"! --i -, 1'~" -..---.-. ..- - -~ - 1Aol THE WHOIE BROWN FAMILY was out Joan are wîth Bill ar to the Halton Sportmena fîshîng derby frîend Finlay McCuIlu Sunday afternoon, Julia, 4 and mother also there but not in tht The Canadien Champion, Wed.,Jane2O, 1979 'MB'favors Site F By RédLamnb The Ontariu municipal Board basapproved Hal- tons application lu lunule and cinsti-unt a saottary taniltitopcatiîoo ai Site - In a decision dated Fni- day, Jane 15th 1e 018 gave Use region approvat luge0 aheailmithth1e 83.7 millon tacility tu be tucated t the nurlh western crner ut Tre- mabse andl Britannia Boladein uoulhwhstern Miton. The deciuinn ix hy Water Srhrives, chair- mue oth1e hearing and hisassaanue A.J.C. The hourd sut ut Ballon Cenlenniat Munor in Mit- and Paul Brown and ton for 8e monthu otJun- lum. Alun Brown wus u"y, Fehruary and 1 he hoo.Mrch istenisg o10 lephtolumynr' cases prmsenled 1 Bavarian Inn appeals licence suspension TBy Liada Krby the Ontario Lîquor 'e Buvurian In n Licence Board tu go Miton Malt hua beens uhead mth a heuring. slupped with a une week The rase provtded liquor icence suspension ..bons ide proot' 8018 fltowing a hearing by girlx wre utth1e the Onario Liquor Bueurian Inn and drink- Licence Board. ing, 8e xid. The seven-day icence The lcence suspension suspension mus due 10 ix the irsit h tlaid tele ffert ibis week. An uginst the esablhish-i appelt taunched hy 1he ment. But Mr. Moreau Bavurian Inn posîponex xaid 18e Bavurian Inn hus the supension util 18e heen warned nseeraI" rase lx heard hy a tri- limex hy ropresentutices hbuaItrom the Ontaurio ofth1e Board on the xuh- Liquor Licence Bourd. ject ot xrving tu0 isors. The retauunnt-tuvern Mr. Moreau said the max churged eorlier thix caxe ix nul ikety 10 bc yeur mith xernîng utro- hourd ountil tale sommer halie beverages 1u or eurty taIt. minorx by Halton Re- Miton Malt manage- gional Police. aler Imu ment oficiuls have re-f 17-year-otd Milton girls tused tu comment on the mre churged ilh drink- suspension. t ing under ugo. Ertier thx month, 80 h giris pleuded gmlynt tg ho chargex. Arcrdng tu Mlon t quor inoper or Bobh h r p Moreauuthe recenrocou. caxe resut n prompned Jewels 071 atoleni are iuvetgtng tho m MW 1 heft ot an oxhusated $2,450 mrth uit jetry -.dmtatuhfo ter8cesidenee otMare Ccufod ot43 Cuesph2vn te Rd. n Accrdng t olpece, Mm .Crumturd lumed - hree tomalo partios in hec hume Frîday atter- SATISFACTION IN A JOB wee done, Diane Perarson has hec 161t noon, aller they inîch rainhow trout mcasurcd hy the head of the annuat Hatton couueted tui use a Sportsmens Associations children'n fishing derby, Garnet totephone book. HSA toced ho ondand hisboaty 'ascEt Police are contieuing Nelson, Sunday, S tce hepn n hsbeuywslf ho rseacch ftho hree over fromn lat year. usecs Humnan Relations Centre planned near Speyside A hum un relations and lumity lite, mehnd sity population mould bc Jian Duderh, chiot contre may be iu etreutn l[or marniage one peruon per acre. The Psychutogist, Wterlun operatiinon 0H ighway 25 prepecatinii.leadership locution und the Bourd ut Edaucatioo. mauth ut Speyside, il t8e training, anxectinnnesn thîrlines ufth1e Niagara Escurpesent training and litmr srrianding tfaors( mou Id Commission