C 2 rie C ea m n C itemp m, W ed.f Asfl 4, 1970 M wto Then end Now, Early problems in Iibrary By Met Bobinas. Wben Milon opened ia pemot Publie Library building in 1974, nmre people in luonrecaled bearng from their parents about a struggle mich e n on ite arer yearsoft hts cenlne h telle l ewus onApril 23, 1908 1 hee asaecmmeent tbat -lwo yeare age the Crnegie Foundation autitorized a grant 10 this town for tbe construction ot a new ibrary building." No action ad been taben by tbe Cooocilt In1900 a citizen' group bail been rgooiaed to pronlte tbe idem of uutng the baement o a nete library building fr civttieu of o broncb of tbe Y.M.C.A. A Milton Boys' Atletic Club itad been erganized and as supporled ity Mtss Ruddy and severat olber prnmnenî citinens. A meeting as1 called in tbecaloI thebuRoyal Tem- plars, but notbing came uf t.t Tbe Canadian Campion oupporedr the iduo, butit by commenting on tbet local stuation and in droming attention to progressuin tber communities au bhey touit advantage nf tbe gunerous tiller et AndecuCarnegie lbrougb tbef Feundatono te sreated. lu May 190, for instancc, teeîittnens nf Dudou badc atready subcribed $100ofuthte $1080o needed for thbe prcbmne nf o lite for o j tîbraey and thte Carnegie Foumoationb itad approved a grant nf $10000 for tbe0 erectton af a building. f Tbe question mou aubed, "Wbt tu Mtton doîttg doing about ite groon ta tuat $5,00 bat it sould obtaint" ' In tutu il oao nted tbat George-p mmm lime mmbject of fai-thercmmmemmt. About tbat lime tbe iton board aaked the coundS for a grant of $100 lu ausist in ils eperalton Anslte request mas igîtredetit membrs ofthlie board raised lte membersbip feu frnm 5o cents tu $1 witblte provisona Iat the mcremue mould be cmuuelled ifthe lomen ubould later maire the requemled gemot. Atma meeting ufthlie Board cf Terade ta December 19100a remalulion waspamed onking foroa plebimciie on thme question of msteblisbing o Carnegie llbrmry. O)n Jmnumry 5. 19011lime note Wa8 tmken. 1%e reoulto mcme - For 94; Agminst 71, lu Marcb 1912 tbe Mmrkdmle Standard announced that the eumunlty tbere wea lu remeise o Carnegie gemut. lu quotlng tbiu, Tbe Cbampiun recmlled lbe plebincite emrly in 1911 in Mlton, and noted tbmt "nu action bais beau tmken by the Counril, and tbere mili be ne mUdesa tbe citizena beatir thmsdes." Frum ltaI lime Ibere waaccaulomal mention in ime Cbampion about the posuibility ut a building for a Bbrmry and Y.M.C.A., botth0e issue mou a demd ne. Tbe librmry continuaid mn a large room ou the main flouofuthe Towen man jouI to the teft outhe mainoentronce. lThe board cuutinaed milb ils dmliy prublema of proridiug books and remdlng roum facilities. Bacb in February 1909 lbere wau a complaint 08m1 Mdlten'm uneanpluyed mure munopolizing tbe use ufth0e daily pmperu in the reading roomn, and mure Between the Wiilows Made it, again! By Dus Byeru A namnber of tîmes, I base telbud tu As I1Cewh it t, il is thte tat day ut reuders tebo ase mid: "Do youu buot wînler Oficia lly n elumu sorb-and-sorb, yuu remiuded Fer tite mest part, te nîde-bitt n tfees meuofumetbing 08at bappened ta me." et snew. Bul brbtnd tite bouse, and in As a terîlur, theru are tem gruatur te eeeds, Ibereis lts o eite îestul remards. aeeand. And 1 lbanb ynu. Teday. te sus is siintng. thte prîngs + + + are itrstîng tite iaubu. and, iasiug a Presing rtgbt atnng: 1 gave my Marcit Breakit telacbing, 1 base a studeute aI Cosmînga a beoudroul- ceerre case et spring fuser. mriting assigument nn Mndyofuthlis SurI 1tnee'. eveey pessimist ITiteir mueit. nombres are gremtng. Hase yuu "Write a tmo-minule udilrial onu08e nelîced?)iteep e luttng me me baseeue tnttomîng subject: Margaret 'Irudeaus motre dsastreus wter stnrm, juI teoit 'Beynnd Reason' ilt b. relemuud wattng te dumpeonaus.Iis monnl. I ducreibes, iuimatuly, ber I dent eiteîe il. fle mit0 our Prime Minister. 08e are lIeuete weeeend just paet. I mas tacing a tederat electisu. Wlat affect sittlîng esnte sleps ofl teitacit decb, telît Maggie's ioi bouhae os the out- taiting a ireakt lrem thte freser cbren cerne?" eben a be anded on onu nf my At lrst, lbey al moere omnembul sneaiters, A goed nîgn. stagerend wthtelitet-clasu assigmunent. Se was te y eeng cardinat tit, uinte But once titey guI In Ibueir ast coupretfdays. eemed tlu b typemeîîees, the renalte mre cautic, pussesseet mit ltyîng titeougin eut cleser and, insonme cases, bulrnous. dntng reume wtndesn Daîmen. Daid's As an instructur, 1 continue te b. cat. aI lite same tme. as leytng lu go tmpressed mit the latent talent ut titreugithlie pane, rnm thte inside tese ynung peuple. My frîendty edter stten asks, "Hum AUl I do is lu ind thte ays l to un ceme attltese eird lings itappes tote tapa Wben il itappens, me al Lucity, t gursse And mtt ilds lbe titose, ilb mbom Onte tee and 1I itnmwe atithave Im inuotsudIte gond about similar eperiences. Canada's future. A qua Pete "HARD WATER" SaYS- costs you MONEY and TUME! FAE:~ Save Bath with Do you have any ofthtie loillong problema: Soessand deunestajs t a 0000 e a Toeogen u lim us o nas llycasn Fiemon at-uoe. Htih suaan sd dernt lls. tît Liesaedp t tfut nie sî, autmawsiurs, dtswsemanrsodcser AQUAFINE Watee Softeners melli ellrinabe nheee admany moue problemu,. AQUA F/NE affur- FREEinsraiicrion FESevce- FREE Sait Debteeey LQ0WESTMontily Suies &e Reneais For qîe ckand efficuiete ruecati Bili McDonaid 844-9781 AQUAFINE WATER SOFTNERS Bill 0OSborne and Beautiful Music lOamto 2pm CKDS,,§,ý lng o w ldicusinsu 08r.. =bcgym are lnvadlng the reatlng eccMndilcreatlng a diinlmabancu. iThe libearimu temu Mius MeKenzie, iner of bIcs. Panton, 1 beieve. Sbe asoabînil, sueut faced litte perses mite ceatet so bu cnpectud te cope meti mit such problemus. Prominenl citiznna mremactive on the library board. lu 1913 the Pruaidentmmus Mmr. SVictor Cblabubu, Secrutry Mes. Martin, Tremcrur J. W. Bes. Direclora included W. B. Cluments, Wlliam Panten, A. Drysdale, and E. Syer. 1 do nuot te buowte raI t o operations mou met In fful. 1 con remember bomuver, lbmt manyoutlils booksuinte leaie teensand early tweetiec b.dl a label indlcating smre formu of support frum the Measics' ntitte. lite tonm my buse providuil some financtel support, and prsbably pruvidud the lbbrmry'm ruom renI freue. Curtaimly the boardl mumbers organme uil fai einng activities tlu b.lp. For inatamnt 1910 Mina Sinclair ofth0e Ecterialumeot Cmndtee urgonlned a prestatisu ufthlie cantate "SauaI"micb mon preueuted uptairs in tbe Tomn alt's asormitty on lIn 1913a provinciatîinspector rsem- mended a certain catatoguing efthtie boobs. Tbe membersofuth0e iboard Organiaed a mle ut clotbing and nîber Susetdarticlea te rcinu 08e money for duis torb. Aternoun tua memo offered for 10 cents un bu08 doya of a very su- ceuful smoe. Emrly te April the ctluguing mou mcmpleted by Miss Spearmmn. Musey bail been raisud in l19M and tlo by sposuoring eyeraI motion pîctare Prugrmms by 'the Carey Brothers in the Town Halli. tenu9o08e motion piclurus of no8ur group mas nponmOred. Iu 1911 tistype ut un- trteinmunî mas lrmnsferrud lu Victoria Parbkuder the aupices of the Milten Baud. 008cr types ut fond raistaf mre undurtaben by tbe mupporters of the Philosobits ay EllimISmop Ia guod ltu say, "luve ctimbed tite Many t us orgutte lie te a lddur ut succanu as long as il maIn't beummu ureloctegte emurct ur someeletWho buttt tbe ladder. loblng ck aI yunturdoy. Rumumuter, + + + Mabe Il aou, ontmate a minalugtni ose utus are pretct, uses ttugi il. Iburu are anme Whbo tbiub tbuy are! Rotary marks 31 years of crippled children aid Doutera, dealicta, lamyurs, rual estalu officurs and local in- duInetteYmure among ttîeny tereerter bohnite Friday uvening trom tbe Mittoni Rotery Club ai lite an- nus]maiEster SumI dinnur. 