Haiton Liberals 'bullish' over election prospects liiin Ea77 7,îhnî aisar men7o7n.7 îdîng 7îîînn dainislini',isn l7îny iII hn ,iiidid,'ite ns 77767777of77,l 'm', 7 l 'ot .777777 ,, 11 i7,777Mo7.(ron7g '7il d777777.777 tead701 7u7777. 77,77777 777777 plic7v7 chai o7a7i7t7 i 777 7777777,77 Lib7777777 aid7777,7777777a% 777tilEa,7 777777277 he'77a wee'. torg a7'î77î77 .the77 Oa2k777777 Holday Inn71s Salanday and thnnî' was a press nnnnfeneallnnnandn luth Bu17e7 and Dr. Bîyd lIppen. Knth fannyn nlght 772772mnin the7777 7727 7dnnl ,o 77717t11,77.,,,ial A'nn7r 77777.77777. lature 7777'passe, 1v.7.7buio 77777777777777 277 ,777Ow7'77771le,72777h Conneil replaces [uwlng777777 7îhI 7.n 6'i 777 7.i777'7777777.777ilong777777777 ,777777777of7 llf7.777777 777777.77 7..7777777777677777.777 67777 777777777777777a, 777e777777777 T) fil,777'i7 .7777777 77.77.7 7,'7 .7 (77'ri 7 77 .77 "m"] un7 777777777777,7 .7 -777,,tll 77 777.777777777 Mar,777 577ri 77ri71 7777777777777 and77777777677. .77l77un 77..ii77.77 .ki7777777777 77777777.7 777 77777s'77 lie di,. not -'i'l7 l7.7t77at7the7.,7sil7of t' ' i 777'7..777'.77[h iý',llg.I N'77 aýol7 7 G 77777' .7777 7777777777777777 57,7,7..7777'.77777 777777777.777 777777'.77777777i t"", 7,777777777777 7777777 .77777of Primary classes dig philharmonic 7777 ,777777777777,, 77777.77.7 57 7777 .77t .7le 7 .7.7 77.ag- 7- to.7 777. 77777'77777777777 al7 il. 1 -7,77 r1711,7i.77777g.7i77il,777t77.777 II, d 'l l .n. iglo. 117 7 I7777777777777777777. p., .7 77. .77If a 1. p; 77'77. . .. Al77If;777777\777' 7777 7,, 7777777777. 6777[.77'il litfi 777 C'eMd hais 7777777' 77.77777' 777, ho Vollo7 O Plus~ a I I E E I TOROI Qîîallywrfy 7.77humidifi767.7f07i7771f$60, A super 20%'.[savogs off mar. 0 sugg. refait "O CA[Cri '1 A fr7777portable îadio t ro 707f t.î 77 ,>7770777 of fr77f7 ho[se 7central .17 7ai r difiolirg, YO[ orît have fi 777 f77 77 to receive yotir radioolst fave oîîr ' FREEF' homre 77777777 "Fiee ' rower humridifier to every 7,77777777ni ai tpI77 7' .7) fer for central a air conditioning. Covenent 2and attractfivehfrancr7g terms for those who qUaiify . 7)77777777,:, m ' 17 '7 25% OFF ALL INCNESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURES *Air coriditioning *Installations Motor rpwind ng * Exotic lIghting Mlanufactur rîg * Domestic *Commercial * t rate's *Repairs *Pc ip * Lîghtîng *M otor sales -tSAVE, DO IT NOWOI NADALIN ELECTRIC Sonny Manufacfuring & Lghtîng Ltd, 1NT0 826-1223 3153 STEELES AVE. W., MILTON 878-4111 771 :1 l7 I [Il 7 fi 77' Il7 19 the ', -717777 1 1 77777.7 pi 777. 