page1. o m InFamEtGanlin iapmnc>aca May23 a97a Rock gardens require careful planning iny Burke MnNeil Extenusin Hicliierii Outrlio Miiiiey ni Agrcultueand Food Many gaciieneai liane visions ofa aleaaiflrock gardien as snen an iliey see a 51ope aor a ierraned sitaion. Tliri vinions are usualiy very real- inai, but liera meallant allen nstapn. ilay dia noi laise in arenasit dia aneli reqaieed in danelap andinaisiaint ite. Nadiing Inols worna ilian a pnneiy plannad and ponli inainiained rock gardasn. Site nelian li tha mniumpnriant dannanri tuamitelaance youihave desided tu plant a rocki galrdes. Wei-deained locatios are a neestiy. If drainage rs pour. a Grow annuals from seed By R. A. Fleming ilsatàinls Raearcli Insatie orOntario Patanias. Marigaldo, Zinnias, Irnpaties: Bagonias and Garasiunr-aa ail buy ana, narine, ne al] nf diai an ynaing piants eadir year foe dia nain lies dhing tn as instant gar- das. Tireais no questin sari plants are crnli lit ainy aesmi o oas ras lie jusi as an- niiigrtugrowandsdmnas cainelal in dia gardies. For a daiar or Ian for a lai' panaits of sead. a ian> iniereslisg and noineful gardies nan lia nreaird. Te» Calendula, Bacheainri Buttons Corsiionnar, Coeapsîn. Casinos oe Nasiariain Liens welliknaannusais dui1 groin sannesninli» frnt need ara Baby's Breadi. Neinapla, Onalimina, Nenuasia and vnes sanliasMorsing Gine», Sineai Pa and Tiinlirgia. thea Cineli Vina Wili ihe exceptian aI Sarai Pran. alunh ilisid be plasied aseaeiy in die ipring ai ie sin cas lia prapared. ninîl annuais cas lia sain Im eariy la id May. 'Mis givai adequaie une mer gar- mninaiooiilieieeddur. ing thie ainderair tini peratarri af id la laie May Il aira g>îeî pianh thie gond genaîng waaher ai Jane. Jl> and Sagas> alias ihesr annaals will flower Snaithe seed thinlyona arlprepaed. mis,>î sard lied. Caner thie sean lightl and liarp dia ira lied miasi unlîl 1ht naadl ingi haie rinreged Thin yaangiardlings removiigaaalinormiier craindadplantsituaaaii annereisary coiipei ion. Fariliar tiinn ina lie raliied as mli, plants grain. lia> youni plans train mliii opera tion nia lie trasplantr ta open areai of 1h garden inanli th dia inay as linird plants. Assuals aiiaaed la g- tu nard alian itl finaerîng Reinoval n spent ne faidad flainer encourages oaa floinering shiots Don'i raly enlîrely o. lie anali Pemosian an. Geraniains for garde .njaur lis yaar. Te» tain annais frant ira. and isceeaiaitheivarie(: of asnalplantsiandfluiet floaer fori.andna>or i yoar gardies geanel and Stone hase iliaald lepeaiidad. Rank garders siiaald aina liland alili the San- raanding terrain Fae inniance. a maand ai Stone and eaethin hise middle ai a fiai Irant aflocnatian. Iinilalaays loolike a imoand ai dîri. Blend yaarrock garden i-la lie sareaundings. s ial llnokhlle anaaral pari ai lie overaîl sire Mail plan> inaierial inedin rock gardens cntes irain minanaini. and hisis tnhîe type ai a smme iliat gardenees are yard WinPlanning Yaa rock garden.itry t piniara lin lhîS aad looklimnnaitural Sur enudungi. Tieeeaeeiany dans and "dantimn rocki LOCAL STORES are anelI stocked with ail the tools you need to do your home gardening thîs season. This is a partial view of the gar- dening section at Home Hardware, Steeles Ave. UNIQUE LAMINATED KITCHENS DISPLAY KITCHENS up to4O0/ooFF Six Disp/ay Ktchens To Choose From MUST BE SOLO TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW MODELS Manufactarers of High Oaalily Lamnaald and Wood Kitcheas Free Esînnaterî* Pralessioaa Advice - apart Installations N Applamo Dadaié Wu Dkustriiaofn SDacr Jenn-Afr il Simplicity UNIQUE LAMINATED KITCHENS 531-535 Main Street, Milton 878-807 OPEN Mia Fin Sien Sai 9 3 pam gardienconstrucion. PFir Nia, 3). Thiîs iee deiailed advice cnni publicatian ns availale the Ontaria Mininiey ai [ranm local agricmiltuala ,Agricnltuee and Fnoid oflices. ne liy wteiiing tra paliicatian, -Rnck the Infarmnation Branah. (aden" pulication Ointario, Mininies ai Age>- Vegetables at home . -. lCrrnirud h-rnm pli-7) haome garden haie Eveey ailier inaiering, aneqaed Olavar liauae aie ithe ieetiiinr-.aaer yna pick lier, ai tlie peali cnnm bnainn ai hall- ofireilineni anditaiie. il sîrengili maleiplaning even a Dani. t ne lveelîlîe 1mai negelalien veey anar gaedien. espeaialiy anrihile. Ta hlp plan iliaus.ocete plants yaae argelable gaedien. are esiablisieil. neriliay ain Paliciation 5M. adi penllnce fau inanl Vegeaalle Garden nageaaine gens il and Reqairemenn. feron yaan nai enaiigl fenil. If yan localficeaofthe Ontario dnni liane a cnompost Mînniry ai Ageiciulture pile. dig thie laps ai and Food. Parliarneni eadisie. careiiii, unions Bildings, Tnrnnta. M7A and na on. liacl i nIa the lA5. graand. Ii' nni thealiesi Aifeaiieeiiaeaalnoa aiay nf cninpnsiing. loi anîcanie addition la thie iiis lieler thoan lamsine gardien. Plant ilinin nthe them lun. inundalian arean ni Veeelalilen grnan in a ranliery. How to useý Ieselectricity and stay just as cool arud atheaaar cohd>,aar and rennembeir ao keP nthI f i r i wanhaFa and a> n,n thr Cnaoa paar ith da >aa i 1- .11 an, ghlth.ta A ll aik p,aan ci Oaiad, 3 4 of nlinli U that l an u ksOf milton hydro 258 Main St. Phono 878-2345 your hydro N laie Buildiiigs. Tornti. Ointariii, M7A lA5. There are ami, maiiy fine reference boons n thie nbjeai. availabie ini suil aimer editinis ai vorlocal bnoik stores and lîberarien. Enginh gai-danrs liane deveeoipad rock gari- ing mil, a fine art. and publications h-rnt hai cutyare partiarlarly Praciicaliy any loin graamng plant maieriai con lie uned in a rockery. ilailideciduoiinand ei'r- green shrubnand nany hundred ai lierliacenna perenniais. cas lie mord eifectiieiy. Uninrian- aiely. rock gardaning is a aary îpacialied fori af gardmning. and enilini- anisnmusilokaalirand aide ferniany ni thie chiîne plants. soleilas deyaî. deacacephliiiiin erîgeran. and helianihe- Mu. oraine. the hackbane ofanyinckery i the niai plais. sedaums. hauîaIta,,i Hi and Cikenîl. candylailt. peeenniai alysam and ihynies Tiiena aee readily availaaie ai ainsi gardies Save up (o 14% on Homeowers linsurane_ StateEani a.a Neweir Home,--,,ana Paul Lonergan Trafalgar Squarea 30 Main, Street East I h Phonoe Milton 1i ke a gani hl.,,iO s ta ns F. hn,,sr