Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Nov 1975, p. 21

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Steve.W. B . . s.d. .f. A feature by Joyce Beaton Vol. 114 No. 28 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESOAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1975 Secood Section agate aI Mlon DiritfHtgfl SefolefThlewoueditîref drrrfer arneufegierieg and tr79geode13 geaduale, fis year fas meauf juef Iaf. A total et 54 of the 79 are rerfieuîrg ffeir siudtes ai erleges and artoorriier in Tronto, London, Waerloo, t Ktngston and Peterblorough. rfle remoîder are alrrady te fie uorieg u'orld. Thise sear ai MI3HS Ifere tee 28 fntarotuSefllars. ,ludeeiaîlth marseof 80per 0 'onf and user tenscredifs Iln o f tee yourg people oit be recevig award and .cfoloarrfiîpr riday etgft Mike Keidrick aforg o htifiIr tiSA ceue tfcale ,and $1g0 % aleditoriar Soaiedirfriar lite 195 t' f9- or ahI dMthr Kedrîrfi as Dtr S'floar'andtuînnrofa r eTed floodt mu oi owrd tfor gond academtc oa tieterstandng, ted fie Yudeet flounesi award for pricpattitn floeer Su rochers tnd 'asmates itho like r ii eeraifsreece prugramail otetniersity etTronto W r ifither oittfy aîtd g uerge Kenrcotf IMilles ad fas olforded t1. M BîilFay DnesrandI Martin St ttîghersttandinig Bil t ',y Salîsthe h îgfrst îer centavertge Bilfistais(; t9 anda iiile receiviegti i lollîte Sitoard tif Eucatitti prfictecy petar. the Picheti Sflodobîgflstrtandtngten grade lanehshOario 1 H onor hoasi li hrs it Sera Jetîseothoflot iunittr memortai t a trîtantitIplaîtue lite bgheri getgrphymarkr. dipi ornas liosthbosonotfîharles diplo m s andei argaretFbar and i ts tî ig csvil egneering t fh ie fositty f Waterloot brtiolastcsutttess ruertin the Fay faritly.His bfitler Don, ruaý a eaâfer ai Belle iver District figfl Sefolel esr saledîclrtar uler fe grad- uaied srme rears age frontm MItfS and tas arrerded thle 'ferry l)rslaurirr Auard for perrîateattr.ospectal henr that fas brrr gire nonere inte fepart seresears.1 ifîr sster Maryarrr rettt'edatleadershitp atard ai Nf 1311 and is ea arerg- istred nurseîinToronto, Seront bîgflesf grade 1f3 standng asearredflyiJaee Mtct'acthyttr at 0.8per cerf Serordaiy Shful Graduatonr Ditplemas uI i e gîser lu 2Sf riaderîs tuba ase cempleird fine grade f2 courses ut tudr flîtîor diptoittas go te Tep grade 12 Toigrade 1 tI eti Mtîfe ige ilS r8.g per cerf. Attaers sfudrrt lfrougfleul hîr lite, fe gradualed frot trIe Beosary Sefolel tîfia 925 aerage. Mike is te woerefet Ifrer itards gîsenfr te fipferi stantding, 1e affer Bard of Edîteatier pretîeîreey prîre for grade f1.,fthe Gerge flwon0eshfield and 15e tudeteci foorroerl paque.le il atIMDHS thîr soarettiepieteg is grade f3 :id panvs ta gî tolaniersirty ;i Wtelo tit îtstudy engîn- eerng andecomputerrsctence. Th sonrof Alfred ard iflda flîga Nîtkehar an tlder ister Ifoseatre wîî bit o tp graduate ir f971 atîia093.5 per tcest average. Sfeio stîîdr ieg Ineahermalîe ai the fiiersitft utWaterloo. lthRiîgasseer o bcfi gîfird ini