Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Mar 1979, p. 6

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8 loeCawKnebChampion, Wéd. Math7,1079 _______ ._qnrd nin~n-ct r Jusf educed 067,900 Briktand atonum v2 toîe4 beiloonts, trgn ut-ne konlen. 1'htilehn. ul iattivhoihusent ton etra rmps evtnti nd s un ofice,. attononia ni the lrestltls i is hee otCeitVugannThmun 005-3737, ru 70-7370, Cnvrai2, F. Pevny Rel te Lld. Picture Yurself 1.1 lv rr, c.hi -Ceollevt qu bodlaoo,.4 bedreain,, 3 naveivi batitroov,5. Lrgbo iv vkitev, iioovîill dioi oo. fumiV roonvd muchvmornal $99,5W CaulVugihanThomvus,846337.e.8787278 Cnvur 21 FPvvvnvvRealEnun iL F PENNEY REAL ESTATE 123 Trafalgar Rd. Oakilfle, 845-3737 MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB presents "747 ON ICE" An Excitingly Fabulous Show Sanctivsed by C.F.SA Fr1. March9, 730 p.m. SHOW SOLO OUT St. Msarch 10. 2 pi.. matincO SHOW SOLO OUT Saturday Eventng March 10, 7:30 p.m. Adults $200 Senior Citizons & Sfodcnts $f.50 Children 12 years & under $100 LAURIER ARENA MILTON SPORTS CENTRE 219 Laurier. Milen Fer Ticket Informastion 878-3M65or 878-4394 1 %0we maPo0.a Na%- q 1 1 EWAL arv S 25 WATERLOO AVE. GUELPH (5 191 824-9050 SOUTHIEAST OF ROCKWOO[) Attnonv lnte owneesi 100 atracive acrs, ht norfi able, remandr isrnit& nunie foronl. pondinsitent aple spau orloitrainingO liseS Ecetent Ian, euh f0 ines o staito 2 ye,efidhomoe ped aroand tail tain hichtis nuelthe coyl iv nt mIs tfiiectone. 20Mtsq..9. ortliv ivngse nvnde spaios di om itlh handcrfitei waonecooi,u. 5k foorinO. kithnv cabnets b rlaircsen. NO RTH Of MO HAWK Fn2 sloeynesnted invaareslies, 10 ares of oen foels. Doreaed inseflent fsteln ftoîet fm on mtîh fi,îotaoo ad idos toaito. arge ien, searoîn dnvu 04buhv &Bdoubte garage. OmG eavn country. $117.000 CAMPBELLVILLE HEIGHTS Ioutlfun,îtehomeoemh istonitirntseeteu .Lagetliv rosis. dinina roovi extra largeea-n koshe, 4ssdrom, hage fienkei Coo ee,,ro ruen asihthl h00,0 fayroom, Dobl iseway & ataitod garage. Shapnivisiand o Wilie Esserv f519> 824-9050 Or 416f 854-9963 Tbe eenvîg tncluded spuciat dentonstralions suris as tise Double Tva Cup Chain purformed by tme squares front Arrom- iseailSquares. Tise Milton grvup botds meeliy levvonn tor letis -mainsîrern l cet land the novice clas The club iopev 10 iold an open bouse in May tue ,nlerevlcd tedividuats. Cases run front veptemiser 10 May. Tisue nterested in teining are asised bo pisone oneofthlie lollom- teg numbors for more information: 878-9207. 870-9394. 8772332 or 854- 2407. Ipick my #?Ow«Sýfrom F 1. 0 A FLOWER GIFrSHOP 2M Main St. al for Vou al for Vou Let our designers c;feate an arrangement jus. W. daWw to J# Mdfoý & Ce Affl Milton Fruit Market st-Il 87ýI 3844 Ontario t0thn. Pottos 79* Meosav Tunlt0onts 39* Peuta.,,990 GranuyvSmthl Ami. tb.190 Gotden Deicoo AppWles .59* Appmlos .590 OSukstfioel do, Oranges* .99 Green Onionshoh CBliuilOnooî9* Fi noou or GoaanoeeeI tconte Supplemeol applicoaton fbrmsn ad ed fhem n erîgfrf amoo Tise forons hou e on mitedto i It pen- ioners now rvceing te Soppieente. To contnue revîoîg te Supplentent itou must fli nultlite formend unlreturn tent igitI away if yoomwant t0 coninue recoin- tng the Sappientent beyond Marcit 31. I you duel ils il - te paymntelowlf stop! Se, linulutte tors ...