Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 1979, C, p. 6

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CO The Canadian Champion. Wad. Apeil 4,1979 Glimpse into past as diary re viewedN The Marchasmetng on Ms. C.Rse gave a Nelson Wamee s lest dary et enents that te was heldi at the hame Nelson Wl has esgagcd in et Ms. Dave Sherwood. aver te past 30 Yeas. Pesident Mrs G. Gests such as atlars McCrmnack recd a Maza de la Rache aad tîmety paem an Sprteg ate Aitkitis, wring Cleaning." The rol calt wth the Red Crase as answered by "An dring war years, bas ethnie grasp t admire, trip, short ecres and and why-, taiging fort Wl District Annass were snedeigltfat taman bt sue f thte acivitias inerassttacres descrihed. Far Cteashtp and Catriheamng aIea ta Wrtd Affaire, Mes. C. tiis glisepse oftce paci Rse gave an îteresiing was Ms. H. Betl, rcading review about Qeec ramd a 19f12 capy et Utc mther Eizabeft, nting Bringian Gazette, tce thai shte otît ie attendieg minuies ofte Netsone the Queen's Pate race Wame's lstitte May fis year meeting for tsat ear i Ms. A. Heter, for Ttisarice referred tua He Ciltre aed Edecattan. conithtioithaing heenfr dscrihed te crrent praduced hy the iranch r cancernaI the Hatfoe cft thaf tiase and Ms. D. d Bord o Edaration aed Sherveaod won happy ta drew attention ta the predcce a treasered cepy R Cammuety Arts and which site as inlerited Craft Sho f ie hetd ai Lostitig ahead fa the Bcettegion Ccturat Miton Fat, a commitie I Centre te May. as appinfed t cenvene L Teedsmir Hstry the Nefson Institete Curatr Ms. C. Pegg dsptay of "Talentse read an item rom The Beatifuf". Ms. D. be Canadian Champion Watson, Ms G Camp'i colcmrn, "75 years cga". fbefllaed Ms . AHeterta relating a District Wl tiff ho scacfîng for a sl meeting fiefd ta the vrîety ot crafi items mayrs atirce d roamosng the memhors. 2a yases cg. the nees The qcîiing short te thai Pafermo Wame's cocrse, sfated fr Aprif 2 an Intitutelaibceen orreil and 3 at NefsoneUnited C ta dishoed tharrit.promises ta hoe The citeer committe ertat otended. receivcd ca ieafthy The aecal meeting f donatioe for the faer aed eferfiae of oticers 1 ced ard fend ohen fr Nefsan Wl wmîfflho cf hi memhrsrantrihnied thr home of Ms . D ri ancrent for earh fetter te Sedgfey te AprU f17 ait1.4S ne the word 'Ciauviisi". pom Redemptorist M Mission success'. A fm-oeeh Mssiae preavhed mssiosand hl oaa preached cf Haf y rereais te Ecseren 1 Rsary Prîsh y Faiher Caada and adjating tr JeremiahtHayes, CSsR.U.S Sae o The Mistan hogae on fi Marchit1and endedaun The speaker teuchedaonbu March 24. many sebjer is nhtsa Father Hayes ccv ocre oatgreaf interef t oanO rdained an a Redemp ranfemprary society. le trit priet Sept. f5, spifratihe mcey ening f940. le Feh f1949 hîs artîvîies te Mitooe tday, superiees sent himtin vthe atteedasce wan ery lfaly ta fears Itafian. Fr gaad. fli nenpccted thai f5 years ie aided itm- consîdercitte gond wîff migrants arrnaisg in te resat ram the Mission ity of Tranoir F 16 fwvhih adescried as a yesn Fater Hayen han prînaanred scrrasn Tour of Russia The matht y meeting Wnmen's lest ifefe was of Muntaîn Unon hetd an Wedeesday, Marrh21 ai the home ai Callw ood president Mev