mtfeeîattcs watif 'tubke",îmrkrsrldum slip- titr e broa 97 TIhe Wolttfontai airihti anoh tiwhrer fe auards oars wur Slepfer, 18, is or Otrario Seflar mflr fek hS grade 13 rn leur yearr and is rom sfudyteg aI 1he Uri- verestîy etWestern Otario. le recetrer the lWD Kîrgus Scfllarrthti Hie frrîfer Anreet, 17, i wteeîegfueoatuards, 1he RHa- tee Bard af Educaier pref iceecy peter for grade i and thle Johne Mlton Cfapfer fODtE trepfly and aard fr ocademtc ackrrtledgeieet. Anrewt ouk bts grade il and 12 fgether fat year, graduoteg wttiai91 per cerf average, He'ueemîeingradeO13 ard plans tu go or tu 'vîversîly Tfly are the ruer aI Ane ard Roy Wolaton. Brothiers Nirfietas and Jer- athev are ai MDHS and Mrfie Sf. tirades toerher Aseftakivg grades 12oand f3 togeiier o'ero Janet Seflet cher, Hobert Aufdeme, Cfa Kayrer and Jare McCarlhy. Att are fOntario Seholars. Janet received a8.3per cet average and is sdyteg Kîeesîotrgy auth1e University et Waterloo.u Sfis iteresîrd rn wrkirg eiffihaedieapped efildreor Janet te 15e daugfter of 5111 anC Audeey SetefbOr Rfoberfrecetsrs the Stadent Courrtf atard, thle Anne MiacArthlur srhofarsfltp for fltghesf standing in grade f3 fitoreyHeis inrpired at Eirdafr Coffege. fti s tfdyîog English at York Unittvserity and Jare ir at Qeens te or art s and sci- enceoprogeart.Jane reees lheee atrards Frtday osenirg. the Qaeen's tUniversity Trit cofor rrflarshîp. the P L- Robeton scflarsfttp and fhe Canada T rast srhofar- ship. The arards are for bihtest stantding in grade 13, Teady Sales and Jettrîfer lfatgrao are pursuat.rg uuulcourses ut studv for woortrr Both fotiartu Sehlars. Teady sninela reerhaf the toutttale of Medtcafl Techoology and fettniere afSeneca t'ttlege tratningf0 fe a aiar o techniin Jennitttrrecetrrsth 1e Studenf Counetl atuard, the Patt Deartsg srlarsfltpfor ftîghrst standng tn grade f3 E nglftis, rharg iftstlf Suar Thomson. Ssan r s reeeive the Trent Untversity enfac scholarsfiîp ohere sfei tfudying arts. Grads9 and 10 Judy Wifoughbfy ortf Wif tiaie Wafher aire eac h reeeieng tuîaîsards. The Btalton Board of Edacafior proftctercy aîard forfltghest for grade S attd fe Camp- prtoe f or fltgflesttan odng in grade S Ergîtofi go ft )Jatte WSiltaie receivsr tfe prof icterer prizerf or grade ou ardfie Wlfred Crottershiflrî for bîgflest '.taoîfîg ingradr reietua paquers anîd fie JohnîtMtonae Ifapler 11113 rrflarsfîp. The plaquer arr thle Peler Larrer mmr Naiscy 'sourit awrd for gradefs12georplir and te 'frees tesaaeîer 'Teh and Cotftthe Leroy riloensfltp atuard. togits meeortaf scflolaesflip Student founi and plaque for oaslardieg HarneeHiltltand Cathy acempisfmet adcitizen- Jeffersttntuilrecerse Studeet sltp ttt business sufjects te f'earcit asards. ftotie also grad12. 