Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 1979, C, p. 1

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Purâ poctivo THIRD SECTION - FEATURES MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1979 COUNTRY GARDENS on Five Sideroad in Milton offers a varjety of plants, trees and shrttbs for springtime buyers. Local1 garden centres aire fully stocked for thse sprng growing season and operators report sales have heen booning, due to the WATERING ANOTHER CROP of flowero and smaUl green plantsast eystek Nur-1 sertes ta nio easy task. Last week the green- houses were completely aold ouf of fully Spring By Paricia M. Harny i MprpitliCfl@1 itotiruitîirai Sciencei Rouesmay lho planted in spelof or tie ait,ibut priof paniof oa eeommrnded sosplants cas iecome oeal estabisiisd hfore olter. Boy roses frmoa reptaisie denier. Cisoiof tiese ot fende un ther markteoves tisongisil May rot a ittie muroilho el ontortis lise extra frenso Do sot ho mistod iy so-coitrd iargains " tiaI may hoe successtoi for tie flost sonson and thon de ff or heomm eamisnd u n- salisfactoey if lisry siould manage to sur- vise. Exaosine rose plants carefoily. Betrer plan- ting, eut off al injrrd or isoe omots and prose back mot ruses to tisera Checks on hustle hait Halton Hurd of Edoration ientis of- tîrlalo hll drive oto lie ensos oiy tie once popuaneHesitis Hustie isan isen discontinurd in ntrant ose seisosi. Peogenos Suprinte- odeni Robet Dxn, in rrply 108aniqiey iy Aton-Esqurain ttusteer Betty Fishser, indirated tise staff ouI tatis to sills of tie Healtis Hstie. Tise oards gidetisses refere nlta, fitoiun. Heaitit Hutir retf ta tie disretios ut thoarisoot pinipa. Step by step instructions Time to tune up your mower If yu'ro lise a ferai numhoe oI Canadiano, witer "snack op on yoo" lasI fait and yoprnoisbly did nol hase ime lu do more than eux youe poweretaon mooeredry hfore tise sno came.1 Here are a feo tîpo for y00 10 moke sure tisai your moere dors ils de olgoatod jobson ynue taon thissusmmer. Firsitishing, remove tise sparis ptug. This oien sure thai lisemonoor denniikicks oser and tise cnling hiade spin sud- denly ohm yoore Ties, lhoroughly riras earlter than usual arrivai of oprîng fhis ynur mow0e th fscapoulthe inside year. Ths week The Champion salutos t isofte iounîng to10 o growîng season wth ths opecial foaturo caised'nn grass sod a homo and gardon suppioment innîde -ermose und seapo today's paper ot îsîde o mffler. oison cleatinu lise muffler. chersklise ex- bausi ports for any sarbex buidnup. and e' more according lu in- strucions in your ousers matuat. rireax insîde ut gas taxis turermose asy toreigt parlicies. oaie fîter can be cened with varsoi. bosig ishonld bc stceascd oiis engine de- greascrervrsi On0 iosit aw o er dit 8. tise arisnrelîîc hot ira il simpettwistopraiotu Uit - -" rosse and il shootd ho !eantedfot ny redimesi, îd gasoor alec Somne mooeshae adrain os tise bîtlom of tise car- iurelur isol for Iis pue- pose. Iltfuelbhoseis remusred trooltankhus cacueror. ionise sure iose li uly engaged on tise nîpples and ctamped. lu present tort trakage. If hose na deirrioraîrd. il ix gond inssrance 0o replace il ton tias ave ltu drol wilb fort eakage and possible ire ater Sec v00e dealer fc ur oe suit- able to bc ored oib gasulse. Ncst. chersklise blade. bloomed heautiful fiowrs and the second Ifi is badiy sîched or batch is ready ta go. Heystek Nurseries is bnfolwte ieto located south of Five Sideroad, neorur iecnîose t. bthe aise il Campbeilville, west of liighway 25. tu a deaer ocrseruice planting best for roses or toue beids. If tise plants Encis roue plant shooid Roufs oi arise ahose coses lac th hase ieon drird out in ho sel on a sligist mound lise grufi if lise plants arc or tour octl transit. soak lise rouIs in of sit su lise rouIs oilnut lapnnrd 100 dreply Tiese lise coses r onter for sevreat isturs ho damaged. rouis ase bren prndoced ontilishe ph hotore pantlng. A gafird rnse iusis iy tise portion of tise rose erstised, sisoud ho pîannîd sa liat plant grafird osto lise moni ors Plant hunkes it oel' tise gmfiis about one iardy outsioch, and ouIi buntd bisr danod friasle ous. tcsheomo tise surface of ntI h as hardy as wooeed int Ideally roeieds ssuoid lise soit. oltsiocis roufs. around the1 ho xcnvted lua adeptis o atout ton and ose-hait f roues arr platird tb The roit