Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Nov 1975, p. 1

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Vl)LII'1 4 u, e 31 Posties deliver cheques- go again Dec. 4 VU1a1I, t e l1 el-tio n t htf t a ont1 e itid on Li, .1,1 postal s trlethi' Sdi, to'hî'd anttt ç It dependîng tSI', thite. aiteil n( aiot'pîi th govtnient me ake (oreur il ok tigt hl,hî,tînpos taarkd , ., t1,e' , Ir , lîa ttt \ , tll d i e l . n n li \ ,,,Hr l % a e Cace pub liý im ate t ý1 hi twi, t ,tî , a l- se t 1îîî ii it' tt, ne,, j t onhaî ,ti.t'iting tt tttto arS, a iiot Ot t , ar lu aho antI ~ ~ ~ 'u as ft'aî, tai trntt ntg t the ot alh iii l,t- gIenie tli in iti 1el r i an nd cop 'W -Itttl 'attit Icttt'5 t l'ti ritî il t' te: eli t at h I, ttat l o - 10 ' zîî,h tlo ,gl lttî - tittîtat , rko Wan e doubilewi Pay more 'III' , Zltlltit , , for water Ih t - "" 'lt1wt han 4t',,' t MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1975 64 Pages 15 C-tt Railwvay underpass? Tough decisions ahead for .L~ capital budget committee tosAu oc 0 ucl THREE LARGE TROPHIES are bring offered the best floats oinbîhs Slilurduy'u Santa Claus Parade in Milton. Thse Milton Chamber of Com- merce tropby icenre)i s for the best filos bonIte parade theme, "Christ- masin Dseyand. At eft iu 15e 1975 town couniliors iropby for the Itisi creatîve nion-Ihemne flot and the one t right is the firefigbtersî and irgion tropby for runner-op Ihemne float, Pubiiity chaîrmao Potitd- eoti pictored wih the trophîrs and reptîcas. Manstry says Nassagaweya Iandfill the 'worst site ever' nppsnîonionos onthe Seration aod lutta- ot lit te Nassagatseya .înîtfîll tite ocre oced dr- tigi aimetingof Mltn tour- iîl'ats tsommnitt Sernices tîîîîîîîttec Motiday oîght. tepita ('teeS and former '\,î agaîay,î lerr lump- bellT htîttpsno sai the site ad iY liIrais supr ,io laît Verrefor the job 1wtiatdltnetinsupervisisg Ntat te Anne MdaArthor Ivthe nite lainot hem î,,nt'tttarailstoce the rr atîîtt tuSintr, as it as while unerte i rl fthe for 21 miles Urge region to take over roads Milîtnoni ttal Commn-i it seretine i'mmilfe,ll t',,tomiîtrithatauîotunil t ilttat, lintoassanion-at, teiaot 1miles'ofroad tthte, the tn t oitndarr'., one'tSe rtgtiodnitriipstitsrcgtttat rîîîdstem She propîosedrergiou i 'nid svýtmwudi ntoltte ie clusintdf'iadsino prtln antd c'tnti'ttitiditbiforarca ta tititpa lit t t' tln i h aig tht' t'r ilt-l daiotithn' tonttte'tal fes ,ndînated hatMiltoni otoli tirpartît it shurer tot th,î'î'î'gî.îîtl tuti ',id ,îand îî,ght ;eat'lt ,,î'îttfan sarr tf i,î'ltaoetatin tft ttt regittal î',,ttrot hiitnoimitnbce o ire retitat i ito r, ut t, atntro oflMilitonriasifor terethaf thregtit o,,î,td nul ,,it,îfttmaittutothets (on lIte tGoed Keunt aw Ili,î,îî' a, a -step towant. tpn'ie lgoertsrnt, tiefthel Srot onttrtiser- tîî,ots.