Police switch makes for better coverage A recent police zone change in Miton Tmo offirers roveres thse dowrtoms hasesi othcero citt no tonger patrot A revtem of statistics shomesi urhan- roitiOre os wett as cal]tlimeOrcssîtt br Mton potice are rsponsibte for tire s renulttng in more potiog ot doms ra and two othcrs anssereit catts in titirtett N'sa gawerlo littîopolice asrd otticrs had hirgh monO iods ohlrtopolice more oto.i, 't, it' ('ampirellt so i Milton, .iîording ti Stait rural îdistricts till n, , - iitflt e,ît,'l poie tin ~othe [laîî',dî'hat wihite SMdi ,tii. ff i "d t. gîtioiorand Mffat, Seegeant Erc Oslocir ot Ofaton 1R- Uder the oem ynfem. torrrcon- The for'merrsystrm posrd reqorot lstrIer dolies hut mucis morr ora tu dometomo Milton o recrving mor as ell as snp drcrtopmento along gionat poice. stables will nom anser railts to the incooceiroces for HaIson Usîfs andi cover, accordtog tu police soper- polcing, concern s o'espeessesi for rural Guelph Lior. Tire change othUe hrders othUe tour fown i res, wmtU a foarUs officer ptste<t Milton forces, explatnsi S. Sgt. Buf- itnedent Roy Taylor. coverage. "Sotse tarms and homes are liard tu urbn ad mt Mtto inoraoon. fcknmig t searae h-fas o eah *The rurat areas flot sotfering yef, proteet herause fthey are haSlt bock police zo nour b n urlMlon ai uena ne. approximatety 75 por law of ah Tirets Milton officers wît nom hase a hot l'munstioing of Use sommer time tro the mflcras," ire explaîned. look niet. Jan. t ansi is erpected to im- "Imgesn prxmtl 5pr tw.sice othUe tnwn and rural district *n ohen more peopte are ouf." said .Sgt "emn nmutt in omn proveoouper-vision ofthe Main Sstrnu-tP cent of our cotin are for tire domofown," "One o the ceosons for the change order fn zoprove Use response ime ftu oloc-Ie arat eanotrtgf tilntfser cif" naid S.Sgt. Buttocli. mas f0 have each division look alter one caisTheiofetw f stnssaor ies Prior tb Janoany, four conntairles and Tire rew nozonshave fot affectesi Ue lnmn," hie sasi.coi.teralrs gn usf ori, ansergoant were renponsibliefr a ptrot amoont of miteage, but, inofeasi, repre- As melI. the nem ones are esperfesi "The main Uing is peventive polie- hard place f0 patrol," lie emphiioest area panning 143 square miles f rural sent a reatignment of hordero, lie saisi. tfever tire morklIosi for tire fficees oîg,' asides tire police snperintendenf. "Tie re an ares s lieavily popatates Tire asssgned sfrength in Milton per andurban Milton. Tire change atso means Hatton Hiff - cooringtienurhanand rural districto. 'tfthe domntownoffcras aflifle pat- mithso mach raraf area oatside of iî '> snhtinone rgesantand five officers. ae nabian A $130.000 plan to temporarily relieve tire overcromding of depoet. mensiMlton toms hall ir eîng formolatesin conjoniction witO a pro. ponesi renovationttf tire olsi ire iraIt Presentesi at a meeting othie tomn ibuilding ansi property rommittcc. tire proposai rails for tire rertovatio of tire top fonor of tire olsi ire hall to accotstodale one or motre tonseparimeols. Larry Arme. Mlton directoroa[parirnand rc creat ton , saisitire propos- esimoveis ooy atlem- porary measore. ni Itîoirait cao he ropansi cd. "Tire original plan mas o iravetire paris deport- ment and tire huiing de- poctment mose to tire ire hall. He saisitire porpose ni the mîveis to reicoe ooerrromdingintw hall Tire pubicî works ansi bruiding depariments share tire domnstaîro otth tOe pors depari- ment. Mr. Achie saisi the iasement cao ire damp ai He nuggesled acquiriof a deirumîdîfier. ~iîamwton VOLUME 118 -- NUMBER 43 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1979 1 26 PAGES-20 CENTS To detriment of students Teachers give the axe to 12 para professionals- Tdýý By a 43-32 votfe, lado't heen Uhs year, st teacliero 0f Miton Ds- mools have ieen net. trict Higli cliol have Each year, teoclierr t a secided tusrop f2 peope MDHS have tire npport. from, tire chot staff. unily 10 decide mireUer Titene peope re para- or not f0 "difterertfiate profeonloonîn. Poisi lesrt staff". tiron regutar