16 The Canadian Champon Wod. Novembor 5, 1975 CER E Ss 3287 MAIN STGE 19100 FTRRT 6 M6nosEARS'CONTINUOUSOSERVICE Brnteli 'TWO SIOREY CHARMER" Thioîovlofuloore. bd-av ome ,7isiOlotd inDorset Pavk i, iiilopaceandiuxrolO uelkig orthis is i fetofoinov utraiooooîhf 0100livin oiff 0 plust lare i,vOoh ktch,iihere te OOOfainSscal iY do-vand e if' 9gfher ,fh patiouduorsluaprivafn rear 022 The basiiO00f 170 r opeiofn wih rereation dry ,en, 3pcbath ,tc iddiionfaure onohfsiOf 0f 92.1090'^euaîh arii,-d120h efr f00 qoaifl hrvd oir ,, - vOhiofOîhvgvo sfseo ONE AND A HALF CUSTOM' hi0 -,f ie .011900home -s cfust o uitfor ono iv0n h00 700or5a d0h0ng r00mh3hodroorOn 2 200 iýh ooivOiO0 2120 arprfoftc Akn 96000000v-th ONE STflPEY RUNGAI.OW Tofhisa- ça vow i oafod ciloeftadovnoon avsli0,e o wthir vo 0,7,9 4,072 01 fa stors etc.hs 10 an 2021 f'2t100 0home0 12avood homoufo an aider couple vtfh local 01,70 VANS VMANS MURE e il 'c a s f00es tr sale 2 i 0220Y f or de laii0 FOR PERSONALIZEDCOURTEOUS SERVICE Call 878-2888 Do'ci'viand 878 9265 C]ountry Corner COUNTRY ESTATE A m00f I 09007 and a,nopoocsho 071home1 featf01î59 cente hal -t widngoa 91aircsef91,72 living001f7 -th0000,, iireploolarge lg0920 hn1015 c, I '7 5 bd0000,090 000v,7rhum andlarge0colonifllîlThis c52100119home and largestabl0wi0o10 boxntalisand tack roo00015sel1n a 001,01 '077pti -th0large t1p2,7and ao .2111ofmatur rees 0on -e oitiyoll,7000i0 soid fens o LO2ld i FUNTRY LIVING inliliving roomo and0 tari11 oom . o h.0 r . i r ,1 id ]si ,1rtgag Po0fis o1 tl' - a2011290 lots and2 0000012 y ,ounfi-ý ni, 0 ioM 0acresfo w091f159 000010 For en 0r-,. 2 s0 700 ol 927101 010200 0rail211 F ', TONE. REALTOR h1 oakshore Road West, Gokville, Ont 002,79 19 FAM ILS HOME Foriinrosid spit, laniliiroomon grund fiuu lamîly ino kitllaen, nce bau wownistgnnd SUI0 iving rnnm. Lagetfily homeolizsot n, paved drive, isled at $63,t9u0ou)0. 8tper cent muilgago. Ooner tansoloreto piosOiilail fes SMALL FARM P acres Good barn suiftble for horsesPond, a0000 91001un vî,s71m0000pool 4bdroo,7121Od ranch, countfry sizekfochen.iin oiuovifh stuonefirelnoo, largeu10010010 01h bar021 ecic îîfîîOpf200 Loale n quiet paved r1nad.Askiîg $99,00. Have boughl STARTER HOME 3210 2-00.to2090use, livig 0.10h00 lg oi, 000100 SOLO OUI WANTEO Froprfieof i211 ,nd25 oopocially ountfry lofs. sr ail acre a90 2,70 0000countryhomes0 Fo an 002i02f vifhofobi, F09OLISTINooh TRANSF ER ,SAC ES F ROM COAST TO COi, O ORNDIEFOL IOvhSOOiC D[NZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OakviIIe 845 4267 368 4121 o O GODDARD R FALIIIR LIM SEC PRIChDIN THEh0's'i. vok aoutou, neoovo litig01 ' abeut9 di l 02 o7t12ls1 ! IMMEOIvCE POSSESSION Cha-inîq 3 $22100,0 $2020100,7 fhoghoutf Oîî9htfaf2,7y k0,10000 a212000 9210ge, and follio fr.oyd.1 ,oing $599000 vîf o ) MORTGACE tf0a21120901Exoellenf value OsCO S5,900-Beatif ick 110 02k plil v-th attach029garage, 10l5 feshOd y02d0 5,0010 120250910 NO MORTGOiGE F0 ARRANGE os fis 000920f A $20100,7 brickhome007 vîfdoohbl duor 0ty l spaciooo fronI foyer. Feaforso,720floor f,711010000 ,th 021000, 2nd Mo,7 viii love10,0 kidchen! Excellînl 10 per cenf financinqsOrClyo ý000 51000055 -01902f00 bungalow fafoîing fîî,ohecd 72,7,10 and g920000 100,9 2112 01double garag0 Osg 63,900. F IREPCOCE inthfOu ist-ed main 0f1091 19,7110100, .,in v ak..l 1,,oîo 0hoooýaf, f tf0,0 pht 7f ,o,7 ithoo , ah roo00 S2and 2 car22021 921290011 pae0 drive. Co,7,7OfOî 0000121 2f$72000 For lorther îsormofîosn pluase caili ANNETTE CHUCHMACH MILTON 878 201,1 TORONT0239-8166 VILLAGE 0F MANILLA, O.NTý P i lSdte On o 507 OvyaIt00 070St op 01 10 (3 011019 osi, 002sna y ypbl hal ow in spot less condtion, 510001 a ' ( 0210100m, 000100,foli 0250005f, oit h002f 0,, 7 , q,0200 ncl.0 ided n 000201 1 Penney~i' -w . w"OVERELLREAL ESTAIE