*ThIu wonnChampion, Wsd.. Aug. 1.1 Women's Place passes Halton Wmns Place passe a iathr hurdle Tuesday. Tise Haton Htealth and s Social Services Comm- ilIon agreed tb purcitase c a one yeac service agree- ment on a dailiy per s dieml basin of $15. p lThe agreement sa ta, siart Dec. 1, 1919 and ex-a pire Dec. 31, 1980. 'Te motion in sobect ta teapprovai of reglon- ai cooncil mhicit meeto Asg 15. Aerwants, fil il be forwarded ta tteT Ministry af Community t and Social Services for appeavai. Halion Women's Placep mutl be localeit in thtea structure miich 4 curreeoiy bouses the t tletàcbmeot of Haiioo liegionat Police ai 480 Hagit S., Milon. Rennie Vivian, Hallon s Healtis and Social Ser vices Admtnstratoe, said s ta a report ta the rom- c mitier. "lTe purpose ai iis uodetakiag outd bain peovide emnergeocy a obelter accommodation s for abaaed omenanao ,, teir dependeni chiltdrea h aiong mith the provision of tesupport oetwork ý required.w "lthe per diem la based a on the aperaling budget oi aionoWomen's Place t 100 amaximum ai $15 per day as specîfird by te- Minmstry." He said, -Haltox Women's Place mli Se respanaibie ta raixete difference betweeo art- ual cota and revenue ce- ceiveit via a purcbase af service.'* Margaret Weigitman, sapervisor ai finance in te Henlb and Social Services Depariment. presented a reprt sbowing te departmient spends approximaieiv $125000 auitîng abased womes and teir de- pendent ciidren. "lTe purcitase ai service agreement wit HatooWomneno Place mouid, ai maximum, increese grass spending by approximateiy $WSO00 per year." In reply ta cemmitfee members' queutions, sbe xaidte $125.000mmldd drap witteapprovai ai accepfingte servtces ai Hatin Wmens Place. since if wouid Se doing mach pceviouaay dane by te departmeol. Hamever, Mrs. Weigbi- mas said sbe did ont baam bam muebte figure ouid drap. Regional Ciairmon Jacktat is atteaded thse meeting eld inxa oma- mitien coassatHaions beadquarters in Oakviiie. He asked witat te ltent ai Haltes Womens Pince woud be. Mca. Weigitman said Oma9gh Halton people tour By Mes. Ceeil Patteeson Five yauxg 4-H members ram Haton conty bat a pleasa eebu oist tla Buffalo Caasly. Wtxconsin, USA, retarvisg bome early iis meoit. Ciaperone and chauffer for te tip mas Alias ramrtdgeit Mary Jeux Robinson, Elaine Wite, llandy Fiait, Marilyn MeNabit and Beverley Wtxgfieid. Iis aaoaal exebange iit slamarded te members mt iigit standing scores. Net yesc Haten milI itstte group icoas te USA. Sincece sympatay ix eatended t te faasily ai te late Clifiord Hater wba paoaed amay in Milton District Hospil Titumday. July 20 ater a fent eits ilîss. Mc. Hater was a mal known cetlred daicy farmer in te Georgetown ares. He in sarvlvedi by hiti wiie and nonTitomas and famlly and Carol t Mc. Wm. Robinson)andas iamily. Panrai utdMlcewaa blLd Y. S àé.Ton Hnter waoi pm toachorsi Poec3 il sho8 for sena eiiigesttýs heIcr foi wiomen are inaoperatan, shtht ie repeater rate Is arousd six and Il per ceot. la Haltos. miticit tas sitelter, te nambar ai people mita retors ta tht depactasent for belp sa arasad 50 par cent. Emergency shxeltecs do wark, site said. Titey affer a refuge lac wmnfleeîog an un- itealtity home stlation. Titey give tem, a place ta turn ta. for tbem oand teir citltren. Titra gîgve theas lime la palth up ISeir dis- agreements miti t teir husands, aorltey allant ltent alime ta loit lac aîteroale accamadatian and eîaiplayment. Aisa. Mm .Weigblman sait, lteybirîg lte maman itacontact mt serviceagencies mbîch cao leat ta conciliatian mth thirr ustonda. Tite service groupa cao aise pravîte sacial servicet and ansist lthe mamnan la relueule iterseil andtber citildeen. Mr. Vîcian naît many ai lte situations af wmnfleving ta sitellers are emnolianal At lte tintelte dis- Iscitance laites place. she iiia a u.5c t s hus5hand wl beslccid up. Alec haor alec, site ntay mont hitî released, ite said. Mr. Vivian taid mîves are reluctanita lay