MS The Canadin Champion, Wo.d. Feb. 14,1979l .1 . 1 SalesEAN$$ Representative a u Conscientiaus boys or gids for lhe C-opentors B oaImuOfiUneisurance90019899468 iagR810189901049101ro 900 o mgrIng 8998681999née8a deivey of: Th bivi, kig-a1.b"lswhofc J he Canadian Champion An qq qqîf p,,îd.dd 45 Moolad CîRscnt and Beave Cou" a, Mrs. Marion 11111 _Sk vvhqh..1 be cîl9.qlo4îiq14îandsî10î9 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Men de940755146 h oes and houldhave a recod o 878-2341 s$3,mof 70917ihme1t9878 We off et *si cmpetitlUO 50997111910Valaoad training a4112009711 a Company car uppled ré 0H1P premîus fS lyupapod a, Drug plan sA generous pension Plan' si Group le isSVI4Ce is Oppotirtie oS 15 73011 157 specialized or superhîSOrY Please 001,07 g10170 full resumne Io the co-opeiâtore Mrs. Royd 33 City Centre Dr., MISSISSAUGA, ONT. 01119-6 CHOICE OPENINGS A VAILA BLE RADIO 09690709 Set 16 4and 360141 1adio SONARMAN O0e96497and14 in1ains18,1814 101111101 81110106014175 STEWARD Oyoaie marchandise9 wasoud 61and r4ta4l7041,11s and accoun, for marchandise1 and s1114- and part-V110 7469 160 lTll41lII01 t. bar 11711181 nd91a nt50servic e CANADIAN C.0-da M9no4, Centr 310 Mai. St INTRNTIA MARKET MOLD MPASTES T requires *GENERAL MACHINISTS Mus e ully qualified o 19run al normal t105110097 machinery e N/C LATHE OPERATORS Mnimum o 2 years' eopeîonce. We have a hgh rae o pay, al enelîs Comlpany pao includîng drug plan, lanfod 00897,971 also available. Apply: 233 ARMSTRONG AVE. GEORGETOWN, ONTARIO L76 4X5 877-0185 Toronto LUne 453-1 223 ESTIMATOR For faim0and lg11 i949085816buildings.9Reqi1e00experien i maternai 086998, daftn onst9110ructionand so 00809000 background. Eoealke.t8pston51,965184 ssOSishad 8,191 842@m Class"A" 1 Mechanie o, a G.M. flet rate shop Apply: Potiac, Buick l 8782355 h 06296087 Na Qualified Electrcian Construon&q Main- fo lopppORo Sartin CF 't 8080 par hou1 Conta t 8788474 CO U LES 10 5orX11as Christian GroupF7 99596184 t9114907. on. 1 support.090111990 in the TC H1 Iton areas8. Saili 1 8931 135 bet510099and 5. P ÏART 1166E h99.îor: 4pr51918101114 91911198C 981111 hous 98o 01and ch9,14alter School, for 5:300.91 481191 784293 Co PLEASANT attractive Eéi 60917897 0554a mal 505900914 06,16494 secretarial skil4666999$a k478910 41of accounts 90099101090 055Bo>112, Georgetown1, LiS 471. SALESPERSON F991987$ I 110679.111tp1115891989 op sp$0094 e0l9199. 878ý 31362I 50550760V 006011999 I 9999,904 05equ6red019 CarsdeI Derelopmenfs Ltd., 877 5701. 919, 25 13509 pOîrid osinge1 719$ Il MA1URE855 y$4997, 9 Ha71569 Hi790159 44119099,9 83.25ale 7917 M4S10750 INYCOE AXle, yas andDeor t. A.chti o 053 2946 M878 on8342. 1 31 9111411 Rnm om e.wepian pa5ints.Be3pansraîme log er osîvdaadhv g pclreerecs o 810y 41149l Y,7 , 0 - . CLL LOO al0r ci4 20 . r 4o e'r, n momlo e (8181 08900889nd,5 000119888, 8ar0. 87 6383 16 n7 OM 07.381 RADIO-TV ANNOUNCER -464 1 9 112420. Nation1l I6st.9ut. of 9.00 '. ' 9 h 811 1 109 love9 DOIS StAMgnepSn q qi 9 9 q q q q q pI I O FOMY CARSeno oliqon Leru4r9 14h bu ' lq404qkF1qlv ti , 1976 AR R 051.or949ge 511 tape st917es. 1600 CC,. $0904, Lisc ,LPXOOS. Cali Georgetown11C99118109. 