4 The Can&dlanChampion, Wod Apnl4, 197 EMtbl.bod 1961 ïIie ftnabïit ~afpo ic:Phono 878-2341 RO O HERBC rOWTER 9ýGRJ S-1 0a.4ur PDVrIMOeicNt clo P.1Bý«Se raceW lIts a little early yet to be predicting the outecome of the federal election Thesday, May 22. But at this stage of the campaign, ail signa point to a close race, botb locally and natîonally. The main choice will be a vote for Pierre Trudeau and the Liberals who have governed our country for the past decade, or a vote for Joe Clarke and his Conservatives. The NDP offers a third alternative but the NDP luas ont yat proven itself strong enough to take over control in Ottawa. Locally, votera will choose between incumbent MP Dr. Frank Philbrook of the Liberals, MP (in High Park) Otto Jelinek representing the PCs, or the new NDP candidate Doug Black. Halton is traditionally a key riding in which nonone party holdsu a monopoly. The party winning Halton will probalby form the next gnvernment. Lone exception in the last couple of decades was in the 1972 election, when Tory Terry OConnor won the seat although Trudeau retained power natinnally by a very few seats. Georgetown has been removed frnm the Halton riding. Acton, Milton and Oakville remain. Redistribution will probably ot affect the outcome cof the election in this riding .Liberal strength bais tain in the north tra ditio nalqy. The key to this riding is Oak- ville. The Grits have counted on taking ennugh votes in Oakville to add to their northern popularity to sin the riding. If thay can con- I's happened again. The private citizen bas again been stuck in a painful place in the nama of progreas. Being hinderad is Anthony Saliba. Mr. Saliba oseos a farm on the Eightb Lina 0f Milton, just soulh of Britannia Rd. Mr. Saliba groses cabbages. H1e may ot ho able to grose them this year. The land shere he grew them recanily became the bottnm of a lake. the result of a railrosd bed. The track services construction of an Ontario Hydro project. tinue, then Dr. Philbrook will win re-election. If ont, Otto Jelinek will have swept Oakville and the riding witb it. We bave been given to un- derstand by Mr. Jelinek and AI Wilson (Dr. Philbrook's cam- poigo manager) that there is a better than 50 per cent cbance that both Messrs. Trudeau and Clark silI visit Halton at anme point in the campaigo. We don't tbink Ed Broadbent sel be coming. Hia time cao bie more profitably spent in ridings sehere the NDP bas a chance of winning. The main issue in tse campoigo in Halton sel be Use economy. Milton and Oakville are becoming bedrooma for Toronto buinesses. If Use economy is bad, Halton votera are unheppy. Unhappy votera poy attention to the party platform that cao cure the economy best. Another main issue, we believe, is the leadership qualities of Pierre Trudeau and Joe Clark. Mr. Clark may ont have the best possible image in this regard, and Mr. Trudeau may ont have the best possible track record, an take your pick. Haltoo's individual candidates, we believe, will bie overshadowed by the foregoiog. Al Uree can- didates are capable men and aresa credit to the riding. The deciding factors silI bie Use porty platforms andehe leaders.. We believe Halton will continue to bê a mirror of the contry as a ,whole. In our opinion, it will hae an extremely close race.. .100 close to predict