4t.mp W ITj u 42. NILWAUTE 0th--OurRE AL ET We hcve c need and apeeings for addtional saesnstaff in ot Milton, nffice. Von cr6 enjoy anaexcellent woringaeniron. commission Sptit. Throughr on. Hmac for Living" affilition yon wilttanjoy the banetts of c North Ameicmn nîrer maIssoe, Cai now forc a ecsnnct cnd confidanticl intat. viaw. BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES i1976i ITO, 107 Mcrtin Straat, Miton Mcnage: Les Bunkar 8842 1042m32 EXPERIENCED BODY PERSON GUARANTEED WAGES For ccii ectebliined GM. Dearei, Excelent Ceg.g benetits indoirg Prescripton dron pandenetalpani, rit and diaebfly inranot etc Anni, te: Mr. Niai Bien. Roda ShODma Mcir SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED Fnr Sptttbr a..and p.. oe, rn B Lcensnimu ae 2. Trinirngprovided, Aaan, Gergetow, Miton and CcntpbeiMie aes For fut ~hr inforaon all TRAVELWAYS 877-4448 O2ganii Class "A" Mechanic required for Geneeci Mtors Dealership Apply ta: Jack South, Service Manager 878-2355 826-3950 388 Main St., Milton KICHNRESTAURANT In Mltr Roqoire; alie/anetcren,.saend kichen Re.Lenking for part or toit tire emrplonterr0,6achallenge? Onr 008 set returant, eperaee 24 hrm., 7 aye, anrd aeds cait.r/wanrceee On onend pnosiieat titdend lik tbe bus. Experlene heinfol but or neeceero Gnnod cagee nttered. Houta flexible. CaehariMm,. Dite CusnnInnret -41twue 9.0arem, i SEBIRE PROTECTION SERVICES LTO. raquire FulfiPart lima SECURITY GUARflS Fm ram.pton and Gergetown attnt. Aterneen Et Neigt Sht Avaiiabin, Uniforme andrtraining neppbed. Ail apaifcarts uthv nanapeeeanceciter record and njieymengnand deal- in cith peple. 1-278-0206 for Appoinment FOUNIJRY HELP WANTED Sotable for met. Shftwork. Appîy in persan: CERCOR INC. 93 Mounitaîtview Rd. N. Georgetomn, Ontario 02a3 pranntnlPart-âmne Experfen<n Sanfchbeard Oparaaorerfror eady e edu ok cati, v.arerneereor nght on eakileie Temperiry Pasecs Lne e shor erc reerci, anefenrime Ee a ecdererares .TypteWWrd proneeenrg apsrt.n.eRer er acceant cer e -Keripuner oeaoven ad Lk 0 ovfie o d345 L *esbleRd. E. advsoofDei ,.6aI-cI000 Gýý akift, 845-3495 Cleaning Porsoni Kitchen HeIp F.11 Wuera e teespeltieo Ockei#e amiea Phe 80987 MT.dait fr ve 42. HELP WANTE 42. HIELP WITO 42.1111P WAUTE BURLINGTONI CAMPBELL VILLE Mator route operator needed immedlatoly. aj *Pernttaet Panttcjob devrng nwanpersby ca nthe Calepbelliaea. *Dnnd rntunrerennn Svcnnedy accskt1'/hpabr pdayC *Incediate npenetg. Oananct.nn0mmn.eae8r9t n.n2n KîTCHEN ,hein 8nd efeenc ern.e sa aC.îate,=r,. ra %ci.iiR alctertbcaftres. e 0ose «1111.u. î,«sp M e mi. M. Ta ra - eri ece prelcrred, Mody Dock, 608-8125. 34290 TrE HALTON BOARD 0F EDUCAflON LADY t. creat, hn..e, tee Roqelsos agen cth eernces Roqim nd vintratnsprtation CARETAKER for euoukvlloro. 