Flaher h.aten Mohawks chop Oakville Ceespbellvie Moh- awks twon te/e second gome if te season on Sunday hy bea/ing She Oabvi/Ir Oaks /31/Si Camptielnille. Lest 1Tirsday tn Leesid e seMohawks jumped in front lOIn Ue f/est inning, but cnuld nt screte rsof the gsse and wensIdean te se 11-5 defset, , wbthibctuded six Maple tLA home BIB Weedoee tltene et ltse si tesside home rues, while Steve Smith htl itsefintboe rnotfe te sessen for Use Mohsaks. Bob Thtonesos ,tees Use wies/ng piciter and Don Titessenn stfered the Ions. Sendey te Campbell- ville Ue tond! cbenged bande Usenelimes betre Use Meoawks erupled for six rose in Ue sevenUs te lobe as 11-7 lead and neyer looked brt. Cempitelivnllte cred in Use second osea ali tul bMitcbell. He woo sacrificel inlasecond, wesl le Usrd on o wid plleb and scered on error by ftbe catchter. Moak eita ansoead 241/in Uer lb/rd on bock Lei bock doubles by Timbers and Roberts, Oskir/e t/rd tbe gome in tbe fourUs on Sevns single ondea home rus by White. A tene-run f1/11k seing put Oekivlte obesd 5-2, os Howaord reacbed bane os on errer and Pison, Cure/e. Sec/n and Wte fllowed esit singles. Campiteilvitte lied te score ai 5-5 ît inte/r t/tfh onsa double by Sm/lb asd Roberto'ise-run homer. Evantollowerd w/lb onoUer solo borne con. Oabv/lle eansIaitead ega/n/in the s/ixtos Cerl- ses s/sgled. stote second and scored os e Moawkai error. Anthor Ookivlle rn in te sevenlt pedded ter tend ky lw a 17-lasn sngles by White and Duttfand o double by CrIses. Compbeiletteoemed bock it wU a s/s-co!n sevenUs /nning la go is front ti-7. SmiUs and Timberu drew asllsu. Tbey moved le second and Usrd onsacinocee bon, and scoced os o snge hy Kight Mt- ch/ul/insgled rcidig Knîght to luîrd aid thri s/oic second. Trd Fl/cc waokedtulaod Use booms, and Eoly snglrd le drive in fao more cens. ScoIt Godd, Sm/Us and Timbeco s ldrea wUkso ta trce/sn lwa more rusa. Roberts flyed ot la end te /n/sg. OakilIte weree ol deod yel s tbey scoeed tree romsUste e/gblb lu close the gsp te t1-10. Curre doubtedtulaoffathUe /n/sg, Pisa sieged, Noylor aalbed and Sovn douitled le score two cons. Nolor scored os a sacrifice fly hy Whit/e. Compbettv/lle oddrd two more cens iter eighttun an osingl e ty Ks/gitt. He tenstsoIe second and sared os Mtciteli's single. Mt- citel moyed taterd on a as ereor and scored on Early's sacr/f/cetfly. Th/s f/n/sbrd te scoetog aI 13- 10Ofer Moaws as Yukon Evrans,in r/tef aifIrct Godd, efrrd abvlle ir ter oit iref. 08kv/Sle used tirer pIters, Date Walitec, Rab F/itre and Doiag Newman mit Fisher suffer/sg te lmn. "Men tal' errors p/a gue Regals Millos Fft Wherl fer tnoan bat nseerai Regains sferrd f brr clubs n the roague are fourt cansecofive lmu strineretai bic club. Monday. Jane 4 in Six but fer/n teomu ite Nt/ens hy a 21-6 sonce. Tbae/d and S/n Naions Sondoy. Jase 3 aI home are e/abs the RegaIn te vîs/fîng Thîccld R/ns- sbould brailtrfi aod, if mes prnrd a /2-9 lots un bhey are p/ayung ft teur te RegaIn. capabifitien, Mrebhardaworh and Rmiig hm mental alerînesite g resoar/nirg bîme berne brtng offerrd by g7 amiltare landay, n bead coacht Murray Ju HamîllS. Kff;Sn- W-faneler, St.tRe lu. Son ti/sintielr, asoie tramenday. Ja/y 15 lSxNattons: / 1 ttIsesenlt Sonday. Jo/p 22. f ogit 10 J.L. eague Besnn/l/e. Sunday, mont lern, Evecy pari ifJ p 20 Raifr lt/gae bauben Sonday. Augast 5, wease ar utacbfWhistlfer Br/mng/en. and Sanday. figures mental eccors Agd 2 alntn bave heen te mesf dis-Ags 2 ulntn oppe/int gphase unIi Ose pstpsned brome now. game a//h Grmsby is fa Beîeg ea//sf c, Wh/st- brescbrdaled. T-bail reps bridesmaids in Guelph tournament Mltns T-Rail repu tiins. The CTCcea isu, ingles. tievro isisbed iridesmeido in sitone in the fiarfhi nnrng Suarn a ti-p/e and threer te Guelpit T-sali aber bhey cirpprd orne srgIes. Mark Frenchitwfa Touroomesl ever te rons fcem If itters. da ibes- a pair ingles aeetend aller drsppisg Leadiog hitterslaforte aid Mite Currir a/fb a Ibeir epensg gore e tu Canadao T/ce "Tire- diable aid tirer singles. Waterloo 29-7. mer"warce Joson Bahn- loin - /lesn. Turner. Boonisg bot, te masns/it tiurucpies and Moiter. idar Si-ian, Ircais foot Oeil epurt 31- a s/sgterScuIt Ciata fn Pson. Wilsnn ai came le eod Eindaee31-20 toc fao ftrples. a double and troogh it aritits. lhier t/sl plcsg. Tite ternit/r fBp nul Ue T/ce rne unsae fat n teirerlosu Lead- /sg biers toc Ue lIrais aere Mite Curree a/l tirer sigls, Jason Bobxmea/fb tha double- and a single, Steves Bowes fa nsbges, Ray Veseras o double and a h/tfo face becsf if te boum. Miloo eld Glfte tree e nxte t/est leso mniis/sp a/Usunper ioieid play and teeutielderu pinted utft ruonees af ser cnd base. Leodisg te ais in hta wasoVenes TT wit Usrecehomne rsasd " double. Ba rre OS<m ku . a itomer, o triple and Ifan ggtbd hbawn slsy 13 etuê.Ifs uOt doubes, Scot Cbrllos a borner, a triple and fan o fa i#*bd miand g e " tapes ut oi- s/ngles, Mrt Wilson a .Ve iV Invo poOI5g r... wak v» dvo. home con, a fr/pie and beft u9s Ueo yw hse. asod *Mr* dosuble and Mark French m#dn*it» ath o e aiit o double and trer- eo.amvosplo 0f ber hitters are Sbone Pisani, John Ssoa, Jerim rn cio, Aaron Turner, Greg Re, Dossy Brown axa InrieEidl ap Robert Newman Shoes MlIon iteld Eriodole te 184 Main St. irrr 878-9877 feue cns/ inte isailau ________________________ Citrles Cerrne eent four and ose-fb/rd tee- ingn altinig frse rani ii dgt/t h/r andr a ,ia[k sSiIe triiig ouilw hatlccs. Scott Gadd. win/og b/s second ganme et te ysc pilcitrd lwo and ltrlb/hrd /nnnsu, g/visg up tour ruess en neyes b/tsa nd steucit ouf fwo waty "Yukon" Evans saerd the gane allow/sg one runo awlb andea double / inte finaotwfo /ss/ns. R/ck Wh/te led te Ookivlfe ottesce w/lb o home rus and f wo s/ngles; Deug San/n and Tony Carlsonescn bit a double and f wo singles; Carton Pa/îao addrd a dooble ond single, Brod Duotlbt twn sngles, Donc West and RaU Curreeracit h/f a doube and Gord Crne addrd a single. Comphelitvlle's attach esas ird by T/es Rberts w/it a boe rcn and double; R/ch Enightl and R/ch M/fitce/t eoch h/f fao singles, Ray Eions addrd a borne rue; Steve Sm/lb, Deug T/mbrs, and BSeftf Eaely ecritb/ doubles and Bi Dess/s added asingle. Dan Thomsnsp/lcbrd bru finsu garne cf a f hree-yeac ses/cc career for te Campiteilville Moawks ire Monday nîcht in Brapton. srclocy. hic fini îoflthe Thomsn eas cal- sanding alas aili te t/ne hta carne as a resu/t of boil/s Iiroan nlo tirUe noni. Bramptan badoe casser rescit lb/rd and f wn le second osnte h/ta and fao watts ah/te sIck/sf cultsximes, CompiteIfvlt e aclsolly aon te garne rn/bhel/rot inn/cg as Steve lSt// cearbrd