a winner. drain the spring runof f. Con- sequeotly, Mr. Saliba i sho did non- Uing to deserve anytbing like UisI bas sean bis cabbage- growing patch beome a lake. As the result of a Champion story. Hydro became conscinus it might have an image to protect and came back te, dig a ditch. It bas belped. The lake is nose a mud bole. But il doeso't really solve Use problem. And Mra. Saliba still iso't satisfied. What bappans if heavy raina coma? Mr. Saliba doso't knos. His pligbt is another example of We're Doas asysse in ths country aven car e any more icheiher the tederal elactiiin curin Aprîl, May or Jane? Doas asysse avn cara any more whether there is a faderai lariion, in wich me miebi ax- change a righi-ming rafarm party for a rigbi-wing pari y.aihar innar hine ai tha marcy, in a voie. of a righi mîng lat- ise pry' Day aller day of listening fathe es, and aiching tha oaws, and reading the news. sas creaiad in me, ai leasi, the greatasf sasse of apalhy Fve anar espar- ieneed inmy Ille. And 1 have a hasch'thaf millions ai Casadians agrea oilh nia Doas anyooe rare any more whai Mac- garai Trudeaaa, a raîber silly moman wilb verbal dyseolery. among oîher ailmeols, han yei lii raveal? Nt me. Dues aoyooe cre any more boa maoy Chrstian Arabos nOerrolkilled bow maoy Mulîm Arabs in Sirai' Nol me. tioes aoyoor rare liai Prince Charles ors es jogging on a beach in Ausiralia, thal Pierra Serionshan orîlten anoihar book,,tbal Canadian wrilers and artis and thealces aod psblîshern al daim lhay seed more of ourltashack Io sornive' Nol me. Only lhey. A colleage omine describes an orgasi- 050atin ib te ninerily heatailndad. Il a called the Apalhy Club, h put o( notices like Ihasa. "The Apalhy Club iii nof bold in asal meetinig Iis mooib -Oc, -Trac io ils connictions, the Apalby Club lailed 10 elavlaanem preniden, whennoaione ran for the office, and nolise shoard ap Io noie for ihosemho did nolcoun. I hanea afeeliog ibai Canada is rning mbt mne ranI Apalby Cub b. Oh.wre nof one vast Apathy Club I yci quite eampîctcîy liielesa. Yau cen sec on the aida af the seaers. fln kuard, dmrly almays accampanied Sy the seucl, Don'i i ibis by reedinge haLaIlcrs-lo-Ibc-Editor mark lbey do, and lbey don't do il hacanisa you bsam ibare's a mac os?" This la guys cabmens, mhre alIbah crarshs, quecbn and ibey ara sedisis, any mare then the kiltars in anirms. bigots are givan a chance la saand ail. in a slaughter-house asjoy ksocking smeei Bat mhee ail the namns sbad revis- aeemploymesl, lelling dller, violence, Ibreaf olmars-swe are ieclieed fo luneaoui, and 10 flune is 10 soma sari of escepisi aotertainesee. This epelhy is rellacfed en ait sorts of pbases of aur sncialy Il's eoesidared e big deef l ibare in a 6Operenetl lamnt 1or an eleciios. Oulside tbe lerger cillas, mbera Ihaca is costant bypa froos the sports mrilacs. sports are dyieg nult.oSaf f tomes and cies ibef ssed tb peck ibair areaes and basabaîl gcendsfends to a maîbthe home beys fighi off Ibose elfidels froos the nasl tomo, dram only baedfsts of speefetors baese deyn. Weil, ohal's the causa aI atf Iis epelby, you mîght asb f1 hlieve il is the resuIt of modere commanication sysfems, whicb are sepposed 10 brîng tbe morld cf oser togaîbar. aed are, innlaad. makeg iedivi- duef s harder aed more sell.cenlred, an f bey ied ibeosselvas