Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jun 1979, B, p. 8

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Né.JMS M '45, -2 886484144 24 4 as el 48sSie4D., n 0648880 Dsrict Hospital8 on.4sae là,4474. 33741 4.48000 344)414, 8 los. 44spit444444324044.1974ý 404444810448 4are Mr4 & (44144044n4St44.t0s4o Saon(4444Le4is).are aubo.. Cd.414444 84E86e' rlzth on44,248, M eclic al 4C ntre . F i 4. 3884042,44for1.68and44 M44444Lloyd44 44.444and 440. 441444r 13&44 44 frds re44re WpWace MpacNWS44. 4W1. Reu.too,4.444 lt. 442444644a4 1,so Hospita414,4 8684442,197. 4A sifir41%r Silvia.44o's 4848448 Il Of)dMr. 34n4 14, 4974 A"44. Sylv4e44 4m4of 1344 1413184644.4 Wstr. in ( ta0fai444 place41 0463., 1979 and qr*Frak 49 41are 864448,10 Geore 64h0 448888. (4l.44t544 49 004044444nt64448 4444 place et the4ho04e4 Mi8onLoSatu0444, 0644 4 Ho8by 44 045444. 8 M0484444044ilton 4o4 44, 64484un 1, 40179 Flonce 144r4s444n o C8484484', a6440.Ver 013440,54)44s 74 8444M t 444 . 63 44444444 04144444414, 70 t Pg q.mATS 3 40410441, Robert Esîl- 444Ia4 oneFr )44y, 3440 15, trill. R4b0r4 41441404, Campbel Ladte041 603 and the St. Clair L448o No 4413544444 4404014,0 44444 41444,444of4th faite440113, Mii,4144 444a1 s4) 134444 fi4l MARTI, 144 oo 0n Mitno CA U eS cTAyue f19, 197,blve41444448441 Sdahela4446Ma, P4cktof 444 48o4. 844 and Mr10444 Duncan4 Donald, 44MI, 4444r (Mari) Hardy48 4 and4 44441Jack4(4ean)4Hardy ait1of4Milton.4 44 4)44 bother 444 4on. 4484 444 Home.49 1144Main444 Milton.444444114644rvice (444740 413,4(00 &In Crématon44 o 33707i ie of)44 44 444donations foi1the4C4nadien Cancer S4444)134444ntari444413 4444)4 i 44444 444444 4 4444,4441 40,444 4 444444141344414 7.44CAM0444F4444144 444,13444 44414,13, 04447 044401441and44113)1333104 I e 44404 44 447444 44 and terri444, 144IS 141013 44 P4i414 444and 44440440134441or4444 44444444444414444413444 Spécial44(4 04444144444 4444ef44444 44444fo4th batrn sawr&t a ke manies14 44 ai1 ou Love44o4 4a40, 404404 64444)4 044, 4444)4 8 Jordoîîy 444 8444a4 thevU Maîyof StMaîcos e (4144 ofT44,164 7 E44440444444 te 44 C.,,ngE-o, 10 Engagements 4 3 (44444444 M.,,.ag48 4 Faim 4154.p444444 33 11.o (C-. 43 Fnance 71 1311' 6 F.,4441 8 4ENOE4S044--l4 144144 (044IN4 4)444t4 of 4Pire 4lOffor'41 of a 4ailler Sreet, fmale white 41444f4f4104', David4 044ia44c4t, foof)ly pet , 44144044441, t.4pose" w4 arin40 fl9a1 coller.468 401404d4er 44 o 484 OST MANSS gala 444141044413040avoir4441 44, 0441 f M$Nv4en 44,4444041, 4444. 844 74490. 4~ y 0441 4 - -. Lob R(11) -M4Den Hou041144 t4e4141404of4LOSI SALL9y4 4s 44444440 4I44kScheel, 4an 44044 44 44541444ait 410 % «unir8 bM,)44& white44844414 14 lever10, 44444 4f "n13184141N"par 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a g a d c e1, 8 8 9 4 . 3 3 5 Mil tagz t 2 t. Wh444 1444' u,4.ns 04re no44 more ,w1a 41 40444 ton ,44441 d4,14440na4me44of4"Grave". 