Sales iRepresentative The Co083erat07Ss 7 a m186i799 796279999c 30737293 33770a f ul 729ge of îvsurance producf7 70 73337 97033779consumer7 7709 in auto,77tire7business and 777373337,9333 The job involves wor9709 on a 69706 basîs wth office sales staff, 90 0ma9le 797 our in- surance services readily avalabie fa ouf custorners Ant exteRsive training p9709770 s provided and p7973396 saen experience is 908 necessary, The persan vie are looking for should have the hghest seRse of ethic6. b. able t0 wo79 wlhout close supervision. be diplomatic and coureous when dealing with others and should have a record of accomplishment 06e 088077 " campeatitive tartieg soiery and training lloanc.. " Comipany car suppli.d. *OHIP pemlams fully pld. " Drug ple. " A gente<ou pension ple *Groap lits Ineurence " Opportunitte tomon. mb specialized or eupervisory positions. Please wr7799723799277full em 0 th& Coopror Mrs. Boyd 33 CITY CENTRE DR., MISSISSAUGA, ONT. THE HALTON REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY invites6applications6for the9377933799 positions BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR The 7932330e39 33,77 e «p.6sibl.0foi907p82973i7739 7 counting staff and adminiseri7g financial reports an records of the 997339773 7937238799 0bu9get3377739787. accou2976pyable0andr279i7837,33administration795vof9the aP773399budget ,,, mainis7ning liaison with ether level 0777y7ange9$7.M35 $2204 HYDRIJLOGY ENGINEER management37 77999333of9the Authory, i93722,99 ad ministra3,on of wate, management7contracta, field2and office wo,,753on ds n nsiaA tions793,and assistng i th9amnitato o he767riys i AdFodPli 0327733607 7666396370673 89337 Candidatesshall 33,73s36an7Engineering73923673i 7730773276 be39a333573 7930,776373393d3constructi7 Murray E Sephen, General Manager HAITTIN OPTION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 3101 Man Sreet, M7iton, Ontario 19T 1P4 Applications63377os37277p73779937397777l23,1979 042.150 ATTENTION What are your future plans? Do you have a career in rin dd079 770323 W333279 he pporvg67 ties 77ailable, th3ough the Canadien 9733, il3 3 02have0MIN50950Gae 297 72 7323334and79are open Pilot. Ar 32279279, I73727773 973332,. 9,7777773 Mari tim 73Srface andNursing (RN plus220737678777773371) CET 31D6Main St. INVOLVED L 50,7793,037mont WITHTHE CANADIAN 10009.OR40p ARMED 03909Hamilton FORCES. 1763632,73, w. Carriers for Deîivery 0F THE CANADIAN CHAMPION on the Tîmberlea rna 6332,77339 C, Beae0323r. M63,24773Cr, 0933373 777267 7Phone639S.63ARI0N HILL The Canadian Champion 878-2341 MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY taquines Part-tîme 12B hours per week) Cerkllypist Seconda373820S graduation, Grade712, 97797770y from a Apply in33777799, g97779747837786ofqualifications and ait pe76790t. the C00sf L70iri, Milton73Central77 F70777, 45 Bruce 577777 73Mlton, F3T 2L5. 042335 SERVICE ADVISDR 906717748or7car7daie9s8ip7 axpe2797 d p93649789 but9n4 noce77397.528dey398783306, g604 6730797739779and2corn p9ny bonof6s. Apply: Mr. A. Camoso 877-6928 13(J(i 1 HI AI M 1 0 3bi1tGuelph St. Georgebown HALTON HELPINI3 HANOS 0375op7R797 for e7ce77on71 part6 01 l7im, as7job 7377379 ella 218737 773778 739, 2327787392739g, 93397, Cali7itre.B. Stephons, 877 72069. for Million int25view. 047337 2 159 a vri lu33a272, 12Io 70697999yt,6, Io7f9 330 99733337765013Po33773 7777713377and93an7oc loo2676loi93 pe7s3 vert but796797376637. 