4 rue Cenadn Champion, Wed. Poli. 14, 197 «On4abiau hrtîio Shaking our heads A classie example of haggling While other matters of the over the cents whle forgettîng the agenda contîng thousanda more dollars, waa performed in Halton were passed mith the mave of a regional council chambers lat hand, the $22 wan an item mhich meek. had to be discusaed in detail. Counillors debated thse merits How true is thse expression thse of paying regional chairman Jack nickel and dîme stuff is almaya Raftis $225 for hin monthly car hotly debatod whle the big buck allomance. issues are simply glossnd over. Ignoring the fact Mr. Batis had The fart is, politicians, like the volunteered to go mithout thse car people they represent, have very whic th reionbas rovdedand little ides of what it ia like to hold maintained for the previous two thoand fdlasi h chairmen and forgetting that Mr. hnds. They simply aren't amare. Rattis had declined the $300 But, mhen if comes to some- originally allocated for the aîîom- thing mhich is costing a couple ance, the regional politicians de- hundred bucks, everyone knoms bated mhether the chairman exactly what they are talking should be granted the $225 or ho about, having held $225 in their subject to the namne mileage res- If the question had been giving traints as other regional em- Mr. Raftis $22539, every mother's ployees. son (and daughter) mould want to The debate ment on for some knom nhat the 39 cents was for. time. Councillora waxed eto- If really makea us wonder mho quentty about policy, money and me have representing us at the the princîple of the thing. regional level. A dangerous,,Q precedent "Milton takes care of its Oms" mas the comment made by Coun- rillor Bill Johnson and sure enough, Milton taxpayers are having to pick up the bitt as the re- suIt. Mr. Johnson's comment mas made at Hatton Regional Couscil tant meek mhen the region passed a motion refusing to ho respon- sible for the semage hackup into Martin Caputos basement in 1975 ahortly aîter the inception of re- gional goverfiment. Mr. Caputo noho ives at 385 Wiliams Ave. had tried 10 eeok compensation for damages dose 10 hin home but mas turned doms by the region. Ho 1usd more sympathetie istesers at Milton Councit mhich agreed to compensate him 10 the tune of a $1,000. Remarkable that the incident occurred almoat four years earlier, compensation is awarded by the toms and sot by the region. Ose of the reasons the region vctoed the application mas the precedent the mutter mould set if approved. Nom that Milton set it, me hope Mr. Caputos case mas an isolated ose. If it isn't, any Tom, Dick or Harry mho foots hard done by the region muy come knocking on Miltons doors, expecting a handout. A man for the job The spunk of Bill Watson is a mas aller our oms hesrts. Mr. Watson is the nom fire chiof oft the nom Kitbride Fire Depart- ment. Athough hoe and mont of his mon are mithout experience, they are triving 10 ho a good, efficient bunch of smoke eatera. Rocognizing they are going 10 make mistakes, they also rocog- sizo that is the msy tof learning. Firofighting is a tough business. Wo knom by matching the Milton Fire Department in action. It han risks and there is danger. But a good dopartment sot only puts out f ires, il prevents them as metl. Wo have no doubi Kilbride milI ho as successful if Mr. Watson is asy example. A mas mho fot mont of his fingors in an industrial accident years ago, hoe has sot only coped but more than ovrcome thia Ions. Ho is proprietor of his oms busi- nes s ilride and the leader- ship and respect mhich hoe comn- manda in the community are pro- hably outafanding rossons mhy hoe mas choses to head the tire departmnent. Lack of experience in a certain field isen0 drawbeck when tho mes for the job has s rapebility which cas match enyfhing ies fhrown up ageinaf. And liecause of the masn1Mr. Watson is e i f the kind of leader other nncan oIoka up f0lan fnies of crais and emnergency, two