43,000 miles,. 8094 70941910ion 878 5268 aller 19114 51EV 1IMPALA, VO. 99460$t, 0919 $10998 $1.800 99or bSI 01109 878 4005 after 5 7.91 t fied $1100. 078 5170ý 1965 CHEV oe os 709. radiO. 5099,0. 1 1 Excellentconditio.A5t SIouIOSan Nur87B.708. 3119979 19735 C 0V 58791ý6 radio,4er68f198 $2165. 1809 c. A36 L74 R M l to a.,m.0. 38509P. m 10 300101 1NOd$941 6 196 $300 U116Cap,!e 870 371. As8ing 10000 844 8"7. . 8195 196 CORLR , Ii0$ 601190. $009. 1081909 1878371RNET. for4Bob 394.31.8 134816 1975 CORDOBA. 060 Yor189, 4 0oor9 hard top A 1 cond98ion, a90510powe 9841818s. 690051f977107 31386 197 000! 65900 insiIy 518080, 1191go,4ci, 9100 co.6., srado, 91898919 KHlI581 9881020 Georg8eown8775100. TAKE ONE FOR A TEST DRIVE Dur reputation rides wfth every used car we selu. 1978 IMPALA 2 OO 1COUPE Red,7in colo5 wim maching in11110,1 qupped 96,16 VIII e gins,. 8915914119 transmission. 955109 81007118. power 9rk,8688i, r10 081defoîste Mradioî8,. 2091100818and 516981 4698.Li. M04617. 586 1612. 6991091911at. mi4isge8 82,256km. $5790. 1977 CHEV 'ATON 915009 Dafk gratin w901green in8er0o. 60uipped with 6 cylinde an bu91p0r. mino0ns and4radio. Lc.C40823 Approoî91ate .sage8817,2000 9.74076. 4495. 1877 GRAND PRX200008680109O FM4 stRe asstte ras00, 08 48898, body aide91591417gs. pi adose s1908. 5190001. an4 hoei85 466Li. L-00299 Apoîsoxate ml99 , 0009.8 . Sî61 5996. 1978 90006 C11C 20008 Brown with b6155171610110. 0sippe45109h sandard trans mission, rado, rIRr 401108101Lis LLN-597. S16 90036. Appîoim9e lo 91104047,$25.90 1976 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 4 DOOR walls . 516081dis960 LIc S 6 085,Appîoi91al8 911a80. 180.25Sk.No.1166 8$3595. 1976 CAPRICE ESTATE 9 PASSENGERWAOON LiIgt19820,19th 90 e11171l15nt910, 891591411, power1 81009 1,n 705101618600. deIî50ost , air condR91118. 7Spower in- ci, 60,1Mheintires, 001e4,89. Lc.666-535. Appîo 1910109111, ,0089.2. Sk. 7423& $4795. matic, power01 t1er11n8. power1b69868, 604 radio, white- w18118. 516081 4,86. L.KHT-877. Aproimat leag188 57000. St10226 039M. 1959CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSIS 2 00,, 4896i9905111 51119beige97,771 roof, beige 111989,S9 0911,7794 51,19VO811ng 0.s,99291491699transmission,7power 010811110. psoer rkes, 10451,1405dolseon,,AM666do, body aide mould118.51ire w98ol041and19l1851llrial tires Lc.JKK 0380.Sk1686A26Approximate n 91110490 90. RICHARDSON"S CHEV-OLDS Hwy. 25S at Derry Road, Milton 878-2393 878-3812 000W5 FREE '79 LIC. PLATES IITH EVERY USEO CAR OR TRUCK... ITS NOT A BlGDEOAL BUT ITS A G000 DEAL. 1978 MATADOR 2 OR. COUPE VB. 8992912916,'7power st00917. br, radio2, .plus 7968, d91960 option. inc11din19ar, 6774191071115 917,0994ir 01107ne0981 175196118890e. I170 INBEAUTIFUL CONDI- TION L.c KHT991.13995. 76 CHEVROLET CUSTOM 'a TON 860471 duty p71761,7.116automate,9power81898811119.998609 sport mincir1 ,11,0994 q in a6015110e si0121and1white51,99 918160199 111901129Eelosndiion,, o 7T11 41,7040,975 miles. Lis M-6008w14195. MANY MORE 112 CHOOSE FROM CLEMENTS MOTORS BRONTE ST JUST NORTH OF HOSPITAL 878-2328 000917 JOHNSON BRUS. GARAGE CIlI~9YSLER OUR L0W OVERHEAD ALLOWS US TO GIVE YOU THE BEST DEAL N TOWN- WHY NOT TRY US TOOAY! I 9599019961119 19f8r0a64 589car918 19in1and8uval 295 Main St., Milton 878-9942 Servicing the Mooring Public for Over 60 Veau 989606966, air, AM/ 9FM radio, Ci radio, P.