878 99379373237R6 MOHAWK3Inn9270770777an e>pe3367kc33 t70i9t for Minimum6of7233797rl3o7 parT 75Eek 67he 7977Ilcen s279697L able37377333 2776 7a7 Minimum75of 8477. 9 77007 sales3796, crieF13o7729 32CRp729 273 073799632325 =96 29 377 )NI N 9E 232,7377 7e373 aiS rit6service0y.. 5796 72and '33ghbo.39 SOntario, eorelG146o8 Ac530, 3 94 Mion88 1152 Ron neweI 854028S.8,ies-878.3541 3232673 ho me Tachlx eR o t h' WisoPrep 7 8 047 $1846 DA 78 75r83qui e 042333376 Income Tax Returns Prepared 3,937 Patchesn 14Mc3G3alI9Cres 878-3710 BI LINGUAL t7pist will7do 737797 7in77707337-777 Man". N jb ot,39s73I, sf637, an370790et7 37. CARPENTER req27776 3196 1962 790 7 Exper7enced. 878 2945. RELIABLE, Conscientious .aman3932733 2772 2 position in Milton or3 390673cli 787721 0lte ROT76757727733 0377 870 W .MIROtaPLUS h fous. leaning393. 7Gao service.77H3 233 279 tr753737,239 ion, 3323 7833 09723 27,37337 37393377233950 75, hl 7 77 f' 93f7 07F7 70 010WA7E337923 0467777D739 Uy73037017333 J0'an76g797w2674 41403 Sa 9S d W ECONOMY CARSa OE FORCE 197 AC H7ne736773732 9392 co338,.. $10473ý AEPENDABLE sI3Rf ,673 p , 073697673 967 87 083 360697 17 397777 statiF73 m,,t .11,677.S900 7or0778, 07777, 97703977 877 9732. average3condition7Lic50066I C LE MENTS AMIRICAN MOTOF ronte St. 3Us$ 07, 878-23 oui REPUT! RIDES WITI NEWOR U% OR TRUCK RICHARDSON', Hwy. 25 S. at Miii 878-2393 175 CHRYSLER 6New h el Ires3 , 277 779287. 933 00,0290327out Must be Seen, $250000, 83077 4 82. 78 $30aS79. 3878 78176 877697 8 3238 ~~COAI R, 19o656 oriina rniles, f 703377e super tio,,0 A97 S. 7 969,99ter 7 49 417 77 326337, 2332 177 COU.AR2X 7, goo & c l e a6 0 o n d iti o n , 7l o t s 2o 7606 37 77 770657 37e7 4,30 9.06 tro, A MOTORSB53387 3273 S O OR _iAIIin17 397 , 3380 ornh of 771plîi Ya' 328 rai,077-19ý2d 060,,14 77 323 6 7 R 854 2155 \T2381 H EVERY 7~ 22211 SEO CAR 77 8777778 3024 WE SELL 19 1, 63733777 322 'S CHEVf LUS f777 723720 c 3 33723 , Derry Road, ton1 1 its8.l, 878-3812 ' . Cition, 033139 7 2737372373 79300n,14 2228735316 37930273 293977 7,u77 PT... hase0929 37233977779F979177 Ci77 . . n7737 37 Cars7 39797797503339773337 77.7 2777733 27 677 7 02 , 7777,777 70f 73 903 337,337,33-77 733797i7 on-222285 197377,73 Tonne30qP3397 69000 37as 11, $200 00, 32341 3732 3738 4882 222H2 -,,ý, 37377379 ili 63 ,0, or .723133 3039 .97 5,00, 323 72 31 3 3t 37fer 3878 3267673777, 350 2718007 7779i "377 7730' 7773, 7377 ,2 7 9 327or0Mari. M.7 .1377929f7e96 877 7 30077 2238523 22i7Y68d arpho 826-5967 002733277 1979 DORKAL ATSd opt031ail r Lee s 8 AC,5985384 36322 lt , ,an 2 AMRINAGESE 03309 53-VALATIO 1977277333737773 , 17 42 151 okî 7,09ORTAOE ST rv2ce w379 067637,t 939750377.7337969, 377TC795%72977000 C. 77323 F733and27007 07f 9373u 9 ill 27377796067 6 257770 8a 7 8o .06 Ad a I TO WN OF MIL TON Tenders for Rood Construction Contraci No. 78 $17 TENDERS 3on 73733 6337779 77 77,7 th 7377779 7977777 WVedneoday. May 2,71979 Approxî733f9 3373777773fo,7the7327377lems3aie797777i93 0723,372,'A' 9375077 17777,3 Sgnats & Lighting 6933of7338773GDollars7(20 001.33373737,9777773-293773.77 50330937700 RANKIN Et 3300L7AT39 LITENDER MNE YVA 117 2770 023275037777 77 502, 7,7377 May,,,77 30733796375767373777 Mi3 730777793777 77033777697697730339727373377773003777337. 