facte of firofighting. We have no doubts Mr. Watson milI ho as fine a chief as any tire dopartmont could ask. IGA cornes ta town This meek sees the opening 0f a major chais store. Tho Independent Grocors Association has opened its first outtet ut the White Oak Plaza. Comaiossiy calted bOA, 'ho 110W operation is a reflectios of the groming population that Milton boants. Wo mish the nom omnors al possible sucrons in their venture. Growing education Milton is beroming as educational centre. And mucli of il is hing situsted in the E. C. Drury complox. Bosides heing the provincislly- fundod school for the deaf and other handirapped tudonts, the fscility is going le become part of the tonns nom high achool. This milI sot onîy eccommodae composite and vocefional etu- dents but a amail portion will le devoted te children mith epecial lesrning disehuitiee. Also, efarting et Drury fa Trillium Sehool. Stuated in Druryes former hoapifal, the achoot wil antrmsetudents with aoveae Iearsia diaabilifles. ftampiou ~171 Sî%.A~aa HERB CROWTHER PtI î cc ROY DOWNS PAUL BELANGER Jr. Ediior Adnortising Manager 191 Main St. East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 N7 Phone 878-2341 amui .w.D,.s Oc 5S- m ca M ,C 5.a - R l. P- Me; Di iîaa R- - 5cm 5 D Sugar and Spice By 8ill SmiIey I was overlooked for the GG's job Vve bittes my lip until 1 dreso blond.IVve can look as wise as an owl aboultbings in iried ne01t0 et the hont show. Bul my close generol, while bacîng the intelligence ni a friends have noiedsomeihing behiod the rabbtlabout saute. Scoreisso. ioo-brigh somnde, the overlc-casoal maniner. So1mighilasmwell le ilout. No EdbSchreer is aifamily man. Sami1 ose geîîing an abcer. Bol l'Il bel wy kids more a lot more rotien han is are, and 1 coped wiih ibem. And i leli slighied te the point of humiliation howmwany graodehldren dues;Me. mbes Ed Schreyer mas nasord Goceroor- Schreyerr lave' i monder i Trudeau gave Grnerali nsiead ai me. ay ibougbi la the millions ai grand- parentsin oibis country, when lie made is 1 as' io,00disapponîrd ishen Trudeaua bahminahle choice? passedmeosverlorihe Senale. i assi aoid ennugb, derrepil enougb, or liberal Is Ed Schreyer a mac seleran? Weli, 1 enaisgh am. There gors the mbole Legman voie, Trudeau, whicb yas migbi have gatifi Bai I didn'l tinhîn is pellc vindici youd bad yoar bead srrewed an righi. coerons mosid go sfar as la overlooli me lor the GGOs lob. Just becase Vve It is now 4-0lor me. Dyoa beginitu wriiien a 10w colamos saggestîag liai iindersland my asiomishmeni when the no Pierre Elliolti s somelbing lesc bhan lhe doubl aaniybut al ndisiingaished Mr. S. Second Coming. a hsnoe e There wereaonly the lacail us iin lie Ed Schrey er cas a laîlare. He couidalt ranning,biosly, bui1canit igure out acionlîbýispremiersjobi1bave never wbyithePrimerMinisier larnedbisliacb un iled ai anyting, i gained my pilai's me. Pehapsitegarner aifea bandred aingsniiWW2, lookanbhonorsdegree in cales in the mmi, wbîcb cs probablyafal the taughesl course in University, mas a bel ligr. came Janie.saccessfii il pe. weekly ediior. hase rsnlu lie astronomie beigbi ai depari- i bave iioling whalrvec agawnsl Ed mecl heail in a bîgb scbaal, and bave heen Seberyer as a persan. i danit believe in licaîîaed as Oaisiandîng Clamnîstinii msdslingîng, even wben il cames tui a Canada. ail sinecare Buiei'slookaalite reord, and yaa may hegin la undersiand my bemilder- Ed Scbreyer is singleminded in polies. metai Trudeaus miiaire aithe cenlary. An Endeepeeer. 