dromning in afloeod af u'orld-wida miserias mich they leel belp- tans to alleviaea Doas anyone raally cae about the illing aI baby seels encept Ibosa direelly sn- nolved: Ibe Newlie bunlers lrying 10 sappfamenf a meagre living. tbe protes- lors who eejoy the psbtacily fliey gel; and a ner ofr 1old ladies o o h ses wbu composa leroctous allers la tbe adifor cusdameisg the buet, wie domnisg e lew slices of spring lamb and mnini jelly? Nai me. My sympalsi Ontario Hydro in'ii isesdom, a large corporation's iodllference ddn't oea fft to10 fstaîl culverts fa to Use ordinary cfitizen. Tellng u somthin OfByat RDd Lamb Te/ln g s smethng? ood for stories We got a gift from Warren Al cents per litre is the same asonea mand teothar dy Warren Allmand is the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Mf- fairs, and silI likely ho re-elected on May 22 in is Montreal riding f Notre-Dame-de-Grace. The gift consisted of a piece of cardboard measuring 18 cm by 8 cm. O it wsa a table comparing Use cost of gasoline on a per-litre basin In a per-gallon basis. "Gea, thanks!, " we ssid. It told us that a price of 21.1 cents per litre is Use ssme as 95.9 cents par gallon. Similarlv. 22 dollar par gallon. li's a handy thing tn knose. It alloses for comparative shopping and UaI's gond. The cbart goas as low, price- wise, as 19.8 cents par litre, or 89.9 cents par gallon. Does that mean the price of gas is aniicipoted to go Uai 10w? Well, er probably ont. The samne cbart goes as igb as 25.3 cents par litre, or $115 par gallon. We tbink Mr. Allmand is trying to tell us snmetbing. Commenting brie fly Congratulations We noie 1ev, Blake J. Ryan bas been choeen as Use recipueni of Use Aseard cf Mcii fcom Use Ontario Seçae Scbool Trustees' Rev, Ryan ls former irusiee of tle BWhqngton and Hloa Roman tCWhOlie Sepase Sehool Bords. We add our congraiulafions. Welcome visitors Fourteen Inuit cbildren were bosied by Mlion shadents tbis seeek. The insen andi is scrroundings mre a far cry froi helc homes 1n Use Northsesi Territortes. We hope iley enjoyedithe expe- t.ee, and Milton's hosptiatiy Weil, il's avec. The OMSb earîng onSita F is hîstary. Wbsener iss, il anybsdy realty daes, of h bemnnieo a caaple of manlbs. Tbe enprîasce oas my fîrsi deeling ilb tbe OMS. 1 mesnt mpressed. Osa lady ibesad the board memehrs an Tmaadledam and Tmaadledee. Tbe saes are saîlabie Eocapt for A.JC Chepesan, mbo displayad a sesse il bumar and did oisgla muibe pubie, the impressioe ai tbe OMS mas a remola. uecaclsg goneroment body. Cantruslad ta buat mes tbe inigblieg and dualling gaîsg an halmeen the legaf beagles. David Esiî for tha Tremaine-Sri- anmea Citizens' Graup. Ed Senlon for tbe ragion and Fred Lilcb for tbe lame mare tbe major uciors in the drame. At teunt thay mre bumue. David taira made remnarbe mirh be feli olîged toaepologioe for allermards. Ed mas mesfer y ibe prascolalios ai anly the farts micb bneailled is Fred mes cool in darmng la challenge tha board hy lebing e derbsion la Uic Saprema Cout. cBeind Uic triowere theaseconds: Bob Timharg and Slave Garrod Cor Davd; FraserBertin and Deons ePerlafr Rd and Larry Gaugbur Cr Fred, Tbeee yousgbloode lad flic am- muniiSon. Their exploita onan cd off Uic fied ai batlfe posed qustaion. as ara rompieieiy 'i Wifi Dessin ha upbraidcd by Uic board for is