94 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Feb. 21. 1979 Omagh news Officers for UCW S.Paal'a U.C.W wan mare inataflaitby ira MUn.Marie Jefferson; 4-H members honor Mark Leahy "?d"i'a'aY"e";2a lira. Myrte Lawrence, Roherta Wrlggeaworth; Alae, intalled were By M. Ceeil Patteraoa Etaîne White. John Reed, cash have heen received manager Jim Brooks or replace lise house Howden, Gordon evenmng Feh t6 snihfhive Pont Co-ordinator, treasurer, lira. G rare vaiou other rinairmea. A happy faremeil part y Mary Lou Rohinson, for the Perr > vfamly, and hepf fthe doncers happy Whnch oas destroyrd, RohinsonfRobert Brown-tahles in pay. ugreed to art as contact for Mark Leohy won Old Hol urr-oten and Dî.ooo ,ish txi hank all wo At 11:30 a iprese-0010,0 hiexocg ouple ex rcfgc \trs. elington (Continurd on Pt Bf) prsono for tie UCW, EC ICL at Hlîrest Chucch un Royce asoutrd by Evelyn helpedin oaoyony a rhe of the donations o-as pres theic iocece Vilson, Marion Jarvis Friday evening, Feh. 9 Gillies lhad a fine pro- yoong couple are oow mode tu Gordoo and appreciolion for ail fthe and Mrs. Donald Peu- Whe ahout 150 Hallon 4- grams of games, dancing moved hach f0 fthe Sith Donna hy Mms. Andy help given I hemnt iheir cocit. enta ansd trienda held a hrefe cane and money The genaroan don- The conveners Mca. C. Birlhday greefingo and parI y for Boyne CenIre IL OLON aurprise tarewetl and mas prmsented hy Nancy aftions mili helpi Gordon Patlerson. Mes. A. King good inhm 10c Miriarne mus held on Tuenday MLO N prenentatian. Mark han MeKinnon, wiIh Peppy as and Donna gel and Mca. IH Honeywell heen assitant agrie- M.C. eslahlinhed aguin lhanhed ail mho asited tipn'kMfY fiowu f llure reprenentatine in Mark und hin ile A mont enjoyahle bo malte the enenint nuch î Haltan for the paslteour enpreoned appreciaton eeigmssel a happy evenl. Donations I 7 n peurs and na trannterring for the gifl and parly. Boyne Centre oo Salue îtoalled $475.25 and alno a 79 DoUC8t in Victoria Coony 10 lthe Ail wnnh th.=m oeh uin day, Feh 10 o-hen a generous cheque o-an ' 13 IN GnOnm2d same psiion. heir neo- home heneftlparty o-as held to received tram fthe Ladies FLOWEA b_& tBrfann2 on Mark haen heen gîteat The contact pernons assisî lMr. and Mrs. Auiliurp ofthlIe Milton GIFT SHOP P 4 - 23tno emna help t0 4-H and o-il le Mm. C. Pattersion and Gordon Perry, tollowing Royal Canadien Ltion. 3 MaincS. - I I mark mioued hy 0a1lo-ho Mrs. R Featheratone the Ioso their home hy The Perrys have mofled 2A MainKYt.I1-rLE CAT hno- him. 4 H memeec oish t0 report Iht many ire recently. Miss Mary 10 ltte lcArlhur home oo Let our designera croate -66 AiS YLT. TL 78-288 Donna Stewart, Kim domatioms o clothing, Joyce and William the tinth Line, and plans an arrangemetjsi.y :0p.n io sH l Peddie. Penny Weeden. houoehold articles and Thomnoon and fnacr are in rogres 10 restore W daOvr ro a#toon6m MaimpSt. 