M mundmo Clumplon, Wed.Apel4, 197 sCASFE MAKEPLC sonhsoDr, Milton, 29. on2 08k St., 885558829, 39p75 88 2178 6 J98C5fsine Snee S' 508. o Cstined Kelly,76 I57, 0oz.758 878 7582884 58 197. A5778 t A 5for Ja m 8e 3578 0988 25 768 728, 808578&8, ll 95828Watson)8are88778 888788 27, 878he 8sale 867585898of87h 07 rdoughte 787868Lun." os 087858t Pu98 7c65585 97 255 0852758Chatham,55on 878p582884588555817' 1'7978 388 2558420 8,80877T 78 7528 and 7C8r78855ne 8of8 852058 Ontario8,0e788208e220 88 f887801878,0 508.7of 8889.725 te Nain Marie,890lias.5ai Guelph Gene8582884 5888809588 1,78775258888078568 .th8 1880 M anitoba,588 8ac27, P2do WSI8 76857875547. G668788l m'S Wsssoss. 1855 98f 688855550882 275 28,6.757 535 Rober58.522l,605los.858 5ac2762f0859597. A 7 508808 fr 508 5888 32188 8580 75 8 WISE5MAN-Mr. af08M8S. Ro107 8589p, ea85789t7 annou08te2558,4 f87, 88748 son 4Sde8e f ci ay f8 Douglas, on 5the .84t C88a 887808858858847.8 1/ 98885ai Milton85District Hospital.4 287 88 395. 8 88217 8s2200821807. 08Marie 86588425588888884611828 Hospital,7687. 1518 1 F28828 8arents8Bob84 8,880882Great8725 788588 88mr7 for8.57 8809 & 8 321808188 MR.88AND0888 46E.Res.s88 8858599, 28868sei t 0OURSS CERE t882802tf8 relatives, frian48 882 neigh bors8for the 58885 77508of88,88748s,8floral 588768785587588olis9an memori88dnatons ur- ing8the 284n 97282. loss et fur dear wife, A 88278 88and88grand. 84887888888.055 thoughtfuln 111 ai-8 855888728, 85s,0878, a5788557 w 88i855 0855Parsons5and5fa8i588 88528087 2188955 1 W87888c58 0085887588 18 S878582f277885 5885e w278 6888785255888078 72588 885588 5&9phone5Coli THE cafor,50 loin 88,0 5A8085 85,2mank y5u 575984. A8858688878284 s8785, r. 9878e8an2Dr 88895585 858My799887, Mr87,5759848, 785855888 expre8s5t8e8r78887 588o7 tr88858i 78 80 "s,0 58 0887888and Servic, 0Ge878g8town 7858782'748. John58 7558087, p72550887878n 0E 008ike10 55085a88 05748288 284 888878855s and ne,8ssours for8 555888 88rd, 885255 , 80,san 8685187 h58,ks 588588. 885e, 082.5855adley,75Dr. 55028588527887882,wn mg.ns0s725857 88525858285988 70 788 RI ad e 7798 09482588282 5990 788 08788886 2 5557&Il th0, redrltvs 6854 588 72555f288272 7 68838888 acts of xinc8n5s in58the7589877255798of Daid. 78887 5878for7th 52088788258987, 08447 0785887 7,588aC,, 97884 .ai Ji m a8588,29958 88878 20- 2,3388 WE 5888088Plus to ex Pres58Or7884 97882ai 5888887, 087fort088 k ind84 80and 687755 5, 708 489888w f2'887l8n s8 Osp5885888f 8Dr. 5Ho, 32242855848855 088887-. 0588. 00 197. 708788 888 8a 487 482o 588cmebu otIos7 y 008gave a l88580 88of7lov 080888407came ndC8look Couf 184 1851 CIS eresuc88a87289 & bamby, 198884 888888 88208 0en8 284n08087e0 8181708 PLOWMEN 6 Par5, 82788 8058 5868587Centre, 7888487. 