!Ite Eunabxau VOIUM& 119 -- NUMBER 14 MILTON, ONTARIÔ, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1979 Strike over ambulnces back on reacuotu DypLbai"ltM"plai dispplatd i ooef IL wn u it ssnod canotionsa hat 7 Halla-Mh"ie- otus"aiM.Bse sagaAmaielaon C drveratemimieaad ia- Ho suli Oie salon moulil tey la regain tthetnt thouri natesmgahae~at ukollei Balon efoa s ie- athe next contractltaltu. keatn bt MIId~I ateeoonfolasta seileont M. Bruce mid halfait salon espioyeeo 'reulil.d of a at-seek-old strike b hpOse reof-inconinue thenlnikc would ha fulteedy." lte monitors of Local UTof Oe Onario Public "I ilak it aa ct est we coul tove dn," mid Sries " oted 70par c" in favoutcof acceptig anisa represesiellve Gond Armes. "We got stur the aunpanys "tes Cr wstick e neierrejected moacy, Oes Oey (the companyl came ot eiOi Oe bytbewrkers.40-our worit mek. Wiadour backu tteieaf." Geseposesmegtlatrtottsinde, mid ie on- Ms.Brueait!thm u ni aon dide't upprecipla Oie IransouralihsiMonap menig fllasng No- reduceilboues ehici thOe company linrodused l uthle ami-ahaittuaeststompdebla."thOiour. lTe agreemaet pruvidés a le.5 par sent sage itte Huscrer, te mid, une ufthOe sellag fesatrea ufthOe we estsopues, or ase uiesc ac-sos.39ga. M. nom torgama Oe provision of osertime psy ater Staue sai lie base sage rte sonld isela fromt $.70 40 teuc. Under Oe espireil coteuc, muekecasocer asteilantasrbp Aprit, tu. obigd taeput inu44 houcbetre reeelisg tiee-and-e- oueitereakla Oi ane gal-ageparlly halt psy. sfte stso Mieatcy mittene divaetes flank Myer, salon preoideul, odeited tema resmai dbite ovrOihe m tcisork hosts. ieder uolnvermiehmngly ontbtoiastic iOi Oe final out- thesweomieacthOemwokseek wilhtereducedtfrorn corne, bttsaidite wasglte ikeho ver. 43tehes prsee tot 40 haies par e orty Aril Ie, "I fel] a snse of reief Otharn golag teck temwort amidempltym dl Oes mrk elgtt-bonr shitsel- and thepublie is notlonger onesy s-onscince.' atudettOandl4-mteuil. Il mou durng uniou celcitealln Oat Mr. Meyec "AUlineaII, »esea-se hat relieved i miitOe con- tuud up asd mode a rouent utfte rnemesi o raturetorkquieiy and itury Oehtlsiel'. lTe trike thn tees esrreti ty seserai pichet ise cofrontatious, telaptone tueunsment of btOiaides Town 1778y b U)P and malooapropertyttdamage.ue i mien au ambulance puekeil outide Oh rie go ol it n Inn sation, masproy-palalod iOi te ordu uruit A A ~ ' driver. Glue as uppleil ote l ors outhOe vehitise an mlt e taa at Oe pon- inau four-moy inter- cr. ibilly ofthOe Issu acqsar- secton. "h cifcossera Mosday uteesoons usitumthe lug Oe nid Metnluen Cmipbell liiompts, wmuet eesmre ging ta tret te upeesisues ater property. to e s a id Oe pur- gighackoork, said Mr. Brase. planning Direclor Bot pooe ut gettng Oe lan I'1lu sguusg l tokie some uiffisuties. Our guya are comosest tae blthe ppOise w» conidSteufa- tiilltttoodgyosd nervous, touaiti. Ifsaurntldsg cment o Milt nig hetaind ut o resunuloteshoulil te salid thOe oOir ide tialgu coul tiare 5bS0upn oixbyvotet i n l a ise eo a p. I astttae laeottt<o eni n ce ialiscult- M. Meyer sai te ashel te rnerneratip te pul ail autoKSoaiqt ilatOnel t midaOestomstOe avante sie pai ald tupailthat management vi e n sithetOie old doe sane thing. , '2: a e i Pst.puiWbud<Sakaîst Braesi, paotlesla llcuilthtusslnild jome are paldluodo,-AitdedGord Armes. "W.teStp u tate e = tesd o sp aI a u nchscoany nage, sai t e mus bremu MiSetHarrison tile r Bek ay 'essey gluil Oie trike lu oser, mrniuy for Oie ?A~u5dnI Midagrusilthe towns