The Canadian Champion, Wad. Fea. 14,1979 CM A volunteer rmn This mailman handies 20,000 letters a day fl lIv linda Kirbv Whrt tew/rt/IMetoali arrives aI h/a MlIas office escit macmsg, ite tacesmoretan te assaI sessunt ai business correspondence. la tact, ite deals aitit approximnalely 20,000 places ot mail daily an Pilons leller carrier co- ardiialar. Tise 33-yesr-otd B-rbsglon ces/dent aaanmed te poalal jobin i Jassscy tollowlsg te promotion ai tormer ce- animna/ar Tom Shielda tram Pillas la Tres/a. lise job la noI esllrely new toc M. Melcait. Ha begas wit ite Burlinglon lPest Ofice 13 yearsaoas aa te/r car- rierndmiwrted is way ap oa reliet carrier asd la loti, o letter carrier supervissr. H/a eapaaatbllty c0t'rs/14/ltrcarrters and te/a routes. The day iteginsnut .41 a.m. wben he arrives la, supervise te ssrittg ai lte mail deliverei la te SIeetes Ave. office tram mais post ofice os Mala si. E. lbhoughliehadoos mi de lte actel srllg, lie mates suce te neces- sary staffislapresesl and taI delvecing sebedules are oslime. Public relations playn a v/tlIrate lanb/a jaob. I lcy 10 eslabliait a gondl wrtlng relalion- ship e itte employees and te public,' tie es- plaiseil, adihig mach of te suarrau of thte local post office depende apss te employees. Appcasimtaely 6,000 catIs are pail daly la Mltan res/dences andl btusiness oftces. He dosnt rcs/le many rompiai calta, be soi, "maybe lws'. At Chrislamas ime, be mllimales te local office bondIes aboaI trille te amassI ai normal daily mail, or appreslooalely 60000 pieces ai mail. One aifte newer aspects ofai b/poitiion la- valves te co-ociinaias ai mail t-ucta. la Bartoglon, te truck service eau bas- dled bycoslracl and lho bad Italie la, do w/lb litaI lissaof service. Now, lbe/a coaponsuble tacrte up- teap ad asianenance ai lte ilve mail brts. Theb-rucks deliver mail la varie.s ponla la Oie connmunly fram wbere il la picteil up by loBter cr- riera. ite b-cta mot oIns illiver l intse rrala parls aI Mlton, Anormaltripafora tlet- r carrier en appt-aimalely 310 catis wit a ac ai abtout 50 pounsflitetters. Ite majat-ity aifte carriers w/lt aot, iaw- ever, laite as more b-as 35 pausds ai mail aI ose ime. The remaiader ia toit at specifir pont atire boxes, ta ha delivered later iste day. Acing is a sapervtnary capacily dam nat stop aI watiing te mail go out, espiaineil Mr. Melcali. 'Watt evaluaios" ce- ports are ose ai maay items ai paperwrktota h dase. Eacit rouIe la timeil and recardeil. Statisics are tept o tite amnoasI aimafl, renies asd te ett/ciescy of te pontal trucksn, w/lb te objective la imprave service whaervec possible. Mr. Melcaît saad ite doam ast bave any uw- mediale plans for citanges in te preseat set-vce. "I camebhere very apea misded," be aaid. Wit junt ase mastit h/ttt,//ota 4 i t/i/S/g t/eat 1*'an /ot/tk/Og wtt he cm- ployeesa but admils te does have hIsta ye set on nwhor/zons. "Depead/ag upan te opportus/l/es,-ttc saad be bopea lIa move hayanil b/a prosent pos/tiono. Hua iam/l/acîty w/lb posaltrt-uteslin ul/ng- Ion itas also itepi htm busy wîlls a s/dol/ne joit an a delivery man toc Seat-a /n Barl/nglon. lnadadi/i/an 10 las proimîtiosal cOapîtna- hII/m. ho/as a volaleor i/rofi/gb/artoc Baciag- ton. Il/is a pout/an ho ban bel toc thte paît two yearn. and oneite saysito eajoys. An av/d sporttafan, Mc. MoiraIt /s a wemhar of a Burli/glon .p/ch up hocey" tram wh/cit ptaya evocy Sunday wora/ng. Ho /a also aecrclary- troasucofoite Assoc/a- t/as of Paît Oicea af Canada. MMc IaIt s maccîid w/lb a wio. Cathy. Ho bas lwo chit/dren, Jeaaelie, e/ghl andl Jeff rey, tht-or. STEWART METCALF is Miltons new letter carrer co-ordinator. He assumed is post January folowmng the promotion of former co-ordmnator Tom Shields from the Milton Post Office ta a brancla of the Toranto Post Office. Officer cites risk of 2,660 accidents Wit. 2,660l chldren rid- ta carrenlly being de- achoalsaaiety patral pro- ing bicycles ta achasi aI veloped la pravide par- gram. peat periad, tite impact- ents witb an aleri wben Mr. Swaminathaa acso bicycle natety is Ibeir childcmn are riding sated tbat op 10 2,700 oneoi thteareas requit-/ng bicycles unsately. A acitool patrolters are contlsaisg woct, PC. "ticket" wIl cha baded isvolved la Halonaswit Raj Swamialhas. satety ouIttaât requi-en te