8teAa i H.0. MULLN BROAOLO8M Et VINYL McPHAIL NO Dp Bf ley Hfaîng El Cooling Movng7 ILO SNOWPLOWING t rul cmmat BLS AUTO BO0Y FLOORINS ELECTRIC R fTRIP Soins là Service Stsd nt o h 00k ap o dol t-aiy Panr a ee Fn no nao n M ensdo.i.M1OG" 7821luo-AU CallE H 13530pn o o - FmSoie R, R. 3,Mltoni87 27 Ct-o GIL VANSEJELEN 1 i72) 87o52TIAKRE n *OS HING .INOUSTRAL ettrOAQQ o-e flhTli rL * 14 87 dit 5C Nn c.ngii OMMERCCO o 877r877U'dffl'IU S.af878-763h ODOn nMX i n , . f uyce EMsooOTRICUIUIULI -artCON BACTOff 1t1 MILL STRT, MILTON Cou 878 417 7f INSTALO NS00___________ ChanteedAcczlams PRO EXPERT6 halsS 1Wilo ie CtlisonSe 'e 7 53-8759 IL IRoil Awax a NO US TnIAL OSOOENTIA ON FSHBURN MILTON POOLSn Cornt 95Ma3nS877t rdyo-,-- VILLA orsNY000 0 10e T IR ROOFING Et NSULATION Sales là Accessories M S o'1q0 MASONR Gtf Ot61 878725 hgblUI-e%-an-- _ auaîîn cîectric 8f37 . aenoyadsv n ter 0OOound *Chnonis N Conn eun uosn oclnnlonlo ________ w-e'floqIIg *ooî CutomDmsiner Of Sial nsdWoodSnioonl O M o onu blso mVclan nda a 05 tound aOServin hCAOfOsa.. . ~Ption. Barbecues 87 983 O e i eunto e eo C.,Ie,ad Oi-o...n,,în Gofîrger Mlots[Id MoIne.Chien0 dt Catrio T.i nfno, oo,î ai l et o alfin, îpes, ex ANTRIM INTERIORS 853 3091 dmf 8 -7 0 William t Ague, C A 655 ManE878-4111 0ntnoosalion Brick Eh Olcco _ au tam , 005ohpo han0os Painting PaperhtotO ng 52-M878 ,U8770 Nfille. 78 1824 At Wison Ave cCIlJoe Febbo O529 Masal Unîtus N R,,,l __________ 8883 GEORGETOWN CUSTOM 1iSmIn Ax italenn, 878-BM t HOME IMPROVEMENTS s005100 -1000 the. labo, So free i-E mdc R oo nA Jnîs CAR SOUND Mlilon, dele etaft6p m. n O ooms tee vol, Supnr..o, olie, 9il18 878A 1784o A ONAT DANS AUoJ 0fo't! - INSTALATION nPlase',-oîalo LA tOGO 0,0 001, -Ini 0ESIDENTIAL 4ManSi Mitxon OiC I I O OOII f712425 Tture ,spray pay for, a ong 05ayoo O MRIL *,îl, x S, oRfld tus87062- T_5 ,,,,A, R S Orpo-ali and Tpi7ng Dyval tano owo', lCOMERCIStT AL. O'-8718-o8ao 4R 26O i S_ b,i ix i _ Go,,oîo, , 1 ge -FREE STIMTES WINTER ROTES IDSRA 8Topo d nt9a fes 845 8178 ïo 05145- ELECIHIU e-tt- 00, GLITY WOFIK CLEMENTS MOTORS Hand stripping& îfnsOu noo'.-Mail Joos Chmney JîaoxLnN o lopî0Do 5W OBonteSt. S. bonmoo oon.RAECO fi aRSi 9 wnoaeo SRiE Jo' hln .. 78 3337 BURTS HOME 87-38 uaînttmd SPeciai otent for CO RNSISO A no t fitepo OC-on 000, IMPROVEMENTS ________ sen___ aior itien Fu,îln M tiioTiIî(1SERVICE o Men'sCoihng epaîr 24aH, toegnoo, Sosin n Rec eoo. b.Ih,oso.rtnnhngaoalabun. 