1979 marbsuthbu ss yeur tbe tocaI urgcn- loation bas pludgud is spotfor the Ontariu Scuy for Cripplud Cbtldrun, Cbucb Beates, Rotary peesidant told the gathuring ut appeun- imotly 3W0 peuple. "I mant lu tbunb ail ut these peuple for Ibeir trumendous support." bu said . Doriug Ibe post tbree yeurs, tbe Milton Rotary Club bas raiuud user $18,t00tu belp Milton and area cripplud cbildren, according lu Mr. Buaton. 'lie fisanciat support iucluded $4,000 for heeel- cbairs and similar uquip- -Don't miss ruading lte spucial ",Satute lu ,Minor Rockuy tn Milton" n Ibis meeits Chaompion. section D. ment for Mlitca cilren; Scciuty for Crlppled $2400 teteardo the Crudit Chmidrun. Valey Treulment Centre "Tbonbs te interested fou Handicappeet peopte, many baud- Citddren and $12,00 îcopped citildeen are ru- tomards the Ontario civing benufits muil trualmunt," bu laid. 'lie ausuat dinuer ruent masitetd in bnnou et MItIons 1979 "Tim- mny," 1t year-otd Bruce Riddull, CamobeUlleg Today, Wednesday to Saturday, April 7you can save $ 10 to $40 on famous-name cameras at Simpsons Sliap Up these savigs right IS0w! DOIS't waitt Now is your chalice ta cash ilioli these big savings oli cameras at Simpsolis. Otter starts today alid con- tiliues through Saturday, April 7. At Simpsort ..dY DowItowlialid ai l Simpsoris Toronito Area Stores,. Save $10 en' camueran prîcud f ro Save 120 en camers prîcud from Save $30 os cameras psîcud f rer Save $40 su camuran prced eu ý$50 to $100 $10 t. b$250 $251 t. $350 $351 ½ 2Price Simpsons quality '3M' photofinishing service, reprints and enlargements Hurryl Yen esly hv ilt autlSlrday le catch Iis gîeal citetr! New treegh April 7, yen ruaI y savu ou develeyisq yee 110, 126 aned 35 mon Cler film Gel yeur reprintIs sud uslurgumusîs ai halfj7rics 10et And yo eucuivu s bonsufilm - ai nsextera charge - for oach celer negalisu film Simpsns procunsen aud prinîs t AIt preceeung ns backud by Simpuens Guaranlue: Satisfactieone feleney Rufude. Se don 't dulay - effrtisin ullecuti Saturday, Aprll 7, 1979 (color negatime film only). Simpese Sîze Rugour Prîce, 12epesues.......... 5.39.. 20exopsurun. .. . . >. . ... . 7.69. . 24 epesuren .......... 8.88.. 36enposures...... ........ 12.79.. Pleame noie: 1/2 pricu ulse es ruprints sud unlurgumunîn. Nome 3 84 4 44 Save 15.45 'Polaroid' One Stop' paelliage with self -timer lits you get into the picture! If boughl eepsralty, Smpseus Rugeuar Prîces ('Po lro d' "O n u St p , 3995, Self- lîmur, 11.95; tlryed mees. 350) ttl 55.40() Nom, cemplulu packaugeu0 New yee cas tete ictcuru sud bu i ltoteeJunI seltte nlI-imer end lte cemerashniots auulemeîcsly Yeur sharp, clear piclure wilt bu îeady lu minus, Pîclîe- lukin s nosw moefunle tas ur. Espucieîîy mîit lis cemplulu packtagu e r Stmpsess. 'SX-70' film. lOuepeseros itscb.-7215 Smp$ons ... almeepaet pour service ranisiluaîeuiiuuîetelp, SmPsns l ucmore fhan a fulliedesu 5Im, ,store inandteysefeo a hat olaitbeumsloiu ,tmen, ailsm 1ks tuweauso i e foisîlsporntut son 0 ite rnedtas 041Bikp yoeî spirits Cati frotas atusîsmtut uni uuondatnitefpoltotiatnnofsuîtuTh elet t qialitind lusuiiaus pamper you Usenor "nulron"'talmatteSimpon,îoneofttheuinal stores01telîuSmpss AcionuCari - l's so halylforso muuynofltheuîe worl! ting inlite Lke te EizaithtsAbdenS atou Thia la tuaI one oSte 'eltraa"..Ihetu's 4ýý much moreinsît r or /0e et Simpsonusi Watfofrel Busy CairHoe uuult tu Idutue yornal jhit Io estle clms in lis seuspupe, lSey-It Suipyonu dseovee Eîlizabth AdenSaon at Sturusos Iocas dviYOuIheSmss1 neccaaru sopng ai tmpson nd whtyu ue eore k a