01444414the 446g4lde4n 14Sun0 (414,104h4 414444er 4 44et4,4 3384 488 3o LergandpIVeriS, a oe 43,44osinmn grenison4 Do. and014ton14877 f8844Me 2*4444404444,Shar ALn SALEdCASH10,4 & 4494 1348140 50(441131341 & S . George1 41 44 441 Br144144 g4l 44440441 om6004 e, 444444113 ,444 Ta14444h4th 1*h tutotr4 ve The b1 1 ih l0a4 Short4 124n ,Saudy81 The ev4 ing Logo s34462"0 byinvitatonULS44444No" 1444444431se364 s10M le.41344)644413M I R4A4\, UELP DINGO T u14444 4404 4'519)182444 3014 4411444i theL14414 H4ll formatioaandozan M ti T o n P t h e fL u t u r e h nuo f the)4Court 411414444and.4Jan, ()o41lune 26'4841.14 414134'4444 lo n 2 41 133ary Milton14434 41044, 444s t4, 41) 414134411410 * S 4144$, 1404444The4 Court Cou 0 )3)lA 414004and414444441344 op-.4FI)4m4430 P 41 W44m.o fo3r141311 Garde4, 1414,44 u 1 1o 414414440)444 04444 GARGE SA L 4413414444 444)1441 ne4 nd1 ceve.a FEESatoOy one 2 44304197. Wedes¶a, Sle ignChoh il Av, toni age4, p,144444044must 4*413s41344 be 011 44444. 4 an4 ellbe4 hppy 4214424yo c4))1h 6 14 4444041 sur F4r44484413451,4441 878-234 -141 4 e41644r44413441144 4444440fo4464444144)4 444)04f4 (4414444c444. j ,y 4 g4s44 4,197. 440444i 134)444 C444414vrly ________ 287 - 3375 9A486,44 18. 4441ohî4 486(304 PUL, 4*41.444408t4444 344 3440ln2, M244404Fai46 444Churchill40Ave,4Milton C.M4western 4444 44 music,446,44,6048 if docents. pos tram 8 anos pm Mitonary. Grounds3.201Laesoe d.W ad mion$ ,f l $2kvl. 0614484 ur 4sh . rcfs 11 1 iI for wor wi02fri442$ 141040 21 4oIp Want ......42 Noice6 ....4 ...40 1444 76 441 6 00 4m... .. .. 1 L(44 ... ... 73 Garden4&4L4444444414 lnMemoorim 4 ..... 8 Lioss4o ý. ýý .6 ý34 0444444 . ý314 Industriel4&4C44 e148I Lostuo foy48 ...4 71 132444644,441444 ...32 P4144044 ........4es mo4sa". .. 4. .. 21. FOU SAE 21. MFU! 21.MFSA. TV TOWER SALE 30 ff. TOWER KIT Ovoraîl heîeht, încludîng al channei UHP/VHF heud, automatic 444484. 40 ff. TOWER KIT Overail height, iflCUdiflg UHF/VHF head, 4414414444148484. ~199.95. 1249.95 eOND D i -i Sandy Loam T opsoil Regolar lopsoil, black Ioam, mushroom cam- post, oaod Eà 01006 lelvered. ELVIN COWAN 166 REBINWGOD, MILTON 024125 PIANOS By '644*4". oe4044 44 4and 444 484 44644grands, 441 44448s,44444444484s4- 54f40444pano4484$44445i DAILY i46441.44 Van Geesi Hasse nf Pianos 145 Hghway 5 Wes Waîerdown, 416-6896833 FUR SALE Mous. 44444 84, 1 14 Western44444144444&,444440 44444134444 0131344444404steel04448. 854 2452 01m14925 THE GREAT CANARIAN CEA MARKET A, 8.4vo44. City (Centre444 0144404 1i-34 344C.11 021444444 CRAIG'S APPLIANCE CENTRE 8408 2254M0)4404 I 878-5228 NELSON'S TACE 581W 854 0242 GIGANTIC MOVING GARAGE t LAWN SALE Jone 23- 24 tram 19447M. 1086p.47 CAMP BEL VILLE Seond,î4n(4104 4 9,4 44444of Fi444 S,4eîoa4, 4444444 the 4448410, d48441. 44444 servir mail44grdien 4444, bicycles, 444liage8a4d44444485, go'8 Recordp4loyr4.0, 6tchen 44444404444 4844. ars, s 50463, eh,.0etc Lamn Sale Set, fi Sua Jone 23 &à 24 il arn. 0244125 AM0 SAVai 4M Play *qm. . *mmA Fané Ps8OpSi sassas. tS. 84 SfMW KI ftmàw4 Acofl 8848 Cd ou ast us u1Ot 416 GARAGE SALE 6 Homes 315 MCNOab Cr. Miltn SatUrday, June 23 9 amm.10 12 Noov bath-44 ca04in404, books, Craft and Garage Sale New4 4444448, books, 4448, 54644 44444, c47444414Et 3044 22, 23424t4 425 44443 25 0241.25 Multiple Family GARAGE S ALE 661 Chîlds Dr. Unît 74 Sat. JUne 23, 8 amn.- 12 44444 tablez, 44844 544446 nets4, books4 & 494444 41044 0211n Garage Sale Soi. là Ses. Jung 23rd fh 24th (3 44444 4444 4of Milton4o 444y.2$, 464448 front (444 Antiques, 44844 441414484404 0271Z2 Lamo Sale 488448 444484494 44804 chairs,4lampe. 