ýthat sapt Ioaitmr opaiten ngotiuttios gel ilwcnrîtlied Sn te egîoo ticS toth e 1000 'lit, SithIh lne ioformer Si Paul Istes and Afro iJîtîrî o the Misstrp of the Eno vironnent took a dîfereno 10 tothe, situation, San Mayor MacArthur toit Nasagaorya area ('onci lite tlss looadiukhtatiar gord thal flics aont niors shold bcexpced at ustps or landfîll sites aoni shîoldî'tt cnstîtute a good enogS e son for shuttng a sten dio "No site bas the fîes. the retdets ani odor t ha t tha t site Sas 'e seeo hondrrds and fthatsthe, oorst site ir riree l'or hve e ISterroAhno 1tooold't getîoutof theare1 sis'repotsto ithsstteando Isirs saîd, titfen o buthe commtte Ihat the opinion of lite Stîint stry Sud nsechangri "Il oas or opnonoin t97f)and I971 thut the site sholi lose and t i l iltl our opinio. le renîco ad the por idta in- tge, theeSîgh groonu'atee. fore potetiai of ceatiog titI site problerin. tpolltîog geonduater stipplyt and fhe tact thaf garhage bas nt beeoaonveredby six in'hsrtof soif a s requeited hi ith' Stînistry as reason fýror sue The yi'ogeotogtcat seltitg t', lotally îîaccept- abe," (lflen adid Phiots ie The mtistrierepeeta fines , lotithe comînîtree Iat pictectio thesite encfos shots mooods iof garSage i wtier and garbage tItbailSu Seers pshed oner theîîanh. Mayor MacArhur ,sîîted ts o ose Sud ener oferee asy proot ni contamination o godoatrroorlrace ou- teri Shesaid fit, oulli e the tisoe lutcaime the ste il Shert, îssa srtoo tndcation tSt the, creeh as eîsg pal- tted. tthe poiaîteli.itittiatalosorr itîoldotear a trip oft2ttmiles fotnnemtccdots tntdispose tît thete giehage Handicapped helped out by students Std-,trottnlltîn tis pistut olp the, hndtcappedl resien t, fs o 'l'iet'Nicatttto drî oSe a iii 7itof Mltonto ires anti aesart, acciblennttl pros t artiltatal liteanls 0f t ipeti har e o ert chatirsandtiti "eciher DoLtttlenari lia's ttcgantized the prolect. oht ct'nîieslt in thepreparatin ofa brchunîre tn ho mde aalattbli tthotwoat i bnltîomthe tinomtontn (oiuisillîtî inîrresîcrd l'eplan reslirdinpr trot a rtnent 'haompion artce dtaîltng the tterest of1 CtîicilntSlarînniPioîts inîttsiof tttrte hattît, ciipptt ceacher at the high a,Sntîl rit a relaird mtîîe, Mîilon ('ontîcl lust uneS askei That sptiaa partmen citi 0f,1 Saoiicappetlpersonos Senon- 'idrctd mfor te nwhîghrse condotminium aparttsrnf tbuildtng tfticbiîtllt 1 ,1 l side Dr i un il -k-1 lai. deirîtîper Pip,pO Contt struction [A.4ot Mittis.saogai Io alteri 'ritrat ltnilifthte orritarisesi t'tinstructiton otkîîthex peit'tt toilst att 1 ont l t iiitc ne o lig . Ti t, a attd t>I,îî'îîîNîthît 't 'o,an Milton Council met ttsce during the pant tseek to iraI tith the tomnsise year capital torecast. The counicil met Tuesday igt and again Satueday morniog in hat bas bren descrtbed as inore matios meetings. tlortng those ttso sessions ciil bas sot come ta any concerte dectotons, but orner- ut major issues requtting pot- icy decisionsbane emerged rom their discussions. The ratltsayunderpasand connecting lioh peogram at the coener of Main amt: Ont- ario Sîs. wilI prubably repre- sent one ofthe Most conteo- neepal decîstons counctltsill hune t Malte. An old problem The proponri budget dora- ment calîs for a $48,NO0 study for traffircolume and perde- sigo engineering in 1976, toI- lomed by an espenditure ot $375,OOtn 97 ad atarlter espeodioure ut $4,120,0)( i 1978. The presen coonicîl has ohked ut the problem t that taktog oice oin14. No dect- stonn as yet bers made. The ttersection bas