iseccacbing? Wflf Bob break bis eren? ha broka il iice dsi-ing Uic bcerlasg.i Wili Larry delleer Uic baby? lA relative nclymed, bbs ile in bavieg Uiir irni cild.i Agelesl fthe high-priccd avents goiog on ai Uic front of the hall, mas Uic rcscrvcd quiet ai tbe sffcclalars. Masl marc meoshars of tbe cifisens' oroup. Sncb peuple as Ans and tlasid Kats, Siu McFaddcs and Sherry Bîakclocb imprcnncd wnîhLoesir dedicuf ion, scffoc et justicc and besasiiy. l'hey are gond people. So, toa. mccc tbe wmlesses. Bscnic Smithbwoo lok the place by nlores; Dr. Dcrck Coeman soho csbibiîcd actian leegnage, and Bob Saril, Uic ncmnpapermen mbo bed rarardcd Uic stsry sine i broke; mre colorfu dramalir and inercstng. Humor. anger, passion: Uic hcaring bad afitIbthefansicelemenîs. Sot the asgccdicnts mhich mprcscd mccc humas. For Uicy ara Uic oses peoplec racaf inb ir sloryeling. 'fds Sarday the garbagefilgbfers iroos T-S eroscoads arc briseuse a dump damecslauicheLions Hall os Thampoos Rd. Disco Dump, Gel Doms Garbage and Saturday Niglil Site F Faner willf e haei hile, Wlle Brftsada nogle ianclnatea, wat inlethe world lb Jank Rock? Il wlf ha amausisg tfa nd nul. lîlîla raInes oser the head, sm ibal yos can hava your neal asd yosr ral-skie glanes. Wben il la prondto melthaifthehacpseal s ansendasgeced specien. lIlI Joie the prolenlers. Nel befora, Wbaeemre ail ihasa sîfly witîs mban il wsnol hahy seals Ihal mera bieg slasgb- farad, bal baby broîbars, aed ancIen and cousns and felsees, durieg tbe Great Wars'fdaei'tremembertoo maey leflers f0 tha edilors le ibosa days. Tbe aseasort af people mho write pcteslisg faf lacs today abouti the seals. are probably the npiritual descendants ai Ihosa eesly old momes loi holh nses' mwho wasf arosond pisease white feathers se guys inscinitien clotbes darieg W. W. f.And gave yo srty service aed short meesare siW W.f. Ah, dear, il's an aga mban some people saab to smell oui of thilittl11e saInes f0 as- gorge themnelses, oe publicily. Ifiii mare vînl loe the ubiqaîtous media, anar saeking la toucb the lomasi of emolises, there mould ha no probfemts aboat the seat basf. The Nemlien mold ras a fao pralesfars ail the edge o ies ialOoand thal mssfd ha that. Hom did f gel emay avec here ie New- faundlend. il l'osn sapelliatir? Weil, mayha fa snot. Aed Ihais a gnad sige. Apelhy leads la constipation. ConstipaItion leads to hammorboids. Aed tbe nesi lbieg you bnoom.my dagbiar mili ha sayisg fa ber bids. *Dont morry, beys. We never sac o lavae a cent. Sut flrandad bas piles. " Turning the Pages of the Past Fron the files of The Canadian Champion One year ago From abe Aprili5, 1, isuse le a maya thet came as no sarprise, Mlton Coancil aificielly rejarcd an ep- pliceimbn by Selon Regionai Causcil ia establisb e lendfill praieci et the cornac of Tremaineaned Silensia Sdn.. otharmmse knome as Sile F A fatal accidcnt an the 5IarIes Ave. 5111 manIaif Guelph Lise han prampled Coascil la improva the coud by fifline an potholes and paisting a centre lise an the coud. As angiscar ilh Hllon Sourd aI Educeaun seid the addition ta WA. Dick Sahool mauld lha redy foc the sIenarto classecain 5eplemhac, barring any an- larcucce dilficullaca, A portriait 15te laIe Sias Seaf, former mayor ai Milton, mes aliicieIIy bung le the coancif chambers. Mrs. Frede Sasi ai- ledcd the cremasy