33t128. 448 This laca permnent position, aftemaon shift LIC-ENCE6O A cot wan'k ittRoiROd. oecaiC.Met b able No previonsexeperience required. On tire job nto,tIe ...2686o training proRded. 800.2926. Starting rate $5.92 per hour pin, .200 per _ - 1626 hnur shift bonun Ioorrently ender renîewî LICENSED bndpmctt, must beable toenncte Wevive a affer pensiot, plan, greep Ilie 8t3-2686 er 8con2926B Innurance, etended heaith plan, sick teave, - 16272 unform alaowance. MAECBANIC, Ciant "A", An appication toont may be abtained trom: anepariecea on truck 4d4diesel, tep eceen, Personnel Dêpt. cire appretntice 304l/ 4ti, Halton Board of Education ear non once. 3M 2050 Guelph Lino MOnAWKc ewa ee~ ds Burlingion Citctibnard nperatars, 878-8451 oxt. 289. c ontrieand000 cara BiHerd E. S. Lavender rnterniewsn cr11 atif e Chairman Director a .o- on 3 C..no Aan. e ___________________________________ ara C0citircck, 854 2259. Oue to expansiot, opeoingo have been created NURECRYiid .wcker. in al deparimento for mature heîp. Shiftwark. 0002080 Nemer wcr Appljy inperoon: round emponAanentt CERCOR INC cacre. nladinReira. pranin. ttkint. and 93 Mootainview Rd. N. imiar generai nrsrery cnrk A ppIy te N 'ut Georgetown, Ontario nr,. hrnby Nurennry 042gac3l NORTH HAITON FORD raqoîrto an EXPERIENCEIJ SALESPERSON fthe Onpostion etfc"les ttpt6ntatan cnth ou, focm Cnnrbfntfnraier andcoccissinprogrammce.Cocpcna Ofndc Io SIrnppied. Enct.letri tieebenefins Oalidnpiicanete pnly n p rson ta Mr. Jrm Gordon North Halton Ford 36t Gunlph Street Georgetown, Ortario 877-6928 or 457-4217 042nac3i REDOI RED Part Orme Pnpatetce in Cindan- Thiifefnfde a"luposftinn- bufidfnnard cnneoby PCB volveeIlirngtncndc,5fcing tarnd.Scier cnoien- netc& extitting PehacY 1noin11iB citr tperieece. Fat harder.. cn cPPOfntcent, cari Mr, Ed Tht right candidate null shoc Sinon877-9332ntr453-1388. fntitivfanrd neafbfiitO and os Tn WindowsInc. nble ta ntk nitrant super- 79 OMrtainvencRd.N, vision.Oeorgetown, ont. Halldeysn-n500par hear. 02a3 Prennue tpetfenca f nsr acent ncMOCS PARI-TIME APPiC in nritfngvn cfn e Clark Typiot tocetao: Send resurIo: Ruth itchough Sheridaona.tF.Home 125hi'rnchAe.,h 115tOntatrioSt.S. OaknilIe, Oct. Mlo 9 X LnJ 2842no3l 042c8c3i BOOKEEE B onr 3 SECLIRITY OFFICER Caable et prodacng SALARY: $227.20 to touncîcanr ercecen $234,80 par week. esenie, perMan«et Plus shift pecac Postinr Alapplicactins A 8BIOJtVtffcetfr is ared kertiderfiai Wrfte mn te -*Îl6nt bufldings cnd MC r J, Maaee narra, Table ystefiritdr.,17 gneds oncaninirned AOmttrCnn Aa'e._ tahedote et efght 8hifts et thn Georgetown ' 7G 4X6. E.C. Draoy OChani in Milton. a, 24816 Dutces noe lo ranforaiany CHALET Rtunact sian