- retur tfIle te utdresseil eneelopa tai mwas nuppfied.. aeil continue oes vo gpupuenîs. I , Heulth Santé et and Welfa e Bien-êtresocal Canada Canada Moiueasgain Minito Hlen Board of scitool btoard budget lit Educelion proposes to orbodued teuite pro- npeud N0082,938 lileseuteid ocot week. yesr,,or ligitliy more Plant operation and itgitt per renttveer instruction. maint y asf yarv budget. vacher vages, celt up llite hoardo finance- -fghtly o .,r-- ha,, 13 yer uouvtfve preveotedil is cent olycoposrdex propouats during a spe- peone. Otiter large itemsv ciaI meeting Titursday ut, arc dcbt chtarges at $6- Borlinglon. If a dollar million ond transport- cotld be stretcited a mile, tion ut $2,197,251. Thte Oie budget would roacit leasI cotty ilems are the soc frouneacrth. Put atlendanoe, htelth and antOier woy, the scituet fond servicesn mincitlt itoard wouLd spond *05,37. $256.030 oach dey. Tise cml t u ne popiti i Unol ycar Hollen ioard lvrnntnry ocitocl Ais spent $86703,562. yeur is cninted to ite Thte .10 pur ceai bite 1143 pur veut more tison vn Oi yer'n possible e- lest yoar or $1,63.9e. Tite ponson could roprevent a iigit scitool student iv $35 incroate in public sligitly tomer on Oie pur- veisool taxes. Titat figure cvntoge, 8.07, but stili iv bascd an a fine mili on milI colt $2,31405. Oie ancrage Haton boue For the irvt time asoonnuent of $7,800.Haltons itgit sueol bud. The revneon of te gct evcvvdvd provinciat Annual "fling" enjoys success celinguo n expenditures par stodont. Finance committee chisrman Gary Morton snid Oie groopmwav divappointcd il coutd nt ieep the cmt î,,oîer thei- ,-,, hrh -ssurpavsevt hy 928. Evpcnditurcv pur popîl et Oic lvmntntry neitool lovel are $18 belowteOi ciing, said Mc. Mortes. In propoing Oic bud- get Mr. Morton snid Oie contmittec bept in mind inflation, riing colt of services and Oic decrranc in provncial graots. Trustevs and conmmit- tee itonorariuntv arc Oie only itoms f0 remnaiI thc sente cml au last yvar-$137 ,020-Mr. Morton pointcd out. ltiiremntnlgratuitien miicis Burlinglen truntee William Privulecr don- criisvd as isecoming fairly ignificaut wmut grow iy about $60000 to $26,00 titis yvar. Tise gratuities are oftered tn plant staff and teaciters. On a quontion front Mitton scpurote scisoot tronton Johtn Bradley, Sopurintendont ut In- struction Joitn Boicis said Oie staff doon not sec, on cost, an adeautage in encnuraging carly retire- monts, titougis teisoard han cuantincilthc idca and may takitop again. Fer aboeut tmo years tise board buis hirvd mainly vomer toacitors, $93 million spend said Mr. B", inlebal- leacita andkep Oeavregel- m eut. ley obrnod te itoard iv fessiens] top ieavy ih exper- ot pritc icco-t achers. '-tpals. Tisere are items sodor von-via& protvoional denelop- occordin mentwmincit donoct, ITito ce itricly opaklog, beobng proessi Oire, revealed Mr. metgo Priestner. "Titrec iems said the ore eut legliuaelly pro- Fridsy. feusionaf developmet'. About Titevo laoa*3,571 price.Oie sev tag on Oie progrsm Oie bei divison, office personenel susded associotion ond leader- leacitoz ship profirsus. $1t0,te Uonally Oie lerue pro- meut ra fsimonol dovelopmeut ols t retors teOie lime lalsen fosslons ity leuciero during Oie fund. weei te vpgrado Ohir Ipleil nkilils. Elemonlary tory selu lonsitors hase *320,tOS propoOa miile Oie oecondsry tOio ni neitools. 