E~f~ ~ Rockwell beaves league The oprator of thse year teani wa'n Put Ont Of A vote amnong wbth JOHN CHALLINOR Roehmell toan ini the the leaguer yfrtasoe h Milo atal eged-ffl- =ren.yfo.Ameoe i Mlton hobby driver Dave MeKe broke lRay Hughes' nlranglehold on the Onvtario Amateur Racine Clubs vseuov rbîîflpioih frflictiscondt arr ini a r« by iningisFIumburvSpeedru0y' avnual Tomn 25s McKee fininhcd second bebind Don Ramninge ini Uicfirt 25-ap raccbut mon the second 25-lppor. tUns mlooîngJ the serion in tota pointu. McKee, driving is eer popuulurblou an hite Chevrolot, placed Ujltadin thc iret bot. John Huoolflt, bock atcr miuing a coplcofwetsbccaueeof slckneocinta the fumily,tnok seceond place lne 1 scndbot innumiber 66, diepotIow,1 black and red colry frein Homùe Hard- tn ltb modlsuper sprtctin,_ Miltn'sWavn H sdm r ntao number 16, fioinbcd second in the second beat bebind lte mode] clas i ront ruover [)oin Oidermav fireder- Jiiv Tardifi, ratuorer motoevyvle racer wbo ban hoco on four oheels aI Flanihoro for six meebo nom, mon the tsecond hbo n nhUic nrcet-utocker elano and fiishod nccond in Uic fouturo. Tardiffo cor, a nilvor-blue Chevrolet, bau qnickly doncloped toto one of the top rnoiog machines on Uic trach in a rctutivcly sbort lime. f The oeuooin 75 per cent coosplelcd 1nom and il looks like McKce could give -Ray Hnghes a baIlle for the champion- oblp. Tnrdiff mnuy finish qnitc high lu Uic standbngs but inay not bave the chance ta mis Uic oh-oct stockh ild e ennue of bis tate start, S0~j~jgg JUNIOR GIRLAS INTERIMEI)IATE hauver. frmers for the Il as Rotary Clnb An evvting and veli Chaumpion ocre it hy ove Hihsie Egin ptayed fume -ou Avdrea lauthier. Envs -ern 139inîdat e Egm Knghtn ut Columhus ir vuoce and Nota 'ian- coneog 13-9 notrek Clemnents Tevaco2-2.rmoyen. ueid sl. mib RtargynTheresa Lamont for Cie- 'T'ie sravon ill sono ho hoedi n aiondhollig amenîs vfammed a home rver o ovelau oe rus, nd hrintirun. nwhite Thereva Abey voftrhi t.ome oui and oecmg trogh aughl a pop Sly. For K. rno>uy oivu of the famev itb a snogle. o ot ofC.'s, Joanc Pao ai- pou van-Mondayv itching mas displayed rooyen hlted a bomer throughr Tbursdays aitbrh tyLe an hle ond cnughl f00 pop ien.Matien Sreet Srhoul dia- Maye.Lina Leroux gloved Imo oîovdv Chrinlina Bacon and Sandrta Steart mre chuchers for Highidc. and ingles ocre it hy iFeather Tyav and Kari- Lys FosalIt MARC defeated Mlton mlding lu-o9mîit Rtadio Clubs Slephaoîc Putee hiting a borner and Laura Rentley and Tricia Kenoedy mtb singles. Milton Welding singlcs ere hlled hy Kîi Lee, Rene Croppor wilh two, Karen flarînga mth Iree. Marguref Taytor and Pally Finay- Slien and Palvy bic Cormachone. SENIIO Speed Queen dowîîed Pizza Defîgt 21-12. Pizza Defigts Tammy New- ton bit 100 ic homer cn- for ber ieam. Ilwsa tghl conte-i holmeen Miton Machine Shop and Canadîaîî Champion, mîlb Machine Shop edgiog oui Cham- pion 22-21. Machine Shopu Tracy Smejda and Patvy Schoufen eacb it tw0 home runs. aod fîomern ere ai vo it hy Connie Deoeeuw, Janet Brch and Doris Shaf- han pulled is toanifroni the ceagne. Allhough Val Capoto officiaIt5 yaohed hi, leursiruegue Moday, tbereis a slrong element of donht nhether or ont Uie longue mold hnve diniualificd the loesm troni the Icagne any- mays, RocIsmell, a necond- mere aokcd to puy a strait $100 fine and pont a $200 bond tor te resi of thr year ballued ut the conditions niben lens striogent miasuren mre adopted, il mas decided tUnI Rock- metl sbould have the conent of the nUier trams in tUic cagne 10 conne. ng thc othor mas -pita -2 with .Imo tillto1 corne and Capoto derided that ruther than come ,ackhbevvsanie of 0, amid n rt ý (1 iii r rIhe ,uld tliiiup .hop and lobk 010 r enteeing the veague nrsi yea r. The probleni concero three player ejeclions mbicb occurred during a contonttwIo mebn 000. 