689755 798e8: 830 .5. 3188 7 8124 LIONS BINGO080877 Lions Hall,09888 Rd.. Milton, 7:30 p.5 85I0fO2f 578182599 885 1 8ih et.58. 0988187Hall, 124P.8m1888555870 81 58 77898, 14 8Marfi. 0., foraton 88886 8 62587480. A187, 10.58-12 899, 8850 828870 Hall, ions f07 the 1979 7ennis 888,858,,654 2730 AN 87885828 ith8 8s55 V7an,8Canadien8,e884 5,8 and Cher" and "Party 5581507277y,45 Bruce 6t., Milton5, 7888427. 689755 24,197,87 8pm , dms C8885 92750, 8028427. 18995 8 R8 .8 en. 8lMS "888078248" 80 78587 Van, 86558,87 S77887805518 et Msifton 1507278.,7.30 .5. T55888428 6898l 17, MILTON 0567RICT 8598 588995 072582 Cl8b 978 778485555ion5. 8827 2.3 & 458, 8..8.6 0Gym, 8 RUMMAGE Sale, 77.48, 6877s2750,1085822 69550627395 68THE 8 7,588H7785 8885" 22 "708,68"i 856888 58t9Mil88 68975 12308827on92758818 95255 689fa7: 1f8, 889 5559 8528il88ms 88om 6877552858.08B,5588882 8858 1887d8,580 88808 Cl88 m89 ns99. i 77880778752l 8,888786 58878K74x1588, 0808a5), 6 7:3 ,Mr . 9A 55 N1i ch ois 877 128 5, w8878875"ave58 889890855, 5884, 13075t 8851708 308508Hokaer 15998 8855n, O788098ie: Rd j78.8 8 an 55f 4,,o. R0.87=7 Cam9855 7, 0,28 8,98.2,08 FORpmR 9mp1yGospel 7828188 aefilCr.85& Ontario. 1 . 4 Ail788 L8.888885882165 MILTON JUNIOR. Hockey COUNTRY HOME * 7n877288d 09274155 *l AIS 0f88- d4988688858 * appsog680o58S59 81811 78-7377 42 - 5stUne of St0e1es Ave 0318r75 Horses Boarded 0Box8stade, 858211 .55488 tirer,.large paddockO. B.2 5887f6. 8.opbelSilsiiRFreei 1-659-7607 782, for a 3 7897 214 872784 femelle Irish lZ. S8 88 18 4 32189 7888E BEAGLE 987 Pies, 7 08e08 81, 2 03267 255 7S5 'ale. Excellent 5 q988 n 28(46) 292685. FULLOR PART TME SERVICEPERSON Foristalto end8250858,88, f88578 cover Woode2lo oTrenton. 416-877-5115 R. MARTIN STRUCTURES [TO. Geoogto'n.0Ont. 042925814 NIGH-T DESKCLERK Matue5siness8888585,4p48- son5 t8o ork n555967 86555 0.8975,5inl 7581 . 187755in 795880 0750y Henigate Inn 161 Chsholm Orsoe Milton, Ont. 042.14 00MLE black Lob. sde ao s. Glengate 08588 88785268or5878.2 298.8848 8 e dcyt, black8&9white Ith tion7a Reid. Masse8 388278958 F888188a, W,8o.yOne8 F tact 1g.88780,88674.8 RIDE W- CMPTEw. a.187738.8 079 32R(18 7-18 wne.88200 gf 1A6D07,SAVE58 P0% 4 J19M 2f Ro5m 15ov85 12ori Poole5 $15,4290-00. ter,8 S5o8 8 end 5 o sspssss Accskion ' a HOUAS-888,548w58 FSEdv Saru polMiaalbe 5ho,16) 874151 0214 5555 5 S1op t Mes 1fnt A"4 wipîine POî a ai86$4. 5 99er ,58545 1256and51-5 S h Ls559,8852 37885 61, 0ELPH 02158954 PoALS MARINvE Ettak Garaot.