upproves. managmrni, manage- resait in nu problems toc Ballon Hilîs Planning ment theocy, group rralut roxîdenliat Board hano objectioîn ltudynumien and cîînflîct prîîpertiex in the ares, ho addition lii an resoulion. saîd tho pIonner. existing dmeltîng toc the The plunners cepoirt Heudîng the humun humuo relations centre, pinted out 11ush s not 0050 cotations centre projet mhîch wmuud bc anaîtahle develîîpment hut sianply arc Doit Cuve, ta rummanily grîups anuadditiîo to un cnîstîng hehanlourut conuutant xurh as edurutional. building. Il poinid out toc Wterlooî Bord ut religouuor recreulional there muy bc heanyue Edacatiiin. Danid F. groaps tu hud sessions orofth1e areu occasioualty. Dîneeu. ut Daid F. somînars. Courues in but 18e maximum doen- Dîeen 'sociales, and hum an rotations, com -____________________ munications und rgan. zational developmeonti are lso plannod auth1e contro Whte the tand is omnoil by Lise Fitnptrick, the application ix being made hy agroup oftacademics mhu hope tIottfer courses to paent training, com- "List $399.9 Kempting SALI go vt. whip PI Bîi 1 Kemptîng, Buc !înglon MP, han heon uppeînled tuivernmenl tet~ Whph5 Prime Mînster fne nf i lofls Jue Clark. Mc. Kempling mlI 8e La Vallon respensîble tfr roun ding Ceeoht ophlistfelîmTorycaun s Sauarando members and getîng Buhilo them ilo th1e Bouse ut Caressa Communs mhen a note on un isue ix abu oait e place. Be ia also reupsemî * L Q F O W A lu asîst ie liaison 8e- 4 O W A Imeen cabinet and raucus Tueo Ha I and ta smooth oner 250 Main 878-7665 dtterencex 8etween hy the reglon, Milton and the Tremeine-Britannia Citizens' Group. A sokesman tor the region -aid Mîîuday ihe ()MR decision uph.1ds HaIion's application. He said the regimi u'ill issue live-pear dehen- lures hi puy the $3.7 mil- lion. Milton Counicil learned of theO0MB decision ut ils meeting Monday night. Il referred the malter lu ils toclnnieial advinory committee chaired by depuly clerk Roy Main, to bring in a recom- mendation. Councillor Rick Day said if the commitnee leeto il necessary Io taunch an appeat, it uliootd perhaps connider Imo appoals in order that the 1018e ensuren il gels the malter reviemed hetore the 28-day dead- lime. Citizens and organizu- tions have four weeks lu oppeal an 0MB decinion. Councîttor Gon Goataushi intormed councit the town has speol approximdtety $174,0008 tighting Site F. Councittor Goîrd Krantz said hie mas concerned. He said the tomo shouldn't spend another ln74,ooo, eeuivutent of llre mlu fighting uomething the 11MB has approved. Stu McFadden, prosi- dent outh1e Tremaiue- Britannia Citizens' Group. said the 0MB dectsio wus not anen- pecled. He said the gcoop ex- pected the decision and has atready orgaotoed tocîher tond-raising pro- grains lu continue 1he fight. "We haveo t hrowon i the tomet yet iur DOjE ?'ý" 13 DONUTS FOR 11HE PIIICE OF 12, PLUS A GREAT VARIETY oO*PeOffrVo'a.Dozon" ONLY d« OPEN 7 DA YS A WEEK 7aa. ol Opa..Mou Cru 8.M. 104 panm. Sat-Sait THE BAKER'S DOZEN at Fifth WhoeI Tmck Stop 40 Chisholm Drive, Miton, 878-441 He said the group witI boardmuas biuosed ix lavon or titth round. This ix a toc the Milton and Aeon ronnutt with ils lumyer othe region train the 15-round ight.