et danger to e prsnnel needt nnftrnatrnnn et Ptnpeny, t9pndfing cry o anCi 86J03 teilur fc on chncal CC-ASSAÀ MBcOai,eneedec eeaipcet Reqaietdrdent forman oarry rate ninte. n .fftc eand eoneon mtop anes, pus cepany caeet thoncototfed contrite Wittrend te Persnn.eh Pty. tanoeiirengoiifîo fr 18,ii ,he:i3n e cp, r nacettraIl appliccet. a..ifilios:Goo helthin Apnrtfeoýt alan esenie nciakin in an imn aCaflleif t nedea e878. Poanetotctin'basic mch-ri 2009. ceîcci knowiedn e caner.t, ___34-13e abiityIomlalcicoireotily DRIVERS eeeded for eth the public, atterrnto,shtort Apply ta Applifcatonsrto e: OieTexi Cr4. c771114. OuoifeeaAder artr24828 E. DtoyOinrato EAtN entra mce owa Drury School om encitita lice of 255 Otro tS. Chrf ttascctcds ced MiltonL9T2Mb nîfte tefrieeds, nelca bY Aocont 10,m19e9 bnour, rectives. Na 042nr30 nefe ceneOed, 0ur __________________ bit, ceiartoiiC IlilOBtOted catainne an oeet Iflney OF IE ard praiftcbic. Sîcot ,,an Writetadcy foffmce CLEANING ifrain oac STAFF Cnnon aitnL Requlred far fill lime 3891. and Part lime Deys er EOE 3E4E420t, ataoan. In Burlinglan cdaty cruerrefrr fut and ced Milton cra. Ccii pcrt ticre orkie trie beteen 9 a.m -12 Srieridan, Park ae miMinefetauancel Pinse per., 1 p.m.-4:30 p.m. reprye4t 9831. 341 335-2020 ExPERIENCED rends. cacer reqnlfllirte. BOOKKEEPER _34504___ inr tOrt., 2-3snpan.. . EXPERIENCED sales t Milene ace.inetsperirg secialtr APPIY teBc. 752, Bran. Fullfirie Pesition. C/0 ThesCanadienChampion Appiy In pen'56B te Mr. 191 Main ti, MRe n Gre DI CIsc.., Miltce Od2cc3l Seorte, Miltor Mail.às OIF FI1C E eoker fte nenerai duties. Min. i or enperienae, Typfnç Positin. Telophoe manrdisponsitinM ce cenniderea as tri ierCtng jobcnae cerkn ,tc nainub crbr.TelepoeoMo, J. Mante 870181,t Ocirnn Cabre Content' PART TIME deo Cersn ieaalred tncnrk toae trie neek et Couantry Inn. Cali CarY al 854-2277. PERSnO equ.ted te cci, ClIPcovers for f tu 43. OAYCARE Bn BTS lOT E eanted, o, horeo,e ac E. C Dr u Ccrmnni,3 & Srieco nId. DA CABE r pOBtchnclern. V2 5 ReasncbB octet. 878 D1Ar-CoE renafrea fer a 16 nnent nid ni ri t Timcerlea area. Ccii Pc' MATURE person renairen inienk alleri1 centheind anado10040 n id in cy oce, Menay Frfday 8 a..0.30 P .oM.LinO:t 1 heanekeeping. enter BESPONSI BLE cether ni 2 niIiprnafde daycarofin co hnce, sterling Sept. nistLncatecl near Rnbert BeIdc in b Sit Petrn. Lamge Ciaoycae.8781567 URGENTLY nteded relica bbbltternfor working cnther,anbo1, gfil 1a2.Exerienced suln cone. Wnrk 844 1550, nocme ton-5704, aller t C.c. WANTEd acare near E. C Orary Cctteni, 3 & t year 0nidi. 34522 Wc Wl CH toe eceini a rnatare.ieairi, persn te c00are fr tmn Yong cildren in BOUoee Fracm 86 Ma, Fol begfnneienbepteccer 10. Piecte ccii Parto9a. 787 44. EMPLOBYMEN TWO Wcmt tcfailabie ta donliiet ltonsekeepit, 0,traensprttiorn. 