eand aaid Scrien maudhaiehanored fa ha sa noted enithe tome, bc lovcd." The commillee loubine inIa lund-remsmeg lac tbe Milo Sports Centre an Laurier Ave. mes ginen a nam mandaea.. .io lobk ino unsd-reising lad ihe propascd ii,anr pool. Thecammileeasaniainvesfîguta the ieusibiIiIy ai ineecise the prjarf. Sandy Sent, former MP for Heltin duriag Uic Dieebaber gavremeel, died ie Toronto ai an apparant baurt allacb. Mr. Seul died six daysafler the death ai bis laîber, Dr. Chartes Sent. Dr. Sent mas tbe ca-dincaver afi nsalin alang milb Dr. FredericBanteimng. 20 years ago Frue the April J, ilsO issue Louis P. Celile, Mielalar ai Weliae fra Otario, bas appraned a 139-bcd addition lac Haîfon Manar. Dell Consstrucion han thc cssfrect, ut$80a2,467. Soclieglon Coaneif mentS lu anses,2,00 aces frant Trafalgar Tomnship and 92 acres ironsth Uich SrS ip. Is.f'liius lueellisg e iqnor store, ifs aif fieiraaes. A $50,000 tlasou,om building iý pfaesed os MainSi5. Peha McMullcsofaiMlon mas rcîurscd as praiden oflthe Ontario Sasebail Aoc. for Uic Ibird yeer, aeth1e annai omeetisg SalaedaY. Jios Waidic, alan ai Milton, os nanned vlce-preidcsl. SaturdaY Mias nJunior Farosers mii observe tUdr 2SICbirtbday. fI mas us 1934 flac H.F mas berst, iUi Ceccl Chishaba an the irai presidenti 50 years ago from tbe April 4.1929, issue At Camphailvîlta lent nigbl. a verdict of aceidentl dealb, wih no blaeàacebd, oas ralarnad by the jury ai thae quastinto tha deafb of Archîbetd Blacb af Kaisn. mbo mas iestastly bîtted byea CPS .eustbeaed freiai ChristileStation on Ttiesdey mocomg of aest sceab. Coroner. Dr. T.W Peari of Sarlîngion presided. Miss S.E. asiedo spent Eesfar a-fb smioa friands ai Kitichener. Milton Lago, Pont 136, ml bold a auchre and dance is toms Selfl omorrom evaoaeg, for abîch maey invitations mere issad ihis wmaab Miss Moiie MeDullie, daaghtar ni Mr. aod Mrs.A.D. MeDfflia, who recenily andermeel ano pration for appeedicitis, is doîng nicely. Wray Sooofîeid misSes tu annoance fbal ha bas sfarted semîog ai bis mîlI and requasîs ait canlamers mho bave logu in hîn yurd semarked lu aotify bim ai once. Mrs. Ahart Anderson speet e pieuseef holiday mîithber daugbîar. Miss Elbyl Andersonî id Johnson City, N.Y. vec Eesler. 75 years ago From tbe Aprif J7,f904uIssue The snam bas ait disappoared escepi mberait in shadad or the drifts bave bean escepfiaealty deep, aed the rouds ara dryîog ap in muny places. As ibera is vary lite irsainte haground. oieg 10 tbe deplb of saom from the middle ai Nosemhar unlil tbe end mol witar. lurmers ara libaty Io ha abletlmcommene sprîngmworb vary s0000 Tbe Easler serviras af( Grara Chuccb mare vary briebi and vary beariy. Tbe choir nsmhared oner 20 noires ai eueS servi'ce and renderad the Easier music ilS spirit. The Psetmn mere sang uitheb avaning services. Jobn Freseer of Embro diai test Friday aller Ibree days' ifleess, lrom blaod poinanine. ceused hy un uleereled toofb. He a nenaaif tbe mosi bigbly esfeemed yaung men aof tbe district and mas maIl bnown salside oailifas e perbormer on tbe bagpipas. He played and sang in Miltuon0on 30 Naveoshar leaiaIthe Saollisb concert le casseclise wilb KenxCbrccb. Guelpbhbla loaded wllhbabgue 25 ceni pieces, Vicoria nse. Boague AAmeccas quarasr, issueeef 100, bave appaared in Milton. L=eSoutfuroc Ieos. Littie man gets it