Lacra nerizon ng oit a raigw rfereece ta thte Year ai speaker iT;itere wed Itmcm Jase Cattwond. nteil hrs preseni and four irodraster and trifer. garsis.Tite memese agreed fa seed $te fa willbe he astspekerin tavrithe Chifdree Fond. thte Hertzonlecre sertes' for ts academîr year, The theme for Marcit Aprîf f2. ram f2 nan tf02 oas Edecafian ced pm. ai thte iOavitte iCtutre ad at were campas iof Sherdan ta n a tip ta Rosia Cllege. hy oay of sides ity Speesared ty te Marjorte Poys, givîng caîfeges Centre far an insght inia the chont Women, te manfhtv sysient fi 005 interet- lecture sertes iv dstgned ng ta note the abedience fr stedents te the vattege and respevt chddren and women i he vian iere acght Tiis ap- munîîy i to ece ana pard manylitmesn the participatein t pîvv aI prentattons. iteret ta lhem. A citter sent ram nc Caltmaad's tapir ivstofthe members ram Wanen aed the Media. ittarîda oas read Tte Sitelin wettlheov tait is meeting cfsed wifh te ares fr her daîty CBC tnsiîice Grace and luncht elenissoti stota iI aasnserveit yiteitest- *1*1 KISERLf carfreasbeaasty of li. Naoce onmoos ad ini e s [0W FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PROIJUCTS e Aluminum Joors TENSr t Combination Windows I AIGABLEI" Car Ports e Aum-ilm Awnings FEDERAINDUpSTRIES Fot o n ae t. Oakilla OUT OF.TOWN CUSTOMEAS PHONE COLLECT Ta chîta ual inier. evlcoiai i tspringosud nalte Si. Pctriack, Brave Seniors' vers Tîmbere ced Irene Molesey ce- hosted a"Celle"ltaI's Moloney safd.t On Tees- day, Marcit 20, lbcy sel op c pet luch napper perty ced hode ail ho triait. hegareci There oas ne deehi whasc day was hoisg f elehraled oifh Irish scr- - - 'viellas, a loccly green taitteclteU, grecs and whitceasees, top 'Jbats, dlay pipas ced shameacho galere! .Thte centre of lte deseel table maaraovercd wot a lnacly raie oit "Êin go UR. AND MRS. GARY CRIDER lae e aagit" letfered ie green .eathcr MeDonald) wcre married in anticit white iring. [edicine Hat, Alfa, on Feb. 27, 1979. Thcy Bah Lcitisg ted tce ire living in Seattle, Wash. She is the gceniv ain iegîng "Be oughtcr of Basil and Mary MrDonald of present itai acetable, .R 6, Milton. Lard" a fanarite grace of Brure Sf. Seniors. Then ________________________________ thongry gets maved Local talent get set for taping Sistece toa o yahapeective efftsofIlte segments are enpecfed ta stertaiemeni arts are rcub ced Haltinanbite ogîn te Mcy, site aîd ecrid ep for a teteaisîn Tetecîsinte taent show v sertes, Auditioens eolte hait Thte rganiztonn ilI citedaled ta ran titis itane certes aiased Mca- contincete prajevi nent smmet.r eeigfloigayeae il titere n settfirient The pilai prajeri s lte tao'sianth capaîgn a intret pei of the Milton Jayreec eecraiti nerestd people Mes, Titoitar saîd andrepreseafs ltea The show tdesgned artisivcaeet ptdtfor ard rt>' peîmcrity ta atlas yaaiths tieir cin, nor iv there C dPar o p ta f0 yearv ta dîspiayanyaosiitaitheeetrant. cor sniors titeir cetisiatalents ait for se iors sage. Thte Bruce Seeiors Clubt hed ifs Marrit rard perîy 'Manir hands, dance in ttc Cammon Rasas groupe. crirs ccd ita reenty. dîvîdeat pertarmers tram, Wlten lte scores ocre lte Milton, Arioan cd ttllied, Mes. Jesate Georgetown