878 42096or 335.7024 bercen & TUITON RADIO-TV ANNOUN CE R T,ain.n9, Leam ruan f0 0040 tf-- - Y-. id ýoC in ni .c tice niantMei F., ,aded 'Mesage on haoaa nea.Iav CRone anytifoe 92i2420 04aeifnt St PERSNAL iJNATTACnED?-DB tntetIng nec, ccii ectenousDcting Ltd, Brarepten ( idi6)4M.1661 eOr Kitcetner (519,653- t661, if6 c ce p. ______________TheCanaan hamian, Wed., Aeg. t, 1979 BU & PEUMO IL ID.veCM ~FU SAEI VEICIEM &OU SA 66ID VEICLESFOR SALE 0. VENaIS FOR SMl ARE Yeu natteced. n"apaed, Mccgl. ;-;- Cemplete brale reparrs T.Opene dinereodO Massifthat -(J-Frent endaigerirt T..à hr.nt epecial person.APPIIl bobace. niant P.O Bonx 4 3nc f: ,fa. 80 piPice I> daoet nrnnp., Btig ndSniiWe F,a Theni Aii 5L. TRANPORTATION dMhlý r -r ~ NORTH END DAISUN BALTON Chilric'sAid I r'i ' 1 ATSUN 878-4137 Gi Seeietyairequnkes 2.wena1 610MIl i iSt ride( m6ar. and4 Pm-te.i.E Mitnt a itndes pet ceek, leor tester' 0O frt ehildatteedIsie n ettee1977 iei RACER Staiofn RACER, 975 deIunen, need Chdke IIII aCti eitlr rneiia cn.CcrMw an, eenenrîca, ne cndrtio 2, are87 o716 e crn, c e 1 2tt . cU yirder, anrer-aîr 2 4440 Cean,8-21.353 oer elrrcebraken. 197 PLYMOUTiHOir.coecnn Vot.rener, 2 sel tht hne ted a utnnfatil, ps. pb, 60. VEHIIES FOR SALE E C 023. 1399 rd, r.st prented, Only WO iACriMANY ~ fIMiton, rie 2311, 510 or6, Cal eGergeeon Q9>iE 34e0 ONE C97-6RACEr, nor tien249 QUAIT 66EOWEOlJ yinder, standard 1ai6 PLY-MOUTH Grnd ECONOMYCARS 20 0 ransnmisint,radi, rooi F ary 9 canener mcra l eI, nc ar n aIl pecer, 1chocs. trocai p-rean" dtin.neonenr, lIwA M 50 FM50 erene ai ntard Lwdn aec cr r m~I iin2eeYF 329 n$nn95, cd,î,non, nOn mien andBnk Financcn L.INIICiemnnî Miers ail.e' ce CO T NUES -itn '88 38 331 $390 88748 43 196M NEer f rdop ccLiOf2 1976 PONTIlAC Lr Mdr,, 2 B Gcordie ai. r d- hdrdlnp Innw Ve aam,,n,-I enn 11, lage, buacet Cent, nfAnII il , uto er pon e re efFcocsol,A, MF58 n97n ASPEN ttinncagin IN.ayIliandaerfarnd ck seLna Specici Editien S V N GS mnoch moreFr reled ina op maisFlacnymoe 35.00;tn cerftItied; air n o n heimetebie eid 0afif . aaLc U canditinned; enictric * C 5c~. ,tn. BcSn rail Ftres MWF se 630 Cal Georgeetown wic ns .Sýpb ; AM SUN VV -~AVE NUVV rsCoore iianr FCChrlr 8i70508 2 FM0 radino tht ramer U O iln'8828 npcaker, ane canarait M 34375ton4nPONTIAC Parisiene aeý GACTRSAVAILABLE ?oor eia ior th,$ e 1903 fa AUSTIN Mini, $2Or m5ý e oeilprcC ais ne -_A e -S3n4n7o8 datonaed tront, nend 1.an an uo'a ti' QUa IY cr 0 cessonad brakes. PLJRSO "SC EVIfLIfl deoadmre u f rcs.Cycsh hn laet etter, asn,,. non 2364 ý whnbcesale a na baveeJOT 8Con0,a fo r c0FMarco 34540 232 Ci,merie 500Mtos__- _32 0 383 Magtnm, 4barrer.:,ia 66 3 457e l in aFCA co d An n he02rs CH0E. rebait Hnc. 25 S. atDeryRa, 73AERX--ne0 1't oynfr eds o Ceedin idtExanllnt cnner, 56,000 ognai C,175.C0 853 2559ý S ,70 etifid.84407238. M iltonOcritC 1CanaSa i n er fin, -on-Soéb C uu Cingranocaieplans eaccCmcC. 