teacliers, Ditfererttiatirtg staff Uey nupervise halln, lits- means hiring temer cary and tudy room, and teacliers tiran a schoont s acf an an aide f0 some enfittesi f, artd ussng the neirot l eprfmersssaveds aary money 10 Tise secisiontfot loi re- hire a greofer rtumher of unre tire paraprofes- praprotessiortals at a ionatn for tire 1979-80 rerlacesi srdivîdnal scirot yeac oas madesie lory. tant Mortsay evening liy In Msltfn's cane, 3.7 secret halot. femer leacirers ere "I Uini ere about hiredsiasing $801,400 Use tanf chot n Hattnn hasett on on average 10 have differentiatesi teachers satary of staff (poraprofesolon- $22000 moltiptiesi by 37). oint," nids clino princi-Tire money hiresi 12 para- pot Ron Zieget. profenionls at an aver- Ir m as jst a qusetion age satory of $6,783 of time ete it ootd 181,400 divittes hy tW. have to happon. filtTire teachers'dserisrtion à'Plump ' robin heralds spring Altirougir the groundirog ts reputed to have neen is nhadow Foir. 2, ignifying six more eeoks of winter, a nortir Burlington woman saw the firrtt robin of the yoar Sunday. Mrs. Eric McArthur, a reidont of Twisn Rd. junt south of Derry Rd., naw the bird in heri weeping willose. She said sire wan swocpinq her front steps whon she Iooked Up ana noticed the robin in tire troc. "I could't believe it," she naid. But thoro wan no mitaking the bright, rod breant. "Ho was quito plump." She naid she again zaw tire bird Monday morning and reported the sigiting f0 Tire Champion. Mms. M- cArtirur, who hart bird focders on irer pro- porty, naid sire put ouf extra focd aftor soc- ing tire robin. "I liko to soc tirem nround," sho said of tire birds. means the 12 paraprofes- siortafs mlI ire dis- corttsooed artd 37 teachers hired istsead. Tire 37 f igure mas or- rived aItirrnngh a lerlis- cal calcotatiort nvolving fufl-time ansi part-lime teacirers. One paraprofessonal, mho ashed for anonymsity for fear of heirtg f ired he- fore Jurte, atd the stadents mlt sufer mont frnm tire dectoton. "I dont thnir the students are getting a taie shahe ouf of lths." shensaisi "I thini eve falfollesian iImportant fonction in the schtsl. "Taire the tudy ro nupervssors. -Tiey have agood rap- port ilh the students. They gel 10 rnom tirt andmwant to do tieirhbest for thets Tirey cao do the loir irrter Iran a teacher so whm its lst 5aothor duty . One of the teachers votsng mtir the majorily citesi a heavy moelnad as one of tiere esons for the teachers' decison. -When wm e scsiesia (Contissoed on Pg. 7) Break election promise councdil votes increase Despite pre-electon promises againot a ratary increase. Milton Council Monday ngirt voted a 10per centmage hshe for lire mayor ansi a seven perent age litre for cou0ctilors. Tire increanes hecome effective Dec. 1 179 Tire mayor mll earn $11,f00 increasesi trots hus carrent salary of $10000, andi couneillors sataries are rainesi 10 $5,000 tcom $4664. Tire mleage allomance ialso increasesi trots21 cents per mile hi 2, cents per oite 14 cents per kilometret. The hy-tam authorîcîog the ifcreasen mas passesi ifiroat any discusrson. The candidates' meeting ai Milton Dis- fricf High Scirool Nos. 1. 1978, prosiacesi unanimsty romthie nine candidates rurtning for area coancil seats in Wards One ansi Tmo againsf a sataryin crease f or cooncîtlors i 1979 or 1980. Candidates Ririr Day, BRRRR! ITS COLD. Tirais ire expression these six Milfoniana femperafurea, a chili y mmd and ovorcasf skies cuf crosedStf0 a wear on tirir faces as Lhey buddio close f0 tire f ire St Kelso Con- minimum. Warming tiremsolves are Mark langridgo loff , Grog servation Area during Hatons inIer carriival Sunday. Suir-zero Finn, Stovo McGrofy, Cathy McLeod and Kafhy Varloy. Orian Peoman, Got'rd Kraott, Rose Hfarrtsoo, Blancire Hiton, Terry Gibhons, Hoard Car- ney. Dave deSylva andi Don McCafetsao caches- preosesi opposition 10 a salary increarte until councils morir coulsi 0e measuresi ansi jusgesi Tire tîrst six wr elecled t o couneil. Mr. Day mas abment rots Moosiapo meeting durelit iIIoessý Word Three candidates Orasi Clemeols ansi Don McMtllas, sore ar- claîtsed Iorcouncil andi dud flot responsilatirte issueft tire meeting. Tire saijeci of alary mas flot rainesi mhen re- gionat candidates Gus tloutoushî, Bill Johnson, Jîts Watsoo ans imJt Kerre asdressesi tire meeting. 