%the, alo HlsOM. miesP.M. o SteesSAvse, 757, 685888 021mg14 TEAK FURNITURE EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. CLOSE-DUT SALE luge InventorylI Teak0 RosR980d, Pne 4808e, dnng: Bedroomo 88acce0807 II es, trnetRC.,tc. Spring Special C-I-L GOLFGREEN 20 Kg. bag caons 4400 sq. fi. 1995 SPECIAL ENDS APRIL 15 Reg. 112.95 Crawford's Country Gardons 878-22M PIANOS 80 02682a, 8885 40 780 and4 sed r7865.547grands, 89' Van Geest House of Pianos 145 Highway 5 West Waerdowo. 416-689-6833 10% oOFF Apssi 8 e BIRCHWNAY FARM NURSERY and GARDJEN CENTRE 877-4915 0218914 CASH dà USED APPLIANCE F oyurSALE Fo ou EFRIGERATORS f7258 879 ORYERS fot8$8 ANTIQUES 061808RS f7858459 USES FURNITURE CREOIT VALLEY SALES CHINA ROYAL OOULTFON G809088 ODUS là ENDS ETC 877-448 8275305 021985s28 0215875 N0150so' Tack Shop CANADIANA CRADIES &825588,81858885.40 tom8 desine inyor c5772i880Weste8rn5585216829. of5finish. H8554made89850t4 854-242 coOOrles iso made to ortie, 021m817 &M4-2248 0"5CHAINSAWS Sae HOMELITE OLEO-MAC Rasement Sle PIONEER Apnil 7,89 arn-S p.m. Sa8I88ÂçJ-,eMAh nE E 416 Kingsleigh Court SERVICE CERNE [TO e2i858 S C S8 2o4 ACTON 853-1682 021.1492188914 CRAIG'S APPUIANCE Moing- Disposai Sale CENTRE 858885,6558lh,458 p897a8988 8 sale pS8088 &8 s6op 5f85. 1855 027889. 62798555 975888 Satu548, R818920b MAIN ST.) Api . fom 920 -11.3u 878-5228 .5. .y.7 17 Prince Si, or 021 mt cail 878-7845 for, a. appoint' 0885 21m 14 Yard Sale LAWN SALE Sai. April 7, 10-5 p.m. 088. &68088.1877876&889 198 Wakefield Road 188,5,..s8, & 083880854021m814 one. 90 aro7i.N.f 8558INO .ov 07884M. 10.. - 14p2m7 5r0b18., n9278m87d8 s s ize, beauttul "Kowa8. FIREWOODUU 1.808.8noDelly tf, 9 Henry Siater Et Co. Ld. Va = mu" 5. iadp8n885f 7080. I8001 W5E Can.- 6894813 0 465099tn, ispi. 0777 8. LARGE G01000V 7781888 Canadien Champio0n staff photos. 5 R.718Iz $1.75. 8 x10 S528 $2.75 plustaf8.8Cash must Office0, 191 M858 057885. 01881V SKETCHES of Milton, 88855 97585 S3.00,7o58In02815.88188 8f $2.259plus7709588585528a. Can24588n80858958, 191 Main8 Street, Mi5ton In 8748759807 5885, pl8ose 8855 Gary 878-8741. GUNS -8excellent59758888o 558758585rifles. 87-80208. 808E, 582958 82887, 85780884, 028984 88158, Wood 818988 8end 58258 88758587. The 88887 Snack, 1407 08777 82. 5850 L ne), 5885888 f 4 Trafalgar). O0en8275874 .588and08809848, 8758 168 82784 5798l.5878-48878258 27 82775..M. an. 4:30 875858-438 7 r 6 005g 29278589Phone278-692 1 08H.P.8WISONSINai 814275.87 6 9.58.6 p ai$S9M8. "8458" RECLIERu85, 88 for7 80885877 4or7cottage. 89875table205958888,78 8858 8I8 & rever8e. 07 080 G180JR505588,782888 15m.87878547. 05,99 322158 506. 58 In.8854880888. 