350 hbp., S 194CHEniie2i rdr.d, Lt87-233 88-312 IL nîer eras, cerfir Ce ble c iclnnnn ceompeae e sa ar ,0olor ai bonitro519 Obu e eain Certied. nec rnires.acdcet 00h,30 83 OdACcc n non 878 oco7 he ie.87 65 4479t83lance28683403 97o3 CHRYSLER 2 dent bartte, iaded citit61. "RECREATION 4 61. RECREATION luunOpin nc.ih M10SUMMliE R V_______________ aC cnto 60.08e .1 CIernenin onttrs, ý34299 FA-1 IA[SCARSthe RACERS 19on COUGAe n7,leo. rA tUSESCAR ntetaii1iC, 400 CID enieo, '77 JEEP CHR.eOKEE4XA battery and cternato seinen ,k rdoeowerol2500mes i.E L G naitabie fr r rraieir Bt -t7nFOdRanD eCaUSOM y2o5ne tnndtn. pwerrtfeted KOW291O 7FODUTMAP7 46coS.serigad4ddent.datk brecnfthnnrchin neif, eatatic, cane, Want 60 M G braken, beceet saats, ternanedbrailestcd,nenrerLc. HAU 9t7 tiner shift, n ole n '77 PORDa F150 PICK UP rcetple prt orrorr, EnClrerpcagV86.oaipoe etn n Buy ABike trac k aapedetia, 2 etra btksad.enecone eio an ,00 ies Lic. 0835Mn '0 nrl ahed oe Shw tires and ricn. '76 FORD Fi00 PICK-UP n$4e n0orbent etter. 88 eon OI cr60cc ni ntero, 6 8 ander, radio, on an er THE 343-5 6t 1631 TON PICKUP non DODGE Cub Ccb Wnth Sbiewt acigitroV8 uonc1.7C 70 milet, 360ngcine paner nceetr tk..rde ny3.0ni, c1.7C 7ona~ Cleerfn on ad bock.,, a97458. _________________ iC ACE DL $89 ECNMCLonca car-te'A-M-P-CE--- '03 Ad 004fIOLS. 4tpeed, AS IS SPECIALS Ch! ddpnoterrear aBrs. '76CHEVNOVA 14 MI FMl tr11 pe. ec2 denn brwncfnitccmtcrfngintert, V8 un mt oe Mu Maninoli etIBrr ' .8.cta;7,ot a 0832 tstletripgnd brakt rdo. L.. OSM788, BEST OFFER no2488275 DATOON 8210 I193FORD, Cstmce00, 2 cen4-cnodr Ccd LcreEH 45 BESOFFR r hachoC PS.,PtS. i radal ties.Cent86- 45MANSTN CI 5311. ACTO d- - 34422 81 53237C y94 FCiRDa4den , decl 8 frnly carii ultecnein, cc nleaen L.c. 0T 84. Ce Geretnec - ta58FORD Bancerre.312, OBOcn3l standard, nec' irs i. cnn ,ne o ut.Cetifieti $3,000, non-t153 alerer5. 1-75 GC iku, ilh JOH NSON 8H05. GARAGE 1 radia, nec trest878:7948 ooecne a r 1 625 226 197 0GM SO6Ot,6AN D ('TIC ttatfontw athtruck, o tires and rt, e.ceflent ICf 1261o.05 uDISCOUNJTS 97-RA TO I O C. CC. Ccb. etceeint CIRYSILEII conditon, bstt errer 878t 1 947 or 78 563 eOn ail new and used stnadrain c rstick timlean, a litte boaaty.ca s tu k Matot, Miton, 878 2328. LOADEnO0-1978 C4ocrn, brozemetllc wth 295 Main St., Mlo cctching tcnfinier, Ml bho emncif r n on ene ctnditotn Lfc. NAL 25t. Cclii GereonChrI r,878-9942 non 5108. 