NUR3SE EVELN lit lST ofl iltîie District Hoîspitalt helps istaIt one of Ilt i3s09sigtsit s ir iti-ts337(9333833 18 ,îCiî smokîin e x 'cs'p8 endesîgeatrel 1333833 . 13-3-3-33. l3si 3 the1 1 patia~l ban Fegae last V3~ 'scl'îî. i23. a t 333331n.rl 8ti 3i t . î li 8l Toronitoi hîspital but 7309 Patients complain, so Hospital puts ban on visitors smoking 1 t31 3, Il the v8aor 'a l' 'R on 3 1833 o83338 333>3 1 lP - !il', . 7c 3e3',a, îeared 3 33 31338333333 33 1333333c3h3g 3g.retcs 3-33e3,, 33333933 33c3 ,ol-53 Il ct, b3hd3îng hcbîed and8-'d l a, Iller he,3 and3389 iîets e3ght 3339 C83p33î31 -3 31 har3 ) 1ak t3atJ unior Farmers attend 3cr ,331 'îakc da-, h ontin ,Ilbeg 1 il(n e h. Gl, ç,I1 , lý lce 3333eai (in(-, The, -, 333333 is-e3meetin3g and3cont3er 4113395ouriii-3333 3c and338>33313,ti333538in 1Ilote[ i oronto fronn Narch Mat8e 3333333-38383 3833138fise- Craig Yetske post SU'I' 311333 > -- >> >8'»n '>fi>>33il3353 >(9 3- 3 - i pil t z The Halton Board of Education * "et ead for Sprinig Classes"o lss begi VCOLI1 a TUESDAY, APt<IL 8, 1975 GE(-3,18(FI3SWN DISTRICT HIOH SCHOOL WEEKS _--TÏWME _ FEE - 3 edILFOPI DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL COUR SE INE EKS TME FEE *c 3 0 3p >>Y 30P3 83>81330 p t-bE EIC 3 87736993 632 L --------- ------------------- -- MAIL TO: Pdili Edesation Classes, OSOGueIpE LUne, Birlington. Seniors welcome HoIý Milton Senior Citinens Club met tant Wednesday evening in the Presbyterian Lamer S. S. Hait, mîth Bert Fisher, Prenident and Mrs Mabte MacNab, Ansistant Secretary, taking the minutes in the absence et Mrs, Fred fleuse The meetin8g 38pened adopted and 33g33539 Cercespodrors .and9 ib reu ts fthe emccgrency excsrctsc meeting ere gi sen The o3831r ot the Toue Councîl, euth the Fedral Goecrorients ocm Horizns prograne, te use the fcont hall eft he eld lihcacy toc u Seior (5tiens Club Meetings, -astuceddme The secretLco sentlitettro thanks tb thc Tome Ceuccit asneg thcm oteour dccisiee. Reports ofthibe censrs wee pccsccted, ruram bccship, Mcc Mac titsb 110 paid-upime'bers, tccasuecc Chacrces oucesaît $170; social. Mcc ElîenReid; transporctationi, Euh Labteg. Justtwouu niembeî s bad hethdays in March, as ý s'feed te sieg the t33cihdayi song. Thrce siters weris Toe8i Bradley, coneeisi3fote preoraies. icoduccd Mi3s Kacen tOrse Assistaet tuecccatieal iectec ewho hud chacge et thceeeiegs 3 itertainet Karen hiad copçies 3>8 thc Mai-eh Ener 3ainentcepcogcam passed out toiallceniors p.coent Copies had "Eastec (ireetieus- on the fronet of Spccial guests[rmHl Ros3ac8tPuhlie Schooîl gavse ther e l peepared speeches that thc8 hait gien [rithe -Alloua]i Publie -Sps-uh3eg Fest38 al 1* Mss l'atti Kesastek. 