44s4es. 4444 corder, s548404444,2 89484444, Io"4, puzzles, 064 34441 2344 841 -424440it 8041m.- 124mon 024126 CASH' For your ANTIQUES U503 FURNITURE CHINA ROYAL W3ULTDN 09135 & ENDS ETC. 827-5305 0244414 Garage Sale Sat. J050 23, 10Oa.m 341 Saook Cres. Lots44of44oie ai41ho- Garage Sale Seterday, .lone 23, 9-12 tranig,. 544a4 34414124) 0241.25 BACKYARD SALE Jane 23, 8.30-12 mon 363 George St.12 Garage Sale 541. Jun6 23 9 184 (4o4444444v 4 394-la, 44444444444044413)4 FISHER efiiNul 98004484 8 01 04404044 Drive444a4 vlte60O cap: lies 84t44,eSse4 844 4844. W44446814444 484444 &Il. 4444)44 .878 5 442049. 44844o 78475 444)4 7.42on23 866 844844544448tablo, 4) 3AY 06 0 04484 diio876$.42403.71 2 BOBY'S BcYCgetle, 44 8 53w5. 878-278W44844 Cans, GRAND 404ano. 448044441,4004. 871 3377 U 878-3346 fai. S 3359! Cisailler,1$19. ars488 S8.I. 04A4t H44 d1 Io.448 28341E 33691 * CLASSIFIED RATES Twephoeo11m. St. M7234f Mh,1 0fomam f i»(,4. of 44o,6oIn Mo aý,A (14v, 1ri , 444 44750 ohsD t, 844144404 Eng4gmooIf 4,50 3 50 incoý ý4og,,4f.,2. -Il 10 pý..W- , ,",,,qq04 C(4,qî DIRECTORV 0F CLASSIFICATION 21.RFMISAL.E Sa4le, singlebail, 8404 4444444 2 PC14 44444444 84400, p4)44)4tab4e, loclî)44444 & drill, B8i& 12 44444, 40,8 4444 44 46464440, k6s34 41.44 Coaxial4speaker, '244414 O441440644413441444441 Excellent C4' 4444 440863 (1664aller46:008p4m 4144444y10'>47,14 410r 837441)44444 874444084 3366614 4,44 DI1444,14 4444u p41t4r (i444)441 (44444444, 491 0444413 40044 44444 &O* $1,75' 447Il 4x41 0 0444 Mai44Il4S(r4et,4Mit441 4441LA41, (44444448, ES44, 3444 6284 44444 Ses,temps table, 4144'(4444 48449 Milton, 41484 p44o04 Canadien Champion,)1941 8144n444244744444ton In 1 44ostage, 4441 4 3ULR 40055 1364134ShtALEsa. 204 44 13646136 Splt aE CI 44440 SI . 4444 44, 9 85 3 344 4004 4 44 5 844 -14 -44 1111 44)s foMAR4ET89994 4 41444444142__334731 FO00 or14 48144440 frx444s604 44)r 44 84412448843414 33_____ ,0,__ rR4816S44484444 dîvo 4444 44414)41444441top 1 418-- 440-1T 8274E3844 82 le 444444444464 878 433712 Sîo>4o413 6444044184...4 VaOissFe Sale.....0 Tendu. .. .. . .. ý72 W44 d ... ... . : . 2 44466144& M4o ergs62 Wasut*»so4oot -w 21.RIFM I mMEu LARGE41 F441412ER, 440LL uaiood 048 444444, 870. 878.5m4. 4. 48 rsw4st sku"% 33702 re4i4184s44buffe. (6444 SALE 5atur4.y, 4812. 3444 23 fr144 "4-, 72 3348 Martfin SI. 64444448. YARD 4490e - W4..th44U 6444044444484 644846444 Suod.o. Sun. 3444f fa items. 2446. 2 444404 480444 of 23744 S4444444un044444 (4444et (6444 Sale - Sat. and the 454404484o. 2 oit Sen., 3440 2324, 9l4 4 4 4844 44444, ftraiter, 4.4. 44448 S., 0404 200 gai. 444 tank, 24' 44î64. 544440, f414444. CS,2784Z antenneaplus 448644484444 44444444 (5 antennes for cars, 4444444. 446 44468, 24" 8KW TV, 444Ildrmos 48444)444)14, 4044, 44444444, 41844 494444 24339 24128 "444444f" 448144100 2L2. RENNES pi-n.488-444or877- "W e Believ 19,24 44(OOMA( CK' 44 h. ý uni ondtin. Ifl neritage" 33723 (444(09444 METAL 044l)44 an44 (0464844s 844444, 44)4444444 4and P44f044444ion 48544444e (44404,, 4414 profiles, No4clipstripping 4,4444144 44 4)044.877 MARY44W.414145 24354 878-3865 4414430" 444ge, cor- 4444444440ash 4480, MILTON 41344444 4r404. 