divsteicts Morley mas ttc tecding ocre famang ihave ta ldy mth 55 ced Tam rametaroard g Mloney upiteld the 'We May lti have as sen v ide, twotpeints amany shows as we is igiter tnughî me mîî "sid Reireshoctîts oere Carat Thahai. on irepered ity the ihird muttee cîainac. flot site flace cierees mt Mes enpeaiv ai roasit isa toîieandhler assistaets shosoilthecae îonîty pessîng crand lte sandwirhesaiteese, tee tiressa heasl n and calIce.Lcptngf atha halfh ou S ATTENf17OIVVETERAIVS WI90WS OF VEMEAFJS Mr. Traersey, Poaincial Service Officer mitt isit Mittan Legian on Aprît 9, 1979, 3p.m. Ifya wsh tamait an apva iann o sec teSeve Offir with regads ta Veterans Benefitv vallH. Haptina Bancit136,SeveGlîfcer at878-6623 TUNE-UP 319râ3495 419r 4cYLI NoeR 5CLI NOtS n cLI caca AUGNMENT 1195 n KsaOttn ABSOR 1B E Rs 3 SPRING CHECK-UP 9 Inludes 01 & Filter stit.= Gary 88-288 or Berry *THEV'/I KEEP YOU GOING* Houra: Mon. Trhura. Fri. 8-5 Tues. Wed. 8-10 Coaed Saturdava MERCURY LINCOLN uwe 05Moiti st. lAi Wisont 1Milton Mal atonf the taden table aStre ectrees tempîrd aven lte moii ecity appe if as. As teO0 gets ocre entering tisa Ceemas Ranes,tey onticeda mysîcrinne glft-wrappcd hon wit a saccy grecs how, ced ticktetsaat nly 10I cents each nerttee fer c qearce, fer a surprise deco. Tbcir csrieaity addcdnearîy $»as te h pcttp casht for thsa Tenants' Club. Mes, A. Herraa, tce masl senior senior isese- lysa1 yeassîd), made tise deco ced Mes, Catie Lindsay wonsa St ef Shamrocks galore grace seniors' party nie orginali pasi sapper actvity ptaeeed oaa fa have heen Irsh sieging hy same et thc Senior Citixecs' Choir cnd perbapsas littie dame- itsg ta, tessasicnofte Senior CItasses' Orches- tra. Hocvcr, te necof te dcatb et Mes, Fln- renice Parsons, woa ad bce lve nhamaey of tise senor citzecn' se- tivties, meaat-la--obs, te choir aed the orches- ira, dampesed the en- Ibsiasen tee Ilgti- bearted actlvlty. Card tables oece set ap fer tse wlto Ised te pay. for the Poese-n"t M7e Early Canadian fumniture designs bend wib the beos ; Visil us ai i he House of Brougham and discaver how 10 lra.Ulte dlassic dcsigns for confemporary living. lllustrated: Cheval Mirror, Washstand. ERaUS. 10tva i aato I.St 5(Oea a,15ia>n4i-4lfa tOKVILir. 3ici1oin tîv. 14I6s842-2611 TîsItONIL,7 .t.ttnaSii tOea 7B1416)t889Oas70t iRii> ,SM-PICKEReIsN ,s k Rd. ci nec7t1Oint cal-1i3 0'iSWA, o> sv7 Stniilviale, asial-51 AVE i$5 Fper gallon on odu very bestultiatep, nt Gallonafier all n airgta urUlmouatynesa points are movîngtast!it ThMese excehapoi n ts tugh, durable tinish and are bacited by aur tamaus 100% paint i $ uaCne And as always, we custam-tint 'Freas aiCharge" ta lmtch av ,exc i OG no lu 878-2629 Manday-Friday 10 arn. - 9:30 p.M. Saturday - 9:30 arn. - 6 p.m. CORRECTION le tae Shoppars Dmug MarI Fyar te lodapa agowspapa. i The Walcr Put Oral Hyglaca aftplanca le the Dlaxa Modal 37 EX (nol te Sîhlina modal dapiclad) 2. Naa-Spnaphrtne slrangthl e '/% (25 ml. ..1.39) 3. Baity Scottepasable Diapars noallable ta regalar 30s ia acdy ..1:97 4. Gtcd Kîlcen Caîchars 12s sala priva shonld rend..590 We sîncarely ragreai any tacontanince. @L- ma riDU - rART -7 77

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