-1 ________________ Dosn d Dnts Weyro Tri-County chamnps betGeorgetown Sunday Ic'i-Counly tChampio slips donit corne easy 10 a "A" rated linn compei- isg with -AA and "AAA centres. ButlMMltons minni- atomDonceand Dents claimed Oie tille Sunday 3- in Gergetowen and e- tam nedtoMilton Memor- iai Aena spotiisg the shiny har-dwai-afor aithe minni- hockey tans Ihece Ater eiminaning Fiamhorniigh Sali-es and Chinguacininy, Dncs and Dents came up with a flai perfnrmsance loing Oe Oytvtlig ginet o lIt-og- Sol ighliog bath. tle locais mos île second game 4-3 on homne ce and edged the ted shirts 2- in the tiîd conimit. George- towenswon gaine tour 10 aven the lesi-of-fise seties. le the charnpionships gaine Wayne Rivets opened the cring 3.47 jets the i-si perind ona pans OiornSiuarn Thorne. Georgetsonied the Lally 1-1 in the midde fiaine liai the locals netied imo en 1he third. Travis Cole notched the Sockets easy win over SeleCts 4-1 Miltosnnvice P.L. Paul Allan. Rtohertson 5ockets en- Thc Sochels. geiiing gaged Oe novice Select doms 10 hard morli, te- eain in a fse exhibition pied iih fosai- Ihal ended in a 4-I is for ansmired goals. the repa. The fisi eol 10 Mail- TImeheeper Danny hem MtCandless ai 3.02 lo eshe1e Osesel] assicd 6y Adam Mead. eO - es oaia5y je Meadl nolched 16e second ler isecna dpartrenl.in je 1e hird period OOi.seiglhr. and ansinied hy Jason Salie- clone rienda mere on rn. Shame Hasselfeldi oppoojng mesms. poileil 1he tihrd ai 1220 The opening goal came iOi Todd Hlushho's help ai the 4.09 marki ofth1e and the iourih mas lalien first period for the hy Hlushhs. Slects in spile of con- The gsaliendisg of sant pi-essure rom 1he Selecis Sieves Wimt- tapa. zaryl and lanS Orante Dong Caries scored on as superli, as the reps a hi-akamay, assisled hy oigsened lhern 29-7. BRAD WELLS of McCuaig Insurance pee wees accepted the championship trophy from Bob Davidson after their 6-5 win aver 10-25 BP. -An art show on the - Thet lith avuai Iheme. International spriog musicale- spon- ear of the Child. o vsored by MloChas- plannad ai MiltoMail sonete iet.lscheduled for Aprîi 6tlo 21 by Pineview Sunday, Aprîl 29 ai St. Parents' Association. Pouls Church. MILTON FIGURE SATING CLUB Wedneaday, April 25 at the Optirnist Centre 311 Commercial st. tis rois oiubv-Wls and the goal aheh proved lu lie the winner, mas neted hy Dnug Di-en- non, ueasilted wvith 3.21 ts play. Georgetowen came Oly- ing hacli and ncored illi 2.33 remaining hut Milton hung on lu in. Miltnn goaltenders Dave Dillon and Blair Leosord respnnded to île formai-du perfnrmsance illi nveraI spectocular saves andmwere citedso the stars hy coaches Ken Thompson, Peler Cram- ford end manager Dave Smih. le Mions iist viclory lv even the seties. Dren- non scored timce and Thorne and Wilson added singles illi assints going te, Scot Ellmood. Cle. PalButlier and Thorne. The opening garne arn ieated hacli checkiug ut Jason Nemhy, Scot il- son and Cle. The Oird cualesi ut- foi-ad ileesues escellent goalianding hy 601h leamu. partiiulariy Milons. Scrnv tst. Idhy Cole- unassisteil and Asdtem Wilson potted tO i mîn e - marlier. Wisns gol mus on a long abot rnes Oie blueline iOi Drensn ssiting. Genrgetumn scored with 52 seconds romain- ing. The detesce of Brt Gei-vain, Jutin Varga, and Wiison mare isotrs- mental in heeping Georgetowen off the score- hoard. Asu soledis Oie chacing ut GenfO Pollen and Drenson. The fourOi garae mhich Georgetomn used 10 even Oie series ie Milun Salut- day mas tohen in user- ime. Wilson, Hilson and Pollens pair cumpleted MuIons scuring illi Dressas and Wilson asisling. Poliens second goal illi 4.20 10 pay fOuiced the overime but George- ton soiled three us- ESCO