bero detttted as a hazardouo situation tor more than 20 ver.Accorinto thefitles ttt thts ormopaper, residento a tteoded councl meetings 20 >ers aga andtsere dvtoed Suat unntnderpaso might Se gîîtgîinatthat locion- Moner traffir Tuoroty peurs later. couictl 'ttl taces the same sttuation. Th5e expansion nf Mlton Malt aod the addtttoat tratttc sub- irqurtlîy created ut thut tntersection agganalrs the stuationseeno urther. Muyor Anse MacArthor de scrhrd the stuation thererut ta',',ttmes of the don as 'sttsply wld and tl'sgotng Igeltorsr"- The mayor noted oe thîtîf as tohecdoe andthe ,reatescructatto the toso Nndecsonotsas made on bhat probiets Sut Cooscillor tCotttontKîîîtt,',rtnd tîîtt coxpresot sg the opnionofnIse- t eaI couoctlî,rs ahro Se ,atd thtettoonmtghttjosthatve trlie uc te suaint, Storh Soperinteodeot lito,e Meilae,'cc ld cousicît that tralîtc a o nter hacked p acensthe trakso nOnîlt- Nerd lire liait toatl spcotuccntader- atbleaunototmc dsus- sng thSe, ticcs of the lirte de pa rtmrot Cncilttondsttsel intthe positoof hacing a San ta 's coming tlocss tiSon comnton Milon thi', Saturdav,. 15oat ttctaltp lauoch tte prer 'hri,toîat î.ioi Noneoe ner lhatt Santa Clauos, thats tsho. The Sata Claus Parade is chedaîrd foe 2 pm. Satorday and fli delisosShe parade theme, coute, rtrîrs, atsards and nîher bghttghltsttil be ond tn ranfscial t cabre in today's Inside today The spollght is on the communily o Lotscîlle, ils punI anipreseni SeeJoce Bruîun'sleauileonPageHl. Aisu in Imapo Champion: Coanoîl uni regon nemI, Pages 2 and i. Chamspion sports, Pagens, 6, 7. Classifirds, Pages lblu o10ý YoulS nemi uni Mactis SI. cliol report,0B2 Editorîais, elers, 0B3. Mupeursi muSes a nets fisaltueorSnta.0B4. Mîhons Santa Ctaus Parade is preieme n mB51. Ll a Ngirior building elenatoro are tho, omali for ambulancer sretehers. Story on B6. Pamiy page, rouamns, BIH, SPECTATORS GAWKED last week as a 90-foot- ld car goîng through thse village? Tur o page An id iailmay car rîmes ou CaiîpbrdlleiBIhI. movr gigerl ar Bibforthe nsoer.Air Cadets enfoy a ekend camp, B13. long pulman railway car mvdgnel r Ilfrtease.Hatonndosme allte Royal Winter Fair, 014,0B115. ound a CampIsellvrile street corner. Why oras Ue $168.000 aerial platform truck nosthe truck is ctthout a pla ce lohouse il Itao'tftt in the Main St. lire hall. The budget lorecasi altu' cales $375.000 for a newtire hall batthIe councit haso't yet decided tsher, ' liaIhait ohouli he but.The lots, otsns a t 1cr acre parcel on Steeles Ave. but sm on cttors preer tosel that [and and purchase less epensine land snmeplace elsetin lto At least ton sites are itoder investigation tut nondecîsios on a land porchase or sale ni the Sterîrs Anc. peopertyhbas ert made. («.ssider sale With togh itoanciat t'rstrtcttttss and eacy de- mands îodtcted for 1he ton lrrasory, couictt bas es coînsidered selliog the $168,no00 aeretutplattuets iConcillor lîch ttay hrngt te matter up and suggestri t the Torsday meetitgttSot perehps the Must cut budget Lougheed says nît1Zf it l a1ii u etas, 1,1, 11 l tiliej, ni1tun-Il 92 ) 11, htt iau ti't I t tI o 1 tI .t ltt it ia ittii t l it t a ndîi1,,,l '1î e