Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Feb 1979, C, p. 6

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CO Tisa Canidan Cissesion, Wed. Pe. 21, 189 Mîfon Thon end Now A fourth brick yard, Boyd's fly Mel Roblasea In anotBer article I metioneti a isit Bob Raotiall and 1inîadc iiilhe sie of lie aid Toronto Pcesseti cBri ced Terra Ctte Itd. (theLeins syard) aI Milton Heigita. On Bant atersoun me aosiasited Bhe site of anotBer old brick yard. just t10tBe met of it, along Bhe CPR tracte. Tiiere in a roadmay mici rias romBte centre of Milton Heigita accosa te Bte tracte, ahaut a quarter ni a mile amay. This mas Oie accen roadmay orlginatiy te Bhe Beyd Brick Ce. BoIs knem abolit Bat plant andmweht non trouble locatiag lit. Wlieras the irst site soioed scarcely ony olgns o Oie early indnatry, tBere ere many igns in te site efthBe nId Boyd Brick plant. Tiieremwas a roadmoy intodute pit. Ter. mre traces f old buildings. We tmmd old brick ha bât idtBe ho- pit othBe Beyd Brick C., Oie Atlas Here we By Don Byers Sometimes I tlinli I saffer rsma ter- minai cose of stupidity . For instance, I find il mot difficut t teo nderstand mht de Iel nr federal goverfiment is al abosut. Anid I am sure 'm not alone. On due one tend, me are censtantly tld Bhat me are privilegedt iv ie in one oftBe ricliest countries induhe mortd, ha- cause 0f air nataral reneurces. On due odur land, in o ide-npread country, strung Boiaonds et miles cose to the 491h paraltel, me ranit sesm te pt onyhing tegether. Laor is going ater more money. Tiiey seem to e fatrteti. Noi mach mondec. Somne pliticiani hase appeti Bheir incomes nohtantially, ithoul any indication that Bheir mrli effort (ai minI pitifull mil improse aIclli. As contraire. Teieic latent moyen dump ail oser Oie age ad the "mrking por. And I hase te onder mtet nt came op mith Bhat term. Tbee are Bhe reat people, prood Scotch Block W.I Brick Co, and Bhe Interprosiocial BrckiCompany. 1 hatiheartireferenceo veas ,a l tise nards.nbut ii d o 1 knowi whece ibey oece locaieti Mos. Watecr iayocetimas chie 10 provide me mith more information cat tBe Boyd Brick C. Her fadier, Robiert Bcyd, had lieen trannferred trom tBe States 10 Torontoteastihe Canadian manager efthBe Aluminnao Cromo Sopper Ce. Partly Bhooogh or- qnainlance wiBh Ed Brandon, Mr. Eoyd liecame qut intereted in Bhe Mitoo ares andtBe lricki mablng lbusiness. Laie i1913 and ecrly in 1914 he organized Bhe Boyd Brick C. and started operations. 1400 foreman aithBe yesrd mas Thiomas Cochrane, oncle et Bil Tight. As o relt af tBe outlireak et World War 1I Bere wao mome confusion aout thie chise oica home for Bhe Boyd iamuly. They ined for o short time at 223 Queen St. They retocned to Teronto, go again people, lie maSo itatt happen-cnd aine Isefi rst greup of oarpopulace te ha ignored. Doily, me hear ahaut Iran, Seu Afrisa the Middle East, Crilboan, Nortrn retand and Bhe se-cailed "Third Nations We cestastly senti relief. mhcb sel- dem reaclies thone in need, for a norioty of reasons. And none seems le liane the iategrily orguts ttotaiusthal me are hing takeo. O, here me go again: mondering mlio me are, anti olers me are headeti. Wbat a bondi o crap! Daring WW2, me mere a leating mn ctactoring nation in the moriti. Thir ino production, as I remember. Anti second îonoeein Ithe Canadian lido mlie touglil for the Allio