Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Aug 1979, p. 10

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r?""2ý AN ENGINEERS point of VIOW (top) diffens front an onlooker. Wlile an onlooker would ho intpcessed by the massive steamer, engineer Vie Hall looks over the top past s dial, whistles and controlling rode. Mc. Hall was o0e00f the stoant enthusiasts who gstitered on the fart of Ed Wilkinson on tse Sixth Line Friday ta do sente oid tinte threshing. LtI Milton continues to grow by loupe and bouods wibh many new peoplei dectdtng to cui our town their town. Lto woicome: Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray from Sarnia-, Mr. and Mm. G. Colven front Rockwood; Mr: aad Mns. T. Gregory from Taranto; Mr. and Mns. M. Waiker fromn Kitchener; Mr. and Mns. A MarIeno from Kitchener; Mr. and Mca. J. Weaaorn frem Toronto; Mr. andi Mca. C. Berehula from Missioanuga; Mr. and Mns. D. Pattock from Hamilton; Mr. and Mns. K. QuIbeil from Mlsaiaaauga; Mc. and Mns. M. Gradoois frem Rextinle; Mc. and Mns. D. Downard from Misasse- auga; Mr., and Mns. A. Osond frem Mississauga; Mr. andi Mn. W. Gufiscie from Acten; Mc. and Mns. F. Tsonson from Tlsernhill; Mr. and Mns. D. Ganside from Orangovillo; Mr. andMns. J. Partri- dge front Misisau and Mr. and Mns. F. Dambccsi front Toranto. Also wlcome: Mr. and Mns. D. Cosarle from Ottawa: Mc. andi Mn. Maylln from Moncton, NB.; Mc. andi Mrs. D. Meintosi front Missisauça; Mr. and Mca. B. Lin. dose from Miîssîssauga; Mr. and Mns. J. Carriera front Mississagua; Mc. and Mns. Gage from Micissagua; Mr. and Mns. R. Conway frem Brampton; Mr. and Mns. F. Callisson front Tocante; Mc. andi Mn. S. Smiths frem Rexdale; Mr. and Mn. L. Shannon from Acton; Mr. and Mns. De Vuono from Sault Ste. Marie; Mc. and Mns. D. Carnfocd f rom Churchsill Falu Labrador; Mr. and Mns. D. Cook from England; Mr. and Mns. K. from Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. t. Williams front Mississeuge; Mr. ond Mns. T. Palmer front London; Mr. and and Mrs. S. Gregory front Mssissauga; Mr. and Mms. H. Boiant front Bramulea; Mr. andi Mcs. S. Hanter front Mississauga; Mr. and Mns. F. Stewart front Toronto; Mr. and Mms. S. Gide from Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor front Pickering; Mc. and Mcs D. Finlay front Tq conte; Mc. and Mns. K. Cro11 front Etobicoke; Mc. and Mns. J. Ahsmet front Toronto; Mc. and Mcs. G. Adents front Misissauga; Mc. and Mrs. S. Fansk front Toronto; Mc. and Mrs. J. Fleming front Georgetown; Mc. and Mns. F. Faîzon front Misissauga; Mc. and Mcs. M. Ellis front Toronto. Deputy Ciief James Harding of the HalIton Regionai Police force is keeping his mon hopping witkt 00w administrative changes. Staff Sergeant John Brrett. recently introdticed as Multons new police precinct lsoad, is being moved back te his former Georgetown station. The latoat move was prontpted by the promotion of Buriington Sec sont Pont Chapman to the statuo of stff sergeant. Ho arrives in two weeks in Milton as the new precinct head. There are twe more new faces in the Hilton police station. Sergeant Artur B. Trîhact, formeriy of Burlinglen police district, replaces Sergeont John Btock who has been transferred front Hilton te Georgetown. Constable Robsert Flît is newiy arrived in town. He recently joined the Haiton Regionai Police departntent