uilil pobodylsuwne o ai h tie utb ie r lteatem a auer of go"one stepaia time, 'happ y. maeiOetikttoisdsr posibleanss for the land, itut uggesledil wlamusgo- toYl. lintb fraohe 8mntsbf rauglus ram comrn- îng atout iltosakmords. bAJO iesg il mii sottefor cntr18lsuniontefoe ecia outltslea parkng M. Day smil ite to OiadsgltgOirfrsnrc ll ao eo luttla euad rollgnest. shouil bride os ase for tiltr Grust Brcosaid la iroly tOilaking uheul. M. Zaduspi mud Oe Oe proprty teture Ho mid Oie salo'su paruesosat goluisltehave Oie ltter option mold in l- aelng if il con te provincueia iitey esntty l to cusotrut ut ail peu vove r-rnuting Brown acqalreoi. sleorambuance cumpauies n Otario. Man charged as 15->year-old raped A 31per-aid tHamiton near Walkeras Lise. Police saui Oe guet mue heu toua charged Ste tld polce Oe mon faggei doms as area mlit repu lunesaietion ilsove Oic group aip ushatmolorit for etp . siti an alak an a 15- area on Tmlu Ranadnrt Poi cesi hytae peae-ld Cayapgirgll Fr1- et Deery Rond ncae a Boy Plc alte ect day uoon lante Milton Sout camp, wsteOehOe mue Orougt eseral area Incidenttaok pteee. people, ni reseisel a AStadbtg te Halte Acelrtplc i description of Oe masn _ R og lkn al.e Oeton eAn orne plie tefrarn Oe rupa icti nd st Regima the eau mn fo e e Imuseserujl indiiduals mito mas tcite klug lu orpaalonteOe buat realeileeing him. Seno tWs O b0 oya. biltdseeaplg thegirl. Bg whma t h e 1%ie maI lieegraup Ho ii uppeor is Hamiultnmue pisk0d aP thOe ruadide and druse Miton Prosinusai Court Oie ta-lu on Highmay F150 off. Friday for a hait herng. Rockwell takes back jobless employees Te mes wro cutteil hast lt ilt la tue susa- iosiogstaff, ossording te Jute Cricit, focitmol eanifusurlsg esanager. M. Cricit ail Oie Two-ituetred Ruekmell espioyeon lad of carlier Oua rmnoOihase tees clled tack te Oie hOttes plant, bit o unly tee tomie orary istly. ASsEItien A- 1ite Grt lThres Day Street Cosmng cornes le 1050 A- Gtommeunitaseeinar informa Miltonians ut bemne 01 aoaiem A4 motelseolaaa A- Scut returmafrom intenatoatcamp A4 Mlton tebe locationnfor Haltan Worens Place A-7 nmt«escape Mapiehairst Plet blamed in Milton air crasht A4 publ loduatlflewitla Mapehust work gangu osectie Sports,clualfdand remetate Neapeu, 1,11l C Setion Perspectve onBroute Provincial Park C-eBotte gf o r sport C4ommb, tumia, frasestSeu laius, Le'$, Cauhwy teespary tob its mt a bteenstwomees andl tour eeks. A tol ofut216 mes mre taeea"tfi te aauemitly ise aller reduceil Amer- cas cor salea trcei te plast lo cal ock on pro- ducion. The local indstry emptysneitrty 500 onteras ite production ut coîl andl bof aprioga used us psseagor cars, trucits andl jeeps. Me. Ceicit said il itI te anuter tIn10tie weehs tefure Oe sues- pasy moites usy plans for rehiriag eesptoyees os permanent huis. Accordiug tlu.Me. Crish. Aineria sr sautsosntinuein10flus- tote andOihe 1979 sr in steey ila"sutotel. Few empluyeea laid off, hase tounsil Oier jute mail M. Ceisit. In udditions lunuees- ployesent nuruore, woekers receise aupple- metal unemployesent insanuce itnefitse equl lu 90 pr cent ufthOicr peesesi wagon for ose yenr. AT BRONTE CREEKE PABK just south cf Mlton, there's a Spruce nFarmlhouse, at ber ancient spinnung wheel, in variety of daly demonstationsa nd plenty of fun activities on f nyrai demonstrations staged at various times of the for both young and old. Bridgat Carey, 17, uts on the porch of yesr. For more photon, see Pg. Ci. Despute Objections Sidewalks to stay on Bell St Thte sidewalhi.on lihe