Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 1979, p. 4

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4 The CanadienChampion, Wsd.,Aug. 15 1979 Estabhshod 1861 îhIie giftnftiau kmpo ROY Phoe 878-2341g U OERO CGOWNS B PUL BLANGER J, E5TRA EA" ETN l, H I .S.1lE,,-liByýN .eKbP,1, 5 Mhhl Il e, AVRII EA ME ;R ,$P- B BBS,GB9BB BBBBBBB B.BBTBBBBO I BUSI BBBOFFIC ,BBB BBBB BB 19M- d M, MBBB BBBBB OBBB RBBBOBB BGBOBBB BBBBBBB BBBBB OBu GOsBanB9BBBB ArseniyW.ý b .ýdC, anyon Sue? I. h,ýTI7TIeýt lm.)ggtne its a biling hof sommer affernoon. The Augunt heaf ha ze is s0 fhick il cao be tdft against the skin. Yau remember that baffle of B frcsh Halfon Hilîs stream mater- yau purchased fram the Mil-Hal Hilîs Baftling Ca. As you pour if ino a glass crammcd with ice cubes, you notice fthe contents' label printed an th6e side of the beffle and are struck with amnazemnent. This producf confains: Arsenic, Cyanide, Lead, Mercury, Barium, Cadmiym. Chloride, Phaspharaus. Sulphafe, Sulphide. Chramium. Hydragen Sulphide. Phenalic Campounds, Tin. Zinc. Capper, and Alumînum. If the Mil-Hal Bttling Ca. mas a fly by-igbt aperafian aod they glît iheir -fresh Haltan Hilîs stream mater" fram anc of the Regins many creeko that flom nta santary semers, the above contents might be just hat yau coul d expet ta fiod in yaur glass. T6e Regions public mrks departmeot is currenfty trying ta set lîmîts oo the chemicals named ahove in hapes of brioging f hem mithin acceptable levels. Il should be noted that ail fthe ahane chemicals and poisons are accepfed ta, 6e in semage mater B/A favors tOne good aspect ofi the Business tînpravement Area IBIAi pro- tîtsal Ia change the downtoson ta a semi-mati. is that il silt hriîîg an end t a pasime which has heeri gttîng on for.vears. Tîal is street racîng. Es-eiv Saturday îight and manî ilfier îîîghls especîattý in sati- niter, cars thal display naîsxý ex- hausîs and altered suspensioîns. Irule up and don n Main St Most tif these chariots aire toc- pedîtei bh' vaN ong men out lii sbîîs off and dspfay their muscle thrîogh their machines. Il i, trait coîmmun la moisi cîîmmanilîes. But Mitotn has long laa t radittin. .tîurnaists n-ha have hadt tîî tlIrfoîîm their tour of duty here for tther papers, used t say the ontl% uGcîtîîg lflng thal bappenet it New energy A S. Thomias man has proven 1he f easihility 0f using aste prad- ucts as an energy source. Assisted hy government funds, he has tap- ped an aId dumping grouod. loog sînce filled on and covered. tîî pravide a big supply of methane gas. And that gas has been heat- îog a 20 x 39 fot greenhouse for some ime. He says the supply of gas f rro that une dump milI last the present operafion for 15 ta 20 years. tnstallation costs of such a heat source arc high, suys the green hause owner, but affer installatian F the fuel itsclf cots nothing. Oit- f ired hcating units cost their aper- alors in the range of $25000 per acre per ycar. In addition, of course, the burning off of the frap- ped methane muy wmdl prevent a frugedy in the future mhen unin- fortned develupers try fa use the dump site for housing. Despite smre public discussion on the use of watc produt guncu as fuel sources, me have reud of very few otiser practical applic- ations of thse proven theory. Some years ugo the Hon. Alvin #gigtlon, former minister of 'Aglture in thse Defenbaker goveriment, waà itIporlte have inveted, n a plautteI.prodmse being treuted righf nom and thaf the prsblemn is jut how much of these substances arc "legul" befare fines are Ievied uginst trunsgrcssors. Soote of the limils being suggested are: onc milligram of arsenic per litre, two miligrums of