$. ... 666601 8881, 4981 re9101e 91rr9r9, 01991916 107109r. 6Michelinradiais Pl11us18111191orf options sLic. 518990, C3li 877-108.1, 990 93 S, 1988Monaco cond1iion, 1200 60911818, 77 7479. 1973 FORD LCr0. 15891 purchased new ca, 9mu 1871 FORD895032afer61 1976 FORD F300 9166, 4,000 onditio, 2 ci 984181le$.08549276. 1975 FOD 9190 c radiOalle. 78109.0 0081 88909loI 689118 bas,.altie. tcrii 1976 DODO! Adosolfaror D200 Club Cab. pollue stearn, pawr braibles, radio. 6Michelin tires, Trans Cooler, 0098181.6. $3275. LIC. 62639. Milion Truck Exchlange, 95 Steles Ave. 870-7878,9 &.m. to .,n. 1975 ELITE, 9nshe4 ln Sivreb9i, 351, inda.u 6b1..Ran ide olnglo. o877RS108 c.8408 31535 19 FORD TD.AsFord 8.5 it 1,, 7.6.. r bb.OW 'leson m1700. r911684f. 5911 4 1915FORD LPiCAs 5119 1969,AVO SSAnDaR IS chniViRre, 8700. 19729000 5 1619.,srild BOI91 7.91 875 1972 FORD PVANS, 6819 cap ,9 sandar.9897 C15941 C1il Georgetown $1.000 oas877-5 02. Excellnt rodionL9. Art Bouwma09.N877510. 88 19724FOADVELtn, 304. V8 3 Bepnod Olrda78r6d Ians 878.2 9163 8aller 505. 6 197291FORD8VANS,05666 011,100pe in nior. 99 09795099517 Chq.ySelIng a $51,2. ach. 84255.0911 3193917 93 1913 L 1.DA Civil, 1975ktpe STTION' sped ri. L109 LI Ch0ys1er,877-5108, 05 9 254591i9 11741 197 . 1,VEL B, 24,0-39 speaker. $180J.7849 1976 MIBR NI10, 25,001 luxury coupe, lo.c81, strc. Lic. LSW8.00 89 877 518, 540S 1976 LINON, 18009o 85199411carad00 i, 09 $69,50087 9 '2181. 70. C 99 11.LS 2152 19a3li 0009191051 9999 60000, 6 Syl000 00502970.19 5971 3900919,68115 wagoniStan00111 Soril $2800.nditio300040. 8 878 119.48B 96 lI11348 n 198, 1 % V 8,924,000 kmL, d0, em670 ulSaIc000P.S., b. , console. Baue 5100. (519 853.1063 efet 00 0 p.981m . Ld 9 3,0000 1607426 147 BU 4 121 a %7 PONTfIAC Pamrbu,Iul.QUA LM VINNuSiCrS -las M.0 or bail offe. t78- prîCe1, psy cash. PRIa 6727. 070-579 &M6for Ma1 10 TOV IdS ITHE RACRS1lA EDGE-A HaionHillsRecranalea Vehicie Centre Make your best deal wîth The Racers Edge, Ex on 79 Gomini 250's or Apollo 340's. Rebate vi For Prise Salieso so TeRacers Edge [td. no 32 Bromte St. 30 Milton 878-4212 Ek RECONOITIONEO SNIJWMOBILES E 1973 Slso, 8BultTNT294 6988. 3 1975 MI0cu9y SR440 -9875.H The Racers Edge Ltd i 32 Bronse St. i Mlton, Ont. 6 o PARKWAY SALES- ULTRALINE mroao TRUCK CAMPERS LUVV RATES 510 havre6bute l9667. 510 lst and 2nd 979001 HOLI DAY 8sow traitera et rduced pricase MORTIGAGES SAV1E -801000 A S96aII dnOosil will hoId. Se,v,6ovite, lniegrit PROPANE -SERVICE O M.B.A 66sm9îî RENTALS Open774899 tliidarkh 0910 O95%S VAL UATION 856-9557 C7llb.,2Cirent 00189107 0446,759 5shove99oo1 60condition. CALL $400. 879-2738. 0ON EOWCER 1971 MOTO SEl 842 1515 Oakville U$0470911fille, S. 0878 1976 POLARIS CRI4lt 5 onîg $119519156110$8W0. 