soutd ho Tise dit fret and lie otom six sialtîo, tie gaft, ohicis parised fiemty acound lise rose pags incies illed oitis crosed appars as a soutien rouis so lisry are in gardes ss stivie or genve tur e scion ufthe tienim, may cntact otthlie soit and the type sf drainage. Cver lis e hoahove tise surface ut nu aie puchets arr for- plants. soe offeegate oltis a six-insh lise soif and enroueage ord. Afler lise soit han perprîuts layer o organir osatlee, tise grootis ut rases teose beet oeil parbed aruund ditto oes suris as pot mous or hlo tise gati Tiese tise rotIs, lise pants plastcd tlu oell-eolted iaryard sorkers sisooid ho cul off shoutd bec lisoenugisty one-hal mature and fl ix tise s son as soirro otrerd.oheeas hb excavation oîlk a lisera keonse lisey mny wisit ro lu ose oixture o gond esonluaily couse lise Soit shountd bhomunded tise and o ours and organic setIer. bissita0 f0o ild'. neound the hase nf tise fet apacl. he tirt three ehks lu proleri [rmdcyisg oui patasubecume d, Aller a su. lisssoit cemosed and iiio tis e hd iplants anse hotocet sgovecned isy ofruse. Large ch as hyiseid ýsand gfeux ýssarr asuaily wo to oand fret apart. ykrid ira roses oeil tf plunîrd ne-isuil to loi HOME GARDENERS doo't have far 0ag Co-Op gardon entre on Bronte Sf. shows for alf hey need f0 do fhe job: stores and ony s. aî orin of haf's availablo for oufleta in Mlton have if ail. Photo f rom ftho green-thumbers. centre for sharening and tighten to trque rîcating quaities of the the gas rom the tank, moers start on ther and iaancing, or specifrd in ow. e oit have deterîorated, ran through tise cacisuretor, erond or third pu, ee repiacement. 00km pon manoal. Re-attach tise resti in arboretor then poil the starter rord. after being hoird in the re-attach the biade 10 lise spark piug tead 10 tie rontamination prohiemo, If yoor engine refuses tu 500w attlointec. This is a mooer again, fotiow thie ptug seerey. or even orne, pton and start after a tew pols, ittie morh to expert, dirertions in your Move tise mooer ot cyinder scoring. i's bestto late il to a even front the finesi owners manuat. Ait doors and tIt p the tank Br sure the ignition secvîrîng denier for an marchines. A lite rice parts must ho repiaced oith a new fresh gas-oil soitch oitrh and the ignition and rompression aod mantenace now. caiefuily and tightened mixture, at the ratio tort valve are torned on. check. o,îti go a tong way tu as specified. sperified io yoor ooners You'tt have 10 ane the Many peopte report atsunerroobte-ire uper- Check ait hols and manoal. If you have gan primer a tom tîmes tu gel that t heir otd taon atos this year. tigiten uny that may refI oser from tat year have roser toone. Ihat isnni heem Finaiiy, replace spark stahiliîed oith a fort pîug wilh tiese ame conditioner, dispose of il nomiered ptog hat afety ..oulside. 'Stalo' rame oltis yor moore bl, okere the lis- Strawberries adapt to home garden Bp W. D. Evans overy plant. Departiment ni Strooerrisrcannot ilneficuifueat Science prodoce weit if tisey have Strawheeries adapi b compote oitli weeds. oeil 10 home gardon In commercial pianiings, produrtion. They are sot herbicides are uned 10 kilt diffil iciugeoo and oltis oredo Tonlise home prope rare, oil ho gardon, thisis ont parti- productive for a numhor cal, no tart witk dlean uf yeai. land and hue or puloinulti Home gardonnteaw- oreds un they oppear. isorrem are goneraiiy of Plastic sieeting rat aise houter quatity tisan ho ased tu rontrot oredo. commercial hrri*es. Potyrtisylone fidm can ho Sinre vrintien ohicis do plcerd over tise xeoty- sol siip oelibut wiich piantod nrawhorrieo. isave htter flavor cas ho Cul nis for tise plants groos, tiese varietios and also for rock runner are atm o uter for plant. freeing and jam mais- Beore rosser plants ing. Steaohorry varieties foemtesrw ry adapîrd 10oOntario lie sawoe conditions arr Veetar pants iii bloom. tf tise Vbrant and Bounty isossms are alloord to Tisne are iigis qaîîy, foem fruits lise fisi yea, iigi-yielding varieties plants wil ho snned, varying in seaoon, aciing tise rot yteos Cetfied plants sooidb and touiage tu support a WHENT IG Pyulanmwrfrtism ech kte osod if avaliaisîr ccop T hoe ilossems blade. If tNG UP d y ikou r w ntoefor wthe dsumec hecks theo Chances of sueceso wiîî sisoild ho remored 1 fi sbal ikdo onflo h ircin xyu ho greally isrreased isy