cbarges ogainol Steir itasbands. Conequentiy. te police are limited ln mitaI Stop cas de. He taid a selter in Hatea o necesoarv. Titece is nne in Hlton aI present. Waler Muliemîcit. citairman ai tite con mitiee. satd mamen i ditrets are eiter itausedin ixmatels or ce- ferved la emergency titeltern in Taronto or Hlamilton. He saidt e inconcerneil taI lieternicmxola support tysteas ta allon Wamen's Place ite et- oblisiedallitesantetinte te siteller s, in rder taI mamen cao iter ite canclîaled mit teir itusitands r allernale arrangemtents con ite made. Caunillor Bannie BrontafaiOakiclle. a member aIfte am- mttee. sit te mnen mita seebasitheller ix axe mita bas frequestly had ta endure ettaga for years. Site bot ta stay mith ber itutitnd iecause alernative 1er iter anid lier ciiltren. A aeter allomt ber ana alterntive and aopiace te ga in laie mbat stepa nSe' cas te mend ber lite and1 ta, taitecure ai Sec de- pandenta. Mr. Vivian saîd tbe1 praces aireconcilattoni moy teite days, montsi ar years. Il depends an tite couple. Sametimes te moni ont mufe palci thStr diflereaces. Sametimes tey coolt. Speaaiixg icon espar-1 enoce as te regionsi representalive in court4 cotes innlviaf cooptes( uni thIbir chittdrex, Mr.1 Vîvian saidtotday manyi caupes senas la liinkt taI if te faad served i ix 001 ogreeable, itis cousei lac separotian. Te adoanlage ai a suppart service attacitei la tite hame lix nbringing surit people i510 social agexcies miicit con maite terouple teeenasa and 10 teip tem mend ter 878-8881 MNri Maulkitnciict aid ite anîrd a nieller ont a support system te regian can live it. taus, il io- neceoaey tat te termuis e spelled ouI. Assumning cegional coascil oppeavea te motion and thte Miistey ix favorable, a farmol agreement mili Se drafled. 'Wr bave la be salit- ied taIte purcitose af service in miti- me mont,' te toid. Replying ta Milton Caunillar Clos Gouousciix question aout te oumber ai cases from te sout as apposet ta te narlh. Mcx. Weigtman said many aI titase mita tuen up tante soult are front te nortitera parItaifte cegian. Thte reanon is, te ev ices ;nelnotaalaitîr- TiSas, catra ncornetel (Oakville and Burlinglon mitere te services are. Site sait Mitonli te site citasen becaoe te building in available. Mes. Brama sait Hal- ton Wamen's Place bas been iasktng for montn and te police building in Milton is te nly one avoilable titichits suit- able. Plus, i lis nest door ta lte sent police office andt lu itanty ta court miicitis localedin toma. Site said renovations ta te building mili rosI $10,00 Thte building bas la Se renavaledin ordereta Sec noîitie for mamex Oand thirr ciildren. Thte mark mll moitete building suiloble for 12 Site sithlie sitelter mill THE CHALET is the menu of the dey" NOW OPEN TILL 9 p.m. DAILY For Your Dining Pleasuros Monday lhru Saturday CHALET < RESTAURANT amd TAVERN Hwy. 25 North of 401 878-3632 hi- slatird 2Thu îcacday, la rature tece cill Se sameonoan duty aI ail limes in case ai emergency. Titis omot oalaull lime nuperviser and approximateiy five staff people. Mes. Wigtman said it ns neceuuaey tite staff Se prafessional in ordre for te sbaltetai Se able la bondiete cote mod. Me. Raitlasnummed up, afler be iteurdte on- smeco ta bts and comn- milter membars' questions. "il is a humble Se- ginning. Hopafully, I it ii belp," lie sait. "Tiere ix a great deat ai mrk taI( bas la Se doenin on area mitere no mrk ban been dore.- Ho saidt tiis service sitoult bave iteen minra- duced eariier. SUPlEQtSAVINGs CIVEC HULIDAY'8 SPECUAL 12PRUCE RACKS ISPECUALS Ro ACKTS ENTIRE SUMMER i o po50 SPORTSWEAR VESTS DRESSES 5 Re. sp t 2 7" Cocktail 2-Place SLACKS and Street Wear 1OReg. up to 25nt SKIRTS 1 DOLLAR i eg. upto 25" BLOUSE SALE MATCHUNG BUY ONE BLOUSE BLOUSES AT REGULAR PRICE 10O00 GET ANOTHER ONE FOR Reg. UP 10 25mt JUSI ONE DOLLAR - SALE ST'ARTS WED., AUG. 1 ST. P.gg's of Madjowvde Nggy's of Miam Milton Store Cloaed Clvlc Holiday 06 RORC,