'Sweatbox0 rse correction spem' Laot wecis'oslory on woold IH lte acquittai of two Mil- "puy-elf ton police offlicero en- Middle correctly slated Judgo îtudy is Willam Coller ilamed le itoard tite officcru for oitutling o '0e yo cuit window betweon soder1 titemscîvon ond Oie in- Middlea mules. Thte jodgo'n re- fiial-t port stated hee Ad nul ficnal,"a blame thte officers for Thteci vbutting tite window. tory-biti puycitol -Tridents are playiog titis yva Paris 2'ers n othe Inter- titan $10 mediale ptayoifu. money. THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD 0F DIRECTORS OF THE CHILDREN'S AID SDCIETY 0F THE REGIONAL MUNICIPAUTY 0F HALTON cordial/y nvite you and your friends to attend the ANNUAL MEETING ont Monday. Merch 12.1979 et 8:0 p.m. in the AUDITORIUM - Halton Centennial Manor 185 Ontario Street f1Hl". 25f, Milton, Ontario SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS: Bruce Heath, M.S.W. Associae Drector of Child Welffre Minisfry of Communiîn & Social Services, Province of Onfario - and His Honour A. James Fuller Judge Juvenife and Famif y Division, Provincial Court of Halon TOPIC: NEW LAWS ABOUT KIDS IMPLICATIONS 0F THE CIIILO WELFARE ACT Rationale, Impact, Service, Coat Mr. Bryan Clarke President * EVER YONE WEL COME* -I - - - - - The Childrens Aid Society of te Reglonal Municipalty of Helton I I467 Speers Road. IOakvulle. Ontario 16K 3S4I ODerSic If would like fo become a member of the Society. IPvase f ied enclosed my mvmisership fee for the ensuing year. 'Name ............................. Address † † † † † † † † † † †I.................. (Annual Membership Fee- $4.0Fer Pernoff I--------------------------- St Clair Service StClair_ thepmt & paper peoplMo MILTON MALL 878-2M29MILTON ntorked for Oie e- mntulry ichoula. Inturance Sf Oie public veboolu and routeantsla evtated le bc $101,540 and toc hîgh vchootv i j: 13.70tt LaSt yeac o ycîce tugftoc invorance wav $9,3.2aod $104,955 respectively. Whie Gaitille trustes Jacisie Cutouro lu- torinei trustees Oiero la comploesosrveillance eqaipmont in te scitoolo tero sa a total of abot $43,000eset asido for il Ois ycar. Milton trustee BraAoey atmo qoutioned Oie staff concerning WlI. Dicit Scitool and Siten-Mie Creois. Titere ssloume ntoney pouding, sc- cording 10 te trustee. Sss.ritadeul Of Finance Blucs Lindley naid Oisl le 1977 on sp- puaiser indicated Oie conservation autitority mould straigitten out tise Cresk A figure 0100 estsbtished, but ooOiing more bon been beard fronthlie moIe fronthOe Conservalioni auOieity, naid Mr. LinAley. Wity bane somie ms- owoors seid, and Oie sebool board not, used Mr. Bradley. Mr. léindley iuAicated ho itesrd s rior leOie