cyanide per litre; 1,500 milligramn of chloride per- litre; and 1,500 milligrumu af nuiphte per litre as the it goes on. And jut toaudd a little"kick" to that drink, how about this litle paragraph on what is and isn't acceptable in aur mater. -Radioactive materials except as may be permitted under the Atomic Energy Control Acf, R.SC. 1970 and the amendments Ihereto and regulations thereunder. Oh! The Region also thioks that more than 100 milligramo per litre of solvents extracted f rom animal or vegetable matter is a no-no. These and many more restrictions on mhat arc ac- ceptable fevels of contaminents in semage water wilI be going ta the Region counicil on the form of a bylaw soon. oUntl then, il may be mise ta heed t6e warning of sa many travel agents: Dont drink the mater' eople Milton %%as the street-racîng Satorday nîghts. .lGst ask atîy Matît St. resident. Thes sîlltl]cl ou that the tsar of exhausîs cati lie heard fat ino the nîght. This kîîîd îf noitse cttuld be transferred t ite side streets il he 01/6 prolposa] gaes thraugh. tourves in the rmatiand sarraming the wîdthfihtihe streel mii con- strict s ehiclos inI fayot of people. "Sleeping poicîtemen~ -mhîch are huînps in lhersad -wauld efectîs-ely lasser the speed imît (o 15 miles an hîtur. Any hotrodder who weotl'faster would stand a gîîîd chance of ttsîng hîs suspen- Whateser shape the BIA pro- posai lakes. the emphasîs ai the downto\ttî sit 6he on people, nat source methane from animal manure out n Saskatchewan. If sounded like a remendaus dca. for the extraction of the gas left the fertitizing qualities of the manure uadimished-and odar- lcss ino the bargain. Certainly the process of extract- ing methane from municipal dumps should f ilI mare than one urgent requirement, far aur lar- ger cities are trying in vain ta, find land ino which thcy may dump their wastes. if a fuel potential cao offset the nuisance value af garbage me sbauld bc ding aIl we can ta promate the plan. Wîngham Advance-limes Fire During the five years period f ram 1972 ta 1978. 944 cilîdron under 15 yers af uge died in accidents invlvîng fire in Canada. Inufruct children to keep bedroom doors cloaed t night. If takes a fire fromn 10 to 15 minutes ta, burro tbrough a wooden door, delayiag the spread of fire and allowiu.g more time t o sape. Mworeal, Impressupofl thsm thaf «M ditley bave maode their es- tapeinevafr go back inslde. - One year ago viiit RODLAMBNeed to belleve Ï 1gel raliher depressed lalking tu my Tbis is moBi alarmiBg iB my generalion A woB-ar hooBe in suborbia wit h o felow anand the Bue fIllllwiBg. LBe fBr loday is leady job s nîBI Ihe dream il once a WhereBer 1IwlkB. wus h oeBer 1 peBI, 1 Ihele creed. [et tomorreo ate cure of Wlb ibiBsIBBBB in faBii inthingo niaterilB. linda greater degree of medîucrily in usd1. ItBree GB iBBereasng Gmr bach tci the lhoogll. a deerîGration n mBBcus and a Il han beeB my experieuce thBilBBeB lhurch, Bt sii deBtiBy - you are wBrkiBg hrd tur the future. the l',r Ihere. Ihere is belief Bn eternal lfe TIBBBBBII cmmînIIIMîlonbutlu pregent isBBul eBjyable. and the bBpe thal gond oi preBail. Thi isnotcomun u Mlto bu lu Mun needs u ludb. But he needs the AB esample is PBope John Paul lB' GesterB sBcety efldonce hkm lubor iii be remarded. IF' recen" t oisd tt~native PBBIOd. The vrcy prgreuu and eurity whtch ut fur bîmuel f. hlen fr hs cbdldreu. An esinsaled t.5 millioBn peope îurned orfoîhers huiti fr us follomîng the 1 question whelher nsy lur is going tiîc oitIcittend hîB tBfinalîass beo-creturn- Scoînd tbortd Wr, n înuadertently yiel the kind f mrtd t munI my children îng IîilfBme. laly. erdîng oor ttaracter t,tubnet. Thal number (il people in one place lot NBo more dues eneryone seek Io huid u Cao 1, in iis rupdly cbungng corn- une enentlour ne reoson, s taggeing. brîer mrld. Rather. peuple twau the nsunty, assone myself. 