Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Feb 1979, B, p. 1

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SECOND SECTION MILTON ONTARIO, WEDNESDAYFEBRUARY 21,1979 SPORTS AND CLASSIFIEOS .,. B9 paRyoffa- Flyers trail Dynes by a gamne are caught pulling up pants Miton Flyes eetacned Ridges biasitishe Flynca fcnm lthe game laie in the eh a bole in the delen- On Friday i mas Dynes tbe ing mitb Raoad - bod a rosi lrnm Oais Rides Tons- os hirehbere turfl7-2, bai irsl perliodlac spenring. sise arcane. Coacb Doag rnomereeinging tbe isg and Pool McCasn goaltender, day mocnlsg, lrailiig inco Milon came bock tosaso- Murray coaid br iasded Vagban cent mitE .10e brus RoiutFric Filisos MeCons and Ooodisg rner.Dyns gamesinoone inlise Cent- nage a sqnnsisec 8-7 San- a tErne game suspension O'Oeady and Ferry Fry, and Tom Cbocbmacb aiso seserd for tbreHfort firal a bu cal OtaiosJanisre11B" day sn Dynes tecitocy. wiicb may soi be abe ta Tai Oeppord and .10e came ap big foetise bot Dais Ridgrs mon abe Breni DobE playolîs aller flling in Os Monday Pies ot be prchoord bock. Tise Tadd comiinations. locals, Flisos gcabbing to pai tbe pacb in tise set. goals and the Jencriiers 8-5. Tbr tise sersices nI oggres- OUA dnesn't look kindly Vtaghan sid be e ltei tw o goals and Cbacb- Dynes led 3-O afler tbe Osuday sn serins sisicb openrd Fr1- iver dlecemas M40e os spearisg. Flyers aiso beys brd a lot aI basile macb coisg once osd opening perlio, 1-4 olter sas a s( day is Milonsano Oak Murray sîbo ws c d o st Ii F. Mileut, cicb and rang trre goalpnnis. ossisiing once, playing on imo. Milton sboaiecs jasi Flyers weet r r- - USING THE 111510E cf is leg, goaltender Rod Sacbs kept te pulled dnwn by a Flyer defenceoctin and s Oak Rîdges Dyne player from tipping the puck into thte net n te penalty obot whiîcit Sorhs stopped. third perind Friday at Milton Memnorial. The Dyne bad been At 4fw wirs Mustangs enter semis al by Peser MrCnskec moss record is irnpressisr. Miltos District Higb Il Mustangs manage to gage Bringlon Central irai tbey mii ester tbe Higb todoy iWrdnnsdayt Haitoo finals set for Fr1- n the ation Higb Sebool day. Actos Redmen and junior bsbrtboii snmi- M.M. Robnsn square isais. osf1in the otber bal o tbe Mstangs dropped nemni and i Actoo iss, il Perdae 55-48 Frcday iii be thbe bat sarib otrrnos belore a cap- Naltoo isali n pers. acity eromd ai MDNO b Tbe janior bankeibali takl heboquartor isais. team morEs mli togebere Tbey campirird ibrîr aller twa baussoa praci- seoson mtb a I-0 record ise eocb eenoisg sîsce and isciadcng the tart o tbe seoson. rsbibitions, the 35-3 in- Cachbryos Camant i asscsted by Prier Gnisb. tbe braco beisd tbe Mastang game pion. Caoanîsacd tbe soccescf tbe Musang game is due to a nombre ci factors, bat moiniy tbe may players cnsordcnate ibrîr efforts as a tram andhibrrpositissat inter- cbasgeability. Fnornpies ci tbe play- ers' sersatclcty are Paul VasOorsebot and Jef Lambe. Lambe, saaliy o lormard and Vasoor- scbot. o centre, stes play goard togriber. Wben ibese inco are ai, gsard, tbe siberibre positions cas be capobiy bandiai by six nibers. Il Camoni sonts to iscrease tbe pare o the game be tilinns Prrry Martin, Marb Tonna and Fort Fssery. Far a con- trouai cantesi bell base Bruce Haines, Fsseey and Freern on tise Of course Camons rnabes goal ose of centre Pool VanOorci 5b0, bai iJobn Hacheti con rasiiy 1 bondie tbe position, Tbrn Carnani bas is strong ut- liy players sacb as Tomn Galloy. mbo ban an esceptiosally bîgb soccesofai sbootcng porcentage. and ridget Jarnîr Raciscby nsbo con tit]in1 any spot. Corant's cotribution to tbe tram as coacb bas bren in cosditiosisg and estbasiasm. Gnisb is tbe tabccas and bnoncs tbe