1 base soied for ail trrr major parties, somte ai ihem noverai Ed Scbreyer is a pnliiicias Gasernirs- imes. Tbaagb net a polilician, i bave bren General sbosld n0t1ibers plilicians, i aw clasely invcavrd in polies. ihave bren ne no, neyer bave Sera, and neyer %viii pablicîly man for a liberalan NDP hope- ho, a poliician. Snre one 1or me. lai. and a Tory. The Liberai mon tie Belli tbe aiber gays test.Iils obvions Ed Screyer is luai yonnl onernîes- Trudeau didolt check my dossier. General sbouid ho laîrly ancîrni. and ahio ise evenibhy areni i 1amin my primeî, uc ateninas bengienitele acl and by the end ai my term nai ud h ap- bhalMc. Scrryerrbas an elbois German- praacbing the drnaiing rarnesines liai Sausirias ancrsiry. Sa wbai' i am nsoi 1m wy sperchmriiers waald prepare lacr1me. une iu tbe s-calird iaanding rares eiher. And for lie second pari ai the alaise Scollîsh, Iisb, and a humtl spiasb ai Danîsh qualcaton, 1am penlect lac ho iar. aliwen s0w saiors werm rehedinithe Off beat yRdLm Comrade- Teach us The Caîsadian style of hockey mmi dîwn la drirati n the NHL-Rossian nrirs lais pont meek. Lire theolod Crusader Cavairy charge mbscb pacbed ail lsnmomesiuw in tbm miitibrusi, the NHL aistors mon tho lirsi of the ihree-gamne serion 4-2 hoire rsnning oui ai steam. The Husians rame irom bhhnd Élacwisn - 4 inIbmherond gemne and thon annibsîated thie baplesCasocha 6-0 nntde tbird lin- There îs no question Canadian liîcbcy an mrbknomi, ininleriociaothe uslauss The NHL pacbed Ihebmbonitalent il cauld and rame up shori-banded. Considering ithe slrogglo mas Ibthenis hoimeen imo roustries. Ibe gamos aec interestisg and 10 a point. mnnslîag. Hoeer, tde ellectivetes ni tbmSoviset ikatisg ansidolhe ehublip 1tuearn leam peevious deeto iniCanada, cowhsned la rout our mercenarioo. Regardions bo iss ibis ars Sanley Cap, i'o goise 1 o e asidmbam cawmpared tu the Eurspoas Worid Cop. We bave been sarpamd is hockeycand the serins pcores il. 'ie jolie as os me mbon i atuompîrd 10 mmve ste my nom digs ai the Noble Aparîmenîs Fciday nsghl. Tbîsbîng t oas ta wnve nis Aprimeni .519, 1tieîd la gel un but mOc' ibmaried hocause Ibm dosc mas lscked, liaprinernit t0iolley mas absent. b,rn hreirnedi1askedbow comnethe dîîîr mas lî,cbed. "il is val' bec riorid, Prîîcssg Ibm posi, ho puis shors os anidup the eevator went. 1 weiltu 509, tried e door, opened il andaaaaotlu iaanmben Mr. insiley saîd, Tbal vs olt yor apariment. Triiig the hande of 07 he asly lshord lic Scor bad heem unlorbod. Weili,aas i sheepisb. Trpsng Ils break intu the rong aperi- mentlandthen inding outilimaslthemroug fil as a gaad laugb. especially bar Helen Waîîitey ,sbiikeepo a cecord ai amnsing incidentssintho building. -'mc ld somne lriesds' she naid Salurday. "and ibep bad qile e choclile.' Iait mp monos mere as bilarinon an the weebend's. i mouid bave tu do as Eddie thacli and add thie sullin "The Ester- lainer' la my sosie. Hebrides a coaple ai rentaries ega. Thai sure ai'Britiîsh nrFrench. Speakisg nifiFrench. does Mr. chryer base aoy honds iih Q.ehori Weil, i have. Boili my paenis more hors and growoup ibere. My modier spolie floenl French. And 1 speni Use lirsi imn years af my lite in Shamville, Pontiac Contoy. Qoohor Nover mind ibai ihere mas not a Jem, a Cina- man, nnr a Frenchman in the village. Il mas sili in Quohor. Perhaps ypas dinh ibai. as a foraie polilirian, Mr. Sciienye n ls more ahout patronage ihas i do. Nonsense. Wben i mas the linon-mas os the doue nid Hamnoiron the Great Lobes, holore sho mai hursed ai the docki ai Sarnia.,i1linom Use ropes. Gîve the Chinno cooki e roupie extra haath lomols a mmli. and yos aie bhouer ilion the passengors I doni mwani 10 go on and os lîbe ibis, poinlise nue Me. Trudeus fly and Me. babroyers shoriromîngo. Bol il os a tact bhaltIam houter lisomo in Canada, enrepi amasg media and poliiriani. ibas ho. Auli onynne sn Kamloops or Moosomin or Sulian or lfridgemaler. Theyve nevnr heard aI hîm. Jusl a fem base ends. Dos Me. Selirryer bave a son mho is devoiing is lufe la the spiritual elare ai the Tbird Worid, and speaki lise langoages? Oe a daaghier mho cas mbnedlo ihoasandsout 1of hec laîbor mîdaoul oves asking? Or imo grand- childeen wo cas redore a lise oid liose nia an anriosi uisn imo eek' Loi hlm ansmer tIbm WI Ho bas a good-looliing ie wbo oulin esalîs Eoropean dmshes. I bove a batifl ie mbose grilied porli chope mith rassied