2%9 Saeicing thea Mtarieg Pnblic Co ono 60 Vecot 1e7t MEtCURY MBtteaaO0c2 Wagnnas Stan ce0, 86-06e2 70-ME-RCO62Y METE344" 79 COLJGAR XR1 24880 itcardrep, Benenrrar We11 aqaPPed Ca', VU enta, paneer Windowst, euotc,i Poweva door tanks, cnd et c, air cBBd,, aird lotsmarte, Stren rie, kes, radie, Campany Deran thct's Priced tB selu, NMN 854. bcteddialcmPins ccr 8 BOBCAT 3 Or. c are. rieished In Olive Oet, citftctectchieg Spnnky 4 cpi. Et Econaceicci fao. Law mileage 1 vnel oofan cd daIne. NBN 106. ONLY $3064l eoh nelrnOe _______ cEAUTY TODAY. Le .MEACUR LINCOLN Camaces MaI65s M tne 678.2328. 976 MSAGMach AILN'm rlY Packace, A- neteld, V6 4 spead. n7-1ot 8e 707027.0 fOFO 10F I ilOOuR8f0I l fora A i1[luality heckedrfcCoTdîtîoTed bikes 1978e ioia750F $22i9 1977 Yamaha X500f $1399 1977 Suzuk RM125 $ e99 1976 i'limd.GLIO $ 2h03 THcRACERSoû0F 32CORONTe ST MILTOON 8784212 00f 1iONDA 4520ma nammu i ieca, l, OcImem 2. CAMPERS, TRAILERS aranSemeione0ar1,,G632 & MOTORIHOMES 270f 3420 OA\iC P ROeaoee H 135218, oiermetcellenrt cnn srcelleniitmCnd iiof 0cr icr $900oi îm i 659 3677. 63. BATS &MOTOR -- 34280 il-Ca.CM Car o tp 350 HNDA Gl an it cadit.f$15 Batairilem eayfo he ant Onl ecrto u r atCert,d5 CaSa00.non853433455 i cbao moor9,tied oni 2 idmes, xclnot 1971 00804 f25 CEoaFr îconifort300. 878 6677 SS0200 God Codio - -__ 34527 442538SOp ECIACO n979n os 34457 Faîin îdr ana on' a huit fiîboeninb niOtoC, Fende f9ie OOCOA 550K cyin tomenaCe 205000197914 ',' EaFOell "t cordier ia- n bOaffO 6,..00mi edaba nt, htaie se or87n9577 Eeîiniîde rrady ta no ev-Mg Cf1OC95C00,1' boai. Stohp. -45 addtraiter mnadr mn ne nies ne 0,Ai e Marrne. laid EAWASAK I a00 timplt, AFier 853 1mot1 lotos pa 'rontie ie ntdr BSNS Criin 0Witt Certi. BiSe 7013SIE orafiraoBC3537 OPPORTUNMES 196 Me, 1miCen onnre, AMBITIIJUS PERSIJNS boed Io183a co, enne C.nmrpletefo reobit, a m arun whoesale/inail boa, ren eiptstomn CCifyns rote trme, ond in- M ioreinea2emadiafri or cire wcritoit Non"raP. oFaoFr appanmen o ni nire 40nd ai, FC11 B7B 1385. Excoelent Feirafilarh 070c4f $3300. Seioatîrnîie arir, 878 9354. 3 '0 eSKOKA Goargaci 34441 Bai- --- Il-Or.eeerre Y... 180 IOAtper alxe rd.Catbuinessct 22-6- mtrreome, bned nitri tremcloes loac ara wntri I anro. oieatramcdo. Large 4fontiar cerf voluime haece boed ditiariont,. cr0,0 con franchiste.Madorne ln flo, AM F50 508 ronce quertiers. OoiCseconed "nod sFtec. rerCodnai' aner in 3t yerc. Witt tetn ynteot, A.C_. train tfneceScr. Lac DC. etricleontemi Clden, C atancrcd le stBnn, triaco eed trie 1ler rer . ores, Omner oeeone andBe'Rndea norindue to eltf. Ccii fom 9012k Snde S20,9tB Ron orBmLois, RerM. Ciecete MetrmnMiltm on, Hebeot Ltd., OeciWe, 87@s.238.MacTino , Ot055e474. . . . . ..,. -I 19 ig nt ,e st is -S 17 fl h 5- ly .y d. 5 1 ?3 1 1