1 milI he abteeItu And il is the m,îre tcredîbte hecuose i o,,rtd and sec shat it can du otchem. psuîîntonîy chdren the kind of ssîctd 1t ccurred in a CoBinrontlcoBunry uhich 1 lBe in on rea ruled hy the dolur. muuld he pcsud? dons n,îl cîndîîne religiontlor encourage il. M,îney meons everytbing. And yet. t doS l hnh su. The tact biat number Bt penple lurned becaone Ibe natue outh01iollar fus dec- Enerywtiere 1tloo, t sec the sigusGof ou,. s indcativni,îleîrtuBBIiBg tInurds lned, il batousI neuning. decay;notsomuoh in thiugs physîcut. but. the cburrt, tr guidance, No loBnger <ocs a ruine speit a change in in matters mental whmb pertuin fi the Ilecausu. wben mon lî,e, failli îîî bm- lving standards. aness it s a maour ,îe. wuy men lhinh setI, be t10mB îî bîs gBds. woener tbey Gocernment toses and inflation re t1uam nul enciled ubnut the goants whictB muy be. oreobîng baooo Peupe are nul as mlltnsg man tuday is setting lfr hinsself and hîs toc mon is on toperfccî creatore and Ic orb for be uure. eymwanl eery chldeen. needs abeit innýmebhng grenierban b ing no. They are lltetess. itmseit. iâ j Q id1 Our odd weather~ wthB IL SMILEY Bw Bot nut fr yan By the imetis uppeums mnprint. 1may beionhng through dmduers toc m y ongfohns. That mold b. typical of the eaiber in iis Cunuda o ours. But an t write, hoed up in ny sudy mitb the drapes drumn and te fun bloing. oc're wmci mb 1he secondwmeuh aI ose o ibosr scorchîng sunsmer sesiontat e niasoobmntsin n iis country endure and n'en ejoy. io a perverlcd ay. me sofler. but me sufer with a certain prîdelise itled citizen milsay 10 un- otber drîpping une, 'Amil' a comec?" And t16oe 16m ml espond, lmosl joyou- sv -Neer snthcba ofit." ton tbe strets olOur tons und cifies, me duch rons one ai-îinndiioned hunen lu an- otbem. catching Omrdeulb nI cold inte proness. Smart peope laite u beuny sweater In the supermuehet setey ont treene theirexeBrenilionuand peet rigitt donntl, thnne etremilies us Bmon stey gel baek intu te streel. mbt a croup ay tIn une. is munthu agn. und six months rons no. wmcllieb ding te opposite, duciing ronsone over- beatcd pacee lu nother. and beuggbsg about te coid. i ounder iltere is unoter nution inte mrld Ibul luths us muritabuits tce weutersdose ours. i doubt il. Perbeps il s bceuuuseu re ralber sbp and inrficu- tc meite tcumes tu opeubîg u con- versation. As a remuit. me commence mit, 'Ctdd nuff Wcry?", or, HouIllfer yu?", and con nerty utwups b. cecin taItc peeson spokintesl ocos ea complet. trutuger, ao long as bes a Canidian. mili reupoBd wotlb omehlng lOhe, Real brute, inoen il?" Tiis reluet covers cuircine da ieilber inIer or ummer. Il un immigrant. ntmuillar mitit our opesmng gamubts, ma"ua aa»M"bl remarit abut the. eaiber, aunc* as"MyIIt ng unpleaatiy mres leIl uise", me go rigitt un lb. delenime i."At, tiis lu Tt-i sluugter ya- O)r il u sfiiturly usttoured lurcigner. utntrying lot b. pleasunt. says in P'eb- ruury, "Mcm 12u1, is is a cutd country in vinfer. hein?", me souri. -Nuh. shes mitd iis ycar. Ya shoulda been here tat wînlcr. Forty betow orluetireu eechs sraigt." Von, Ihere un certuin arrgunce in Cun- udians mhen il contes lu uur monber. Nu- bndy murh i ies main undmîind. But oben il cones lu beland cotd, me arc Iuuinuled hy tempemtureu. We cxcbunge wculber reports. Wc remember inIers und summees us fer becit s 30 ycurs. il some unuuiy urbone Cunudian venturesuto titer a, "Nice day, ch?". mc usuatiy cusse iackith at uyubbul. Ybbut titercBs a big blzard comi n iront Oie west.