mshroom soup îpread os top malin pou weep iih gaileosomir dligbi. Srore? About 14-e. Il a morry day for Tredeau mhes lie minlooligold ileteing foe slid gold. Our Readers Wrfte DoerEditor: As a Milton Higbia propnrly owner i Irel Milton rosanil linutisa atiog monny replacisg ihn bridge or boytog asy propnrnp is Milton Higbts. The bouvy trucli problem is tbm aires lias bnen ssopped iisre ibny rani mns the bridge. Spnnding ithe are of the bridge is no prsbiem sinon only onrare as go over ai a lime. The Halbis itegios Consevation Aaiboriiy sbnsld ho lorred t10 havn a iraffir olirer ai Use Hnigbia crnr during pnab limen wben cars are romisg 10 aod lrom Gins Edens and Kelso. Tbere sboold bh o 0parking i asy limeons Usn ibouldnrs of the Toms Lino The monysved by nel chelogisa thn iinrsertion or bridgn cosld reduen orna properip tanxesliiy per rouI lue ai leuni lmesty years. This might beip the inronveniesre raosed 10 reaidensu beavy iraffir michb las beens orred on ibem. Sinrerely, Ron Nemel Turning the Pages of the Past From ithe files of The Canadien Champion 20 years ago Fres tbe Feli. 12,1959 isse Dicli Syson af 237 Sydney St., Milton heiped pilou an italien Fiai mbirh plared second in Use 160-car Canadien minier Baliy, a i,50-mile trai oser NorUseen Ontario couda lani wonb. Halions-Mc Agriroltuse." Use man mbo sersed as agriroliorai cepreenn- ative bece for tbe pool 24 peari. mas banored an is Friday retiremeni mben bundreds fiîled tbe Nelso Higb Sbooul auditorium foe e presnoation cree- mony. James Kart Wiielnrli mas pcaised by fiondsanad Doparîmeni allicials for is rontributions ho Use coînlys agricidioral progcems. Dr. C. D. Graham, depoiy miniîior ni agricul- ture lac Onario, ralied him "a mon nI vsiosn and a masnif rbievemesl." A $301360tender mas arrepied by the nacib Halion igb srbosi board Mon- day, lac Milions nem bigli srbosi. il mas tamesi ni 10 bida. Worli miii itaci in Apei and tbe schoo s lto eready by Novemhor, on a 1-ocre silo rerentiy anned la Milton ai Use sosib end nI Williams Ave. Besace McKere, Use lowmo bromes, ce- porto Use toms bas usod loue times as mucbsnd os stronto and maibn as il onod losi pear-ahool 1,00tom sinail. The crews bave aiso spcead 50S idll ons of Sali. Porcbase of Lomviiie Paris lrsm Use Haltoa Federatios cd Agrieculture, loc s20,00e, mas apprsved by Borlingtos Counril on Monday. Gordie Home and "Red" Kelly more guetaas Mito' a Isse babysiglit ffidsy. Hockey sticks autographed byr the imo Detroit Red Wissgs olliriais more mon by Bo ain lor and Jim E- sin, mbo noid Use mosi tickets ta Use evesi. Tbe duo signed masp autographs foe yoongsiecî. The ediiorial board ni Halios Junior Farmeci is rrrnly rompieting detoOn bfo a boolel marking Use 25Us assivnrsary of Use group. Editor is milma Wisos, miUs Jeas Poierson ber assistont. 75 years agio AboutIil pm. nsMondap, ose ni Use rbsmnnys ni Use MrCerisey Hosase look lire and tbe sont mas some time sn barning oat. Te ise l trm mao ooissded about 20 minates and Usoogb no grnai damnage mas dase, dher mas qoite a mcare amnosg Mii- Ioniens. Thse rold snap mirb setissonsBusday mas porbapo Use most sevece ofl Us i iter mirb bai boenstho roidont in 63 poars. Local Uermometers rerorded a o bms020 degrees beoomzero. The bigb indo mirh prnvaiied non oniy made Use roid chiliier but drilted snom over the radmwapi and roeda. W. J. Armstrsng spesi Susday in Miltos idh bis lamily and ceturned to, Toronto Jiairtion on Mosday. Ho atends Use Royal Tempiars in Toronto Uhso mml. The ansoutssrent of Use deaUs of Me. Water J. Harper, Grand Trissl agentate Milton, rosi e gloum avec Use mbole cam- muity. Me. Harper bad lieus illSfSm abouti dheeemmka. Mach snxiety wmeabit cons- rersing bis condition bolore bis deaUs. Allbsue bbobodsppaared ta haveltaS a ehang for the baffer, bis dead togE yvorne by sunpsla. lSMq'T If' TYPICAI.f TNEYR*E £2~ Ai[T-FIClKîA& OUEIS TM-E wt9 544 CEf4TS AMP 44wa*y6l% ui FORC16T AeOJT ~ tIA~ .unsh i M YOM é,