll wii ho rtorneiton Ooîooiheî 1h,1975. hc in'imiidate pi whiili cwsan te ncants may comoience an appeau no the Assînsiment et Anco Court ntho Tonship ot W litendi s Javoarp . 1976 Minitry 0f ArthcuMemienc irr iRevenue TcMRcssell Ontario Salctli (i ciii Paradil lc iliinv The Conadian Cancer So ciety oorks through the henp ni thousands cf votunteers dedicated te the fight agecinst cancer. Through the annuel campaigf.. thene noiceteers rrvide iffe major sorce of tads for research in Canada; theii r iriround sernices heipioancer patients and iheir educationat programu urge the pcblie to teare mure about the diseuse. If yen ceould fike more information about can- cer, ori ycu moctd ike te join the vounteer eroup contact your local unit cf the Cana- ciaoCancer Society. EXCLUSIVELY ON CHWO MILTON AND DISTRICT SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS Every Salurdoy at 12:30 p.m. on Hallon's own CHWO YOUR MODERATOR: MARTY CAPUTO For ail sports resuits contact Marty at 878-8392 137 Main St., Milton chwol25s TOPDOGRAIO N ALO b4 "6 HAVE YOUR î.'- ROOF CHECKED i~kL/' a FOR WINTER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Commercial and Residential Repairs RE ROOFING HOT FLAT RO0FING EAV EST ROUGH ING CHIMNEYS POINTED AND REPAIRED CARPENTRY WORK CALL 878-4752 EVENINGS FOR FREE ESTIMATES J. Jack) Bowîc -7712 Tevth Line Rd. Haton Hill MEMBERS 0F LOCAL 4970 United Steelw@rkers %if Amemica P. L. Robertsonl - Division of Prosor lit bas been broighf ta our attention #hut somo of our members moy b. ha ving problems procossing caims for weokly indemnify. of auyone baas oufsfanding claims or any such problems, pieuse contact PET£ UDOE JACK ZANATTA CHARLIE MILLS HUCK KILMAN GLEN GILBERT