P2. HOMa, Fsam fsedOsvSuPolemet. MaY 23, 157 w /w# for spa, beau = =aus OMM de~ nai av basa mmmlagw -d bamn touedMl. l.ps *tm a--s a ble tnia te uasm, tan biem- sqgila mis heasSib cUam alu sian ridi on sain ents furba un astiWk ci=agr mys ftem pespi Ibis do s ais ipesa MauMmt misa mai truciats fer Ibr -vo ifa rer s W M I=us Yas cesa baveyu Valaty et =asismt sepeldas, abpmama poule cemtée ta Il la a tasclatlsg asamm a match maat ide oaiaga - iellaici andcailg asi" lilisis asas a vamp remar- fer ma e PasSapa i ay mm las tlumassalag. At@Rgiyli la mal i -pn kin m isbser mach mécris neMWb" tsts gadn sMi for rda- uffvàmmai"asaheim laoi la hmss a iam aasWm mah day la Vthamry amsi mirait ta las dim as bos sait dey la Apl, May ams I baiss usas - ay bave isl li lb.ý ba 'Oiw labui enmi. Easy peie da not baeea aatiiaste cao hadame lacatmaraa . mliii as use wate wi-/Y nua*ammsaiFson qui. a 1aplasmim la vcw hhlaaila adtp. lThoa nessvanal mays ta halp conserae mater Ns Il grasa mai beiMmit wgy atler moere mas rasas grom tihe may pst Pais tisesa I i rarava kowW "ammi timelb ltms oimiad day -tt apil nmpp. Uetme rewards LEDR oemistake test cas lsasly, lias pattai tifly sedhagsandeS dist200rage a bagilawa la ligiitly to biiag themn int with Your Ceramu TLs Css. a taiture ta, devaie the cotacst with the matal seed leavea. 1 liii them Yu ea i ieCnr plant boxes close as s i ]. flmay cas ha aIL autofth saoit gatly with tuothe lighslbTera=l mamat watt irqua 52W'nad. Eadhla met in featu ring s-eatt spiadly plaits. l'be stwsyasg or with mater a smafl peait pal or ose top ai the tfage Sisa appliai wilh a saai sectian af a jliiy staip. flot be morelour mor materiagcas. Ibe water Sosle Oi Iliesa are as- a Large Selection of beautiful, five iochas front thesa hosld ha allavMe ta helievahiY amati, hast lighttog tsbas. Saes asd ach routm temparature tey iraphlly asiahiish imported tiles. Ideal for yooog seedi shoald hefore il sa osa. themoalvas if hapi close beee lsrSase 1 aiart assat ai my ta the Ilghsisg bathrooms, kitchens, famnily roomas, hâvedificuty eý eed ontee si nto- Perhape h ms ty cover hesis asciim pois. Thtis givas iwscasaging tiaig frentrances, bars tsa mach asci. Easy grasi ciSiral avor ther same whs have triei Ibis seeds germiale hoa if svirsamaslt durig hiobhy is ia5spig off. AL-SO lai may ha camaid hy S air that istonacoolorhby B A "M M aeflA toit mach s-atering, bast il BR N M M Ist11 QUALITY - saif. You esoslittle limai * Carpet il daom sal pay ta emas- omase os ii factor. Bsy paotgasoitt lm baiieea * Vinyl Tile elimisates lhe prohiemo she iv of es ad plant*sie iy piofft.ciint ia * Glidden Points One more thig.Do not* Wal pe try to gros- thgs on any* lpae ssch arrangement os a plastic tent. Tis is ap- parestty donc tu boldm ] 0 haut and moisiurae the P C A growing ores. 1 have ____________________________ sever done this.l1hatieve i 51oOFFA W L COVEI -~it tends 10, produce o-rab. -~ ~'tendear plants if thceo *procass is out carelslly 0 Expert Installation o *o wl prohahty do e Do-it-yourself botter s-iti a tasi elabor- aie arrangement-oae CALL MIKE FOR FREE ESTIMATE - NO OBLIGATION whicb asomo a very gens- dle movemcst of air arossd tee plants. Air 260 MAIN ST. thal ranges sear .087-28 <legreas C. ami, -IL - 7 -0 ahost 1a points of a TIME TO GErr GROWING! An OUtdoor relative hss-idity sf ta Mon..- Wsd. 9 - 6., Thurs. 9 - 8., Fri. 9 - B., Sat. 9 - 5 dipay at Sides, Prodiace in Witel Oak vem ta, ha a gond e- ______________________ Mai bmsw hiycr ironmesi for Yoi We carry a full range of everything you neod for ""Happy Gardenung". * FRUIT TREES *ROSES "*FLOWERING TREES e BOX PLANTS ,MARIGOLDS, *SHRUBSPANSIES, PETUNIAS, MORE *SHRUBS INDOOR PLANTS * FERTILIZERS *SEEDS *FLOWER POTS, large &t small *HANGING BASKETS Un-Stor Spocials et our Gardon Centre - W. Save you Money every wal Open every day and Sunditys 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. SIDER (, PRODUCE 327 E NTE S. S.WHITE OAK PLAZA