essore a go o ep in owner's manualto1 remove it, thon take if f0o, adealer or service paying attention 10 a îew sohorquent years. centre for sharpening and balancing, or replacement. pointeres. Srawserrien thive nde a ideAt Putzer Nurserv hocoone 90 percent of tise mots go in tise top sixn r e r w u r m s e icel h soit, tise soit T ~ grw u r m s e ms ein gond condi oin lmutb el Tise main ditterence Nursery and otiser reed goos mb tise grousd eyerai rvica dandbtmust have holorex Poiner torxisy nurseries, occording 10 untît il's sotd iitis good moistoee-holding Its a complote cycle. home trues arc ais,, caparity. ttenerally, this A loi oi nurseries ilîtiboy rhippedto lise United means il shoutdhoo et smialplants and grow Sitatesad Europe. supplird oltis neganir them, Wr start rigis Mr. Putter raid tc mrater Itlssooid aisno etromlthe seed" nursery duersnul crr, îtienu Avoid piantine on Tise 20-acre nursery is towses or snle 1land sisere tomatues or os tise Sîsth Lite in Mil- plants. polalues have iemi ton, immediaiety roulis of He raid tiseretaling g nini tise pai tisrelise ('PR ite nrth of outltei mît posriisly bc years because cropsar- Derry Road. cnpnded nctyer tu in ose a soi-brne tunfon lnit i, tise Poiners geo ride tertitizers and obich atariss tao- as estinîated 10,000 pesticides. Righl nuis. he berres.eseegreens. 100,000 smrait said. tbeccs iisu uidng Aller selecting tise , idecîduous turer. and rpace araitaiste tor location, tie platitg about 50000 h-vises and nomeibiof bat large on sytem must ho choses. sbrnis, Abot 220 dîf- permises. Il space l5 001 limiled, a f ereni varrties are Tisere are 15 toit imne rois system slapeoisaily groon. emptoyers oudeat o 1h casîrsi 10 manage. Roos Alisongis the upecalion propagation, machitery arc piantod 34î fret apari crrenîly speciatizes on ours. and basic plant wius plants f10 o20 incises uxoesae nurserywours. rare. Sommer isetp r apart in lise rois. Tise ihercis a eîaîtouttet on -umetimes addeut Iu the rooner plants isiicis form tise premîses ibis yeor toc staff are spacod six incises tise frsi ime. MS t ooe r aid tic apat untl a rois 100 teet Mr. Puters dongiter oay be fr005 itus ee-,i o'îde isestuislishied. Wion Heidi iperates it Ilreilis tiltia icuir pioxird spore lx imited, a ied bcis same kînd iif plants seediog gruis[,'ir a yeoî plantîng is bhoer In tiss iseohoiesate sultet deats ur su. ibe clip i ta syslem,100 o n wsarr itis. but iiey're sonatter tbe base ut tise plant anr pionirmd oitis twon fr01ho-insice, geaftiin a sced irîm tbe loren tise on.Tise Mn. Puer raid tise plant conter plants are spaced BUDDING IS A KEY PART in the growing dirrence rs a home- Tise base ofitheb plant six incises aparl and ao0f a troc at Pufzer Hornhy Nursery. John îonee isuntd hobas bod su o ers' ised four fret wîde is Puizor checks one such troc which hon prîmarîty islerested in grouitb. and tise seedfiiot s enalisîsed. tniiaity, yon eu rwnfo t onbdiplnc ees îîf 100 or tisre euirosS lcom tiererinx cao ropeci feom t 1 obengo5 ro t onb10mpate n incises in diameie. Htic ioteotid erosîrxmcnt tiser quarts nf ruit for the tree staik. said il ouildheasier for tue another year or t100 Jon10 e. rtsa ouîeroper- a fraeowr u uplant. thisspianird in a il Istie.ase l gr reop toluils s lirscratch. to prîvate andsraping oeeded to ensure thi j tîms, gardes rentres. plant isuwatered and les tii ro plants from tise ime tise munnîrpaliies. and free fenm mincs. Af iast, if s here! Spring pianting timo, thaf is. Timo f0 gef the fiower heds and vegetable gardon raked up, the ground furned ovor, and the seeda or planta planted. Trsdifionaiiy in Milton, the 24fh of Msy weekend ia the "righf" f imo f0 do the spring planting, alfhough due f0 aome extra warm weather oarlier in May, msny have airoady started. This feature, plus a speciai 12- page tabioid suppiement in todays Champion, are presenfed f0 help you do it righf. Good resding. And good grow- ing!. STACKS 0F TREES are oxamined hy John Pub zer, owner- operafor of Putzer Hornhy Nursery-the only nuraery in the ares, he cîsîma, to grose sta trees right from aeedlîng. The sehole process Cao take as much as 10 years. A retaîl ouflet is heginning this year, wifis the possibilisy of expansion next yesr. 9 ,r ne h is ie ie is ýd Ir ir id ie nt S' ig a nt 01 Id le ad Pl

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