1 Farmers cautioned 1 Oy l)oug Mille Henvy infestations of urmymorni are prosent n eyeraI prts oftODol ario. Nom is the ime to check fields for Uic pccneocc of urmymormn. Armymormn nIt dam- age cercul grains, cr and grnsses. Thy can cansenseuere damage, eting the plant caves and or seeds depondiog on the crop. Thc benI Lime 10 check for rmymormn iv in the evenngmwhen themworms teed on the plant. In thc daytîme tbey are 001 visible. Attfieldos hold ho chechcd snco the lofest- ations may be localized. The monos are brownn 10 darh grees caler- pif arn mth longitudinal trîpon. They are up to one and a haIt incheq long ai maturity. If there are huve tosi armymormv per square foot, it iveconomîcal lu spray the crop. Most oftihe mormu nhould ho feus than one and a hallI ores long fnr prartîval control. Spray treatment is hont ini the evenîng oben the armymorms are feeding. Recommendations cas ho ond in the 1079 Field Crup liecommendation publication No. 29. Regular fiefld chechs and prompt irealment van preveni evressive damage vbould ar- myoms ondnbte sweet deal CARS-Ti JOHNSON OSi 296 Main Si. scîuîinthe mot-îîvput LAWN BOWLERS Margaret Adam, week. The title doesnnt mean tisey are the Edgar Footer and Ada Sinclair more bout in Canada- the tropisy wuu donated members af the winning mixed trebles by thio neovopaper and beurs its namne - rink that claimed The Canadian Champion buit they are lihe bout in Milton. Editor Roy trophy attise local lawn bowling rink last Downs presented the trophy. -Two week specialized Dance Training - Separnsed age groupo - Pro acisool Sisru Teeno -Dance Basicn and Music Appreciation including * Jazz/Biallet à * Creative Dance/Mime 4,S * Tumbling/Gymnasics " 19*441No Previoun Dance Training Necessary Née've got a Limited Enrolment f or you... Adul Classes in Ballet, Jazz and Disco RUCKS Audrey Meredith School et Dancing ýOS. GARAGE 198 Main Street~ Milaon 878-1303 - 826-1339 Starting Augniet l3th, 1979 t. 878-9942 HOURS: Tuesday fhru Sarurday 9305:30 -Friday ilOSpm bIc f or - W OPEN HOLIDAY MRONDAY 9 a.m.-93-30 pin.. Instant rebates Dnfl amost evertting in sEDCIS Whtle supplies last. ;~±1 ~ CARPE __________________________________rebutes on a T.M* legisieed TsauerakuofD B Oîessîied îd ycu savvn m ca-î,,-,o, L C TIN savîngu usîthintandt carpeting ihe latesi teviores and Colors. VINYL FLOORUNG bave ov adlarge svsrtmeoI of vingt Sauor coveviog rom Armstrovg and Domco 00 t yoo selfPivstrucrions or cstominstlaution avalah e, SAREA RUGS Save un nUr entie designer so ecleon oc area rugs in a large assotiment Of Styles andI coIo s. 4 xk6.h6' 91.andt9'xs 2 ies avalabIe. 19 GIANT WAREIIOUSE so()M MWss IIsIIMIs5ona scAROeoouou OlCUMoan Lu. wmvev-osuwa soieriNcHavE W s1450oaNDanuST v. î39KNiEDaacY RDi1720 YOfOE ST N. 1i18OONS5ST Ec' rusais 96 OvigoJjs Si AT DUFFERIN. JOOT 5EAS 0hO S DAT ELLESMERE AT ELGIN MILin oD EAST OF roicKnon RDn viosso Crs, Oui0 .0005 Ou 0304500 270-6600 752-6010 883-1723 576-150 oOUn§ OPEN:Monv-Fs, 9O00am o 190300v v m Set 0 0 00ev. c Soccer tourney to be held here Mlton has beeitselected to host severai rounds of a provincial soccer toornament on the Labour Day meehend. A totalj of 16 ganes leadîng up tn the verni finalswoI ho played ai four sovrer ptvhes in the area as part of the Vanguard Invitational Tournamneol for the hantani division. Milton wili be representcd by lu omo team, Stoppes Cleaners, coached by Charlie Cropper. Milton will hool the lournament ontit the semi- final stage. RoUi the semnis and final witt ho beld in Mississauga on Sept.3. Teams nit he comme t roni altover the prou- inealttough a majority of then iolîl be from ar- osod thearea. Teamsare eepected freinSarnia and Sault Ste. Marie whivh oill ho biletted in Milton homnes. Ganies wilI ho equally divided among tour soccer pitches. The A and C pitches ai E.C. Drury School, Brian Besi Park and the pitch ai the ltalian-Canadian Club wilI boni four gamnes eachon Saturday and Sunday, Sept 1-2. Ai the saine tume. tournaments wilI he held ai ther points oin he province for the other divisions. Se far, non other Milton teani has heem invited to play in any other ioeney. The han- tanin are permiiled to play herause bhey are the hmstteam. ASTRO FRUIT ROASTED YOGURT MIXED NUTS Regulai 45 Regular St.69 39'el,,,ý1.49,, iWHLEQuANrIrELASrî :Check out our in-sore features. We buy in bulk to sanie you money. Coma Vii UAfOur New Location 157 MAIN STREET 878-3080 naUMMes HOnnsn CLOSEDSuOnday & Monduy OPEN Tuno .Wd. &Thurs. toîn6 Fride 10no 7 I Ouroday 9:30 o 6 House ni Spectacles CQ ý K7 1 - . . .- - - --- - - -.1 ý . 1 ý . . ý ý . ov ee Co Ht ho lx wi pil by M.