6007,777s397773 THE77 CORPORATION,7.7 OF 3729 S73,,777,37329F THE337TOWN,2OF3,7,,,,,3 7~o~73750,7,333707937,20750277 ,7 73 7,15,,3 3v,7 7 3A TOWN79s33 OF6L73MILCTON,77,, 679397623 7237, 720TENDER3~ ~s MAIN7339377. 07EAST.6323 73S9733 20730377977,1 installation0o9Sf - m s77san th7ost,,737îto,,27o)f 500, O 09,dise 600 ratire of rc ...1-91 The Canadian Champion, Wed.,Apr il, 1979 B9 JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE 9ci3ay786o dset93 ad9e0is NT ETOC OT whiteonIwiteIi c eli3tilisnbacrest ANO2263R 1ne7Week UnIe 3 Co an' carrier, 3K w hai r, IN 9 3fhTH E333 F50 DAVID S 6~~77 5167 2237 1972 KL A F7 75p,2272 76093 f a ,3150 7 8 3 y 73Sale4 6I78HAPPY 222869-,7772 &3 6733 f ONY PLMOUA COT 4006 AGO lsd734 77 003CiSO WINDW 673 a 65 349 7933136 3 63ro[f 3f777979795, 27ît979937, 29393077.33377777733 AN 233 7739379333 b8f,6323, p33709k7, /M77,5 7997733 3133f77 37,f1 '~3-3- ~ 1 ou,_______1976 ______Charger___ 93 f32283793f9 One III O 23n3l9 7363776 D ,10 5uwllI 1ïsKW 33KZ9-- 097733R 73313 31733733b3295337 1 TIT~1ÂC1?AI 977970279337737q2793il findanoter oe asnic conitio, lo 3iea 67 of h. T .. f ill , in lie 1 ONLY PLYMOUTH COLT 430009WAGN7773 mai 79FODOOGE5 ASENDW of e9379 33853 34977 323 sidewa37377l37tires.73 HanodH ls ecratinalVeh"IeCenre h9ich date t,7h Eslat -l l ,le JL7,300cEu I73WFPTL7NEInd3US7,g7.7,337, 77-Il7,gld7-Il 2 ONLY PLYMOUTH O LT990W O 53000aine, 333ta 3 3773 77 31 GE A 9 WE l 357973 0 half ilr,0 3,e77 .2 man.. '7i3n7 ' 4 litre angine, 733M radio, white STATONWAGON notice, and the undersigne 673766733,9 ""M73,, 3,769337a76 4k3337 777297 ,o IL30330 SOG w11-lI I I u0 oy3ne, 7 89 PPONTIAC VENTS ca fAAu 7, 0 ,179 N NYPY OUT ROMGMICI3 32 CHw wth -,lont ullMOTE, TALO 377- 73603297732333 08331729DAVID9 77 RISS73 7 matcing an r l 26 lire ngin , 5 p737733-7co dit o S OS 5937, S SO S8 0 X 4IO 04 0 97 3 53 ,763 c27 o7 M 1, Ti PLUS Sn A M awie SidAX Lies, lwE es lui radioL78LH3303347 S339697731707 030 f335360277333 773 37737 73 37i7 PLYMOUTH ARROWGS733333RL boe3wEh9ACERStEGOE , power3EteSTnM LT EN STMILTON MONTARI 2.3ir33357AM F aio -pe tasisin hte dfk, camp,4272 37323-771,N 295 Mlties a in eeS t. , M lto oA Qulil CeCkd eCedlton bke 878-9942PNTIACSSNUA 0713,17 H WEL SEIA INS THS SFRS ALEcin AT Drig PbhFA rNOIver6Oy 1-1 A EdpwrsM E er 9 1320706S35 , sel1Mrrsn I e PEELVREt EGT ICLDRIED BONTE ST MJF811LTON esousblefor a 77nabi O N TMIK 2CE O-D 417 NALO8784 n sl urfn slcio 1972 etll il s inne , r .uh, XS110 Speal, S750 XS603367737 222773.M7Brand Mrrsg a jT MON 3E099L02337,3739 33 3 3332777735i2I7713711t2 7M379-th277,732777. PLUS SALES TAX & L7 L,3 307t232-9Vif ,3217837772 03733727.377 ,7,33237,,3797503or76073 72973onIthe371979733277 7772777-tien If$ 9 0 0 0 2273o9a o d ca c m ei a d av l - , 3rdi . ne h . o n lo c ns n F0w0m I - jbc TE RCElRuSLU 03 99ON E 3T 77MILTON 727 Rossel30 7773 3377 23377773799F~0~Z7333,O9î9.7 1SP ING A LE 09,374.317$2992137777.7 8373373 7 8 - 9 2 H9S N t1978 KL250 Kawasaki... $1249 A 7333 7773 737737Il N EATIULCNDTIN 0, 3 ,15 77797 37 977irHo l7da y and A9$1369977333377.3 PHI C5033 1972 Fum Od ER50 OW $52 ONAI O S G TEST DRIVE 2 NE 9331233 ATHAE ES D7 2BRN73T MLON TS 4157 93737,773,7. 3322 T.c0M,337633,,,g 1 1 2 7Lýo 1 068 ',,,m 770 , F 194h L F