c a m p b e v *1 I I 2-R. C. Nlenzies. bcksnith, inoed ini Iis houe i 186. The village homes MILTON, uNTAOfOODOEDA, FEhBRUAO Y 26,1t97h 1o h i3180Vo0000 114, hou oo44 t Foitertyt the homne ni Nancy Bed, doughîec ut pionneer John Caonipheli, 1885- Cooopelu ilte, snue John ttc tuthfoune ulouftouutiv Comphet fiet mode hinhume uonu oon hunoeed hy !lie here in 1032, hou ttrocd ouence ut twou peome unytpeolenveeotos 3 eo oinnotersu otsfn tneuot tle hituuy. Aud itu nu o ondee o ou Thomos Bloohtooh, htoted un fhe hoteen Mite joouolout ond enioo e mme (ueeh. the vlloge hon moon- of the Poloomentoey Pres tooned uoony oooded aucon fGaleyt(fOtt, rughttOu ohoehbeouguonoil acuesibte hounahueovillagetforehuufOfin Ou maooruehghooyu ond guod 1934, huuervice 00s ttcuded couonty merodu onOtwaoOuirhoubtueut The CPR fhue euuuoug odeuPrime Monouteu t08 prottel outh the vuologe pond tBonnett. lion. Otgh fioohooo oouh)uitoint880Il touuded andftionuR JMNtooo n thuuu doyn tot tranpueorta linnes hion oustoandwetoanduti uooogheouonyhbeuohl Goetph Jonctioun,une mite homes ou Cuouphbo-otfo oour ueut t o Cmouuethitte, al vnboot gbozec finernouth tu flatotu eon oepaquesgheuuaethe and nthet tuGuetphuand homs otNoluadtRoheut Gudeeooh.-liot, Mu, and Ntuu Fuouu 'Telephnnen lfuoh tom and thoofcou Tlephuoneuerviceoome fomphettuotte n t892 uhen 'lli hoBeil Tlephun o, ff foue luum tuulingtuu too Geogeton thuough Comp- heltootte ond MNtotn.Thoe potal sevc a etohtouhed n 1fo2. n Comphettuoletlo 0000 uthuogh utl 1954 the viltloge hod une oe moue esideuf p hyniooonn The fhet 00 Dr. ThmphotunWinn tottoed hy De Choute Fîat tuin180ond Dr.u George Couhet in 1903. Dr. C.K.SteveunsnofMilton uouoa eeudenu nodfficetfor asouuoote dotoeu. Duý Mof'utfuugh eing tho ouIt f2oopheflullo toduy hou a heouoh of t toMil tohoouray and o theeu uuum publie borduoalkhuuot if10 0 wer uu p tued n t9t4 hy couneete uduoolhu Souoe 1924 Comp- beiilelan hod leotufo lghtn. pocerunametot oudoin fomphotto-otto, oamuuusoth au McLtauen, Mohon and Ageo - The came MoPhooaoil ho -l- hgneu NIoePhuot, the fbout ,o muu ta st n the HBoue ut Commonu ai Ottowao Michael Ohohheuo utu the 00sf ologe uhemoheinoitu ooly duyu and hiu grond- duoghteo Rota 000 the latut tlioîot hy unotofn! omjo surou oftthot fomily ount hoerdeothlfuruyeuaou lter fothouu tiohard uuu au fanionsu au Michoel tue theou O oit nuode tohheut houlu and 56th Munien jgj a sertbes on Thoehtnuosuuamoouufuo a popuofou une a u t o mo on homes he vltoge, James Monooeu ,*etoup hohblouhumithshup in 1857 ndouuo luoo-uhuy and of itintftion hopt Iou mou tutfy ocoupoed ousouflau hou son tRohet le inHa/ton oa eil huouoinuhlocoand omunicipal hOueousWorden t f b> the Coonty n 1885 nod Cuonty Tuoouueo tleum oOud oi Joyce Beaton Anderso, Jack ad tfouou Wholhun, Nru and NIuu Oou t ttoo. NiouuEtozabeth Kennedy andlitetoun teuuoh humeutftheuutbomnneae uhouu ohoeeHoouo uouoho oneo-oothueurthboueta bc u nthu vltuge of Camop hoill fuTt wo ou hoitthy oJfhn Camophelf.thoe0vll060 ft hou, wo h hd tfou daughouuu, Nouncy .ood Ntogouof Stoogooco ouorodoahtoPhoo and houohoughouu Ffoa livf ntho house utfl hou ofoofh to 19002 '[ho houoeou 000%%0oc oupood ho Itou OTihohth Kousnuodo ýw a ffoouffohitoeff[il( oofo o opfosite uthe R o \tooooeu hfoohuouofh shop JOt' guf hoo utufo hornoeand o ou oi fho 'ftoo.ooonarimo f, Ou ýer.If oos uihofoho fho vilageos hort do-fou hoD hhoooand aoofououoo--utodhu dotorsu otil toffO Itoheof Iheuuoou. hfoohuuuoh,lfood io ho hosoo hofe urkioot ho uhopoo-ooss the suho fo i 0090 ttIfedool ou 19530andoi o 196:3ho houuo uou pooohououf Ufonoocu ,dau ohoof ffouo uuour houfhoo outhe nuoieol 'houan A fhoetReid home uoo foof o188-, for Mr untfoooo-id.tfooo f09, \loo ffood ou f010i o Xt u f f o fofugfffoo .0- e '1o foo o hefuouoooughou dh hno1f34 Theho 0002if ououofou u u tner onA t. h hOnuý f Jn o II Pff h hundeouooIf spartfofftho Wfufoiho foooooo-fuaoldouo -oooof ho Johunfthoofhu foho o flatheu Fr aohi houoo f01foufou fgoTho- hehhfooohooooiù,f oofillho foofoood - Inoh-uooooo ooolousfoofooo 1;ý i ,,oooid homfMr, o fnd i onilOOffh f a .fuooou fo foooand ooueoo ou h rik tofoIf t o g 'to uo uo huoonuf f o f B2 5-Double dweling once accnmmodated wockern ut the Compbeiinuole t Cottage nf the Wheetlhan hoinentenol Frank Wbeeiîhan wos born beie Brick Kilo. 114 vears «go. 6-(îgi ai iog structure ufthIm nid houue ilunuotertIhe S toue. s t-The lotst house toi he oolt ini the nvillage. h