Caise. Theres no mcy t cao hliese Ilial motivation luion disappeared. Bt someone, someliere lias tle lilîta ire cotier our eclisies. If tliey dont. torget il. A shame. Weve fol il al. Cliislilm, Mrs. E. Joyce anti Mrs. H. Robertson. Members oece ce- miotietiFelirary is National Citizenshîp MentIs, Nationl Citizen- ship Day is Feli 19 aond Heritage Weeh is Pcb. 18- 24. Tee Institute Poter Cempetitien fer tIe Ymar of the Chluîi as cîso mnentioneti. Mrs. H. RoberIsons gave a brief report of Ile boardi merl- ng. Mrs. J. Heplito con- tioctedti uoe ContestR, "Britishi Rings A Queens Snrambie" wot by Mss. D. Laosoo anti a Valen- ise conlesl mon hy Mcv. H. Roerson anti Mrs F. Hosn.. Fottemiof Ithe Institule Grace lnhmas serneti ly Mrs M. Currie, Miss E. Chislolm asti Mrs J. Hopkin. TME REGIONAL MUNICIPALIT ______OF HALTON W NOTICE TO STOP UP AND CLOSE A DEVIATED PORTIONi 0F REGIONAL ROAO NO.9 tCasipbealel Rondi 5ETWEEN THE4 TI LINE AND REGIONAL ROAD NO.R <Aclalin Uai TOWN 0F MILTON Not aicearibe o gves priganirto OSorons 443 and 446 of Trie Monivipal 4Act, bis9 Clape 24 ofThaRaised Statuteaof Ontario, 1970.,imarthCousi o The sgioroi Monisieiôg, of i4aiion. caiais eeing ro ba el nu thOrsReiosai Admninstration Buiding lin1 rnea na. Oakoiia, Onaro ai 130pm on os Oratsaia Marori 21i, 1979 w@pm aylo tstop and closeaa dnaatierinof Ospoffli oad No 9 (Appâ.iy Lino), Town of Mites A COPYOfnitirsPlan aireing teproposaandi iih e no h aymssinTheo Ragiosai tagal Dpaamemi, Sionai AinistsraiornOBuiiînngS1151n vniea, Oakoiia, Oatn. On Weddatan.Marci 14, 1979, ai1:30 cm, Rgionai Couneii. b is Pblic Works Comrnlnabu, i liart ason oma r by so ne ho coiars nni islansi nS ha aodiiote atiaorad linth s ad bl and w cho appiflas oin hari Any ouh Pasonmlo iiohas.r i hosuti. oasisons nsponniblseralappicvation to. Mer.afwlsdeas Regb Cla rkinl RaglanS Admallomnossaidls 1161 SoossSN8a« OsEs' itesaad Lainai 10«W etOaOsals. Ontraio i*h 5tdeyofJosaanay 197B. COinof Brgis- -1113-18M3 1 -.."om.Town o Mios- -R7U 7211 IIIek Clark -Tomo ao o@ Ra-077-oit R5b.lOliTnOM 01Oalioas -846.-1101 Boen came hacli 10 tomn 10 lise atO?6 Thomas SOr iobrt Ruirofri ltonî Heîghisre- ivvOrers thlaihrevîas a large crane wochiitheares for the CPR at he fimie theplant mas hilt Thin crine mon ovailalile for prompt on. in building e sidlng into thie plant. As the trcnsportation 1 o tmon snot gond, Mr. Boyd ot op one ronmti Be offiicelbuilding forcsleeping qnarteri. 1He morkedliard and long henrs i thBe plant during Bhe meeli and retorned te teo fomily in tomo for Bhe eekends. The manliero liveti in lhe Milton leiglits ares or molieti hock and forth fromt Milton ta their jobs. In loto hin daugliter Mary liegon te morl inh the office etthBeplant. This mon abouttBe sname tisse Bat my iter hean tomworli in Bhe office ni Bhe Milton Brick Co. BoBh of Bhe gicla malked ont Bhe CPR traclin on their jolis and hacli daily. In addition Mary oned te molli 10 tomo to pick op tlie money toc Bhe pay- coll of the lricki yard each meoli. In tote 1923 or early 1924 Mr. Boyti soldthle buiness te Bhe Atlan Brick Co., ond ment int10tBe hame buildingglion- inens in Toronto. Tee Atla Company mas organised liy a Toronto buines mon, F. B. McFarran la tocki rokec?l Il mos ai itis time Boat Joe Waters left bis jol i ethBemire cul machine ai lise maio yard efthIle Milton Presoed Brick Co. and hegan