15ereste Mltott tepaet Stdeni Couneit aaards mete Store aaîard for a aso go Io Mariee Hume,lait sfudeet proceedieg t0 a Ktrhs Darra Odeehach and Ctttiege ttt Applird Art ard Pai rirta Vn Stefte. flotai ase reertors fie Mitott Uotsverstty Womner"n'taClu scltarsfltp for acadrie accoamptîihticot antd ouf- stanintg schoof ctzeeesfiîp JotthnrCfapeî,in tr fiste yea otf science program af Qîee'tUniversity recertrera $t600t cflaesfltp fettithaf Local au'aeds torfude ttr Harets Stattonrot'peter for figtest standing no graua tef fPatrcia M ordre. fie f-ft, 0c o rfici'ar i M' itoioins ubiSauard fly MaSto infsîtît Sui e Noooftfor trademir Spends two months organizing program Sî Llîeprîeh ,daofthie morditis petttrtttht big dote SinIon tepti ii Stf intant lis hirgeoritribitu fie flstiirtetftîgflSano, thesibrayrs, a trr, tepabout man respoosîir lie ti e mîttîg artudort wbîîsfld co i mecemnt xercsesrecive ait atarîl tr Frîdar trîght reîognitione Tits serbeheas fIer brrr o itotoi, li imti lthe gursi speaker ho part otre toar" teaî'lîîîg andîrtasaîrrgdfrdter gh biýtru .n î'îrr astnt Setîtîrl CocertiBanildtpay saiîîiagr trîerîgbul the et eîîrg. Sort n i a tuîîrrîoî Pif 4s mirrrîd tirSylia boganohîs toebîîg tacrer i ,îoîthî'îha've twoatitYrJohne t'îrfiîguîrdîiS1.9î1oS6liiie 14.ia loden'ttttSbanod vettriSuai 0e rîlîgîiî' e PArtîf e. t'. a, ar'tinîr M îcaetiptttitrttietland yae îtlEl liastitanagota î'îîîeuil o ting t iltont i itîrket rî'arir trinait dîribas T..rettoiihr'plantr littgett oloa sevc lie plaîns rie tîrît chý ut', le s atrin trceargeoftr mneet erersî tîtîr bAit re rw bîrrîstar broik standing and good citizen shtp, Etentng Star ffebekah Englirfi and aooher laoguage blttvLotda IHughes. and the Milton Di3strict fftgh School 'reehotoaf Staff Atard t' Aihert footatt for pro- ficec ine te ichoiaf rubteefs attiteetoeditfrfevelIt if alsooowarded forect fîenshtp anod bort a, rage'ino r on oe Stud ing SFrec Mary S non woo lrtutu he Mlfon fddfeffows Lodge No. 92 Srhofarship for htghesf standfing igradfe fEf Eogis Univrrsitt rrfraoce ehofor- s*hip.Mars is st advi tg Frenchb ai Trenf fhr sr as no applitcation for the -faffor Federatton 0f Agriture'Aoord thtNer Dto forfit'and Larry Wtgood foit i e tthe tOak t'iffletAtoonotttîr irdusfrti Suppfies a ard for proftc ten o inr ut tae ho oterand tt f t t Orfttp ai he senior fever The Frtday prttgrato citrt off8 pot .at tft ctoof andtii open ttt the public. El) LOEPRIC'SfHîrlary Deparîmenl head aI Miltan1Disfrict ffîgh Sehool, ris he organizer of the commaenceenct exertirer. Hes becît teaeh- tog Ihere flir tine rears andis tlso on charge of ho schîtîti ear book. 28 honor gradua tes Ontarlo scholars 1'iît' tîltaaîg stadets mouf fît' teris îîg Sccîîdocyv bîbîtîtifluette itofuafion Jnt hilier, Ilargoret 'Anerit, aroltd Arfeirer, burnS , rmtrong, fRobert 'thuriîîîtS, Salerte areer, titriari ItBîrr, Ereotadier, JohîCrrulfiers, Johnît Ifp' ilSIturence (harîfor ilS.Mark itrforkeliS. Janet tîttplîrd, tovd tiarrarfi, teîî'Do rayî Cfrîs- itîpher flîreheres, Jerifor rliîîîeîaîilSSherrci Ethel tîrrîta S'tggtor liS. loîtrîr Safleor, Knrtit Sai W-ui sil S, ittaord Fraser, JItîbi eraer GlI. lames rahamueîEdgor tube ifarîbiv tRtbert Harîds Hfamîltoî.Thoma',Hawktsr Nirîf lasuard, f;reory fleaiter Aexander Ietr Cyn5thia tttggtrs ilS. Sanrar fftggîer ilS, Kare Ili], Donna Iltîphîr ,îridut ffugbrr OS., Are afltl, 'orrle fora A,îentosen S.1Utla- ('osiarzer Korer liS, Johnt Poi %larder (îS.iti .St,ieshol tîgtli Kihi« ilS.t'Mtchaeîr 'ui , îtîttîl i i, f tîrt Mu. S ien. Fra klit i i ki i t tutti. 