878 I M s 01i 31941017 110769 SALE BY TENDER rWhte Ook Plaza 327 Bronne Street 8Mlton, Ontario. BANK OF MONTREAL, 660700099 oHter for sIne9y tnder Approximate1603.599 actes, legally described as;1ail and 0 of Lot 12, Concession12,Nw Suruy,of th77Township of TraalgIar, con0181175 o a7591710194 8shopping 7e9tr8 516,6 Seaied tandemmark8,69"Tender.1,10hteOak 91885' «III1bals. ce0ve by he rndri4RI911d, 9Fraser8Et1Beatty, l170 a.6 6671148, .901dey9of70190950,1979. pistard on or Uorn Match4,199.1979. Theobalance9of th. à The highest orany tender wll not necssa089ly De asopted. r. sect made by contacting Ralph W. O0tte94aiCtadel 111e1199 17 tionalServics 8Lm91904.0O. sox130, Tosonto-Dominio Cnrr nto 91 0, Onari.45>1-1, Tlphone 416 922- 2977, 19 ATEO et Toronto t90 199 dey o01.14998,5.1979. 9 FRASER& BEATTY 53 PO0.Box 100 r, Fieî Canadien Place Id Toronto, Ontario. r 0490 82 56 Telepose1416)863-416 et, 072.59 NOTICF OF PUBLIC ALICTION 12 Taesolnotice î tpusuant to the provi9sions o 1the 6080090r Ac 1sî97RSO.Chpt. 223 and amendments InstillerBar- 2 c ut Ferme1BLî91le, .offerts fer nie 9vpublc aA69967 îhree 09.8in 19994 111065009ef0il$9ost o theboar, Ir t. sala"a fo ollso 11 lP99son wh09999ght homes to08961059 949910Limited: 38 Mm. MerrenApps. al 21 69s5511lofl9a59l8411o0.$65000 4 I) Decriptiono ah n,8 om:()ipo0 -10 le.Oy> 7broyer, 9814198. 17 h..0Open.199109911096New0Zeeland,88520511 194 9ay rib6508in the Jump89Divsisi n thet country. 5 lib ON KoOs -1011t. 14 406 9992011 0841119 .161 h.h.Thî9 dey 1191198,5 Levais. ic)Ms. T 0919610 le Caree,9861el. y, 998991191 .8 9mare Wa s.00wn9 80650R015117 in1the0Chîid. 'en 'a'JA0ura 189IslyGîoos 015010110111 1979. ut (6) Dof 019995111 71usday. 90. 22.1979ý 8, (7) Time ofIAuction. 89p.9. 8a16199941Ferme00190o19811the i b., o ido. hoeshoms. le Terme -Cash aR Barcrest FermeLimitati IC R. R. 3.Miton0O.0 073748 O8 Notice A v rîig. or Dissolutionof A604,811 891s IE 18 n nt 9ga. wSI090869 h. aOt'à what. 89r 073917 08001858982 1 T gCETOCREDITORS AND 0111695 NTHE! ESTATEO0F 009981 BH PROR, IaWO of tha rom1 of MIbm, in theRa- oal Muololpa9ity of Mot6on, Ani EdnlloPee980h90 i6d on 4hV,,oi May1 271h 1978, are quired to send fl picu116 tarsiIoR 1011claim9Io0the dey of Maîch, 1878 aftsn 6966h dats the assens of8thf Sa96001696518168 edistribuled s3111ng egar onl8 o su shalet h. tinte110, 985 notice an4 the snde.nignad vll not be fible tc89798pa 0959519588S18191notia 16100 et Hamilton, fOie 30t9 deyolf.189817, 1979. 32Ja9nsSSuerai Sout Hamilton.0Ontari. LBF2V1 073.18 CEED 9199097 I 9984 9088088610. f533194 6060000 5 .00 09..8a4 8.00 0.91. WANTED - COSY 2 MlIon re&, 51116 reasoflable 9008. 910089 phone RUS$ Lane, 878- 3063890 er5991m 11 090 917 V Mule9, 878-3208. 7000 BEDROOM duplex for rfflt. 60019 V. 6Mule, FOR RENT in 6Milton, 3 bed91.o 81 home, 911/2 860900909114 0 91 patio f099 910019 01ClseIo shopping9. $ 95. 918084y HOEFOR rIO984 SI, 099900dining y 600 :71 e93 af, r1 ne, o 130 49,4 88.312 LREFOR RET o 87-47171 312OaloOlîo 87673208. owRue n ingse fa miîî q q. I .. 9 P11 h iat I Vi78 57M sie TONOERS 17, 180E 641999 0410 Svlook ng parle. 83901. 878-875h. 764788578-963 FOR2REN 9874,osmor0îapply 151 R. Marne Structures Ltd. 39 Armtrog Ave. Georgeown, On.