t0 mon et tBe toarth 14EART DEFECTS Boliien are haro yearly ih heari detecto; mon i of limse con lha correcteti hy sargery. Yoar Ontario Heari Foondotios. sopported hy the "Heart I force i he tievelopmeot of nw heact-saning sargicol techniques. K I MIIYN OFFERS SHOPPRS ACRES fb ACRES OF CONVEIEN [OV FREE PARKING OTHEF t. Ontario S. Southi FEDE ou yard. Tihecompaoy had onepress forthe nualung ofithevluid, pcc-.scd bici, anti iatamia iivu achiine. li usdoitin the maoofactariog pcocess. mmc crsated pcohlems. Jn. Waters mon instrumental in tha replacement of tBis machine liy one naing o stem nprosm, mode iy tBe Freene Machn o.e.n Ohio. There mere 15 or 16 employeen micl mode il ahaut hlthBe nise ot i e igh- har, Bhe Toronto Prenoed Brick and 1Terra Cotta, mliiclr iy thea had lieceme Plant No. 2 ofthle Milton Prenned Brick. Fise or sixoethBe men mere oncupied in moving thee day nliale froaitBe pi 10 B te plant. Hopper cors mere polled oo a calile liy a nteam lioist, along very narcom gange tracte. Four or tise men mer. liricki makers in Bhe plant, Bhe oBhers operated lhe dryer, Bhe noreen, and the londiog ofthrick tirsi in Bhekilms andti len i010 Be railmay cars. In 1928 or 1020 Mr. McFarrao set ap anolier yard in Streetovlle. sighi neot 10t tha Sireelovilte yard ofthOe Milton Pressed Brick oo Thoman St., Streets- ville. Jas Waters moset 10a home on Thiomas St. ton and costinoed io Bhe employ of Mr. McFarron in tlie F. B. MsFarran Brick Ce. lTe Atlas yard monra sold th Ii lterprovinciat Brich Comspany, a sahaitiiary efthOe Conte- tville BrckCompaoy, mli clinotaomoas 1taken oser loter hy Domotar Limited. ER Housin siding ..forth Evtaces ccv Ovhoeodo Nnernepatintingio 20 var uaanaa *Choica ofcoosndinis MV FACTORY PRICES ON ER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 0Aluminum Doors T:r Gaj mbinatian Windows Aluminum Awnings IERAL INDUSTRIES Foot or Foravaha St.,Oaiviie )UT 0F-TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT MiltonMus.c FOR Tif TALENT BORN WITHIN US* Vour complets munic store, foaturîng. *Yamvîa rAvnis.ivGv.i., ad AinpIi. 4mbNnîih n o rn ew Ibanez Electic Gutr jSpecial -beir se ca sedv rie any oiitai0M or over *Lesvs,,o idngiidrums, miidolin aniibanjo *Shcet musi, accssvîsiorpa-, Be Sure To See Our New Line of Beautlful HAMMOND ORGANS MILTON MUSIC 223 Main St. L,-878-1620 Milton, Ont. A RE PL EA SED To A NNO UNCE THE OPENING 0 F THEIR NEWES TL 0OCA T/ON TO SER VE THE MIL TON & DIS TRIC T AREA FOR ANY OR AIL RENTAI NEEDS 878-8414 18THOMPSON ROAD (Corner Main St. ast & 3rd Line East BRANCHES Brampton Georgetown 469-3701 877-5621 MARRIED: Gayîe and Brad rendley of Milon were mar iied on Fridny, Jan. 1t,1979. Love is studied by WMS The W.SS* Eveolag was sboywn, tis greatSgt OuriS thie business Departaient of Kox of whlcli masJuso' lm,. portion cai lhe mesting, CachmtSBelarcli AUteck part liy r hg maeers more rsnlnded hli Tuesday, Feli. 13 for quotiasfroon the S=. i e i.World Day of a pot tucli wppsr. wumasmn- FrayerM= . Ied on Fr- Seventeen ladies were tioned. dayn ari2. preseot. Foilowîng the dinner, Immersion classes.. the prcvident Reta (Cootinucti lrom C3) ticutar s hool. Nayler ihaokedti he discuptei as mach. The Mss. Mitchell also saîid conventero, 0101v Mar-other theory is te have parents need flot morry if shaotiand Betty Kennedy. different teoclieri for tliey cannt peali