n ,î ,tl îît tît t ri ' Irtp tt'tttlli t i J Se *p tub*IS. .IB-d kig.ieae and perbaps cousicîl should otlerlthe trucklfor sale tousn nayo Mc or utagreerd 1that the councitsoutd rither .hune 10 ind a place to paI the itruck. or sellit 1 ln Saturday couscit dis- cussrd lis options tsîth Fiee k hirt A. E.Clement. Couneil uohed staff 1to ok tuetherin o land oegotiattonssaod 1agrerd that if il wsncs sary. the truck coubd bc Sous- ed uith1e oets morbo garage fora ttmr Thc losco'ptoIShe garage and the gae ouI hune tn Se aaIlrredtowcom mooate the truckh otener, Villa ge hall t'ooitis alsn coîisîieriog tino' 1tr hall ibe Camp- hellif tIe arra as tsell as sre tditiînal rquîpmeot for the ttre deparîmeot, Mitlon tbrury ord pre- setri a capital budget for 197s ai 5,005 The hSuis nI that capital budget oould Se rýatenup int ahstc cnllection lai 15 6mm films ut a cs Trafficking is suspected ltndu t ti t i,- t alotît i tul, 't ttl't k, ,t atnatt t aile'h dii t 1It tt,ttît'î'tttitiiîl 1975 CHRISTMAS SF'ALS mccc dri ce d o Milt o homes by postîttet Friday and J. M. Ledwîllî, Milton chuirmoît for fhe fialfoîs Toberruiosis aod lRespirafory Disease AssonîolfOt's aftl liudraîsîog campaigît otsited tlinall ifant sseek t11f lfictally fauînb 11fr olmpalgn He presnît Mo the lîrnl,t tifcoforfof seain ifMat iiyt cr tîn ary tii MaYre fliii MacAXrtfhur, Cali council pension 'ita great mioney grab' h On toltht' 01sf(tîtruîr andîf Nltistît,Ittttitgtrdthe tf,'inf u oin i c titi,l t,ît 1Pa t (K nnot Saftrstihates ii1itithe t, tiîe,îî' îtath,tii st rtaiog aî,'nd I' Snks',ipptiteit ter i Ssfoît ilfttulltîolieot' tthei tîstill Ifrit'atari' the titi' ton'ohle i r S 'nl gitt l oa t -iîît pî'î','t'îlî', -t iiIl dit'ttilitt he hi, lu, ttiti' tpitsei t..M.. l, , hifýo" adý nf ifldý1J1( puT egons $.75' re o eur itistilopîtîr assinthe li e foioe carmao George plaod lcot $5.76or eraiogr pesitonipan pastirtpe csandt lareinto "loo"thoto o're tht piaotwlt eeieaoutot tiutotaisîiî$17n,0g00.eaioon $15 a Monthomtht15 years tif orington ouinnilor'SMary tilt 'ou cao suit mhat pou service prosing the coitrt lunoo l o iioal th . oan,lhis is agreat musen uittostays afi tttltpys lenrl.amedmeto out hane pro- gr, itsasumpe astbI The plan aiso crteit ilIa ided coonicllors oîtb an in- "The oslp dillereoce diinaitiy IîîeltotanaSene- ceeased oon-taxable eneftlietwemt bsrrt S d,î.lesse.lamnes fil 1fowdows tor dioerit ni of $0110per couscîllor S e s e trguns." liahsille counillos. wsIbe osip ose of eîght Coascîlloe ,Scbte Dosagliey The debale os thelIsobY- uriîsgtoîî aourciltoro ta op shouitîc latss rapidlp degeseraîrd isf0 pose the pensionscsoeme. Carl FriSses, asoîher Oak- ansslpnamecaltisg uni Coancilors a vienlle rouscillor, tbld Mayor stutsgseots rb hliPoysun aJ sWals,,ofo Ha 'rrîngton thul be liai t ees fial passed 12-11 wttlbMlon bolh supporîrd t15e tiac o1 say the cousicil Milton uni Burlinglos repre- plan. Milton Mayor Anse sbnuld restricl pop rises tor senlalines smîngîsg the vote Mtuc Arhur tsas abstent trots ,egionat employers ta Regionat Chaiemas Allun the meeting. Halton Hilîn Cineo P~age 17)lo

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