about 700 atlendisg the, atirer aofte Halton signature of te parent Otawa jamboree estn Reglasat Police recently ami relut-n ta the police. year. Egbt bas laads told Millon ittarians. went ram Mtt tte The altîcer, wbo serves Mach ai Lite wark ai heIbe ieCapades lasI year as Milon, Gecagelownanad safety off/uer, itamevet-, a special autias. Actas areaa ai narlt Hal- is in meeting te chiid- Tite atirer ptased tite tan;s, ialut-spons/Ibe te, la develapisg in- c-aperaias aifte Hal- lac a vaiety of saaety lot-mal/as as crossa Ian Board and te Halos programs. walita, asnitadlisg ram- Sepaate Scbesl Boardl an He ated maapowec plainta, speaias ta well as tite wrt af Ham- limiatinsacestcîcl lite graupa, wortiag wth te ittn Auomobile Club,. amaaat af wari tita l Haltaa Salety Causcil and te Hallas Saiely pesa/bIe but noîrd a plananad aaiaiag lan te Causcil. Rotarians host mountain climber A Japamee mosatain cimhac wito aspires 10 ha a diplomat ia te set ex- change tudesl lite Mil- tun lRotary Club wIl ha hotisg. Nohru Naitan/ahi, a ti-ymar-old student ram Kuwaguchi Cty, wIl ha ram/ng tor a l-month slay t the endl ot Mat-ch. Rolacian But-be McNefll sail Mc. Natas/sh/ utl hathe seventh studoal the club bas bsted sinre il hagan porlicpat/ng /n the program several yeat-s ao. Albosgit Mc. McNell naid be tas arrangoil accommodation toc part ai Msr. Notansnb/s slay, ho is laat/ng toc olber famfies wbo wmudd ha w/llag la hast te yaslh. Paheal/re asd tho Engllnbtasngaage are Mr. Natansni'n mais scitol icron/a ebile be lis/a tsralgn tOlms, poptlar Smui/c anil boota as b/a ânsIca redaiondl wr/le rallier eel,' he aseilla bic Roaryislarvie "Ibsugh crosi express myseft orall o sswel." ..'1 Véry munit looi/ng lot-wrd 10 serîng somasy tore/ga peope andl I wanl 10 bave mutuel uadeslasd/ag aid lcîently elati/on w/lb tem."- Mc. Nakan/sh/ is as aavo average aladeni. H/a report carl shows A. no national lasguage. h/alry, maibemairs and Engl/ab w/lb Bn lan social alud/es, gea- gcaphy, ar/est-o, physical edoraI/os nlanr. The put-pose aifte on- change progt-am i/110 ae- quaist students w/lb il/t- tereal rassît-/m. Opocateil by Rotary Isternationat, te ex change /a ose-la-ose. Pr. McNell sail Milton ltas bssted two sttdesn t ramDenmat-h asnd one ram New Zeatonil, Ocazil asd Japon. ise club o car- renliy bsting a Oedisit yostb. Sludenta tram Mlias bave iteen setila Aussra- lia, etgism, Mexicoanadi Pbillipinm via Roaraty. Sorority to visit Molsons Breweries Ela Phti chaptet-otflIta Warebaune in Toranto Sigma Ph/ bas bad o buay and a t-/p la the Ire poli few monlbs. Folies. Ose ssrarily In Decemhar Judy meeing teareil o pro Hougltan joinoil, lises ,grass an service onil a as a ohwilag par/y, a tilm On the lIed Cross. chldreno Chrislman Polon Srewerim wil parly, lbe aurrilys hbe ecendezvous lac the Chrismas party w/lb srarly in Marcit. serrat i n/aec gilex- Invileil on lbe b-/p are change, a couples' lightI membes' bubasis. outan ssi gtl-wrapping ai lbe Milon lIaI. A btbe drive la telag In ,anssry lbere was a rgon/lad ilahlbtloer roupes il/nar ai Eds ParitaOfPAay. For aaybody eesanad ofcolorTV, hs L N/Ilw pricewoudbe dam good. But frau1979 /LA Lae pssr XL 100 Il sspocttt-ua!Bocauso the OCAXL-100 cansumptln namo is tamous ftop quuity, biuint calor peoramanc 7 -1Actua//y uses and long-lastong ro abilty Se ng iabeliev g ..and your CA onaveruge l leus enrgy douler isaoooua to gaoyouuadomaontaton ofhs solidsaethun a 7-watt sil 0000 XL-100 cola TV -or any otho R/A model rn /1the/îght bu/b 14" RoomMale o 1026 Ca orT 0k cosole Coma oni a0d t-hock'om aalout .during the R/LA a a Spoctucular SRCA is making tellevision Save $100 on RCA SelectaVision RCA olorSpetacuaryou an eadndo100 00 rnIatehaqedic t fro RC whn yu by Slec aViinmada CT 01Thsavfe aps to ucasesace h eb,-as 1 0nd 00 8 17 The 4-hour video cassette recorder "*Record thepao aîroga o ewtahag pa/t ba/ckltr on an tcoorbacan d womht OoTV o/tt ,/r "Rcorda/tictaaou easlent- o 0r a /a up o 4hotuIsadvante *Optaj. caolrad bl/iu hiteadcaaa-undamras avatu0tc NOW ON SALE (WHILE QUANTITIES LAST) Furntur îHsaRoMHOtoa NO MONEY DOWN! NO PAYMENTS I 465 Main Street 878-7256 TILL APRIL! "NO INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR!" L- Î rAt-oromMttaa Ma/t ______________________________________