- o, 'Yabbu t'lîBusBppoait lu ain ail seul mei.' cBudiumfu55ow, mithots belng tb.d,tuat if u inier meeh bas becs susiny und spareIB ts g sgina 10 snum and btom on lb. weaitcsd. Tbey are positive taI, iltce sunemer ha miteodeai.mues and dry und deighttlni os tir, il mlii b. cMd and mcl miten ils tir tto lu go us hulidays. T e mali0r il nomucit u prt ut mie nionat pycelth ti'B n onader il hasnîl crept 1010 poiticu. ont second tIbungitti bus. Eteclions are carelliy geared ns tuat ty dnt ccur in midaummer, miten nu- body gives n damo about politics o 0inb midofulter. miten il's Ioncoid lu gel nul lu note. one ciUm oe deys, su eshaed are mc olt te eitOi. ist mli prebabiy bave acouple of ^:,s ruoistIfur prime mislstcmWhowatrcmf-tBcem And te onses mbegives S ihe mont bereesdou toreceauU lin isslua mut. i rnis dm00l1tu t My -lam Can- adirnui' usisiimliU the. W-8-- i &M as bâi asténu ia mnI OieàBn atbn1i cJOY mre. o a wIMOicday, tlisais birngi Irnm 16e cotd. ieurng off my bootn and onercat. and asbîng ailand sundry. "Did youu ener Sce b a o ot Bn site? And sure eoough. snmeone oilreturi. -Yobbut or had ta-s feet more snoa, ibis ime unit n samBier. i stoBie around the golf couset(my body. nt rnî score) and ohine wîthth1e bof iiies, -tsnt ibis brtl. Mylao inbabedhblacb. timant98 innOar bcdromastnigbt. Anîd anc ofth1e tur- s me iiiconmr bock mih. Vobhat remembor last someîer. wben oe baddu pay te cubbee bots and mackiawsn' You ca't in fIne ofth1e tew Canodions who doenot came abouot tbe weoroîba smy otte.mbri on bad boiies. ed pop int the office n the middle ut a bhizzard. -mhut in the Sm Itîi arc you ding ut o a day ite Iis0- And 'id diseuner that shed ttoagitI 1e baby neuded some fmsh air. and panbnd thecebuige thougb 1he snoo for bal a mile Ber mdilereoce 10 suc greal national connversation piece inluriates me. me bâtd a bitter quametfuttis meuh. i'd been oual in te carund IuId lier the guy o0016e radio suid il oas 96 doontoon. 66e soîd site dîdalt beiene is. With a lnuch nI worm- lb. i rcpented ohut te guy unte radin bad sid. Ninetysis degees. "il coulda't b.. 'Why Bt0' 'Because il donot flnthIat bot. And mitIducs il malter. anyoay?" Vouacaonmec oby i bleurnsy top. Mater? miticuutd b. more important? There ls nu single elemeol intis cuunrytat is mre important In us Can ndmtia our love-bute retutionuitip oilb lb.heulister. i nf, il muy b.tce onlytiog tal miii bud Iis eounlrY tugether. oben ail tceerendumn bave becs ltaeu. Fi ri Emergency poiou vaccinations were restrleled 10pmrsnsu18 porsofutâge und %aider, ill usaouted by Dr.,lup ChamobelaintB HiBou uPedlel O c= Of Heuti. Tse vuacinatins were lu dsmand fullnwbtg n reported ubreuh uf poiuin Oxuford Counly, jouI nituide Woudsluch. Thse supply nf vuccine mn short. bnwever. Miltun evungelisf Rev. Ken Camupbell mnded u 55-day lbunger strihe ufter lhe received un BBupopdlule rspeBBf ront Educulion Mmnuler Tom Wellu. Rev. Cunspbell muu prolesling lbe Minisîry's involvement in u $300000reuuurcb proleet mtîicb included the uppolnfmenl nf Laurier LaPlerre us commissioner. Mr. LuPlerre. aformer CBC broudeusiter. wun eurning un unnul sutury nof0000010as rumminuioner. Itegiunut Chuirmun Rie Murrow mus bighly crilicul of u report by Liberul MPP's. The report suid fbere wuugeuerul public dbsulisfacîlun mllh reglonut guvernsenls bcuue utflte cool und tuch nf onsunity inlereol. Mr. Morrnw suid fthe cluin s onol represeuttine nf 16e gencral.poblie and the report wus biused oguinst regionut goneromentu. Milton Muynr Dn Gordon nrdcred tce lugs ut ton hall lnwn ut bull-Bluff fnlnm- îng the deatit of Pupe Puul VI. Muny