effort Oie conservalion auOiorily ulgitt tent le get te land f or $1. "Titvy corlainly dotn gel it for a bock front Oie itomeomnero," roplied Oie trustes. Scout fun .Ce W.ty »e=Oi apo l e Ernest C. DriySciio Sstorday alrooa moiblers of tie Mille "cut movemeut trued out in force for an aller- moen fun swint fOra ers, Cu b-,, Scouts Vetoer, o tovro r tradvrs more out for some friendly compe i- lion and fun, eoqplained Isobel FiSciton,assiletant district rommissioner for "Il gines Oie boys o chaonce le reolimo Oioy lie- loog to a larger 0rganiza- tien tison jool Ohir owo group,' site said. 1n pont yosrs, lte popsi- lar local movemett ild "simathons" but doc te lacis of partici*otioo, Oie leaders decided a fun event would enjey btter ofuslonal devslop- 037,010 is for 'pro- sIl deelopnenl" cipolo. nice-prie- Sand g'-neraby msroom vtaff. .ng le, Mr. Boicit o1 of isfort of ltouti deeelop- gou sp and dowo, he supurintendont, u133,000 mas in bo avg incarred isy srd wbon il per- d itigi scitood sa 1n laite a M lump ont puy- raOier Oian a for- oa delermntlovpro- sl dovelopuvol ci io Oie elenten- itool budget mas a id $7olo study os salue of mtidAle - Aclen-Esqaoning e Betty Fisiter mity. Progrant lendont Robert said Oic staff lile loot aithlie tf" ufthOicpronont e sseols. Tite is ntoritd suitject rd approvsl. you're looting ut it Oie assomnption scitools are ben- -j(item bone- "nsid Mcs. Fishter. contbined olemnte- îig scitntl colt of logicol sortivo ear is ap sy nmure 50,000. Most of Oie e.52,026 is dr- Modernsquare donc- ingis alive and well, re- ports Tielma Bouetield, presidonl of Miltons Scoch Blocis Square Dancing Club. Oser 20 couples ai- lended te groupv vsivti annuat 'Fling* at Martin St. Scitoot Salurday ovn- îvg. Sqiare dance fans attendoil front Toronto, Oaisitte. Etora, Hantit- ton, Osawa and tise sur- roueAing dstrc. Caling for tise dancev mas Don Sisrlocis, member votise Arrom- ititod Squares in Miss imsauga and insructor for tise Mlon group. Just a reminder .. Our ANNIVERSARY SALE is on now through March 10 Specials include: * 45" Polyester and Acrylic BIend CHALLIS $2.98 yd. * 60" Washahle SUPERSUEDE $4.98 va. * 36" Cotton BROADCLOTH, Prints & Plain 89c yd * 45" Prlnted Poly Cotton LAWN '2.59od. * 60" Polyester GABARDINE $3.98 Vd, * 60" Polyester CHAVOISETTE & LACOSTA KNITS $2.98 Y. u Start sewing for spring today! FABRIC CENTRE 12 Martin Street ÉRODTED ICUTTINGS Reado for panfing - have f un I -grow your owe' Save money. SPIDER PLANT IPEPPEROfMIA ISTANDARD GERANIUMS 9 Coo IFUCHSIA c.iuasBEGONIAS '1o, s IMPATIENS 6 Colors icludnq Necw Guinva ipen TRIIGIMPATIENS PILEA COLEUS ENGLISH, IVY av-.ocs -WANDERING JEW 4Vace IN TlVIM TOMATOES SEED GERANIUMS 5SOoctes 1.10 cuftings 10-20 cutngs 20Mor 50 Oaci, là50aci, Cuttiu5 0 E! *MILLVIEW PLANTINO SOILW 1 12 Bushel Bag Sze- IScienfificaly Formulafed IOUR PRICE CLYPOT ETAAAZ BRAND NEW POTS -Growers Ga i 51/2" Pots Reg. 49:' each 4" Pots Reg. 29' ech ONL12C eacii I i MIORDOZEN I MATCH SUPPLIES LAST OFFER EFFECTIVE'TILL MARCH f1179 i. *00.nd Par Ga(cýo Cntr

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