LTD. 20 OOPIfE STREOOi h GON ONTARIO a NEFO FOUR BEDROOMS? He,-ns a sputlioss levol stout un a largo luf backing onou qietparkiand, Foaloros I îl2 ahf'nnlfilnished rr0noo it bar andianyOthe, atracive feaures. Gnud 9Oper 0cen urggu Aoking $21900, 'mase cOnu exclsiveaqenf Ait 02i7despyker iRis 037 6465) REA LTOR Exclusive leasing agents for Dorset Park Plaza, Steeles Avenue at Ontario Street, only 3 stores lbt EXECUTIVE ESTATE 4 bdcumn2 sltv0nhoeand coh nosnon 12 aures of gnnty ruiingilandwith sumehoush.This custom holt hume han main tino tamily u mm ith irepiace and vailonol, an enetinnai patio, largeocou ntr y style kîlohen and separato dining rnnm. A pi tut'sque pi-pilu oîlh ianY unloahie enlias listed at unisy ACTION SPECIAL 4 bedrnu meunona large li onea quiet shtreaithi mauetreus, Lsted aI uniy $9,800.00 oith a large Fst olMrîgagenTu 0,00 lis ttxi y ova tnsl hume and pihk uoryuvr $1,0000 bous for firstIimte home Iwes al Dncan Arohbaid ROOM TO ROAM iLOn acreo vîlOan ouno 3bndoonm hng aioioilargo iiv ung9oo-vui hvîlO lafnO amiiy litohen anddoublie gar ugo in L ,nhus aea. Lsld alni$67,500.00and QOose ifo Ili2sjsin inoffing. Cali Jono Warner. EXLI1INGLY BEAUTIFUL ýtoiya tonludescribe lths irnmaculaln, cusom0 builhuomv on a scenico lt ahuttnla wouoduucnserva ,c raTh insIhume Iatues onîhodrai onlitOs, ox oopiuol 100 ,-uuoi th wet bar, irpaco and paiu wauilauirgegarnuie m, ,,udCksnand ma n y nolro 0,,79snç,O 'o CnactToruSandersuf F. PENNEY REAL ESTATE LTD. 476 Steeles Avenue, Milton For Mure Details Cal Junv W2î501 0-10188 TryýSuvdersuv Moiogii 20"il 0/-010 ,16) 44 129 878 Duncan025 Oîolibaid Wr Vnum 1,1 PRIVATE SALE os 7 LovelF 4 oevel home, separate studio, barro, pond surronnded by matur tree005 many extras, $229,000. FOBERT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Ontario St. S.,Milton (Across fron Plaza) FOBERTW A NT A T 1P ?? 878-236 The time to buy a home is now!! Main luvel tamily room, very spacîoos; swimmîog pool, showroomt condtionS067,900. -7JusO listed; Kingsleogh Court area; backing onto park. $51,900 Village ot Kilbride; neat bungalow; Lovely 3 bedroom I,§2 galow, Odîport; 2100 of ine homes. $55,900. Drset Park, ntl.0.ý 1vg5, FOBERT 878-2365 Popular splt level homo with carpet and inished tamily room with wood bnrning Cal CULLIS REAL ESTATE LT. REALTOR 6323711 or 632-0291 "J h00 n,7021, 00a000 on oo selig refOîhing f0 Esind. S3,50000. Nu agosfo 070200 Pone 870 92Q0 for- an7appointment Immaculate 4 hedroovo sdesplît on 86m028i qu'et court, large tenced yard; many oxas. $64,900. )R ALL YOUR REAL ESTAIL NEEDS Gr hms g.88'6 878honeR: Jon Johnstot' 077 7210 Maurice eaty 88-4111s.BilCurrie 870-4900 451-3341 -Bos. Muriel Dubien 8760 RepresnOttitlg CANADA TRUST REALTOR Halton and Peel DvisionLtI 80 MOIF Dorset Park, 3 bedrooms, tamîlY rnom; separate self contaîned apartment ideal fon, n laws. 065,900 OPEN 9 'TIL 9 WE HAVE MANY OTHERS FOR MORE DETAILS CAL Tor. Lîne 826-1030 Stately 4 bedroom home in cnarmîng village ot Campbellville. Steel barn 62 x40. $125,000. Warren Crawtord 078-7487 Ken Newell 878-53:09 Tom Ormesher 15191855-4439 si 88m27 &lý - ý INSURANCE LD Ranch bungalow;edge of 000091 cn 12 acre. S65,900 Large siduoplit; mature aea; shoulci ispurO. $59.900,.t-' T-Tlr h. "m"l 86. REAL ESTATE Mannel back Oaholle oniOnOor ry Manneîl i shnolnasthe tnotn's rprenoaive un he 082810 rite 8o0n C o n ser v a t 0 Aolhiorily. The popuan S politiialf 00970reappointed $ the pool ho vos oed lu rosigo fast oonth duer lu Coohrman ol fOrh meetinginieuselo ni" vlnisi balhîni utig the2 Auhor000000meeting houînr- NIluiol luIouiloooiCor don l0t,îooif007010 o90 the00 meetsoing inquesito, 0 d 1090127777970 17 coor D070 70 lid o ne ,dditional meeting70 R A LTO R 637 2376 86ý28 PHONE 878-3086 86ý 28 86ý26 FO 1 .