9 yasold (Grade 4 studret. ccceived1.,tppaece înerein th3e Grades 38 division. tir î lpic "Allergies" Sbcheoa crophy i , 1 Mric Patcick 158389511ieears nid,eade 6 stude3tcas I57 pla ce i' n J meeting bý -evac neibesfl n ialce Ci3ueiy, Thc ecrerec portion oi the eeend dcaltu3ithcrom 3euisutioeecSpeakers rcte ihcUiv 8ersity ef Guelph .and si'scl Junior Parmr mern hecsi tetd et prebicons and io3ss hlce ayc te seise tbcm. Dclegates atlcendig Iceet fia to ee idy (Cecding- les. Hoeceh8 Ken Hulledgc, flacby, Ed Bird, Geecgc ei33sflSharon Le513r, Aeiee; Geo-3rge Hccdcccoe, Aeîee, lic uick HmmGeorgetown aed Fartclaii et Gergetown. inthergradese5-6divisioenih lepir "A True Frîînd; 3)8 Me. Mailbrm Bradey, 12 yeare nId, Grade 7 studcci mac omog the tnp 3 boysc eboen te cepreet lioiy Hoeary Seheetin th Opiits Itecrnational Oratrii-3Col(333pcetwa > i Grade 5 student a.s2jei1 placecm300cr 3in te Grades i-6 divsio is 15ti8pic , an' Bcd Fried", iegs >,I Miss Coleilcî3Flev, 1283-3333 oWi,iradr8.tudtrei 5he' , a aioneg the- tep irer girls- chose e iepreciet lly Hesat 8 Shool -ber tîîpic -Fa il iaes v and Stke N 3i3 rlirNistreduceit Il 3313138 7333 >3353 for brin>13ng3 ail33h33 h333033 hd --c>33 1 T83 3'31.11 33( iogco 13,t3, 13e33 1033c 5333gc3333 (' Rosary speakers Winr ee Mrs .Eewscuts ovnrad franet M.Oi olon, Mr.Rn epesd h sad a- Mr. Charles Boiîsai lars ad Mrs ly reito oMis hy or ithe meeting wlhtheh ,afr.MissMar yn e ie coc f e- Mizph enediction. Beautiful New Era. It's the toughest floorArmstrong makes. $8.9 5sq.yd. New 3-33 F n3P983-8 Lis 3,3-b>oo3 C>)>hl, 3r Core n e c 318(New Fra ai oîîî F1003 Fastîîtt Ccîterr pr uc 3 al th 3iIIM3rc r)3 n'ad ,, Ih ), N lE,N 3 I i' S 3813-J 1 ,38 - - - - 3dWr gearanLeIL Ic i, 3531339 CsBroadIloonl l.imited :228 MIain19 Mret. Ili nn878-206,7 A beautiful new way to buy floors. '"We have buit our Dealership on Service and Service lias buit our Dealership." GARYE SER VICE HOURS FOR YOUR CONVMNENCE SPECIAL AiLLNIGHT SERVICE MON. * TUES '8c.n.-4c.m WED. * THURS. 8.. am FR1. 8 ar.. t 5:00 p.m.- CLOSED SAT. WE WILL SERVICE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU SLEEP FREF PICK UP AND DELIVERY 818-2883 GALLINGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA - MILTON $995 100% SOIID STATE $115PC 20" COLOR TV $39950 895 CARPET 100% SOIID STATE $59950 QA 26 COLOR CONSOL E8T RACK 11,$399 LIVING ROOM $ CARTRICOR E ,q SOFA & CHAIR 195 TAE$9 STEREO CONSOLE $25 RDO STEREO COMPONENT $ 29 f1,3$1 3950 NO MONEY DOWN- FREE DELIVERY NO PAYMENT TILL MAY 1975 818-2313 HWY. 25 1 MILE NORTH 0F 401 MILTON 826-53711 878-2373 OPEN SUNDAYS 125 SAT. 106 MON. FRI 109 $17 N c