aesmered goals ts in thse ici deupte lesocinusocheck- 17, of t ing hy Thrne, Elimoud, resUitS Wayne Iivers and Wil- i 'I I - )RTING Anna Marie Zita, il, around .for hem dance trialn is Ellen Baker, I he Milton Figure Skating Club. Test tare in thin week's MFSC colunin. You are invited to Dur et the "Little Red Hon" Country Store, Hornby 7th Lino off Steeles Ave. Saturday, April l4th " Demonstrations " Films " Draw for exciting Pizes- get a draw ticket with every purchaso now to April 14 Be sure to se. naxw ecs paper for more datai/si GET INTO cjlte ýwtg o6 gphttg LEARN TO DANCE - WITH CONFIDENCE (ýDtgco and gociaP Dancing Session beginning je April Single & Couples Dances Register Now Beginners E Epeien ced y 198 Main St.. Milton 878-1303 or 826-1339 * -ORrIBY MINOR SOFTBALL** LAST CHANICE FOR REGISTRATION SATLIRDAY, APRIL 7th 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. A T THlE HorvdyCommuliny Centr Steeles Ave. west oi Trafalgar Rd. BOYS AND GIRLS AGES 6-18 YEARS INCL UDING: FREE SWEA TER, COL OUR TEAM PICTUREN CORNVROAS T PLA Y FOR tIORYB Y BLUE -REGISTER EARL Y SOFI WATER fi-sm AquaSoft Living without AquaSoft in hard. Co AqSoft h SferviceffenLted- Dsits onre 817-5825has The Canadien Champion, Wed. Aprl14,1979 B3 Soccer moms organize The Milton Youih and commants iowards 878-7493, Mimu Saunder- Setter Cuh ladies auxil- mahisg Milton soccer a son 2116, Helen Ci-ne ch liai-y a holding Als ihird more enjayahie and 4537, Beity Croohv 7416, meeting in thieboard challenging experience Irene Stothmel 2944, i-nom ufthOe Optimisi for the chîldren. Mai-gare Ahosyi 3745 sr Youth Cente utnsday, For moihers soho cas- Sarmua 054-22491 fronti130 «ilI3.30 p.m, soimake the meetigs Ticket r oý vi They are ivititof ail but .an --Il-ther - iýe!ot, .(i o scrplavttv t-oOtert -o, d- - , -.. and vlveeted wasa u one o f *tne olloig ual ,e it tU f e io 4 attend and uhare ideau wmrns Cheryl Wakely Hlli Salai-day tuve 2 STEVE DLJGUAY 1 MIVP Banlees HL ICE TIME14 AVAILABLE Skateboard 1ti d o Park Openlng Ap8pl-9t0 ,,dI fe , 0 Apr. 21,19579 WESTWOOD 1,,,11- n -ydi9---- ARENAS 2 UEa ST ATBAMTN L 675-7604 BRMTNPAE45-433Al.j-d AULTRA-MODERN BODY SHOP AtBlls Auto Body we have the mont modern up-to-date shop in the area. We have luat added . on again to our existing shop and now wo have 16,000 sq. ft. in which to - work. W. now offer a com- plote collision service. With our new Guy CharS Flex-o-liner we cen now give improved service with beter quality work with minimum waitn time. tn - For improved service - -r- we now have 2 Paint shops. one for cars and a bigger shop for truckn and oui- paint shops are now equipped with bake e FREE ESTIMA TESe FREE COUR TES>' VENICLES s COMPETITVERATES e LARGE 0OUALIFIED STAFF a RJULY E/1NPPM 05M SU. F1. MODEPISI/OP B ILL'S AU TO BODY SHOP IFi:iI.~ 155 NIPISSING ROAD MILTON, ONITARIO SERVING MILTON bt SURROUNDING AREA SINCE 1949 LEISURE Et MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS 877-6961 453-2336 ACCESSORIES Kll' T A E L R Reg. Kelly's 4 aie4Regh 3e9'ys GR18LLERST sM% 15900 MARK IV 2 3090 FESTIVAL 1 99W0 MARK V 399"nà35900 GRB20 16OST M R2V39-ý 5W20/ 5077 4U9, TWIN BROIL JR40 MRKV aab edood38900c, GRiB1lBT Oa As Illstreted 20 nAs Iluisrated frour First Propane FUI1 Up FREEI 33 GehS.(w 7 VISA GEORGETOW iO' 30 - ~sstvs GL 1000. CBX. C750K, CB 750F, CB 750L, CB 605 and al other eoctiîsg honda mosis os dsplay. Fealaring arly buy saoîsgs or layaway plan. & CB75OK EXTRSP~ECIASAVNîn ACCESSORIES. PARTS & SERVICE ALSO AVAILABLE. 7BIK ES OIN DISPLAY INDOOIRS. 1029 SPEERS ROAD, OAKVILLE, ONT. Just Wesiof dih Lise 844-9348 LBL 2X5 NEW HOUAS: PE:MOD e OFRiDAY, ilar-e p. EL :«-osUAY , a. m, 5p.m J -.10 1%