,__ 4 V.1, o4,Nume,31 MILTONONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOV, 26,1975 Se ctioSnvar Settled by saddle-bag preacher Untouched by development U Lowville a natural beauty BRUM""'U'PIL FTIM~ W F F olgacnbeflnditis(d aniu flp l sco' ulofrni bar IF) ii cnaertegai thei laai M irp nýilI ka avuii gc s IL C A T i iOP10d an o h ln .i kus lo tittip illg onatlIaGalphvLiagaIloan ah laaltlsn ae Pintandlî lacaarolanaad garae fd o allc rcaer]n lalhamîlb yrhap no brrr alar at sloîdrak aand abccîcigcvltheealbeept mod llern ahîpnîri.a a'bav eaar aadaaaaaeaa 'laadae 15tue gana race elîli viandcvadall1,5endath rearias inr ai thSe d cere %asaanaivaean aln theiaibaofathe aallcnrci ala Ilacn nI !heIII r pîv Ilo alaretheiaa 5'eal aîstorea 1 .S'hiarîd 15e rbap aheer a abcra ioaal aigaivisana ai aîîvbarn lias bcc1 alae 15e apVag v e aid aaamarî Sa' lire il 15pirbail Ow e i rd ndbarav Aukad h ;o neaîm1 lhf fnotl a n of th ilgeaa1atiquacesaire a, laac ahieriaaalic. aaîaa Ncaller aaeb ar 'viitong, a iliang(olkei'aicrthae At i,' aseaîil rthe hl la. itheId'aOead ardus ici cirla altS bail f r laaa s r Puîaaactiraîheilavie oneavd thFeraal lî aa ii' vy vie, and ment aaiîIace Nieslauchas Coliaa Pke i'îladgeadgland la îal aaîî'nioltSe nnris elîleen ni lAmnille An ynnngnveen the Pîiei chaîdren enjnyed playang aiang the baniks ai the Imeire Mle CreeS. Ilmwana mach largeenceek yas agn aine ni gendaiher Piktlin lhrnanmnomenscamemwhen eiavvmaie innm the foene creei ai nnnn. "S5e le[ throagh an aie Sle and I raced donnnreanallthernenl air haie and plled ber ana:' be is reenrded ans aving caruallaiad. Timven change The humlide Snaa'ni henas Nlaggae'vs Neadam lv ara a raanm ai neivila n the a netîime n IS nskieen and aaaarmabilerv Aanl Maggîn ived in pari aI She nid oc taon vbaped banne an 1he Sli namamwned byGeorge and lieleva ('rlbetsn The bouse wsbul by Andrnm and DiaanilPieketintha 150s.r The meadar' nar Maggie's rpeeîai praperymbene site bepiber van' Il înaned a irveiy nid-lavbanned flinaer garden hene Magi1e en- iertined ber lnend n the Mev T.E. Piekeli. the great grandmnîherofLîauaa daughlen ai The Ahvalaîm Smîlthv ai Paienmr lOne ai NIr bmîl'n hobbiesr a acavang Se andbhervna'ea ravîcr' .pun mav Yardof claIS and Lara am nc ai o the beirloom jacquard cver lt made in 1h36. The iavely peadv er a aven irsm a pecîia m allacbmeni enabliag 15e reaver ngel amav eam the usaoinesvanal squares and pradaive a varaiet vofIra ciy desi gnsn Thsecms mv ae cc iagned b-v a Frenabmnan, -.NI i acailaerd, andA ,acre ila Irdrerd nia I'pper iCanada aaeal 1820. Accandang la lamra oniy the nhlied wae handîidibis campliaaied atreS but valS a large laîvala ùaigi, nmoarerpa ce lame ,a ai alaheý Laura tells tne nlory of the lime during the Up e r Canada Rebeinîbn hn Willam Lyon MeKenaje nade is escape from the country eaealg a nea' ahirt her gandmoîher Smith had made for ber husband Shp verylnindly gave ilto Mn MeK enzie lvben Se narght shelter in Iheir home aller lalling inIa the Sxteen Mle Creek in his wlddatlempt tla save hban de lram snnme af Sr Allen McNabbs a llloners. Acrding ta the slary Mr, MaKenzîe hanked ber Innr er aid and pra>nraed o all and nee er again innnvca years. 