77 iv. Den,777 t 77777 llaknlle and Burlîngonn 7ill eah fnnnanidingnnith Mlo,Georgetnown, and Anlnîand areas fnrnnng the ne rding 7o Nonrth, Halonn '1he chanige il l 7h '7in 771777 " i i ", d i ' l7 77777 (Io7 7777 in al, i[7 7777 777777g77in th,-nnh'provincial Dr' . 7777'7' 77777 the7fine ofi 77777k the 7ihnnal'.plan 7Io 77777 77to remn'7777t1h voten7of 7777. 7777777777777'7the,77 7, gvrietlias enlablînhed Ivr he lanilfour ynans. "Tw,, hig îissnnsnnll he educi,ii n d nngnnal g7nrnmntnl."hi' naîd. Dr.7l'îpn'n 'npl,ined thnnn "'v aivei mm 77had,1il 27r 77777h7777and thninlnns fel î 77,7777 77A71o777 hir n 7177777 îsn7îîî'7 ac77r77 hre Wright on HRCA 7777777777 77.Irait 27ade 7recoin7of7th,7ithAity and is hn777 i777i'777io777 7777c77n777 77q7 .77 one 7 rit7Me r77777777h7772777dg 7777777777777 î77îi777.îlu iî'1' 7 .77' .îable'pî'îîple i'7 11w7777 i277 ..i'77777 and77 lit,77'77777777777 7î.îîhl7Roge'rs.and lî7îk Henry Stanley discusses Il777.7777 Ami777 ,77777 la7777,7777777777loi«77the7 th',77777 5 , 7777777777 6777777 Ill7 1117Il 7'7777V 7la7Il7le.N iWe7 dl77ri7g77 .77777777t7Lire7I77as Il7., 71 Il 7 p i 'l'Ile LLI rn )7 , ,777 177777.7777.77.75-77, Iell777 es,7 h il I v, 7, v 'l L ( ; 7777Il,2 El7i7 1 , ll*7.77I777 ocal' .777.7I the7777 r777777r77 77al - 77.777,7 77.7777777 7IL 7777) 7 Il 7a77l 1, am 7.777ng 77 il77777 77.77 77 tir,,7777 77,777L777 1I o,,77 g,.7777777777777777 7el gnn7 7I711w farms 577,77 hand of7 the7tour7777277 7777777'77777th6777777 and7 of 7.77777building, e7nered in7t67 177,27 ome7777 7777777777777 ['77777777.7777777 edisesse the' 7777b7777777a7'77777the'7local and the h77776777727777,7777 7111777777777 (lie7 77 7 777.777777 77 77,77 o77 Ille7777 food7. z'7.7,77777777 7the777 7777 7,76 i.ii77i7i7' IliValk .7. 7ii7 77 am,7777i7.777777 7. 777a77di,7 r7777 7777777777777777 local 7 and77777.777 777777'777'7777,irs N .7 gti a token (il77 77777.7 7777.777777.777on57 7777777'7i.7the 77inv, to li Sank, an isonettes cut stmas record 777777777 Ile7t7 olig b 11a i7777 7 ,777A777 , 7777777777 57on 7I sîII d 7.7777 e 777,777777777 77e 77.u-t 7a77o77777,7777 'l77 t:7777 , cre 1'7 ['77777, 7777 77777777loir .77.7777777 igon it77777b' se77'77777 01177 the777777 7f the 777 ý i7 n777'en 77.. mi,, 777i ,; 7'7an 7e 77777 7, '2777777 a ,7 7.7777777 g.77 a7771 >iliiil77'7 ,( .'lI,'7Il ,'l ,îh . 7.,7 in 7.77777 77777777.777 777.al7 Ile77' n [ lie il illo77. 1 7[ ol t il' 777777 al[ : luti7l'77 777777777777and7the 77 777'. ,., [77i77CI,777. 77.777777 > , 't Il 77 ..77['7"' 7' 777.[n777777m-72.[ 77,' 77i, t7hi7777er , h t 7'7ri sc li l77,77 77777777 and7 77 27 ' Il 'lil b t,,,7777,7 a777 II7 .77777' ih te l fl , il innu tIq mont, l'[[ i e Ilie '77.77'7 77, and,7î' h.777777777 (1un, Il l ýýn 77777,;,7l7lie 7777ngr Il .