prînafe buutnenueu und industriesnin town fnlused Bull. 20 years ago Fronith1e AuguBI 13 I1160issue Cotnstruction nf Ibe new $500,000 t.G.A. Ilupermachet mnuld hegin Bcery sborlly- said Mihe Lcdwilh of Lcdwith's Fnnd Markets [Id. Mr. Ledmiith suid cnnstruc- tiun mnald hegin soon aller lie signed the bee Nussagameya gol a nem, $160n0o0 cight- muoni sohool neur BronIBvilte. il mas an- ttuunced. The school mnuld drum popils frnt t6e enlîre township, encepf for tamphlelnille. The school mas expecled 10 be ready fnc use hy the faitlonI9100 Aîî applicatiun fnr a six-tnt subdinisiun msturncd dumît by Milton Cnuncît t mue l outd furter uggruvule an inîhatance belmeen înduslcial and cesi- dentîol ossessment. The site mus the nnrtb of Woutdwacd Anc.. and cunt of Murtîn St. 'l'li dcnclnper sas Brian Beul. Milton's pece-u it-stuc busehul feuns îteleated Actnn 12-7, winning the chance tu enter the tOntario Basehaît Assuciation ploydnm ns. Expropriatiun proneedingu began in gine the lumî th1e uhitity 10 eslend Purhmay Dr. ocrossthe Sînleun Mile Creci to1 meut with Cnmnmerciul St., olso tuhce exended. Nm subdivisonInnth1e accre ee heuason tnr the rond extensions. G 17-yeor-nld Clif lord. tOnt.. ynufb mus rusteil IsuItoupîtat alter te mutncycte l6e ou, drîning cnllidcd wîth o tcansport truck on lgbwoy 25 neur Base Lîne. 50 years agio Econ I the Augosl 15. 1929 issue Maor and Mcs. ESyer wttnhuve becn spetîding Ibeir nucatinut tbeîc sommer cottage seur Lake Huron, returned htume todoy Some of the sidrwulks in on are bodly in need oI repeir. Me.and Mes. Cotrns Agnew, htouffnitte. vtsîted terpacents bere recenfty. About 50 Mittontans spent Sunday at Burlînglon Beach wbece o record crnmd of Itattîers enjuyed tbenssel ý so-îwmnîng in LakeOtaruioo Mes.A. RobinsnPîne S., bas returncd bionne aller vîsttiog lhec duughtee. Mes.D. Thîomsun. Gluelph. Wtîîte 16cm, Mes. Robinson. Miss Mabel Robhinson. Paris. Me. and Mes. rbnmson and son. Robert, nîotnred 1n Coîdmater ond vsited Mes. lohînson*s brother. Tbe HatpiîîItoe SulaiBonArmv Bond mîlI tic tn Miltn un lturday evenîng nent. Aog. 1716. 10 otd open-air meetings. Mes. N.A. Sinclair bus returned Irons an enjoyahie nocation in mosaga Beuch. 110gb Sinclair of Pbttodetphiu. Pa.. - vîsîtîng hîs parents. Me. and Mes. N. A. Sinlair. A fresb at of point bas imprnned the .îppeocnce othbe .PR station here. 75 years ago F-ront he August 1, 104 isue Jantes Harnld Bunîde of Toronto. o tîrsi- year stodent ai tbe Soantoo Practîcat Sciesce. drowncd ut Bene yrstecday. He Boum 10 6he remour of a ynsng lady wbn wos in a bout and badln ours. He gave hec un tac. turocd 10 soins hacb lii shore and sanh. Be mas o gond swîmmcr and is suppesed 10 banc tuhen cransps, Dr. and Mes. J.F. McPberson and theme to oildeen oI North Tonomanda, Nem Yurk. and Dr. Me. and Mes. Putter of Niagura Falls South, N.Y., are tourîng Ontario inuutunmobiles. They ocre i Milton yesterday and ure vssting Dr. MarPherson's relatives and frîcnds in Esqaesing. home persons enteccd the hach parch ot Mes. Stenen*s residence Main St.. one uight last wehk and tfnb a tauttdry hug runtaining tahlecluths, sheuts, pitlow slips. Insets and nîher articles including stonepipes and nsany uselul articles. Dr. Wlterscreturned on Suturday sigit Irons fishing trip In 2eorgian Ray. and bruught witb bimsasoue large fish. niashulunge picherel. bluckt buns and pike whichli e cuught neur filc muuth ufth1e French Rincer. Ren. Me. Fasken mas its fishlsg cumpoin. LunI Mndup nigt . so meoune enltered the bock yurd of Wm. Andres und utripped the clothes tine taiting umuy everything that ws-a on il.

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