'trim. s close to $150,000. Tire cotsmittee fet ftUe renooatîons mere 100 esponsive ansi requestesi Mrc Acie furoisir tirm ottitemizesicosts to see tsttcrespenses coitd ire At tire samne tîme, Use committec requestesi coni o aulhorine a stody of tomnhaltonseetif ail spoce in the huilding o as ireing used tb ils hesi cdi intage. any leefis. g meigrt uahle item Jprohaly oie trothUe isi ire dots Cînemo on anymoce, s0 toen- 'What we presenlesi 10 the commîtice Toesday mas a plan cire tire parirs eparttseot mouisi move to the fiee hall, puhlitemorirs mouisimove 10 ohere mc are nom, ansi bsuiding deparîment moolds say mirere it i Otirer featnres of thc plan toclude a compicte tacelifi, insîde ansi tut- side tire lire hall. Mr Arhîc saisitire interor mouisi i reno vatesi 10 section off one hay of tire fire irall, ansi a pomnper putin Hernaîd thîr mold offer ton ire protection sootir of the raîlmay tracirs antil tire porposesi subsialion ai Dcrey Rd. ansi Tiomyson Rd. s huait. Tire uptairs moulsi ir renovatcd to accots motdale offices. Eoternally, tire huildi- ing moolsi ie refinishesi ansi tire paringt litire t o irhalt ansi tire fier alt o'outd ireposed and landscapcd. Tire retotoder of tire siomostatrsofiltire "'rirait oould Oc made availairir to acommvtnity group for tirt to asiapt It their neessA proposalitasa]- ready ircen made to tire tomo hy Milton Sirrigcrs gymnastics club. Total cost of tire meoations satd Me Youths want drop-in centre A pianniesi sropîin ioh ireeo saing itemstfor local patimetformi centreecouldresoltitta -Tire irobdy hec oh. hcsatd, asin À acrig t n lcl saisi factor thal rolsihoid tocthrecentre, .5 en Th 't 0dy w irarisoentertainment cit"e ar d Jh nTie n ol dul oooî re ideas. hut Joiro alec tOc coîsis Bee l of Milo a Ta on hn ratdo13l fradmîttd hcis prrpaccd alsoirrnttsooss M tenatiltiith Milon c ythc e srmi toc ose in the not gooRoxy1 CmitefrYuhactiermembers ofthe centre. Main Si. metig Thxda rcnd neuoganization Weigirt-lifting is "ireose it isi "There are ahout 2M1 kidu in tomo mur noUsstg to do,"« saisitire Gerterol Brocir irigir Uniont teen foilomîne tire meeting. Acrordirto John, fem of iis riassmafes have iromeoriand fîndfirere s noing to orrupy tireir tiein tire eveningn. Tracey Ferguson, 14, of Milton admittesi leents lire tii galbrer at Miltron Mail for tire salie of gel- tîng out of tire house to ho Plaza sale Tenders ere hirtg openesi tris meelion Use sale of tire White Ois Pfaza in Mil tort, despite effortos iry Spon-Mar Hodings Ltd. 50 retari omnersirip. tan Biain of lire taw tirm reprenenting Batti of Montreat, hirosm of tire mortgage an Use Bronte St. ptarta, saisi on ottempi iry Spon-Mar tn pay a defaattesi mon- Igage poymenr hart fotten tirroigli. aderetîsers lot' a plannesi teco dance ons atorday. Mac.3. They are aiso puting their ireado togetirer to come upmith sonne ideas for tire future tomo srop' Durirga discussioo of the rentrer.foin ooggrs- ted to commitie menîhees ioltiii ltoe ans ipnhbal] tacine moulsi ie popular proceeds Last meeli Bruno Mini- cocci, a prber in Spon- Mar, totd Tise Champion iis compony hasi made arrangements ta diocirnge Use mortgage iry Fridoy, Feir. 16. Ttsere mas $1.3 million swing ort lire mortgage. Me. Btain saisi Monday Use bonit boant receies poyment. NeitUer NMc. Miicracci non Spencer Elucl, anoUsen of Sport-Mono major partnors, wre avodirtbe for comment.L Temporary solution costs $150,OOO FIRST SECTION: Editortats, orons, 4. Letiers 5. People column 3,7. 'SPOONO SECTION: Art show sparts 0 years, B5. Classittei marketplare, B6 toB9ý TIIIRD SECTION: Winter rarnival photo- teatureCi. musicienCS. Farm pageC4. Cotomnista, Ca. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTOt IGA, ZetIers, K-Mort. Msangs boct a 8U. Iwtrr oaa record. Pg. BEl