-, tat tains. David Etrin ibis meek . heginning. Thegroup.oitt continue Mc. Kuinxidthe gcoup tIl oittuticonsidrcci)- Hanîng had a qicli bthe glîlla-naisci t ltousnds iydîoatiîg iis appeatomiith lookiaitih- report-t,""aiii .',- i ,im, i 1 i,âd, ut the 1linoil appears tic hoardnt -iin panne frteIi lnIope-dale doillais. Danc Kaz, an enocu- sîdered ail outh1e cogio's Malt on tlakvitto Feîday - e cised enery tive meushor ofth1e urgumentxs uithout and Sturduy. nicketof ii," hoxsaid. 'We citirens' group, naid 8e gnving uny mention lu The group illttattend cuised il thrugthurd max nul surpriued hy 1he ihoxe oftihe citizennuor the Miltun Optimixîx' u'iik and dedication." hords cutiog. 18e towO. chili cunhoît July 14. Speuhing ufth1e groupes Ho maid il neritied the - i'xtfrtromunver" ho Il hauluohed a tooth ut detecmnaion tulfighl 1 he grupx pnion that te suid."Thi s he toun h tho NE und rogîstered dump nOuid"fitxsthe cîght ihîng to dii.youudo Council raps paper Newms coverage ut ther msus anued reort- Peuple coud tho paper ullempîx hy Milton îng hy The Champion iif and, unIos heycre here E HALLIDAY ' Parents toc Btter Schoolth1e meeting in whirh 1he ai 1he meeting, i's te NOMES uND COTTAGES Furiitiîs lu erure parentsx groupap sed îîty inforcmatioîn hey 1-MuOF nec ce y ,11- xrhunlx in Timehrtea und couricil lu use lilsio- have abu h e meetings, 3 1 BrunIe Meudows suh- Ituence lu persude the If1the pupor iun i nog mi.uo divixions han rumeuder Muîtry ut Education Io faîr ccurgc, peuple eîSeLYCnu Nuxo.5îmmes lire traim Miton Council. llucute tonding fie a doiralinlion o hut ..iua xsxo. eiifý uiiMn Counrittor Rick Day nohool on 18e Tîmberlea 50r doiog r 364-1 524 gînen pruper credît hy thai. lii detay the sub- eithec the parents oc The divinion. Cunudian Champion toc Mr. Duy ponterd oui ils etforts lu gel provin- nourncil coutd nul detay The White Heather Club cial proies f or sohout thr subdivision lii uuy of Oakville tandîug. grout entent, or etue il Il mus rcorled in wuud tuco egut actioîn will ho onlrtaining simplîtir termu' xuîd trues the denloperu Ho the Roxîdents of Mr. Day. "Wr mre added the tomu gui O H ltnant lîopinu toclcter thiogu. t partial cninmitmcoî H ionCetnnial îvanor dontintend tugeltotau tom the Minlry. aud y u e2r mur mît th1e preshut t Cîounilturx Blunche a ruy Jne 3d ihink ihis hud lu 80 ioton nuid: -t1dont teet at piuted ouI'" ihepupecguceîhoîmwnua Mc. Day max highty far and unbiused ur- 7:30 p.m. crîtiral il what 8e teht nount il the meeting. ini the Manor Auditorium Ili vma M i .uy.me uaidiMiSWW u .-.-.-, - fld*h about duom fr.gSenior Citizens in yolEur h ? of the Community are b$ylnaot by Iesng ymur due- cordially invited to attend M 78904L EASING A#l Knds of F/o wers sweet deal for you... el CARS-TRUCKS FLOW & lGIFT SHOP JOIINSON ROSa GARAGE MlOunBC.Mpeniile O à --g th. nnniino,oe 60euis THE CANADIAN CHAMPION A WELY WcLCOMc IcN EcBY HOME 191 Mate Il., Milon, Ontario 878-2341 [1YS -t1 old lîhe the Canadian Champion delînoînd lu n'y donc eney Weduesduy utrernoan tor theno eut Four Munths. t agree lu puy the Champion Carrier utth11e evd of nanti înth. NAME (PrîitPIeuse) AD DRESS ---- .... . ......... . ....... .. ...... . A PT. N o. ... ... .. Plaaaae mail or drop in t Tha Canadian Champion effice. u