after serving a number of years with the Calgary Police Department. Auditions, Milton Players, currontly propoeîog 10 prosesi lise comedy -Goodriigisi Mrs. Puffîn- ths Otohor s isholdng final auditions lonîgist SWednesday> ut tise old fire bull. Main St. Tisose îtorested i woriing in the play or oliser areas iban acting are ueged tu0 an oui E Coles and snackss il ho serveal Wînnee of lise club's logo compotîtbon mli ho asnosacsd nent oeis.a i CALL8765 entertain cw #l seaslaiet oe y S thl~ ie e ale. end cf a iwo*-ao-af VIrn"if1esm ce bouc talent show spoce- posied by guitarista, ored by Millen Musie' Kogene Orlando, 14, and But tise ceoods were bis brotiser Joe Orlando, nul dispersiog. Iostead 14 boens, porenstoasd shopp- Tise local bond wlech on olhe gatbored minbthewas seeli receleed, drew a milddle cf Mals St. halten- gcnd round ci applaue. Osg a le t insof nid At the riogalde, fanslly Baeita. and friaends cf flse Os a platfcens catlde a FiavSeunsbond sassa toali hcp, a 12-year-old boss cheered lise grcup boyseao givisg lau hest on aissa. the drums,, ced ho seao ise poap buboau gond. playlng professlanafly foc o year and a isoll, accord- ing le Chorlie Gracci, ibo 21 yenr-cid brother cf ycang drumrer Tony. He la preud of bla brother. Tonysybisae playssg drumes for lise- lessons; in lsehegmeinan bot is noeplaying "on bic oses ise said. Cisarlie seas a formner rnember efthlie bond. bol now oesas coa ois1tlie WATERLOOGRA gronp and accomponies Neil Francis Hapseord, tisenn osnliseir engage- sas of Mr. and Mns. Don menle 10 weddings and Hayward of Milles, fs a otiser social occasios. recent graduaIs of Tise bond ploys on, WaterlonolUniversity mils dishing ouI sorniod rocks an bsonoes degeee in and roll nsmbons, and Environentl Studins. even noms ofthtie old- He han accepted a timens stop, listes and position witb lise Niagara srnile, walching the Escarpment Commis- yosag gnoup have tus nies, as a pionner. eslertaining the crowd. Boo boo.a.*3 Asîfor the wellowoers. Mr Jouisson sud becao casi 'vunderstand oisy bhe prefer o o obco ed toaomunicpaluater sys- -"1 isow oo ba(ey fbel. BILLJOHNSON I'ce oi a well of my 000 bai a region spoisesmal -l am contenttouse said il vould nol appoar oiy oeIl aod tbuis tbe on loday'o agenda of tise mayl1llise i regular meeting of tise "And sbould il ever public unrs commîîîee. come tbat 55e bave "l'm goisg 10 tisaI Iluoridation in ur 0551. meeting." Me. Joison tise oeil is itîsuranco iold Tise Cisumpin. "and agaînst people bavîng to lin gobog lu gel tf derisk wter iîlifluorîde brougisl up 50 i cao fînd bniliftîttey don'lowanlto.out obat is goiog 10 ho "And even ilflisey oeee done lue tisese people. made 10 boois up bevauoe development migisi pollote tise oator. 5is e regbon gobng 10 re imiurse them for lise rosi of psltbog dowvo soir oun 'S "t don'ttinssu. Il (bey uant a uell. lisen louve lisem atone." be said. Me Johnonnaltempted lu gel lise peeblern mIro- daced (ast Wednesday ai lise regulue meeting of lise Ilullon Region counicil but uas told tisaI a special meeting would hociseld Monday 10 dis- ,. cuss lise prublem. Tise meeting was beld r-uNI KAiIN( fo cln nWomen',s Pace are Judye Wallace (left) of Milton, Stella Perklna of Oakville the fund- raismng chairmun, and Mary Goch ofM ilton. The Ù;,r;e were among the women whe met ait Grace Anglican