hase or an err ctle second, went t h/rd an a passrd hal ard scorrd n aaild pr/ch. lac a f-i Maweafrd.The game eesarîrd tihs %Oy ont/f the sevenfh shen te Mhawks scîred ta/ce I lead 3-0. Scott Eacly oa/itrd, ws acrificrd fa second bp Dan Thomsnandareni fs/th/rd aben the Beamsp- lin pitcher erred on Sesits gcoand hall. Erly scîrrrd aber the shorttops irasta the plate on Deug Timberes gcoond hall sas toc fate. Steve lSt/h waoc rnnoat on anateesp- Ird double steal. bt Tieber scord on a Tr Robert s'ingle fa rrght fireld. Caespbellviifle addrd their final ras cn tite rîgitti ab rifci Rnrgit i nngîrd. s/i/c second, cectIo fîird on a sacifce flv and scîîred aber the Itros Io tird sent i, uthe Brampton dagial. Dec Dash it tai, sin/les for Brampt/n BI~ ~ diable I/aviS fuir 2 Oaks wieRi kBsn lRod tiS a I caîl snglcd ti/si , itgl il ii t- singlesfur Clampbiell- ville, and Tîm Roberts, ScotI Erocy and Dan Thomson earh sngîrd He/moi Rau/ealrerg. who pi/clied almost as effective/y as Thtomson, s/ntsixand one-flrîrd innings giving op tas ions for Brampon. Joe MarGregor a/Isard taîî i-ans in tws and iwo- llrîrds înnîrgn. Camphelvil/e non' han a record if t/rer a/ns and nix lusses ai/h a Satordas game in Mil/ai ao/2pa .and are aihomr Sondas agaînsi Ca bridge ai 2.30 pam Town rinks win tourney Milton balres irren' oery gssd hasts ai a tsrîaîîeîi thry spcn- sored for a48uisiing hîa/ernSatarday -ihry keptinsd f te oins ai home, Jach E/trit oMiltoti oas hîgi thirrr-gar a uner. si/h Tiim Betf //arliigtiin second high. The highesi aid second hrghesilwos-garir iii. ieres cv'r lth rom avd Archir Cairns Gecorge Heywsood oi Geoirgtowna s in igh iitt-gaoic irner A FOR FINE Wr isvia ta carom browso icheot o socas t se/ectinilflarciluire, TVc a nd stemrs, ailt ai ci- affîrdcabie pc cen. Onriaii-1t9,Snat. 106 878-7256 For Aqua Petons sake! - SOFT WATER MAKES SENSE, herees why: Donpou haie any of tese prohiemn? S08Pa"îa/îeqrrtS hluSoîs i 1Oich rolaneig osotatseassroaîaan AQUAFINE Water Softeners save you money and time by eiminating these problèes AOJA Fit/Eoffers ERFEI/csta//avion FREE Service- FRÉE Salt De/ivesy LO0WEST MontP/y Sales & Renta/s For qoich and efficient service caS 8ill McDona/d, 844 9781 AQUAFINE WATER SOFTNERS why pay more.. 1979 Concord D/L I ixury Plus Fuel Economy 5 i. ii rr i .,, - - -i. ..... ..... l.. r r, liiri.riri rr 1 n I n li,,iri n,- Teaes E defraird Tces fh'. a 'ac tii8tii ]n .tsrîcatîllsi5-,lcai Ild T-Balilgante iv Fri-ta even/ng. The ighi/gitf rtte game sas te finei nfreld play if ha/b feamc. Leading bt/fers for the acnrs wre David MiDaffle aîl aabieser and tas doubles. Michael ing a diraite and s/rnfle. Sot f Wruler Iaii singles, Wayne Pinrce twosint/es n dt/baie Tenser a diable Lrading batte-s tac the lîsr ererJr/f Gie-i sitb a home rua, Cflfîîed Famre ta,, sngles, Jeccîfr- lachfîcb fwo ingles.t/bouc Sai sîî singles andSct/cit Mahec fao singles Tean E brai Tram F by a scoreerl 33-:1tnl Mlton tilnîr Sasebal ,ssiiat in TBal (5t- t i/dî gameoniFrday Joie 1I The hîghlrghf oflthi- gami- aira grand s/art home i-on hy Jolie Lawrecie ib e second innig bri-second grand blmintrrr games. Ladiig hbt/iresfoc She winr ee Julie Lawrence stth a home raitoadouhle aid ta,, htis, t/ban Ti-ccea diable aid tfali sngles. Rtan Cii/bs a diable and fao singles. liasvid ./tsDilfi- aid lfncîe lCîîa r hi-e ingles each Leadivg httes lîr the litsens ,acre tMotrganr (newstîn 2Jdoubles aid ue sngle, If-ait/r- Crre 2 snges and one came waoc bat /7 i-on lts fori-Tram S'ai-cc fon Manvel. a home i-oc and a single, Demis W//csntrerdiobles aid a ingle. Mark Wrson. a rip/r aid tas diables and a oingle. Greg Sar uedîoble aid tbrer singles, Aaron Tai-ri-r aidSctti Edwads four sngles, Miichael t/as- donald, S/rire t/percer and Dan Beamîubhtbrer sing/es aid Iiacepi tiasse/Ilîune single. fots for Icaa'A-oýrne Jason Sahiai. a boas irnaid raIl ingles. John titali-seis. a criple aid 878-7122 The Canadian Champion, Wed., Jane 13, 1979 85 t/trien tcann]splitth1e live sirikesuin. Leading hiiers for ferisGî; ore. Scott Asders arndf/an Hiscot eac 1th a single. Jeff F-rîîsel ina d scolfHi//non os t/i-i-singles, 'iioar --i, -. I-ri,t Bilwater lad ieu- singles. Jr/IGirbsîrrîandl Miîchael tNler de la-I oingles and I/aoc .McPharl and lflaîc t/aflhîîusr,,sinsglc Silt Noit and ihîts Tait aftereaie/ as atbte Tcaes S drlrotcd Tram G Sa-5lin Jonc ilttr Mililti A Bali Thc leading hiters tiî hi- aivens oer Mikc fie/papa. Tî,dd lllusthîîý, and tSiee cannll each o th a douolandsc id f(, Sherîve r iS a rngir- Tîîdd Il/lahbî. andl Ji w" 3t1îî h inît Lii i i îg hiltteris fo- lin îglecavda r îîîr utSdd ' i - i î a (- i nr e -I-iilur l u T-/cr titi, i -im lu j palt P-li illir, il tii, 1 îair E l.ol/ c is -IIeS ,keIcPha ilin diraS/rand 2 singles. Bah Cyrs Tram "F" defraîrd Strie Gidsec Team -C-by ascrerof 19/5fin a tit/ln Mnsc Sasehaîf Association T- Sa/f game on Tuesday Jure 5. The hîgb/rghi if the gome i-as Tram.-F hcfd Tram "C"' toa on con rnnrcg in the f sur/b and ssirrdssevc uis ii Leadirîfhtters foc the "inr ee Scott lt/ar/foc ai/h lis hîîcîers. fise-r S/s. .Michiael ('rne one single and rrghi diables. Ryai Tumm,îîwo singles. hennit ttas, iii ingles. MicishaelFeacthrestosr iii singles. Croîf Cyr laio sng/es. Jamir Perontrv i ngles. Nli e ioiib.,,,c ai singl est/banc iiîild oic singIe. Gary Csf/licoe oing/r. SarS Lcergai a single aid ihris IBrooks a doube. Lcodîcg hatters f,îr the Murta-aone lif aid li f/Bf . Milchael Siadv twiidoubls and asingle Sîdres Riiihec fi,, diobles. D/avid (rîdsoe a single aid lise doble. Ed/dieRioscl l oe single and a idoble.,t/bacc Pisairi a diohble Raymonîîd Sfîcbloch a /double.iMichael Scaiîîc a sngle and Siibbî titl-aughan tsîîsintgles Ta Ili' gefclpust Tram 'A hi a score f 28- id4 ii a Miilton riin Ifasehaîl A5ssociaton T t/ai gam a fot t/d- rsdas Ih t/ lighlight (lthSe JUESPICIAL' Book no for Jane installation. Ail cons acts sgned itefore June 351h FR11 Au OO ,AT,, Cornein 10 our showroom and see for yoarseif the ail e r-i SEALIED AIR SOLAR BLANKET ROLLER Sample 1 x32 PROBLEN17 CALL RFSINL THE RFSINL Exper Service and Ma neaieT ý1 ýfPol FREE Chernical Analy BringIn YourolsWatrSap, -.-- ools-Sales & Accessories 4 ye.r a 529 Main Si. East 878-8770 DoEDo 60y "WeII W or h Lookng For uiJN2 OK CREST NEO CITRAN TOOTHPASTE #A# ._______ r___ 1.39 if s 5SotBABYSCOTI r ~;~i * 4 DISPOIABLE IAPIOS ,i' COLOR PRIAIT FILM tcnU:a . ~ ~ou i .gXts NeiNI 1,241, 25..fa .n MILTON DRUG MARI MILTON MALL-MILTON 0104521 M-r. ~~Store Hours: nrrrrrrp~. Saturd.y 9 a.m.-6:00 p.m.j Sunday 12 Noon-5-OO p.m.~ mon ýr- e r-ýC' 'r If e ý7 i f .- 1