878 142 888.87857.048578 3086 06 7 28 582588589 8588 0556 a85288 4c 878, 8 290. 88 Mc880520, 9588 S0:k8 a18886088 775487 088747,6875m 60. 58058 O 0sale, 4Boston NrEW 59 898an 058785, 058588.887882 988f2HUIS information phone88.878 768d8457895.8 18785 3230 able.Call 78 8693 aven7 5888870.858820 122248k 88558 THOAS 4.894 2ke borddeux o. l chair,0cof8ee& end tables.F2582808y288885 87 8251783. 75. 8 100 08080088 SETS, 07884 new, 85580150 sc7878884. 825891818 8975888 for 0857 $299.85 876-273. 5888 85 68991518988, 255 15997 5824858. Fridges, 85888, 0288878, 490878 & d4580 0888878 top58208. 8855 87873.,54 8725 5 BEDS COMPLE8S 955 $799585411,orS 98 $9950C83578273.8 3 758888 58 888of5877 fu4825 5e7inclu48s7 8250 3255.4.878 6805,993. condiion8877582985 QUW e Reiingro et, coiin $225.00.ges 8585088 0455 EMPIRE style low break4 9 4 or878 3 29. MOO ILTUN . oo as8 0855. 878 8302 30 0817 2047 0000 75687. 85 0 2 258 J. 4,1979.8818581887c $3,8r15088,80. 8if8 8080 ,854 28484 aler5 58m9May b7see8i501 8 8888, 5855A754.,bR R ton, Ontari. 5845054985 87 87829 58d8888n Io ny home!878582888 88785 0 7488 08 WEngS89& 988878 1 Representative The Co-operators 18 a muiti-lfie ne 18 a7n,8 C05874557 0,16a Suli range ofnInsurance pr04885s 50 58871 072018,0 consum5er needs in au0to'. .busin5ess 4and555ife surance5 The lob invonves w0701553 0n5a4 58458 asis 0,16 office sales staff, 10 make ail 8557tri- surance services readîly avaiabie t10 087 customters An 8extensive traning p7709558 s provded ana prevîous sales 82787508,87 10 5501 necessary The person vie 2r6 ooking for shoula have the hig6est sense oS 810ic, be able 50 0,osîwihout close supervision. , b dîplomolse and courteous ohen dealing 0,16 others and should have a record oS accompishmrent Ws of80r: " competitivo starting salary and training allownce. " Company car suppiied. " 0H19 promlums fully pa84. " Drug plan. " A gennerous pension plan " roup li. Insurance " Opportunitisstoi 58088 188 89081a8120d of ,9088,1s087 positions. Please virile gvosfl reSuISrn8e 5 the co-ope(a&oË Mrs. Boyd 33 CITY CENTRE DR., MISSISSAUOA, ONT. New Caniadian Market from U.S.A. Gru lo8r opop75st855tyinsalesi8Et marketing. E0c08558t MOITI SALES 0F 8CANADA6 Ido so588555s09gondforyusy08501 042m8914 cK'TC" RESTAURANT Looksn o rg 78727l Sii 5558885871875881 05a82challenge Or0255wat 7restaurant 6.88 9024 h7887 s and ,f84 255 55. to98805580 .Expe's8,r886o1pful but rot 7805598277 0884 a 8788441 betwaan9 and 042mga14 Carriers for Delivery 0F THE CANADIAN CHAMPION n the Tîmbelea area M,,s4aSsd Csr.9 07, Ba88Cor, 218587 nCr., 080 Pleassph.-MR46S. MARION 8111 The Canadian Champion 878-2341 9457