southers extenalon et Bel St pil say dsat on te eistiit5 part of te street. Milton Casnt lMnday nighti soteil te teei te sidewalit an te east part of te treet frontiag a park. Ile park forms part oi the aew rote Meadaws subdivission. Bell St. la iting exteadeil matit ward to torm part ofthOe subidivision. BREAKING INT JAIL la loua common s pastime titan breaking out, but Waly MacKay bas is oeil rossons for breking into the old Mlton Jail. Stetla Parlas. a resident of Bell Si. tai in a depuation ta couisil, aie i appaeed te eBie watt itecaute itl imnes- sary. She ail ahe dido't aee itaw padestrian traffie mouldusue Oie idiewalk. Eaîating patta titroagit the waada conneel lite eiaiaf homea wiOi Mlo Ditrict iigit achnst aad te Miltes Sprts Ceatre site aaid. Resîdeate of aewr homes tEe aaid, would eut theougli the pars kIo gel te those placs rallie titan une Oie idswattt la fron te iepas-k. Conseiller Gord Kranlz aaid ite mas ayepaOietîc ta Mes. Parten. bat pro- dteted "pressurea wilt ite itrougitl ta iear soeseday ta palttaIt idewalk ia." Cauncitiar Rick Day aaid a aidewatki lasuie paseil ta teparale podea- triant ram traffis, and for Oal reaso. he ta ln favor ai keepiag te ide- matit. Attmt 8s ae bnug nise ta>ol Mlo s nnusl fies m=&et in the courtysrd of the jail, and WalIy lu helping wltb the set-up.1 New location fails to attract interest jeoprdy icase ofu a hkoflanteresl. Judy Houson sl tryleg tu gel more people te ot up loitlesibut ahe sayonhe la fladng il diffietlt. RightI son, il doent lonk lau proesng. In laIee ie seas. tI dont khonsaiutbispint iditlte fiesmarkt) will melrillzo. les nul gettag eougit poitve respaons. -- Ms. Husonamidate bha us cnacti e aumitrof nipeple wse ot ap htte last ycaris flea markt, btIte aacrtalaty ot tieir commit- men la,il u face.maklagiturauneeelua. l"nie paoplens et e laylas teck aillas tee soneeose aise ta ay Oey'll go l, and Oes Oey'll fllow Oe cromd.' Ose of Oie peoblama Melis. Moulas la fadasg, la thae t11 ess Is a markt: Oie censtylard et the ld jul. Presiouse niskela sors etthOe nid firechul. ite ~ec-ar atmnsptmeeotfttisyear'n market la esaklag paeople a lit1e oneerlois. Mes. Houstos mid. Peuhlcons mlitàranspartation andl Oie ot-up ut Oic mereitanisle andl Oic poaiility of rain are itefoieseons aiemid. Mme onoetenasite auil. didm' ist luwhen Oe emarket maetdin lanosen- loged buildintg. Val Grimsham uand ier aistnt, Wlly itactîay have boaut orkteg for Oic Miltomne CnrDIA guesli Oiemset-upof the courtyacut, "iqt te lavelllng of Oic tend aldcuttiag 'Ttc place looha quila nice nom. ail Mca. <Istauha, "filo ba more like a park than a seci d-mp." Mms. QPluutes aild uo f cth i e-igi wSat WU*- ridentào Maduce. Mes. âHon ai ali nie mu stili rylangte ge mrs peuple te go lie c, iesumarkt. No date havabssaflmalled Mes. Porion atmo cteiesed a samiter af! treea îmmeodalely souOi ni Bell St. wre euca dn ; despile assurances titeys mauldul t e. t Puitlie Works Directer Joe Pilushaitiaaid tere were %ome trees ite inattatly ttougit coutillte prerersed. He told Mrs. Parteslite ltertoaad lite was wrosg aand the trees had lu btecu dams. Mes. Parlas ctatme<t te reaqiients were pro- mis te trees moutd onty te cut ia a 33-font ide paît ta attam te ruaad lu go titrougit. Site sauil Oie pat la ctuatîs cloaer tlu66f6 1001ile. Tite 33 fot correspoads t teactuot travetiei partioanutfte rond. Mes. Parona said site waa pro miseil taiwas tite esteat ufth Oetrees taI moatillte CUL Site toil sitedildu ,t itasete peomiae la mellîse. Me. Pilushaita