Church Hall laat edneadc'todiacus fundraialng plana for Halton Wemena ece, an abuaed women's shelter, which os projected te be located in Milton. Halton Women's Place fund raisers prepare Fînancing plans for Chsrch Hall Wednesday, Triey wii be aoid ai tise Hallos Women's Piace Aug. 15. Milton Mail Aug. 31 and were discussed at o Tise salenof ballons will Sept. i and ai lis Milion meeting of Milton womsn continue. Thse e ay Hal- Foul Fair Sept. 21-23. ai Grace Anglican ion Women's Place. FaIt projecla include a fur fashian show, tay pary ocey ndscoo D.aiy Princess bonis'sales an auclion, potllch naipper anda aYWornen's Choir. to CNE Saturda A rwoa l hm will ho beid during tise HalIon's 1970-79 Oaiiy Friday's prelîminary loir. Prîncens. iO-year-old rssad. Bail peint pes wilis lie Marie Msrray oI Adtos.wmnssetrnm ojîl compote inlise CNE I.1 1 wom e's olte rn Ontario Dairy Princess HeIa5.d iUIe Two foshion shows are compolition Ibis Saler- lo a e planned.' Ose seul ho ai day eveoiog. iO ae Oabeile Centre and tho Tise cootosi gets un- suber in Buclinglon. Both deroay ai O p.m. n thse Lant ocei Tise Champ- seul ho Sept. 12. ('NE Coliseum. If sise ion ras an orticle on Tinelve eornen ai- oins ber prelîmînury Heattîne a federal lended lise second of two round. Marie wilI cetaro goveroment lelephone meetings beid by lise le tise semi-finals eisher service wbich is i an- sappor-ters cf Halles Wednesday or Tisorsday, seer questions on insu- Wonsen's Place. Aug. 290er 30. Finals milI latine bornes and cerner- Halles Women's Place lie beld Friday, Aug. 31. viog energy. inili ho a shelter for Origaoieers report Unorlunalely, tise abuoed wornen In Hailen. ibere are 41 girls inlise phone numbor oas Ilit bpnjected le ho cooteol. eepresenîîog omnitled and tise sess- located in tise police eegiooal areas, Tiey poper lsd eeral station afler tise police bope a large crood mîli enquiries about il. Tise hove vacoted fi fer lise attend lrom Hatton, tn nsmhor is tli-fres. 1-a05-hesîlis building whlgis le ciseer for Marie in 207-9563. hoing rnedlfied. LeCar fuel for thought L4 ae ao.ami. oos ptioa mtu« Accoeding 10 Tansport Canada lests, Le Cars gusoline cossumptios was ltse toseesî t cep 4-cyinder car equippeli sitis a 4-speed transmission. WitIî eoergy conservation un eveeoses osnd, Le Car maien yoscgs dollacgo fueher.candtsat's sehal se cacuiteaI ecooomy. No saefllleaon cooouort or panfImac Le Car is e tour passecger car se-th ig icar comfomo ced bigger-thce yos'd-tIsinis car roominss. Back ced plnoe stcerlag. 4-wseet isdependest suspension ced MichselinstnIel-bltsed radiaIltices ace ait Standardi. Featuces yos'd expeet romn a performance car. Coma Ifr a tut du lu .tadayt 0« a -».Un Mfaetable puorammsMos aad ocnanspon Canada19795Fes donacp osoGuie (Jan. 57) 17 9 rtsn 511 J. Cear)achi0d. 5.9Lirespe m10ss oaleou 8mpg. omsbneci ynohy.cing. Rains snnldonybeufed filcad monsy yu oleoin su cac depensiisaonynur diing hais.oseigiîofcar optin oadso by RENAUU CLEMENTS MOTORS 0F MILTON LIMITED [Iroîsto Street South. Milton (416) 878-2328 STEAM m ERA PREVIEW THIS WEEK IN Cam dwn te MltaMal thim wom k - the mars BACK TO SCHOOLTME "EmMSALE mYS AUGUST 23ed, 24th, 25th & 200h Ns me te m-ma . eq*m d hu d lfts NdIAL StuiiERA AT LT FOIIS RMX &WMUUMY AUDMOAY -=77

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