gamne meil. istb base bers iib tbe tram imo years. efore nisb and Comani, tene and Colin Frntrr tob castrai cf tbe Milton Jrc. Senior Team Wtb tbe neasiog of tbe janior tram and basbet- bail ai MONO, tise grod- tes cf tbe juniors iii bîrr a strong naceas for Marcs lOrnenOi piayed is 1inai year nitb tbe juniorsîin 1977-'78 bat mli soin VanOorsebot, Haines, Essecy, Martin, Larnbe. Tonna, Gallo- nsay. Hacbrtt and Freeman on tbe senior irons, tbe irsi n foar yearc ai MDHO. Camani spobe of tbe senior ieam and stoird bheyv sut ase tbe besi 10 players in tbe scbool and be darsn'i bnom mbat toi- est milba cornîng in. Tbr Cbamnpion asbrd bom bcmooldbknonsmbc cametintobhe scboostand mas brr asyose mbo corne o Milton 1r basketbal 'Tbe ironie port abaut Martins s ibai be came out of tbe bise, CamO soid. He soid Ferry Martin onnroocbieda ug Ume witb rOtese Loti- E'Carl Taylor ha tricb aod ses bad imo nOak Ridges quaaer bot we mncbmore in cotrot of tbe play thon tbry sere bere Friday. Vaughan said yos soldo't recognine tbern as tbe same tram. Tod Sheppard sas ejecird in tbe lîrsi period sis a major miscondaci but Flyra mece able to bsy bacb tbe player for Moo- day. .10e O'Oradp sas tîliord on a regular bosis and acrording bo Vaugban, the i5-year-sid piayed a commendable garne asd rlearrd the pockmwel lIm asbhe fîrsi nîgbt Cbncbmacb sas isai witb MeCans and Goodisg Cbscbrnacb cao cause banor i ront of the set and seerns to draw a mao or inso beep hînsbasy and away troncthe goalmosib. This irers MeCans and Gosd- 1/ îg.Teln otesi goals siiii Goodiog gettiiofa bai trick, McCan corig to and Cbacbncacb ose. Fltîsoo and Marty Veoere scorrd soges wdb assîsis goîsg o Jînc Cort, .10e Todd, cas awarded a McCann tmo, Goadiog imo, Millet, O'Orady and (Coslined on Page B3) ifter hcm in tbe hbous and asb cd to pay Camant saîdbrorseer says no tc anybody and so gave Marina trycaut.Martin, cf course, sot tbr cake. Tbe Nises broibers [rom Nem Erunswinsb prrparrd eariy and betore movcng s Milton, wrote tbe scboat inqoir- ing abot tbe bashribal prcgcarn Tir nrmccmers and tbe Haton chanspion nsîdgritronc gradootes, mabe op tbe Musang jonnlors. iokelieid Torsamesi Ai tbe iisicosLobe- field asbribait Toarna- ment ibat pis tbe besi junior teors nnn iis area g1W unmn tba is spon Milton Tridents brobe loto thei' Ssntbern Caons Istermediate "B' playolîs liEr gang basters o'itb a 9-s deleat ni St. Marys Sanday in Milton Mernoriai Mrena. The second gamte was pînyed in Mlton Tsesday rvenisg bot the score mas osavailabte at press Urne. In the opeisg ganse Si Mac»s Stone Croshers opesed the scoriog 55 seconds inia tbe play beatisg goaltender ilrad Evans. Mrray Pîcbrl fired tbe pack miii Larry Hosacb settisg op tbe pas Gord Lyons netted tbe tylof goal assisted by Ken Fay aiti5.2sAllie piayisg nborlbasded and Gary Richcardson srtted the go abead goal fronDpsgHearnssmitba3.45rrnain- ng in tihetirst peeiodsshicb provrd to be the isser. bInbe second period Lorne Lesak noicbed is liesi prosing bis corne back mitin Lysns ansistisg and Bilt McOittoncay added Multons toortb tronc ian Cote witbSS.52remaisiog. The thîrd pecidt Tridents hies the id off tbe visitors sith i tie goals the tirsi comîong at t9.09nitti Lesuk set- iing op Lyorts second. Doag Hearnss Ricbardson and Marty Seeds added sngles whîte Lyonsn omplrted hos battrick. Arn Robertson and Hagb Wlarns grabbed assinin osnPearo's goal. Mike Peomarden aod .1cm Cote assisird on Riebardoonsmraeer and Lesb and Pesmarden helped Lyoo's batteîcb. PLAYOFE UPSET The apset ib e playolin happrord ichro New Harnbarg etcmnîaied Aye Rochets 9-8 n ovoertinse Sondas, sîosisgithesres 3-2. New Harnbsrg had iscshed sisth nin e rdivision and mrnaaged S. deteat toartb