1 he proinlian lien ept, allbnagh i'snol recarded i Se vr netnead the banal nmade shiel' Saddle-bag peeacher TheIe soaIof te Pîckîl fa al n Lana lin han brrr avril dnamnenled, Ibanha lIa Laran maîber Annien Mrsn Cý A. Prndham ,She tlelr of ber greal grandfathen Rer' DlaanilPnketl. a addlc bag preachea'h aavsent lram the CUS.by the Nelbadist Fpspapl Crcblaa prnad the Gonspel. le ravelîrd lbeaagh the wvledsrc and decided hc anald gel a larma here Ian hînlanaîla Ilec vetird an thc 20(1acrneslava lhclarmafllarKang, in the anar 122. Annienwanale lchstar% ia t94a I ihave aller lîcard nva grandinothlbctll haaa she ý sent ca gilfaI14,. rîhlier Unel1nhand Aantlannah Kennry, la help Ihena veIlle 'i heir lati nn 1he mauntain aknaann an Bad'a Maan "Alerr hear arivai nhe a vent lhraagh 1he mandn la Jahn Thamana bouse Inn a coal lenna lheîn lîepiaceSe carried iback belareen lava stickn and varled thelire i the ineplave ai Ibeirne hanre. Grndnaahee nv boanain 1910asvat1is aaald oîcîî nîî1824aand Mrand Miaý vThýanîvreralradvtherc. 'Abaat 1831 Rna raaaanl Pickcll Irak the 2W111acres latnm lac hir ralanla ia T E l'icll tand Peter MeNîvea Peter 1vs naanned la lavaval'v daaghlnn Eliabaeth Ingeraîl Pîckeli. lic dîvîded the latn lenih- ,viehnkng the main road a beter spot on iiiavh tl lve, 'hiv acrangcmýnnlcame la Se kaîaaîaanthenlong handneds Inlataec aeacv 1ev. Pckrî raid hîv larm la Mr. Walkanv. the falSen of T C, Walkaîav laarder oflThe llîghl Haaaenil HaialtonanaaalDr, aaaael blaîkans aI Manllaîr, N ', Tha Ma'Nv'ca larm as ovala la, Barbera Ibm Carir a nd lv acallne b au larîcicRad- lhr îca ladaa larana i laa a a rol l u alî"te r 51111r raaî the Taeive Mile Creek, The îarmvmwere al] caverea i ail firrl grade tlîmben The rnad aa nc lame a ent ap ibnrogb a gaiiy an thin larm an 1he nnad alînavance wa tonvseep Inn Iafic. n lalen yearn il mon bail lbergh Sauirae Cieaven'v pnaperly panl the grinl mil The mil mar bail by Cleaven andmwana runaof thee stores whh did alarge anlam and vhippvng buninesvsInnrnaany a day. pnaviding lats ai mark Ian the Ivamalera ro "tlii heme Th5e trrr sarra'milI baîl abouta83,bar ainla peralîaa lla l1956 In a1i38i barard and a yen a aoanrarbeel an- vialîrd in 1937, mas theonniy llaîng laneape theelîre When rcrlared il aviamered taîma strîeenand apenaied ans a gelistmil] SF Catherine and Nrma n I an goIn Norm and Ernlyn «Wnjgstbnaght il i 1963, and have carveeled il inoa vhaeming and la lereerlng home. Earv etien ta thecre acre the Fvvînr Whie emagnalivg la ('anada înam lnciand va 1832, nlr anIer dicO abaand rhîp and al urd ai sena.51r Faîner iaadcd oa 1he ashares ai the îe %ravaaiah her amily of cîgh snanad tmadaaghters and lîtle in ns Thisvalelenmined wmi largan Sec alraggie a 1h a lraaac eandnînang faîlb ri Caad and abe eaavrd ber 'rvlîuliiy AcardaaglaoAavaae i'nadhamn. Srv PanIer a'aaid tlke ber basket ai baller aa lea 5mai anal maiS la Hailtonaîand envhaageillfor gaacera hîvh hevcanaad hoame the ramne wa arMany lai fier descencdantsillaiei the aaamaanity. laînvalie aad ilv plaree faaieribcv'rnliaaed ni $ 'v ~i~~iJh îîîaiiî' 'iî aili i V'Tî'îfil al"ei'l 'a [111li i ' r .1' îî n i l î ' li îi sire' ig)î aia i"aaîa' ) i Maa. ito. Mllisîîai ili asi abelî a ' L 'a( grand desailia l1)'î% i,(.'a lîi l i alalîlquid la, ii ho'î i'îo "'ta'imad Iig"'i.SiONAnLIIIU SEhail nt18 sir A n.'siîiiîand alll laliaill ivkî is alalarîavved ibr ilvarge aindilenalvas i 'lll oli m- _ -à., 1 SADDLK BAG PREA- CHER Re%ý Daniel Pickett, %Aas one of Ille tirst settleis of the Um ville al-va in 1822 NRS .A BSA 1,0 M 'MIviiilianîd 1ier' eveil The vlar'Fielad ai s e i al laoia ai metlo a u 'llai1e iIalu ano\ \Ialeaiva #CECRA mui KING FARM mon once the pioneer homesnead of l1iD SCHOOLHOUSE ns used by renidenîn ni' the saddle bag preacher Rev. Daniel Pîckeil He Irnnvilie area for recreotîiol o civities. Hcre etird nn 200 acres vs the yeor 1822. local women enjny each thera cnmpony ruile GENERAL STORE in iLwvilie Vlley stili stands beside the park oS the turn in the road. if~