aid te ider pot mas seeded tu accomesuiate te othie services, îacluding Oie itiewatt. Me. Pituhaa aid the services. sucit as ater mains asnd saturai gas pipelins, go usiler tite idewati asdti on ser lte rond. He sail il did't mtter *itether or nont tore mas * sideatit, te trees mould hase lu corne dlomn. Hr aideil trees, oould he plasteil ta re- place te oses tai mere lors doms. Festival of Nations attracts 12 cultures A Festisal of Nalions Thiss isili latr milI te iteld is Milton. prforsmances bh dîter- Sept, 15. st groups ona stage and A dotes satiîsalitîes semants its Mayoe Dos .ilI1 te givisg peope a lGordos. biatos MPP faste o teir cultures. Julias lleed asd Ititos Estry tu eacit may he NIl' O11o Jeliseit itai ity parchiîsisg a Alers ards. chitldreen ol pusspset. -uit satiosallsit il lîgit Tite tearer o osne of soodle- îind sg () ts-se attoma estry 10 te Canada ts cons-Ide te hlalsand achtanceiomîo n day a trip frtueIo 10 ais A rd isiple tree niaY mitere Air Canada [lies.hi Pl a ls-d as ansvn In addition. people- mta snia ingte dus have te chasce ofbad hîgh spliyso bras uissiag a ticket fto pieeýt ixe a p is cals 10 Esglaad. piekgrund1 a tfisC ii Uii Tite sefasizisf so-m rnine milles met ai toms hall Wedaesday. taly 25 Pronioiios of tIhe v Represostalises iro i s eing cariiil oui sih te diflereal ethnie îpress rIleses, lses sapings sie didat moant tor te ctosîng 10 te os and noisiniî the eshniel the sialmai. Mais St r, Region can't buy Site F "Titis la cuesptetety togicat and, Tite condtios aretaI ail evrn Oerefore, wo sau't go tue il." menal approsals would hase ta he Titone wee Oie worila of Cuascittor gtsen; ail appeals ty tie 1005 ofthlit Rîcit Day respasiig t10a requoat feues Otario Municipal Boards desisios os Dessin Perlis, regionnul oicitor lau Site P moutd te compleied and te negoiate options lu ituy lail. regiocouid nul iboy BessieS mitits Tite landl Oie rogios mate luoituy la peoperty ustil Miss Smîit asisd te Oie taonuswiicit il itopas tlu put a lasd- rogion ta do s tillte lto. itsu , Site F. Titese condtions dido't împress Me. Pelis ompitanizeil ho mons t 1Miton Counscîl ohîcitsoleilagainss segullute opiuna lu u he a n ud. giisg Me. Pertia permission tu nefs- As uptions 10ituy is an agreemen o lilte mit tasiuwsers. fin a sale prise. The rogion mmudl. aI Conscitor Bill Johson soîd Wesre mome future date, hase Oie riglit 10 stoil fis-es inte past andi1 tIhînitor exorcise Oie option if il wusted te. mot stesnd ires auw. Hie qail il du out aesesqoeily meus "M. Leilcit IFred Lilci.t.hOic omîls te acloni purchase outhOe tusnd. solcitor) honsoail tiis uctions 0001 M. Prla menîlunelttrese Prop- peeudice us. 1 aoy il iSl prejudise mn, orties: Oie osal andl Micallef Proie Srely te Cbise r te courts ur te ei the Oie iipraparty, ad Be-le Ensirosesentet Aoesamesl Biord wmut SeslO'a property. heur about il." Iflnud ares ufthOe llree pa'opertiea Me. Day ugreol. "Tite tîrsitting Jies las 143 acres, 102 ucres andl lau acres Sues la golsg te reodin Oie esoreing lls respeclvly a nespapar repart ot tiis. Me. Porin said Oie ienttwIo prpe--"h oi fMr elns «tuleshave indicated thOieic mwqague ti sniM.Pritreqaesi l lu tiotiate. inescapable, btIunforluataely. logis . Inmay cao, Mr. Pol a aiidtres andl image duet l ulmya correspandl. condtians wmuid have te ha fulfilleil "Ms-. Perlint latter ia sryslat sleae tefoère Oie reg d gln u a rdilcla ie OMWI 'es orry lesgoini tetotoave10 option la hep a-ytend. spipt tCouneillar Johnsone on is, IF32 PAGES-