778 119, 387 Oie SO.,East a KNGHTS MENSWEAR G LIGE tChmney Swveep 8786706 R Pwo naio Ods, - neandotruck n5eMI SREfE87-197 Cd n ewn Machises Sri, evc nms 87Mt 84n47TRS2maou ooqaui, Agnew Studios S LSew VIEn83g2 0 00f, CAS RCK e oenox.nino,, 0 .,, nOIJim't Ffrm Service 0o u.,.,iea-0 . n.eaai t.s ail o-o,î ONT n e eoIa.,q t-h INoqoeto KIE UMNMCLEAN SWEEP nLioo-nonOonoonSmO,oo 3 4 w- 19878-8819 1 o, P.îxo, xl îoo M inFabi ete ia ri CA SCU K lt . .lceerg t -b a ,r og n a 8î8 Il 4 ix 8 5e ?o, ha, M 'l o FaeP.m 9 .e la g F i SDNLONG OR SH00T niiS ons 50, iovel - nI Co-ioo-ong So-ail G " t tni rCIsoc L,labneo.a,aetne8347A iM, leF , voxad TERM LASNG heteonn ie ostructon t-e,nef ix ilalionafxed oee0011I. AM N WEl Ir and OEO 8274286 *dooonHoaîon Eome Cousîx ock Abdoq _MAN__ Rng asgg 878-2883 Lr73 Hoiroîs dl, *aLinooidnhg I s lasn ort, s S b O M a02 00 SJSdoî GEORGE HARRIS 878-2425 f oGs Brennans fA alIdstis877 0551 Oouidng a0 nd ooas dm of Cfnada Ol' rngtcyveiE pea yeotography SOFI For SI J.ELLSMERE -shogesel ORPEI1tNC OOOAK hLE'o aLE IonEfi () p moi NhoS Cosruto 845O031f - anding2743367 wdlg 845_0_1_________ LMiD W neron %oWot h- ALL PURPOSE MILON COMMUNIT ToC o , o T HOUE Yf ORSCN ________________ 000000 AU Ah ~NURSERY SC-0 osH OOL HUL EZEiHE ALUMINUM a MIRRORHOM -IrSiewlkEtPaioSlb- 23Mai tee at Milton, 8783121 A U E OD1i EALER le . 85" 1529 datentIU STRAIGHT LINE .dl 878-71i97 di1t W J KOSKI FENCE CSO. Fofs MILTON !iUN 1 INO luno Zi î.I 96,01iV' I, L)Mi "' , e D 00 01150 niiOii,lx - SI., FlI OoOu te OIG wemnhrnFuit M 878I OO 9o452utOiogno n no0so aiî,îi nIooo, l R IE R t 8 7 0,OnfCoSeS Oif 00EPO CY NOtO 000-niiisnns M,,,Une.tOnnnlito -1 11WERS __-___I-. I.,sRetpairs S8449 8ic M.tnSlcedArnCae 878867ustom o w-nG-,n,- Hm886388 878 1774i Rndat at SPF.aE CALES 050 SOTOeparO ave on Fals 11Nc1" nFLWR AOE0fCmpe. oc 763 ai-olninoeoPhne C l 8H8429 a orsAvnng . .Nielns.aon n 00 P9 CON Fehslko die loes K- oimTD 7-6 o-8el-0o,44-978n1 pH0ý EROLMaPHF Arangmetso-a.ao-l,8781774Y______ Joho N hofa"d878o 4 21io-deCoMembrendouf ths eOLR to I ai- 719 Main 0S-d c;,GratiMandono335-5pla8 8he4al2Un2 MILT N CLLlRR u n en's Atte taifService CSI Mîflon ,i299CU71 FEneLTMOTel3 lionbPUBLI V omnlls dot -5 MLTN RAERiS MKESiE s .d a. Ifrmrl icarsn AL1 I1 M nHOME. o. m nnndy 2noo530 S EC ACEdACoperDnng nd SaeoMoat f MPRnnaMNT5 ovo adinCICo8e78787429 MITOe P PLSe ANCE Pn e 878 mu 0-97 C A C O OshOe o h pu PAIRSom: BAC8 8785485 TuidV1. ,,ý9, 88231 LIDA R ,an Cnn e, so-- 7818 c inoos e ls sY ORmo- S P don 93. n1lu ýl,ý 1 nWAER S POLTE R NIneea CCII O O N -lotE 84452 b 60 MinnSiSMonde S aleAs M..,t aO UOPA l ...pi Ym Wno ne SeHrvi e rvc oneO i NoI. nFiis 8784111il8on 87B-48C21n 219iMinaSreet Milon 35-508 t d o nnnîmX (#"58 OtooSe GL SEtMlOnMaoryCnra tarArhrnnensn.ODRWTR CO Al teFOOEEsATES ai LyemDet Raîl;si.s.s -Eecrc a uni G E19106 EaiLn SI Mlto CeINDUREd 87783 795388g 1 Rou C llin78Og ' 7-2321 o- dn nod 418285ainO5EEEsMEdgs 8829 g- Oh 1 -à