The Canadien Champion, Wed., Aug. 1, i9 .N. GRANOSTANO TIKEIS NOW ON SALE AT BRANT TICKET AGENCY 837-7197 463 Brant Street. Burllngton For Dinner" WIENER SCHNITZEL .4.99 Includes Our Soup or Sead Bar Red Cabbue Home Fdies Defidoo Morne Mode Strudel . ma 5r 15 Inma tes fiee gang icalhalCorrect- Thse No inflmtesterce huet offilciain Rai. They charge of tise group. lise gang Juiy 9. ilered i saseli la Taronlce lseminimam secarit) lclltluerenrdai amoegilve aietorkia erre diecosered i aicing Tise site, knowe an An 10 year.ail Mapie- police Tkuccilay grounds tise peeviaca ilb second escape in 10 atieaierya atua i 1l.15 aai k y te Elliat Tract, ns appron- huent enmate surren- iollomîng his escape irom Friday. d a . a.. en w mates ennrcess ie Male- c,.cns-l oi ice in mtels 16 miles to. a Inmate surrenders PAn t-year-oid hlaple- hrst lamate sur- rendieredin teToante ater escapieg roai lie minimum secaity instit- uti00 Friday, Juiy 20. Michael tees Lee of Doteesviewt twed hisi- self is Tisrsday ai- ternoon ai Metro Toronto Polices 32 Dvision. He as iater rae- sierreil te Hamilton- Weelwortis Detetias Centre and faces ecaped caslody ciarges. Acrding 10 Haitan Regional Police, lise custody. youtk isnot b ee cisargeil aitis otier oni feeces whiie out1 0f Lee teas discosered aisinig f1m an onside work gang on Mapleiusrt groonds, tke moreiog o Jliy 20 aiken ais oi-duty carrectional officer spottei tise youthkie Miton Maii. Ite yoath wmon treing a 457-day sentence for tisell oser $210 andl failieg 10 emain ai lise ceoe. He ac due tobckereleased rom Mapeburnl in February, 1980. uths oallher Milontleen- iface possession res aiter police ýa check of a sehicle lnderson Park on Br Batelie Rd. ly, July 23. tisrd iO-year-old ngwooil youth oas cd and a lemale le aise faces drag -Is Drug charges laid against seven you Brven Ys piaface drag tiecar, teas ekargeil mitis Twoj ciusacasiaowiag tiree psesioeo aectic. agers sepaate dcag tete iy On WedesdaY, Juiy 25, charge Haltes Itegional Police te police ciargeil a t6-year- madea Milton durleg lise pat aid Milon lae ails a iens week. possessioneofa a rcotic, Loer Police ciacged a 20- Ifter dicoverieg tisee Mondaý year-old Brliegtoe man marijuaana cigarettes aed Friday wtalaposaession of a plastic iag catatieg a A t a earcotlc for tise parPOse sesal qasetity o the Coulic: of traiiickteg dsrieg a aame drug. Tise ciarges ckarget roatine car cisecks Friday were laid durig a rotine jusenil ngit. policecisecks. ckarg. Plicertopped tise ___ _________ veracle oe DerryRdat1 BroneaSB. siortly ater.a It OPIONS MMRI< HAINES5 THE v. WORLD AU G 1 -4O usc 4%b 8S4-2f? Sportabout Wagon 6 nolindet an toms n Pen aieaacilb a upe rose 1977 Volaem Station wagon EoieO 6 cylnevangine, g a a.y vehinie.JWO-M7 0as $3z0 REDIJCED FOR <lUcK SALE 1978 F150Super Cab V-8sastovasnpower atmOni iskm adostep bkoira axtrasealin rsrof ROntGlo 559 dfines a ow ion 6000 il«m T14193 Shoe Sale continues Robert Newman SShoes ** 184 Main St. 878-9877 Thursday & Frlday t11119 BUY 2 1 GET 11TEFREEI BEST DEAL IN TOWN and B.E. Sound e the only place sehere this saniscen be founil SAVE OVER $4 thwect of lapiiýhr and Maplehurst ofilciais said the dusy oficer enperienced problearin wilh tIoo nuireineales earlier Ikal aiorning. Two were sntbock 10 the intitution aller fadl- ing to okey tise oficer'n wrk inntructions and kegan nwearing ai the officer Trhe firnl incdent 100k place ai appronimalely 9 Police naid kolk escapees are 001 con- sidered dangerono. Kerry was servine a ooe-year sntence for break, ener. and tkeft. possession oser $200 and ikeli oser $210. He was due 10 ke eleased in Iiccemker o iisyear. MacInlosk cas sersîng an 18-monh senence for cillui damage, break. ener and IkelI. ikeft oser $200 and possession oser $200. He wcsodue t10av Mupehurst io Marck o Maclnlosk badl keen on the work gang since June 14 and Kerry bcd îoined PEAK'PEEK Frtpeak. Then plunge. Nothing boots The Cornet. Il's the aleepeat coaster in tho world and il's rîghl Laler peek f10 Cisema 180.