'a iii Nf,îutî%îLeîNit u', 11i"t 419 Ittifi, .fetfeîsîî,î ti ttitýini 01, Pti auli 'roet tti ilottke liii iii OS, Osttitfitit tii itîtîîti u li'iiitil i titi Stî Sî t airî,îîl'î Cilsiti )'trilo Shoii' Secondary school graduation diplomas Joseph Ardeson, SeuIl 'tttiea iteýry anJouer trit Aderson, Lyre Arewts, assîte, Naecy Bckers, Wesley Afhoy, Cythia Ar Dontelle Byer, Mark Bradley, Naecy Bredie, John Brad Breurfi, Kalferîre Carreoll, Mary Ceeda, George Ceerre, Geoffrey Challîrenr, Edmard Cheukey, Rres Lorraine Couper, Marthu Corker, Dura Crradettil, Donald Cenultei, DeealId Ceffle, Caro] Culler, Gregory Crueknerl, David Cernmer, Jearetfe Ceos, Chares Crnie, tieda flavis, Sondra Debeey, Linda Den0i5, Chrielupher Des- cheses, Mark Dill, Terence Douglos Abert Geou. Jack Demnie, Caret Coke, AîtîtDunca,i. Sint fitrbar, (terri('ro Gittgeoiiif Stîphoir raceoylMory- NOoet tlitI Bfrbaro Leigh Fry, Scutt Gadd, Head, 'Duoîid Heaeey, Patricta Gawrounski, Thereso Gregory Heaney, loue Heres, Dehea Hector, Kum Henderus, Therere Hend' iek, Jase Hefheriegtes, Bannie Hil, Gregory Hil, Karen Hil, gleven Huhan- son, Keie HHd, Francin Hume, Joanne Hyalf, Sandra 1nglinsDuona Jackson, Cathy IJellereor James Jefferson, - , Sandra Johnson, Mark Jepees, Smen Joynes, Craig JaSS, Ula-Confuoze Kayser, Wendp Enopten, Heidimarie Eric Lamre, Laurr Laugh- tonle, Janfer Lee, Dehroh Po " Legge, BOIdrLppai eee PtVansukt Hether MaeNaugho, Loi t'ttieii.t Te'titi 'utifluti 'titi 'i ( al'tiSîl liii ilv P;011 a ' ,ti ...t i o ai't' ý I ehetîr, Cafthertner MCready, 'lamue, 'Iotire 'tNIi Iîttt 5 li Gerge Mclflraitlf, James Mere, Caoltîine NI(,,'titot i hiS. Michael Morgan. Mchele Mrîrsett .Rotbert Morrutu, e NormaneMetuheay. Sylia cuwt' Mule, Bret Muttay, ardy Murray, Pouf Nlet, Peter Orper, Janet Prraît, Tamie Perrymeel, Ssar Perees, Pterre Pilule, Relue Placide, Stuart Perler, Arme Powell, -. Robert Preetîdge, Sanra Ramebelfeet, Wesley Muelfia Riddell, Helen Rigu Michael Rige, Tîmrffl Roerets, Martanne Robitnson RobertRobiînsotn, Heike Bradley Reelser, Breeda Modoene Humte Rollns, Carlyr Rush, Cth Sît ,î ,Itl tît'd iti i ltt f ' l u il, i ,lt SiI t wr l-tiSitî" ilzl mite ,îîîeîlî , îlrîî,, li,' î'tlî,î efîrîret, C('ol Set., Stark, Li tta Stertar lîc Stakes, Judith bttera, William Siîtger IrenerT reatsfly,Krtr Terrmoto, Crig Thomas, 94r. Clero Thomson, Dougas TSGsre, fyoro Thlomsononn3a To irn- breos, Hoeafd Toise, CarIS Twtchol, DatehVan tIrer- t bekoe, William Vue SîckIe, ' F ufferter VarIey, tMaria IL, luini, Johne Vuipo, Berd V~, on Cubeo, Jure 9-alker, Alor Boald W9-ofr, Lare Shoua 9-tlale, Peler RosClarke Wllîamrae, Anretu An earned by 79 grade 13 grads ondren Wollaston Steve Wal Riik ý Kat Il r, Il

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