B 14i TeCanadariCamponWed.,Jan. 29 ,1975 Halton Hoistein Breeders review successf ul year'74 guesl ,a, .to" ýcI 5t, 1975, ttoce antih,,divs tgaitsl îtnting 225119 lbs. of mikseceteary-irnosurer Ralph tlonblt Il Liton ,)auP,'p-, l , uc1h, mtl lteY aie al 8t71l at in 14Iactations for Ford, '149 iieaon iî,sl .1tJunim, lte t,, o piettest Ior tO(Xs of 16., ad17. Runîne-up as Fred -os. 17,163 îoilk, 658 lt,t l3 83 1percetltest, O'. > f 57 nd 164. Gold t', ,d,îslî,,,,ar,,,ds ,,,'t till lttg Reid %îlh 't,,,,, 1,, ,.ke' Oas o,' 5tnlîightl Litains ,Itieeof170a 1111 sers and direei,,ec ,'hoeoace punI presentill, Il e ti e t tI. tOolingtonn pînoîdeni lient Stewart, 1li'tnb; it iepresidn Blruce McClure, Genrgeton; secondvicenpnesidennlRussell Il u ten. l'ampbeliville; G eottget100 n. Sa nd v Btuchanan. Mofltl 11,1 taîdiaw. N,,esul; oi Marshtall, M5tln 1Robet Marshall, Mlto. lGord,,, Ms Donald. l'eorgetoon. Keih Moor,en Mfftf.Klen, Muenoy' . Acion, JeIt Nîtese Gleorgeton; Haold l'aller- son, Milton; Robhet Snli, Salivation Army PICK-UP TRUCK nMi Ion &Arna EVERY TUESDAY 877-8522l, of CANADA "NHow Offering"l 1)7, EXE('1TIV\' of linton Holtstein Breeders Akssociaiion wsa choses ai the annuat meeting Ji, ), t Vi",, î l t te 1are tRussell Hurren. sec,îî,l , ý.t,et':. ertît i,,I c' , ,îpresident. Study poultry disease i Bill Bennett, pas president; Bruce McClure, firsi vice-president and Ratph Fard, secretary- treasurer. ' 2OOa.to 15OOm REBATES On Certain Model Cars and Trucks F-100 SUPER CAB VEHICLES MUST BE DELIVERED ON OR BEFORE FEB. 28YP75 Ask about o,,i 3 yeor or- 36000 mile Pinto an Maverck S 200.00 *Mustang Twa Daar Hardtop S 300.00 nteîfril'1i10i301 exen'nded Warrîanty Plaît Mustang 2 + 2 Hatehhack S 30000 on oî'ty tew cor oî truck. Mustang Ghia S 500.00 Mustang Mach 1 s 100.00 Fard ½ ýTan F-100 Super Cab S 350.00 Atsa any of the ahane nîndels that are ietsd outn also __________________________________________ quaatify fer tait rehate. t iAL\s ) iTdî îPH Y IXINNER of the HButtasHatsteis Breeders Association i, 'latde t'tict. ',hîwn here wiih lis herdsmas tloog Peddie and iheir in,ass v.ai tc. -lliet roplies inctude the Dr.Pauai Beer Memoriat Traploy lite bîsst udîered femate Pîcktusd Rayal Etassie, the Rayat Bank I tîplît, t'hn' lesi lhree-year otd, the Hunterhotnî Furm Traplov far the granîd champnît,î cow. the Manier Feedu'T'roploy for the beot breeders ltesllor anîmnats red by the sume persoal. the E.J. Meuglons fl't,îttirthoor the premier exhibîtar. the United Cn-Op sitver truy io l i,' premiter exhîhîlor and breeder. and banners won for iwo yeurs in ruatihe premier breeder und exhibîtnr, Can 1DB help you? Many businesses includirig: Agriculture e Manufacturing Tourism - Construction " Professional Services " Transportation . Wholesale and REktail Trades, have obtained loans from IDB to acquire land, buildings, and machinery, to increase working capital; to start a new businesg; and for other purposes If you need financinq for a business proposal and are unable to obtain il elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions. perhaps IDB can help you.. i 'INHUMAI glîîldPàf[NTHANK PLUS l TRAFALGAR MOTORS OFFERS F R E E FLORIDA OR LAS VEGAS VACATION FOR TWO WITH EVERY NEW OR USED CAR SOLý Heenswt iit'ýaaot i tîi h teîle an nuira carage unraaona dan reductian rom Ain aa llnos:St. etiesbugar i u o iorniasn.onnattt areangneitonnyua aarnu enak snasonnoron spniai1hntidans. cuaples uniyeans 23065 Miamit euek a.nr c som n,nm oations fr t eam ei n ot e an ai the hniîday inniades unin "B"; Las Vegas mnietd couplesîns oreSoitne Opub, ,nnsi,iaonsunn cpliitentar arrdtinndraim, bath 2i6o2u5niaiednoftlinsame se> so,,ii Thc ome,,,, extra . a ln a an nd rngainula ar ht i etpriilegens. un Ioa 23 6n. Mit Package A "" a lia ih Tsoni,0ff-1, t-le a beo.s Th. localt enqlatitns, ihn accoinindatitn non s cupe5as n 21i65 Fi La ud. cdate n ttlday a btoSd a,.cimnndorin te resriid I iiir anarrind coape-nr Mersntarnd coup le r2unniarrei '1t , t ýe _on t , 1n,' s- .,io ,esnnnam,rs twoaninarrtaduofiii.samnasnu shanîgaà iiinsane, gsnua 1it6oThiis tips A ~ < (Transportation and Meals flot included) ID -d kag e ag- 111.d id Ft ied ' f 5 ý il. FROM 5 DAYS and 4 NIGHTS for 2 in SUNNY FLORIDA OR 3 OAYS and 2 NIGHTS in FANTASTIC LAS VEGAS *FF LAUDERDALE OST. PETERSBURGH BEACH OFFER EXPIRES * Fr MYFRI S 0 LAS VEGAS 0 VALE COLORADO FER. 28th, 1975. TRH19 M OT A CONTSTI ... BUT RATHIR A GIFT TO OUR NEW CAR CUSTOMERS TrRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369 Jak ot o Iw ,, a- s,,gg,'sts',l tt,.,t a1,, ,h ul i, ,, r FORD v ,(,Ni mi hil, emor diree- lie congratuLifed Ste- 'l t ý,f [lý,rnbv, fialton 'l -a, i M M li ,ham ý,xtv herds and mi ,aille QuAt, courd, p- K'i ()A \ [lie nil Ille ', e l' laý."Ified - th Siý Ari excellent lunch %ýas Puul !il 'l % ( !u w Ver.v 1 256 sermi h.ý il,,, ladies. Special