-For 3-D action Ihat's so rool, your body belioses your eyes. 26 rdes arn d acres of beautiu park setngs, picnic areas, and sparkling blue waters. And los, l rns moeat the areas argoal family arnusernent park C <YT nA ( "ATTENTION SHOPPERS", MII,¶!ON MAL][b WILL BE OPEN HOLIDAY MONDAY, A UG. 6th/ 79 SHOP THE FOLLOWING STORES AND SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY MONDA Y NEEDS BAVARIAN INN FRUIT WORLD PIZZA DELIGHT UNCLE PAUL'S TEtR BAKERY MILTON DRUGS LAU NDER EEZE BECKER'S MILTON PRO HARDWARE ZELLERS LOBLAWS LOCATED at the corner of Ontario St. (HWY. 25) end Main St., Milton 1 1 made a Sek o feedois roni as oulsîde kunk gang Moday morn- Saven Wayne Kercy, 17, af Bullagon and Iloue William Macla- bash, 19. f Tronto ce- main et large. afler tisey fled from Olnkr toris locations anar 15 ide' road, Nassaatery, ani tole a car heanlagte Ralert Broten of irat Lise. PAccording te Haltes Regional Police, tise car iad ieeleit le tise awnsr'e driveway ails tise keye le i. Gaelpis OPP receserei ties clies 1973 Pontiac aedamaged 'ltrMonday aterneon. Pilot Ioss of control blamed in crash Mr. ltadigae appearei a iittle more clec 0o eeela sorosading tise cras. Noisady taw tise plane corne down. Ih in heliesei ilcrased sisortiy before 10 arn. aI the endl of ccemay euaeier 22. An atrsiclar at tstrip isad tbSec off aeil spottei tise wreckage an ositem ewoserit. Bshe landeil la gel iselp. iecame saapiciooo ai tise occupants. A earris of tlilterior o tie car revealeil seven iediidaally arappeil isbags coeiainieg appessi. imalay sevee ounces of rmarijuaana andisasissi fFise amarijuaana cigar- ettesteere aise found. A 2-year-oid Missito- 0080 mac, a paseger ie 5y Liais Krby f A ioderaI transportb aviation lvestigalar hbu biamed tie recent air t crack of a home-teailF plane at Brieglan Aics Parkonseof contrai iy is 32-year-oid pilot. e "Tise engne waso cisecisi eilndtieceteel rio major compoaete tiaI faileil' aid Steve Muve, rasponolisie forc lise investigation of liseù July 21 cras. A Georgetowin famnily ai tisreere ent linss-f pil afler tise Zenith1 C0200 liey teeetravel- ling in. crasiseil dring anf attempteil landing atie9 Bell Scisool Unce aictrip.t Davileene 1 Rdigan1 piioted tie aicrat,i carrying ier hissanil Rolset, 35, and eten-à moelh-old s, as. Mr. Moocen conficanni tiaI Mc. Radigac waso1 rnging tie plane in fac a iandlng teien lise air- crot teet doten.1 "I iase spoken ails he, andl she aid ehe hid engine proisemcs eepissg1 i1 ging." M. Macoon taid sie toid iim tise airrat stelied oser tie end nitise aiccrip, endiag lise plane doten an lis nose oeil let tig. A pliaI of fise penc, Mc. Radigan tees letie procene ai getieg hock inte shape, aiter eing sofutishe air foc "anme ime," accordiog la iamily rieed Diane Cor- bet t. M. Coriett wiso alec teacisn itis Mc. ltda aa separala cisltBrmplan, aid tie piot had ieee cieckrd ot iy Miicry o Transport officiais t wiseo sitereamed l lyiasg1 ceverai motist 880. 'Bsheiad ieen diaig circaiseand geting back inla pracice,' said Mc. Corisett, addteg lise atucday trip teas sol tise f ict ofisui kind for Mcc. Radigan. Thse Geogetown iaesly tere due for ae aflecnooo barisecue at tise Milon residence of Bill Nrse as First Lise. a mile east of Burlington Air Park. M. Nurse is a piate landief aicelip se hiscpropety. Mr. Radigan, a former pilot, il isc iceooe sererai yeacc ago, ater ieing ievoised in a seriousec ar crack. Mm. Coriet vsite tise famuiy evecy day ie hos- pitl a ndil adil i memisees are coeieg aioegteei B.ali parente reciseil operatioec focspinalin- jurien. aise ladigae reesaino en intensive rare at Torocto icS Ciilcen Hopitel teilla a chah fractrrandirokee atres. "Tbinsieeare scliipetty iaxy toc Mc. Radiga" aid Mc. Coriett. adding a?' 979 7 -b*à&%& . . - --- ý- k, &w - *teai & ,îeafoob Mouse Jusn a short drive from Milton will bing you to s quiet intimate setlng et LORD BYRON'S STEAK & SEAFOOO HOUSE. Here you teili enjoy a truly ndelible experience ... W. offer an extensive and varieti menu excelling in exotlc fleming dishea including Chateaubriand Et Pepper Corn Sirloin Steak. Tempt- ing delicacies from the ses include Dover Sole. Lobster Tails Et Crab Legs. Choose from our salection of* appetizers: Ceesars Satad, Shrimp Cocktail, French Escargot.J SER VI NG: DINNER Monday-Saturday 4 p.m. tai1 sm.- Sunday 4p.m.clO0p.m. , FaIIy Lcensed 68-m 10 Main St. Set Hwy. 5 Wstardown The MRX3 Cassette provides low distortion for superior high-level recording, low njoise and increased maximum output level for excellent signal-to-noise ratio; and high out- put et saturation resulting in wide dynamic range and broad recording flexibility. B. E. SOUND LTO.' HvIcf "39 MAIýý 78 129', ---------- 1 aays wnen two mmates r -te iviap- coumilonai ul-, il, ir