Marjorie Mages mas in Frenchi and Engll le- Frenchi. charge ni tIse program, cana.elie can idestify a "Joat lie confident the and began liy teadlng a persnE ifl a languaga, chld gela a gond liack- hymo-img of maity ni the and tearus lte opeak tBat grouaid of Baglial i a otd favorite hymes. Withl tegaage te Bhat persan. borne. WeH ltaies ru- Valentine's Doy near, He doeonat revert liacli ponsibllty for thie her talli centred on the. ond fordi. Freaci." Bheme of "Love-Thse 4he princpal cithBe Mr. Spencer spolie np, Mack ni a Chiristian." achool ban Bae final deci- .aying "You'll flad your Instances in Be Bible sin on wtech tbeory telas"wtIllie tacling yns were recatied wliece love ioilowed ite Bat par- SU tbeFrench yeonsned.' -PREVENT TRANSMISSION TROUBLE ROAD TEST* REMOVE PAN $9 VISUAL INSPECTION hE DoITr CLEAN SMP&BSCREEN PO HFIDENr REPLACE PAN GASKET & FLUIO NmEW PLID DOMESTIC PASSENGER CARS ON.Y 1 REMEMBER, this is a PREVENTA TIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICE. If you aiready have transmission problems, ask about other reliable services. (416) CALL-878-8426--ýTO DAY- WE SERVICE VANS, PICK-UPS AND ALLISON TRA4NSMISSIONS * geared up ... JUST FOR YOUR SERVICE FREE s ICE SCRAPER e ROAD TEST * MULT-CHECK SHo oura: S MANOT COPELAND I m MîLTON LUMOSO I ~ M MALL * Ia AR ENA Mon.-Ffl. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Sot. 9 s.m.- p.m. M M 's AIR DEFLECTORS COMS Pu ROM ais s ende Thfo ,ais. SUetc. 4,0,.*4,,1 4,01, 1#325 $415 *620 Finish nishedc. oograin tiePe-fishd pnl WAILFAPER Win assoteruirofv p a 1vprolo lv duoose floir 20%/oOff 0000 LIST POuCE PROM WALL- AL PAPER HNY é PAPER Trays Spmqu Bob Srpo PROM [ELNG SYSTE theasyowao PROM FOOM FROM STEP L ODER Otrand a locd ith PROM tuYO016" 1 4a LIGNT 2BULs BULIS PROM 0vo poaith 10. prive 40, -.--- lste buidang cenlr Castls building consultants, lthe knowi.dgaabl. staff 70 MgNWSt E. STORE HOURS MI4N M LTON, ONT. T-B : ý 9' LTS~I1~/JUSA EAST 0F THE MLTON MALL Beft'een thé Willow queens contest Kings, Tee Scotch Blocki Womens Institate melon Teursday, Feli. 8 in Ligny Hall. President Mss. H. Robiertson mas in the chair. Sie reati c poem "Valentine Wihs. Thee minutes mre read and financiai report as gisen liy Mss E. Joyce, secretary-troauarer TIse roi saili, What Malien a Gnod Citizen?" mas aaamered hy 010e memliers. It as desideti Mrs. W. Lamion moulti e haOe Scotch Blocki repre- sentatise in F. W. 1. . Conierense May t, 2 anti 3. Tee qilt morkeseop is Feli. t3-14 for tlie Scotch Blonk Leaders, Mms. H. Rb~lertson anti Mss. E. Joyce. Teere nl ha Bhre mrtelips fr leaders. Plans ere tiscaised and sompteteti for tBe emaclre pariy to e hlelti on Poli 28. Tee Cîttîennliip anti Wold Affirs Coneser, Mns. J. Hopktn mon- tinned tIse Ontario Citieimhsp Medal for gond citioenship ondi gave Bhe ailiress o 10 mch lv apply for a nominations iorm. Anonminsting dem- mittee was appointet asti memhers are Miss Ena Gise your lngs andi hsart a break. Join tIe majority, hea anon- smoker 10% ANNUAL INTEREST Calculated daily on your R.R.S.R REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN HALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. 44 Main St., 77 Wilson Drive, Milton Milton 878-4168 878-8835 -*338BKerr St., *80Main St N. Gakoilie Georgetown 844-0866 877-6926 1 m 1 _F=--

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