place Aye. Nes Hans bsrg opens agaînsi Paris 2'ers te a disposing orro by McDosald's orser woo on thr basbet Tobacco Compaoy. threer seconds before tbe Mstangs aiso saierd drofcithe gainse, Hs thr fc ctibir trrr lusses oe daeiog tbe garne. t bhis prar ai ibai toorna- No mooder Mustangs ment. At Labrfield. Van arr raird second in tbe Gorsebot and Bruce prosînce, Haioes mere oamrd co PERDI.EIEATEN tbe ait-star irans Lansbr Perdoe juoiors mere sas seircird on tbe sec-domped ai MDHS in bei 1 ood state. ast gae othbeseason Mustangs locedal aitand bad toocpen hbr lient place trams iboîher playofo agaînsi tUe varcoos teagors wbicb Mustangs Fridas citer- îosiadrd Si. irrores ofton Ktcbrser, Henry Carr Milton jsncped abead and Monarch Parb ot in tberbrst cquarter 15-6 Toronto, G.L. Roberts of and ted 3-i6 ai ibe bauf Gsbawsa aod Crests'ood Teirtreadmwas caito 4l oft Peterborough. 32 in tbe ibîrd qaarter bosbrtbaii ai Milton and Perdue carne on i conUines t brone oftbe tbe fioal fronce. stroogent sports toc tbe Mustangs attempird to n ccbolo'iU crossncountry roo oct tbe ciocb mobh n trams bgionisg tonsabe oser .iso minuntes L ibrîr rnarb in Ration. errainng and more e GOe ciCanis pbit soccsîci ibat ibey brld f cpbies aboat tbe garne on for tbe sictory. and bon shsoold b oweer, Perdue oct- playrd is, Tbr garnc spaved Mustangso1-i bhefinoal qoarter and whntirs ras oct cf ie, soicedtbetirorstr- Vanoorscboi bandird 23points. Martino15 in Urst-of-sevnosectes. le the Croirai Division Dossoie Modeats hold a ibrer gamne lsad ocereRocbioo fReal McCoys mîsoîse 51 Tuesiiay. 94 Thursday and 6-0 on Oooday UnSthclîr aino lrads Wairrdosc bhrrr gasîrs to sone scoa6-5wtniastoweek, a 7-sictory Fridoy and a 91 sagbter os Sosdayv In tUe sooth tiioso Port Doser ieads brier sertes aith Dorchenter 2- i. Lasi Toesdaî Port Doser rdged Dorchester 7-îinosertinse.OFr1- day Pît Doser beat Dorbesterr7-4 and Dorohestesr'anse bark Sasday aithia 54 vis Tilsoboeg leads Delii mtb imo oins, boith scores o5-4 Trientscol lface hirrnesi mss ganses in StiNirys playîng Friday esrnisg atO8plnand uonday afier- ooon al2pns TRIDENT TOP SCORER Lorice Lcsob claîsîrd tEe tram sceriof ite oi 36 goals and 31 assis ino26gaors accordig ta, Teriets trans statssiies released tact arn ill Sitrlockscasnsecond itih 562 points irons 26 goals and 36 assîsto Sherlock olsiook sixnmin- oies on penalties io Lrno's 14. Gars iîchardso iîssbd tird oih 2 goals and 33 assinto in 27 ganses lot.7il pois HotU Sherisck and tRichardsonoare tîrsi prar Tri- dents ilegotar Kec Faofiunsbrd ioseib inos 'sco ih l goalsand 20 assiststfoe5lpointsioiiosd byiJim Colerand iiob oieto iiiî50and 49 respect o ris, TUhs'resuai hable piaciog io tronc Gord lions oinsesenth place sitb 18 goas2dassuttsUforO42poiots inoly 12 gorns. 1,yons alsoUlas 58nsinutes inpenaltites Perdue Tonsa and Naises tou, e 1Mrk errieta Freensa I tlot oit an d iledupoints 1cr Per- Hachett one Octuot leetocSteve NciKnnon il, tbcePoint gtîcrs. amic- Sida' Focotabe il and Hugs adiaie IA POOR DEFENCE allows Jeff Lambe ta Igetsabaht at the Perdue net. Iamnbe was Inaed thUe second aIl star lice aI Use meent Lakefield Basketball Tournament. L Ambs one cf Use nvausble Mustangs and is an ail round stblete playing bouse Vesgue hockey as well during Use winter. 's. r MUSTANG MARK TONNA dribbles up court with VanOorsebot foliowAng at the guard position during Fridsy afternoon's qusrter final vieAnry over Perdue. STFOR SHOOTING, Milton Mustang centre Paul Van Ooruchot is caugitt aimait peaking n bis jum p shot aI lthe Perdue basket wbile the defender vainly attempts te bock the shot. Trident gang busters destroy St. Marys 9-1

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