-k [ii-7l 77sitig lid iaid 7l [[ 1 an[ a . 7,l, l Il o [îlh- 7 l-1, ro p7tir7il[[777d[777i' 7.77 l,7 17777777 .77777 777777hol 777777i7 I7i7 11,11, 777t71 1 lie7 ['77777777 7,7j'id n C, le, 777h , 777., 777777777 h u ri 1 1,7777,777717 Il7 i[77e7r j77777 7 I l li'77 7777777, 777 ;:r ,7lZ Il.il 7 ;7,77 - r7C7 Il 77r [71777777777777777777 ;[,7777777776777. 7777.7 , 7 nnhappn and nhnnl hboard tnrustenn îhinh the g7777777 mninlilaning thnnilforihe 7777lnot rUppnn ,iidd .Davis must777 1777t7hi'e n t7i7r i f , ,.7 , l7 , .i7 ,.t7 7i.'77, ..-, 77.,77777,77 "Davi7s7777car 777777777777 l 7 .7 777,7 77777,7777 777 777777, 77me- 77777777Ir, 777777 ,' , 7 .7777 7777 77777777, 77 no', 7h,' tri 77 7,7777 777777777 p,77 767 77777 77.777777e7'7'7 77 777 7777777 e7777777.77 77 rmln7t7j",7 -lnp7 7',777,71 i..un 7.'ir- 7777777ark7ri bii, n marier, I nmind "777 haon't 77 -,,n '77,g tnth2777i777candidates7in North77.77 7n 7 o7n. of ' hi7 n have pro7 .7 ]ai ' 777.77.777 77777i.7 777777.7771'77Nor 77777 liolil DI 1 pp77* 7 and 77777777 7 777'7 ,7,7 7777. '-id'777.,777 l"7',7 77.. 7p 'l.,77777..'77777777777 hl77.7777 7 7777 7777.777 p> dol777.7777777. 77 ,'I' Wl .77 j 77 7.77 777 7 1,7 '7 77, ,,,,, 77,, 7,7 , Ho, 7,7 , alt' u lt- l pil I.7777 . l 77 7 7, t7. 11-1 1,77 , 7,77 .77.777 77. 777777.77g à1- Ill"7,,7 ,,' 7' II, huhl7, 7 Op 77 7 8777 7 for777 77,777t7h, O.777.777 .77777777777 7777777 Poli' 777' il[ 77777777.77 pffiç7.77 777ald7 7777 . o th lo7r77'n 777777. 7777 777777 7i77lor the 7i 7 777hu7n7 Ip777 1 r, m) 1 777777'i'.. S 17. s777 retarN 77,777. 77 F.N,777.7.w7ad, 77,77' 77 '77 ( i' inc7777777 [7.7 "f 1l". 7777,7 7777776777 ffl 7,7777il71, , C 7777.7 Voir, an7', l 777 7th, .77.77 -,k 7 i, The Canadian Champion, Wed.,Jin29,,1975 9 Seli 1,366 car licences A tot7al (if 1,:166 1975 car -t 7'7i'nn ',s 7'i777 and7 liceceshâv hen 77l hv the h.7lpaper, on Main 7SI 17nParti7 n[t of i nn. 777771.004 licnces bailn7 ,,iat il 7 , 7in- 7AI7si al [hi', 72777'as 171un 7. '777,7f7cein Mitonn An'n PROCLAMATION FROM THE OFFICE 0F THE MAYOR 1975 Dental Health Week WHFR [AS: WH ER EAS: AA727 hn27ith, phs,n.aand mental car,7b( - h7A.7" 9772 h ai,,,, THER EFOR E: of MIIA', do herby proh7a.777n.the w 777 Fnn'7a77n 27 7hroohn , 1915 a, De7n,,n h277d2777777ai.en I a ndth7777'777 hi ! .11177 7a n 7 ahthe 7 AiJ. MacARTHUR Mayor, Town of Milton Now you don't haýýveto be rich to have a tax dodge. '7L7 1 Yo7,, , .iv ,,' 7777 7i 7ili,7,7 , ir, li Il 7 ' À, P7 7 7 7 And heres's the Grabber. Winoneof four Ford Maverick' Grabbers. ' R77 FiM77NI77MI1777 P uanaidci il 'Js- - A IITON -.17 2 . Regional Police in H. Huis soon greal specials "FR111" PorlaMe Radio ýt,