8803270. eu 0441 ABOVE 414444 ANTIQUE 44144fs8si eàk 14444 S44844411444 415848484, WuM.Nk» Poo,4, 16' x 2"'x 4, dresse, o8Jg08 044444444 44446 OC. soe 844«W 18448888 444441)08 (Cali aller6 44tabl4e. 48 464)0O0S0ONES, 24" 4 x j 044444444404 &04 et4 PICK YOUR OUN 33623 STRAWBERRIES 4(6 A.26; c014 .V. 42". SOW trk 0, 844444 1441414444878. 60 av i 2373. If .10 ou8t44of Dw Rd.) 327332 8444446tg78*.m.- làjomas 441044000 484444444 41488604048IIP141- 44404 444444 8$7 5633. 49 SHAGCA(6444144442 48ln Ptkymo m 44444. 444444844 4844. 40PeL 8781341 441 3359344 44 0g pair, 877 3143. 2478 STRAWBEM ES 44404418 48444, Brun Pck Vour ODmi 444)46 6444484844. 8' x 4', 3À Inch 44440 base, WhRe Pute Fme> 44404441404. 87747440 F24mil(448, 444of4Siècles2m 2-- --_4424 a444 f4î448444 74f8-I 3044N434449444644,03 g2 4.) ( 444444440. 444re14 0 ACRES otf4444 44 fi4l4, c41144440, 5 band1corner of Applyby L44* 49444)401 8444 71-2754 an44 84)444444R8. 335. 3783.79. 33692 33611 "004414 (y4(L41 444444)84 346(4RES544444ysf84440g - 04ld14 0 44444 4ln4fi44d 4rafa4g4r Rd. 4.503)4,24" 4444448. a8d454S44444444 077-7447 4444,447e. 0487 803. aller6441m 33681 23346 044)4444443 4444 102ACRES STAN0IN0 Manufacturer4444444w 44y. (4444 sas. & 1974 pools,4.e4444480 41440104444 LUne.078-6241. 82,190.00 444 et 444 in 33727 44444n 8444)44 Of 70 ACRES of standing S1,35500. 4O444 44444444t 448o, 2 .4i44h444)6414444 4446. 4bain 444,1. For or84 444ati., 444)48. 41umP41 information4c8it878-9Ma 444441 and44)l41 33730 44444,44444444404 to ALFALFA 544410 44484, your coneni 48444For inthe 4ie44. 878 PER IAL 400(04444 freo373 I 008444472. 4(if444444 46(410 484 l9 t4e field. 404,local4 (444)44a4104 90c a44844. 4594456-18. 746 33464 7L2328 42074 400 BALES of 844444 444 044444444413 ols44844 ale. 87823544. meeting44 40 4440444 44444t41444. 30 4en4s regulatio4s4o4444404444 (444414r. 6444 414 444 or, 441401Ve8t entât4 44)4644, 4g64 o844444 oasis444444o4t4on444441n 84.44, 60444 02.34 640404 3 Tîybfey44îo 444ey!4Cali44 and4 44844. V87-117 Il 4IMPER IAL POOLS toit4 &fier46P.41. 44,44 444424-5470. fi r wi4444 444 local444444n4 0000 OUAL4TY 84841. ares0476-3340). olinfild4$.04»h 8-F Fl. 48(4 camper,1.33764 840p44844 44448, 84440.LOCAL 41684OM 4414444. 4448444485448444444. 8700. 9 2,001).(Law4 swing w4.44 j 754. PCK 440640 4044 33770 44484 les4et54344804 4841 444(4t in, Motion 4440 OSTEE14L c44464 gray, 44448. 40441480 0054404 black top, one 4444 0444 t an4 No. 10 444844)40814440. 3 rosi40 t)4. 4448 3 454 0279. 584414844&S44484, 4-S. 33594 Bin 44cotainer. 870- 444 4841415 370I8. 374 444484 544442,4 4y, n444 010 ((0440A644444 7 424. 782148aller641.41. Huy, 444444444444644 337132 I 44444,d. 4104444444é, a 9 44.W4400014 84 ose84 044 Ny. 35. zconat REnooobIo. 8783826. garage448doit)484 4A040 33778 38048s -8230. 44hSet, 30 S4841444Xd byfo lin 44. k6444444ab4n44,4 sa44 84 70839%. t euiu el iiscs 3376 S2,700., s84444r4441,200.j12 4440444 8cres goci id 4.444484 radial4tires,.1", 4444o44 nBo me481. '2,t In $25. «Ch4, 2 C48404 ai'. 4Lino, 20 44480484. 4.44440 4440os. 446. 8844C. N488844v1y7 .16-2314 28 878.7443 44444448. 377 4483. M

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