2Thse Canodian Champion, Mcd., MAarch 26 1975 Nelmon Wome's tooitole held Uic Marnhi l meeting ai thn home ni Ms. Hrris Bel, 5 Higisnay ' Orlingtoo. Twenoîy six pesent donnes had thi ccrde eeodity asaitabie, nîheen feltitheir ti' i nlO i-1esss and lise' eepre tso -,L inrmaionsand carry it with ynu. Mes. G.iCampbsell prenndnd and opened the meeting ils a poem, "A Prayer for Uic Midde Aged." A moment of itet pryer oa oisoeecd in memory of Ms. Bonce, a memiser wiso receniiy pasocd aoay. Fotiowing Uic minutes and isanesal report hy Mes. J Tavtor. lave ocre mode u5lai s Unield Cluic', Milton, setisMs. H. Bell and. Mes. C. Rose neetetd as o committen. Tise memisers ,vers adsssed onitUn open Milton Council briefs WIts,NN î, SP EAKER' lJANET LEWIS, eft. of Streetsville, iv olligratilti îedetbes'e ît-n iDiîgiaof iltoin after sh wosns tise effective 'sieikm,, cempîsîji I1111iatI eek at Miton Lions ('tub. Miss Dîiînsîî ptaou ses t si Ii '!i(, (1wo9girt- îîess ds'ani's' bfinlîstiv Bcriîîglon Powys problem . mil l's,' isant ircsecios'0ci sacstcliie gereieea-sonsortoclie H acn netled 1IuansI iîlions o ce Boardoe d u.eaation Em iciseisnai'd W lh oiS-.essg I.aeeodec esplaeeed lise brsio dgets soclehtOis 'sci board oiie ans 10 dis- goisgsis'îe' 111, e « vs, coursage eachees ieavscg cssslit Is'sastshecs bilsi1 ilassesia seppiy leacieseosn sacs eaII 1-1ie cir'sforcassegsiiar ases. 'Iteons Il 'lse lip Tie polies e is al is e NARA readyforaction RtPaý ll hi ,, phseon e sses suad Apr 2 ,hpa t!eIro Tie eprl meeing ispene , fic la] o, t, G elp Lie r, ili secsd isene, Milonc AfteseLieIf a rscdensi lie gesiesiha,îî Ccii, gi .d siscs!se Se' aise iii se ici S cilS lise ,.1, " i ll .Josonhsearcc s S c astiistIl.îi, i-ie Sece 5 essl al 1eelecang Peh.is 5thecgeiss5e a s el t100 eçuesait etis'gs Tie micoerjIolesiepies iii lie Weneciesgesda e sssg IT 551555 Cs îlspic ellHe J,e 4ii iss OIlIloIseseakiss luiii liet ioni ISsseiliai ithn Ia snc iali Tises scade pln oatlendi lise Camp- lellIl'eions lcc ' asises Sua sicn MiceS 18 Nixon blasts ... g is p p Ila ci eamaesssi iiî sl kisds ofs i leeieceisse ac cedssg asndacnecieetou ssioi eei1 ixonsssss Tiereisas'libenc unesipîsýree n ti-cn uplusesisce Rossaîs ,tru tion mhiti, e fi! l e 51.5a 1 i ii llioss dollar 'lî'î c ' TC e v-1ii ' Thleespport isleecgithe lise '! i 1,es" il scai lses esni ' fe b,~ a nitVIIP 1,11 t '-er h, 'I iaed, lsgiss lisd and cpess5is55'seeî yearsTh 1 f -r' * NOTH HALTON Sctiecesg pisgam a isgisiJck le 1Se1issusel esc Eeese oo a ..... not nisp on' o - P,'i'se !s 5 e îli t s 1",eclel lesNr - 5 d l, 877 1211 iscped lise ieacisee aod pincipal caclsnd acais lie ieacieccao ie renli." is eaid "As a egua oine e 'ren usiiappy cils sial nos Secauser ci ans non->r- eisedbfira sethe iedis- rcpleonto isd Weitend noliso Se scppnrieleofni uas. -Trustees are conceeneli about iteachers 551150f on pubics bodies sialiasve cmeeings daeng lise day. Il ,o'r l e rlues peso yocaniiaeange ecue s ciedle and mansage c put thepapertelsr enoeing on don asdcorne bac oil laieTeacesecac 'i dis lsd Kids dontstav h iome aod lises ms avea pogase' iCcccilceorwsendecalnd lasiseeisiSai se imgisshn focesd tceesigo lie omcicel il sec acs acork out a suiae5n ciedicie Be seto visit Mlton's oew Contrai Lîbrary daIiarrrîng and en te tainin g isoperionce lor thoehrtîre tarrily d45 Beuce Street Milton M ILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY îles so tlise setinsg of Miton iîeiiieiii'is adifisies- cssscs coiieiiee ietssdas cie s'esbci s ss eeiasd oiisepeesdno esi ilsiaiseacisonlkesi le, lise caoel egadeg a dessrs i tisit rG ;imsciao ssssip-eced sial hec pic. ls c(y as lise closesti 10 lhe ps poed Miilaon Briisk dimp inoed C'srictiss sJ.errep -eeoessed iccisicimeoes slaeisaedispsie osocsmee [boni ai MtoniiBieck.s"No mer hierie esptitil iii poseiiisiiostcihlise dosite cas setvz egeonal eepsinsis cisisseciiogh il ton had 1xi'. priessiig lie bricis Ses ccci 10 seicheinee 1 sscsiplos inentssInlscessce lises ilsth e sis lle suncial sf ]es lise Sonio as asises per- miso oLse he lise100s cnssssiieeooseinithe tovn hasl liiiffmembres pointrd out iis ssas aiready bunpand lise ciinilir agreerd tv sugges the Bneoneitle - Asked lise onr ressisse thie garage on tise loiere Mlton Inn elle sincen t ýas in a seriosns conditson. lliseBuiding Inspector sog- gecsi ed o nsi ci lshcaid bc sApoe ereiii os'fni sign aiuhe corner of Onario Si. aod Chiiin Desee, hy Alliance Btuiding tu advertine ihnerdecniopsenot.The ssgn 10 ho c eni ach burUie sihan peoponed 10 pressent inlnceencesiihithevsion aI the intersection. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION A.afhoceneia ýs 5ennd C ls Mass 091s3çssss s NELON YOUTH COUNCIL DANCE Featu n BRUTUS Xril 5n l9'75Dios ompen 9 p.-m. Milton Agrîesltural Hall Admis en$20n BINO AT HOLY ROSARY SCHOOL 139 MARTIN STREET EVERY MONDAYî 8 P.m. Admission $1.00 Mini Jacispot $28.dOins 58 No s. fJacispot $45000 ils 56 Nos. i fr that uery i speeial spring diay We ase inefowerse10 1,"einý vce almccl acywSeeso is e P-J'netormi-1on 87 - c50 vv isecaroqieFTD 164 MainSI. Treat for Ne/son Wl Lunch is cooked by radar David L. Phillips, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Trafalgar Square 310 Main Si, Milof Sasse 203 Toyota Commuùnity Calondar Whts dolng ln the Central Hlton Arec 1 MAPLE SYRUP TIME Eacci eeksend 0f fhe MauntsefoheConse-to ne A wef f Caospbelnille, Halfon Region Conse ýativ Athorifp n opesafing tors of fhnenope sneoarbos featuescO honnrese vanwgniesfdmson mn tehe ncgaeiog-off prssn di pancakes ih freseapie neecv. Admison is st $2 prescaripancaks e HAPPY EASTER Ynce fres e t oHialioneToyota eold likie fn anis nanspono a veryeoye Esoia tes' Holiday. Sele how much car your mon.y wIli buy ut 0.0.ofsnsnMatons Tenok Sols hii Hwy. 25 JU3t No of 40 the Uic prescot era, "Not Yet ." Mro. C. Pa g spoke of hec cotining effort tonard the Twcedomir Httory llse roram for Uic day wassla ad aa mystery meetng and 10 Uic detigist of ait, Mrs. E. Everct i- tcodoccd 15r sister, Mrs. Audrey Wrighst of Hamiton, wiso came to acquaint and demontrate thc radar oves. vshe pinted ont tise qnatity renscees oft h isvesaile can aino ibn issd in Braille. Ttsough nxpeninsc, ils lonory la ialanced hy the con- veniecof ifat rookndowiUi a minimuofnfusa, listime aing adeantagen, an oeil ao ils economin rturo. Ms. Wrights pecified il in't thse 10 ertoaIt coniing needo, that a regutar type ronge na esseotiat nn Uic home an el Qinkly prepared Mms E. Everett, Mms. C. Rose, ond Mrs. E. Clliog, lunch committee, prepared in odeane indvidoal servngo of miniature meot halsot, Diotrict meeting ai Mater Feedo, Marcis 20, with Uic tiseme "International Women's Year," atse of Uic District Direcciors mcctiisg ai Milton, Apr. t . Tise nomiooting and standing cnmoitfneenwnre remiodnstof lise Apsîl ansîcol seeslesg ail s nynein Don ta Uic mail strihn and oonsdliesy of literatore in accompany tise Food Train- ing Course, Uic date isad toeinn attered te Mar. 24 and 26 from 10 am. to 3p.m.atthesome of Mes. F . Bell. Flisg ponsi Letters of appeecialiOn ocre read and one from, Uic doogister of Mrm. J. Vassicisin sise oisioined isy inestigation seitis regard 10 the remînution and atm eread a poemn fittiio Ontanio wants you!to gjt yor fair s are' of $375 millio làx Coedits. I O nde t aîtrio resýidetîts se iiýjci l , tilii s ciij Talx('redits. N\1 etesure sou cet r oie i air ciii e. le appis. \iiu I tstite bot/i a i edeici incorse 1,1a I,(toi (even iif'm don't tpas rîconse tax Iloi ite (tîrario ili Credit lo,01-111rCcornes ce tiirt. Any questions? ' u mN si. t ree of lcha re, diai "(" aid askthtie opeî aror i or Zenith 8-2000. Residettsse irtmlire \ietro loronto local cailîim-,erea slrould dial 965-8470. scctioned wieners dipped in Mca. Wight and prescnted ai craisapple jetty bacon and gft1 in appreciotion. pincapple cr8 and fancy Dornna coffee and tea, Mci. roll&. Vo tie amanemeot of al A. Harris conducted a Modet present in a matter of T Ford content and Mes. W. moments tisese foods were Seate exprenoed tise courteoy. cooked and ready for serving. ________ Tise aroma and instant cooking of a haked appte, potato, fcozen vegetabte nd The Hcart Fond sponsose lemon puddina, eft a magic nation-widc progeams of c- impression o! preoent lite scaenh and edocalsos. styles. Mes. C.Rose Uionked __________________ FAMILY RESTAURANT e COFFEE SHOP e DRIVE IN Phone ahead for fast take oui service 360 Steetes Ave., Milton, 878-5022 = .2 F.2 s.9 s.t.d, At.2 Zhî3 Fsc4 sî . Étaý K &% "à 1 -1he tPET RY a 'n Fi. s,5rri-(O'i